WTF? The liberal left becomes the enemy of democracy?
This is just wrong and should be denounced by liberals and conservatives alike as truly deplorable: Hillary Clinton supporters are issuing death threats to Donald Trump delegates in an attempt to intimidate them into switching their electoral vote to Clinton.
Sadly, I am beginning to appreciate why conservatives might be entirely justified in their perception that the liberal left have become the enemy of democracy, but I think we know it's not true populist liberals, most certainly not Berners, we are a peaceful respectful community. It's the DNC/neo-liberal corporatists and their "David Brock" CTR minions who have co-opted the liberal coalition that are. We saw this first hand on DailyKos with their astroturf swiftboat slandering of Bernie, and with those contrived BLM faux protests at his rallies, falsely claiming he and anyone who supports him is a racist or a sexist, labeling us BernieBros, to harass and silence opposing view points. I think we need to denounce these faux liberals for the frauds that they are. I think true populist liberals need to denounce them every chance we get, especially with stories about Soros astroturf funding those faux spontaneous anti-Trump protests coming to light, because I don't think the Bernie supporting liberal populists would engage in such deplorable behavior. I think their agenda is rather clear:
Now come reports from various protest locations that reveal a substantially coordinated effort, and not the organic grassroots showing by concerned Americans, as the mainstream media is reporting. Photos from Austin, Texas reveal a line of busses the “protestors” arrived in, making their appearance seem substantially less than organic – with a direct implication of being strategically orchestrated.
Sadly, Soros has been playing this despicable astroturf game for a while, as we saw with his funding of the BLM movement to foster racial divide, clearly not a liberal agenda to bring people together in a peaceful loving spirit:
Who Is Behind The Riots? Charlotte Police Says 70% Of Arrested Protesters Had Out Of State IDs
"This is not Charlotte that's out here. These are outside entities that are coming in and causing these problems. These are not protestors, these are criminals."
"We've got the instigators that are coming in from the outside. They were coming in on buses from out of state. If you go back and look at some of the arrests that were made last night. I can about say probably 70% of those had out-of-state IDs. They're not coming from Charlotte."
The online community being ahead of the curve, I think we've seen these faux liberals play this game for years, hurling invective slurs to silence, like "whitesplaining" or "white privilege" and only they can judge whether you are a racist. These pseudo SJW (Social Justice Warrior) activists on DailyKos roamed like a posse to get anyone banned who challenged their narrative. We saw this tactic used as early as the 2009 on DK with the ACA/Public Option flame wars, calling anyone who criticized Obama's policies a racist, and all the while, Markos supported this, both tacitly and explicitly, as we saw with his infamous Ides of March edict. And whether or not Soros helped Markos directly is beside the point, because it is clear that his funds helped pay for Brock's minions to flood DK with diaries and comments to further their agenda. And while protecting the civil liberties of minorities is a liberal cause, no doubt, I have come to distrust anything that Soros has his hand in:
Hacked Soros Memo: $650,000 to Black Lives Matter
Recognizing the need for strategic assistance, the U.S. Programs Board approved $650,000 in Opportunities Fund support to invest in technical assistance and support for the groups at the core of the burgeoning #BlackLivesMatter movement.
Yup, I always found it odd that BLM protestors only showed up to disrupt Bernie and Trump rallies and were suspiciously absent or respectfully timid and demure at Hillary's, even though Hillary is the offender with numerous egregious betrayals, and rather poignantly with her "Superpredator" comment. Of course, that one isolated BLM protester at Hillary's closed-door fundraiser is the exception, but we saw Twitter shut down her #WhichHillary hashtag right-quick, eh?
And now we have Trump, who was also falsely labeled a racist and a misogynist, but the Black & Hispanic community, and women, saw through that lie, as the election results revealed. I bet that drove Soros mad. But they keep trying, because they are desperate, in fact, I think they are becoming rather pathetic, as we saw with their false claim that Steve Bannon of Breitbart is a racist. Please. Having investigated each of their allegations about him, I can say with complete confidence that Bannon is no more a racist than Trump or Sanders is. Astroturfing no longer works, not with an internet savvy populist movement.
Yeah, I, for one, am tired of their astroturf games, and if the liberal populists are going to recover from the DNC's demoralizing betrayal, rigging the primary election and stealing the nomination from Bernie, the sooner we expose and denounce the lies and truly deplorable behavior, getting back to the "fact based community" that we once were, the better!
Conservative sourced links? Yes. Conspiracy Theory? No. Conspiracy FACT. So please save the gaslighting for DailyKos. The "Alt-Right" are not our enemy. The conservative populists are not our enemy. Trump is not our enemy. The UniParty Corporatists are, and with Trump's victory, we actually have them on the run.
This is the face of our enemy...
He lost on November 8.
I do not agree with Trump on every issue, most especially, his environmental policies, so I would like to see the Green Party rise from the ashes of the DNC/Democrat Party's death.
Problem with talking about Soros...
Is the immediate anti-Jewish slant that the discussion IMMEDIATELY invites and side-tracks into.
It ain't just him. About 1% of people have money in this. Saudis immediately come to mind, but then that gets into the Immediate anti-Muslim Slant.
Essentially, everybody retreats into their narratives as long as you talk about anybody who runs the neo-liberal cartel. I'm sure that as soon as the Koch brothers shuffle their money around properly they'll be back in the game too.
I'm no longer looking for puppet masters. As long as the supposed puppets are still running around free, it seems pointless to waste time pointing at those we cannot impeach.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Kochs donate to NPR, so there ya go
They never left (*snicker*) it.
Any wonder why the obnoxiously obvious pro Killary slant on their programs?
Can we please stop calling HRC and the Hillbots the left?
They are middle of the road. In some things even to the right of Reagan.
But I don't believe the BLM is just a fake group created by Soros. The mothers of some of the young men killed by police started that movement. It was heartfelt. It has never been all that organized, though, so sometimes things happen that those mothers might disapprove of.
But Trump not a racist or sexist? I saw him with my own eyes and heard him with my own ears. He has definitely said things indicative of both.
The alt-right not our enemy? Then please define alt-right. It was my impression that's where the KKK had gone. Also, Bannon said racist things, did he not?
Now, if you mean we might make common cause to get rid of the Dem establishment, sure, I'm all for that. But strange bedfellows. That doesn't make them suddenly not the kinds of people that they so clearly have demonstrated that they are.
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The three main organizations that operate under the banner BLM
receive a lot of heavy donations from the right wing. Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation are two who are giving in seven figures.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
The Ford Foundation is right wing? Not according to the Ford
Likewise the Rockefeller Foundation, although with a somewhat sketchier past, seems to be mostly fighting starvation and climate change these days. They not only admit to climate change, they want to combat it! They're certainly not typical Republicans.
I found via Google where Ford had given money to a similar organization, but this is not the original BLM.
I think your sources may be mistaken.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Thanks for the reply. Ford & Rockefeller exist, in the main, to
promote and defend global capitalism and that makes them RW to many, including me. To the extent they fund factions within the working class, they protect the capitalist system. I think it's clear what they are doing with their high dollar funding of one or two of the three, or so?, organizations that operate under the banner of Black Lives Matter.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Yeah, not all evil persons are perfect
It is clear that George Soros has supported good things and still does. It is also quite clear, from many accurate leaks anyone may read, that he is quite greedy and evil. The good may reflect his faith, but his evil is just avarice and moral bankruptcy.
Climate-science-denying David Koch has long supported scientific programming in the form of sponsoring PBS Nova. He's pretty evil but I've heard that he started this as a result of a brush with cancer. Or it could be green-washing and he is just doing it for the bottom line.
I've Started Calling Them the Corporate Left. It Really Fits.
Convincing millions of people that Hillary is not "of the Left" in the face of billions of dollars of propaganda that spews forth shit like "most liberal senator" and what not.
I think that we should put the proper moniker in front of it: corporate.
This points us all to the bogeymen, Big Corporate & the Oligarchs, and the oxymoronic nature of the phrase gives rise to a legitimate question: are Democrats to the Left? Can the Left be corporate sponsored?
Corporate, under a neoliberal political system, has too much money and power. That's what prompted Brexit, and that's what prompted Drumpf. It's time we start to at least point a finger at a proper bogeyman.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
I could go for that. It is descriptive. Although I still think
they're not really the left. Maybe I'll call them the Corporate Party. Or Corporadems.
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I Don't Think a New Term is Necessary, or Desirable.
Much better to leverage the dominant framing to get the ball rolling, IMO.
You are not going to convince the body politic that Democrats are not Left of Center. Much better to categorize them and let the inherent contradictions stand out in stark relief.
I think later you could do some clever mashing, or a better more acerbic moniker will pop up, but the Corporate Left is a solid frame that distinguishes them from the Independent Left.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
I think I'll go with the CorporaDems. If I say Corporate Party,
no one will know who I'm talking about. Plus there are also the CorporaReps. They're both corporate parties.
I would be discussing what they're doing wrong by being corporatist. I would not spend time arguing whether or not they are left, just leave it unmentioned.
But to each their own.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Every time I look up "neoliberalism" it seems to fit
I've taken to using what I think is Naomi Klein's phrase, "the Neoliberal consensus" which, as the word consensus implies, spans both parties.
Do any of you poli-wonks think I'm using the terms incorrectly?
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Neo-liberalism fits to a T
I think it was coined as a descriptor, after the fact. Bill Clinton campaigned as a "New Democrat", which morphed into a "Third Way"...which today has all the bad connotations that it should have, to be an accurate descriptor.
Yeah, like "not socialism."
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
In searching for ways to describe Bill Clinton's Policies,
I wound up, again, on a site dedicated to Howard Zinn's writing. This is WELL worth reading, and very pertinent today:
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Wow, thanks for the link!
Wow, thanks for the link!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
We probably all need to read this article
We may not agree, but it is at least a detailed and documented explanation of why many people who oppose Trump nevertheless reject the usual reasons given for opposing Trump as totally overblown.
To the detriment, one might add, of the 99%’s actual interests and of everyone’s mental health, whether on the scale of individual, community, nation, or planet.
Ahh... please reread my essay.
You wrote:
With all due respect, it's almost as if you read my essay with blinders on:
Here's what I wrote in my essay:
Sadly, I am beginning to appreciate why conservatives might be entirely justified in their perception that the liberal left have become the enemy of democracy, but I think we know it's not true populist liberals, most certainly not Berners, we are a peaceful respectful community. It's the DNC/neo-liberal corporatists and their "David Brock" CTR minions who have co-opted the liberal coalition that are.
In other words, I do think we are in 100% agreement on this matter.
Which leads me to my main point, which every comment here seems to have missed, which is the need to DENOUNCE THE VIOLENT RIOTING AND DEATH THREATS.
I never said that "BLM is just a fake group created by Soros", did I? No, I did not, what I said was that Soros was co-opting the BLM movement for HIS goal: racial divide --- just like the Clinton's co-opted the liberal movement for their goal: profit.
If nothing else, please do read this paragraph from my essay again:
Sadly, Soros has been playing this despicable astroturf game for a while, as we saw with his funding of the BLM movement to foster racial divide, clearly not a liberal agenda to bring people together in a peaceful loving spirit.
I heard him too, having listened to over 20 complete speeches. I didn't see or hear that. I have to wonder if you listened to his complete speeches or just listened to the misquotes by the DNC's propaganda machine, or maybe, like with my essay, you had blinders on, because, well, given the demographics of those who voted for him, many women and minorities did not see those slanderous things in Trump either.
No, Bannon never said racist things, and in the last 3 days, I have read about 20 articles with allegations. Apparently, there is "no there there." Just another DNC propaganda slander.
What is the "alt-right?"
Well, you should read the entire article because it is rather informative, but here's an excerpt -- the first 3 paragraphs:
Superficial judgments are almost always false and prone to prejudice and bias, and as such, they are disservice.
Note the tag of my essay: PEACE.
I would like to make peace with the conservative populist movement, demonizing them, especially when done with slanderous lies, only creates division and unnecessary tension and fear, whereas together, I think we can accomplish some wonderful things. And since they are in power now, if we can get them to add environmental policies to their agenda, humanity will benefit. Again, the thesis of this essay is that we, the true populist liberals, at every chance we get, should denounce the violent rioting, and we should most especially ardently denounce the death threats. The conservative populist movement needs to know that the astroturf neo-liberal corporatists and faux SJW's are not us.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
What does CTR mean?
I'm actually feeling you on this, and honestly want to know. However, I ventured over to 4chan for the first time ever today, and saw people being accused of being that (those?), along with a slew of other things in very derogatory ways, such as Jew, faggot and nigger, so I SERIOUSLY want to know what it means.
CTR="Correct The Record" is David Brock's SuperPAC
CTR="Correct The Record" is David Brock's SuperPAC, which is Hillary's "character assassin" online group of minion shills .... you've most definitely encountered the CTR minions on DailyKos, and I am sure that they are here on c99 as well.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
This is totally spot on IMO.
This is a DIRECT parallel to how the Koch's co-opted the tea party.
It too started as grass roots, unorganized but passionate. The Kock Brothers® stepped in and provided support, infrastructure, and leadership. Leadership that lead them straight in the direction that the Kocks wanted.
BLM is in the proccess of being co-opted in the very same way.
I am somewhat optimistic that the rank and file protesters are too smart, and too righteously angry to be lead by the nose as easily as the Teajadists were.
Because at the end of the day the Teajadists most likely have a lot less experience with the manipulation, deception and abuse being targeted against them then the BLM street level activists and organizers.
The young have been bombarded by bullshit practically their entire lives, are jaded and very untrusting of most centralized leadership.
And they have one tool that wasn't available to those of us that were engaged in protests years and years ago.
They have PHENOMENAL communications, an ability to implement decentralized organization, opportunities to fund raise and spread their messages in ways we could only dream of while cranking the barrel on the mimeograph machine while sniffing every third sheet of paper.
Oh, and they have the newest model bullshit-detection units available (The "Fuck This Shit MK. 2100") and it's not as easy to tamper with or manipulate as the polls or E-voting machines.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Tea Party was actually created by Kock brothers.
The Kock brothers purchased/created a website back in 2003 or 2005 for the Tea Party .... it was planned a long time ago by them as their "rebranding" of the John Birch Society.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
That kid on the Infowars video sounds like a
kid, blaming something done by a few deranged people on the entire left. He's conveniently packaging the entire election into a right/left thing. Which is what the divide and conquer thing is about and why he's just a kid.
"The absolute destruction of the left and the democratic party continues". That's what he said at the end.
Relative to it being false that Trump isn't a racist and misogynist, right. Keep telling yourself that. It's still wrong. The dude is a racist and a misogynist and a supremacist and a complete asshole. And he's not leading anyone anywhere except down the rabbit hole. I agree with you on Soros, on Clinton, on the Daily Kos but no man, I'm not a conservative, republican asshole and don't want anything to do with them.
As for Trump and Bannon and the alt-right, you've got to be kidding. They're working for the republican party, part of that "uniparty corporatist" thing you mention is our "enemy" (which I agree), or the duopoly. Just like with Bernie Sanders, you can't have it both ways.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Over and above everything else, he's an asshole
It's being an asshole that allows him to say outrageous and self-contradictory things, and not only get away with them, but win a national election with them.
But...he's not the only asshole to sit in the White House. Oh no. He just joins the list of asshole Presidents (name your un-favorites)....
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Whoa- Infowars-seriously?
Trump is a racist and misogynist make no mistake there.
The crazy end of the Republican base too toxic a base to draw conclusions from and I want nothing to do with that viscous crowd of loonies.
LOL LaFem.
My thought too.
This read (OK, I was forced to skim just to keep my lunch) like an Ann Coulter skreed.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
I think my message advocating peace was lost in translation.
My opening words...
This is just wrong and should be denounced by liberals and conservatives alike as truly deplorable:
This is not what liberals stand for, this is not who we are. We need to denounce these deplorable terrorist actions.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
"The Bible tells us..."
“The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our enemies; probably because generally they are the same people.”
― G.K. Chesterton
Demonizing people whom you do not know does not serve you, or us, or this nation, or humanity as a whole. You know, I have spent the last 4 months listening to the conservative populist base, and I have seen no evidence whatsoever that they are are a "viscous crowd of loonies." I don't know where you get your news from, but if you want to know them, and since they now control the WH, the Senate, and the House, you probably SHOULD, you might want to put aside your ignorant prejudice and actually take the time to listen to them. Because you couldn't be more wrong. I have and did. They a reality-based community. We haven't been that in 8 years, not since Obama betrayed us.
Here is the premier conservative populist blog today, it is what DailyKos WAS 10 years ago: The Conservative Treehouse
Fair warning, if you do create an account and if you do take the time to comment, and post comments like this:
Be prepared to defend your claim. I am fairly certain they will be polite, because, unlike DailyKos, they are a highly educated respectful community, but they will challenge you to provide examples. And you will fail, because I have yet to see evidence of either of those claims. Trump's words have been misconstrued and taken out of context and misquoted.
And btw, yes, Trump's "she will even let you grab her by the pussy" comment was locker-room crude and crass, or it was 50 Shades of Grey erotica, and while it may be offensive to a prudish ear, it was neither misogynistic nor was it abuse, the operative word in his comment being "let" ... that means "she consented" ... yes, Trump is a virile assertive rich popular male, that is not a crime, nor is it evil, any more than being a male is evil ..... nor is that misogynistic or sexist. You can dismiss me and my words in the echo chamber of this small forum, but you cannot dismiss the millions who support Trump. Do you know how many liberal democrats told me in confidence that they were voting for Trump, but were afraid of the harsh judgement and retribution from other liberals? There is a reason that Trump won, and he won in spite of the rigging that the DNC did in the general election, just like they rigged the primary election, they just didn't do it enough. So no, for the record, I don't believe Hillary won the popular vote any more then I believe that Hillary won the Democrat primary election.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
Thanks for the tip!
There's a great article over there about the current "shadow fight" in the intelligence community.
See you there!
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Austin a national conspiracy
A different perspective
Life is what you make it, so make it something worthwhile.
This ain't no dress rehearsal!
Your link didn't work for me?
Your link didn't work for me?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Here’s a link to the same report from another source
It says the thing about the buses traces back to one single incorrect tweet.
Another example of the power of social media. Ugh.
I'm sorry
but if you can't see the blatant misogyny and racism that is inherent in the psyche of both Donald Trump and Steve Bannon then you have some serious astigmatism in your observational powers.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Here’s a well-founded essay that says we are crying wolf, though
We're Run by Crooks. Our Institutions are Run by Crooks.
The lack of prosecutions has only ensured that the best and brightest crooks will overcome those who might have some ethical or legal standards. It's like if you ate a bean burrito, 24 hours latter, things are a little floaty versus if you ate a good steak (sorry to the vegans). An ecosystem has been established that preferentially selects for certain characteristics. The Clintons have been sowing this ground since the early 90's. We're reaping the Clinton revolution. We're reaping the Bush revolution.
AI and robotics are real. It will take two or three decades. They're going to replace a great many of us. Has the Clinton revolution produced compassionate leaders? Has the Republican leadership? Has Wall Street? Has the banksters? The 99% is in a fight for survival, we just haven't realized it yet. We keep looking backwards as if it's the way forwards. Our choice is simply do all lives matter or not, and if they do, then they must be heard.
The urgent battle we face has been overshadowed by a myriad of other squabbles (not that they aren't meaningful). What do you do with the 99% in a world where the 1% don't need them? Across the board, we have the wrong people in charge at this moment. Their solution, which has begun, is not going to be pleasant. Maybe that's why they don't care about global warming.
of a dying bloom.
Interesting times.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Maybe we will get lucky and one of the jobs those A.I.'s will
replace will be that of the politician.
FSM knows Skynet could hardly fuck things over worse than ClintonNet could, would or has...
I for one welcome our new robotic overlords and hope they take this post into consideration when deciding what to do with the rest of you meat bags.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Hah, You are the Futurist
You know the robotic overlords won't need fruit or alcohol.
How Will They Wine and Dine Donors, Then? nt
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Let me explain this to you. Slowly.
If you think for one second this has anything to do with the left, you're dead wrong. Billionaire interests will back whatever they deem most effective to getting whatever the hell they want. America hasn't had an effective left wing in decades. Maybe longer.
Trumpy Boy and his merry band of asshats will be no different. I can promise that.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
You. Should. Reread. My. Essay. Slowly. CUZ I AGREE!!!!!
Sadly, you are NOT THE ONLY one who read my essay with blinders on. I will tell you, it's not just the neo-liberals who are the problem, it is much of the liberal community who have been so brainwashed that they literally have reading and hearing comprehension problems due to their prejudice. I have to wonder if you even read my essay at all, or you just wanted an excuse to post yet another anti Trump comment to me, when this essay is NOT EVEN ABOUT TRUMP.
Look, if you want to venture outside of your Liberal Bubble echo chamber and engage in substantive discussion with intelligent informed respectful conservatives, and test your theory:
...and honestly challenge them, you should visit the premier conservative blog today, Trump's core constituency --- they are a fact-based community (in other words, what DailyKos was 8 to 10 years ago) , it is a vibrant growing highly respected very well read community, which has the ear of the POTUS-ELECT, Mr. Trump:
The Conservative Treehouse
... but you will have to put aside your prejudice, and you had better be prepared to defend your positions with facts and an open mind, and you will also have to re-learn how to be respectful and polite.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
In my best Elmer Fudd voice:
You should be verrrry, verrrry careful listening to Infowars, my friend.
(turn off Fudd)
Michael Banerian is the youth chair of the Michigan Republican Party, so of course he may have an interest in skewing or blowing something out of proportion. On closer inspection, The Detroit News could only verify one death threat. Mr. Banerian said he'd erased all the other emails because they were "clogging up his inbox." Mmmhmm.
Sarah Anderson- the other person quoted in this Infowars "report"- is the Michigan Republican Party spokeswoman. And if you read her actual statement, she hasn't verified any of the claims from any of the other electors who are allegedly making the claims.
Again, I urge you to do your research. Facts matter.
As for the rest of your screed about Soros, maybe his intentions are good, maybe they're bad; maybe it's a mixed bag (I don't generally trust him but I'm not ready to claim that his contribution to BLM was made with ulterior motives).
I have seen video clips of dozens of incidents of
violent protesters on the Infowars videos. And veracity of the ProjectVeritas videos, also promoted by Infowars, speaks for itself.
As I said in another comment, I don't respect anyone who is gaslighting infowars. After I got booted from DailyKos back in March, I started to watch media from all sides of the political spectrum. Yes, I research claims, and given the NUMEROUS examples of similar actions, well documented, and with the petition floating around to get the electoral college to violate their rules, yeah, I fully believe this.
Regarding Soros, if you watched the last video posted of him speaking, he openly admits to buying the election. He also owns the electronic voting machines which almost certainly rigged the primary election, and Soros' intentions have been well documented for quite some time. And as I pointed out in essay, the BLM clearly targeted Sanders, to swiftboat him and heckle him and astroturf disrupt his rallies. Yes, facts matter, and you are obviously ignoring them. The facts make Soros's intentions rather clear, and further, the facts also make the BLM movement's intentions clear, to foster racial divide and smear anyone who is not Soros' corporate candidate, and this was proven by their slanderous attacks on noble souls like Sanders, all the while, treading with kid cloves with Hillary. Yeah, facts matter. I lost all respect for BLM when they did that.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
Death threats to electors made by anyone
Most likely violate any number of Federal and state laws. Any elector receiving such a threat should notify both their local police department to make it a matter of record as well as the FBI and the DOJ division of voting/civil rights and the email service involved in delivering the threat. Hopefully, anyone making such threats gets a knock on their door from the feds and/or the local gendarmes.
The implication is that if this is occurring it is occurring with the knowlege and accordance of the entire "liberal left" which is a patently absurd claim on the face of it.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
The death threats are hardly a surprising thing to me when you
take into consideration some of the shit hurled at me for rationally and calmly explaining why I could never support a pro-death penalty candidate very early into the primary wars by a Clinton supporter.
They are largely a vile, hateful, violent and despicable bunch with the same moral foundation as their queen and I have zero use for them...
They do not represent the "Left" as I see it, they represent foolish, shallow thinking with little concern about anything other than protecting their own interests while doing as much virtue signaling as the can cram into a paragraph...
If it takes some personal pain or sacrifice though?
Well lets just say I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for someone like BBB or Trix or any of the other usual offenders to render aid.
They would be too busy sipping their $7.00 Chai with one hand, texting on their newest generation smartphone while stepping over the starving bodies that surround them on their way to whatever it is that those VSIP's do. (Very Self-Important people)
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Yes, report them to the FBI and DOJ, the same FBI/DOJ that
is complicit in the cover up of Hillary's treason. Sorry, but what makes you think ANYONE trusts those organizations to do ANYTHING to stop people from attempting to place Hillary in power using any means necessary, including death threats. Do you honestly not appreciate the damage that was done to the very fabric of this Republic by Hillary, Comey and Lynch? Yes. I believe these reports and I find them disturbing, but no more disturbing than the list of body bag "suspicious deaths" surrounding Hillary going back 30 years, that the FBI & DoJ has not investigated and prosecuted.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
IF There Were That Many Buses . . .
. . . wouldn't the so-called mainstream media -generally VERY compliant toward the Republicans- have been all over this? Infowars is not a site I trust to be factual, as they are blatant emotional manipulators and Teabagger tools. Show me something from the local major newspapers or television, and I might consider these charges worthy of deeper investigation. If there isn't anything, then it looks like we have someone spreading propaganda here. The proof is on the accuser.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
To answer your question: NO!
No. They would not. The MSM is the DNC's Corporatist Oligrachy tool today. Did the MSM report on the massive demonstrations at the DNC Convention? No. Did the MSM report on the massive attendance at Trump's compared to the sparse attendance at Hillary's rallies? No. Did the MSM report on the buses of Hillary poser fans to her rallies? No.
Where were you during the primary and general election?
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
There would have been some kind of coverage.
When Soros actually gets involved in something, there is some kind of notice by what passes for the liberal media in this nation. Amy Goodman, or Greg Palast, or Glenn Greenwald would have said something. I haven't found anything from any of the usual suspects. Only from the corporatist lackeys whose intelligence (in any sense of the word you choose) is highly suspect.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
I don't respect the gaslighting of Infowars.
And, anyone who solely looks to Newspapers or TV today for their news is brainwashed by the Corporate Oligarchy and their censored narrative. I would have thought that reality based political bloggers would know this, and further, the results of this election should have removed all doubt that the Newspapers and TV are primary peddlers of FAKE NEWS, not sites like Infowars. FACT: Alex Jones/Infowars is one of the few who got it right and Breitbart's head, Bannon, called those swing states and the demographics, cold. They called the rigged primary and the rigged polsters. No one listened. I listened. You should too. Anyone who ignores these sources today is a fool, I believe. They are exposing the corruption and conspiracies that no one else is talking about. And, the President Elect talks to these guys more than anyone else, so we would be well served to listen to them ... closely. Ever since I got booted from the DailyKos echo chamber back in March, where conspiracy research was a bannable offense, I have been following media on all sides of the political spectrum, anyone who does not is living with blinders. Those days are over. You can dismiss and gaslight Inforwars all you like, but they have more viewers than CNN or NY TIMES, which is going bankrupt, because their Fake News has been exposed. Honest news sites that are willing to explore and research any and all leads, back to the roots of journalism with cutting edge investigation.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman