Who had crazy East wind storm for September on their 2020 bingo?
24 Hr High/Low: 92/44
We have been mentioning the high winds and you may be familiar with the term "downslope winds". Attached our graphics where we expect the strongest winds to occur and an info graphic about downslope wind storms. pic.twitter.com/ZDXctlWuuT
— NWS Salt Lake City (@NWSSaltLakeCity) September 7, 2020
Good golly gee this year just keeps popping stuff out and hitting us with it doesn't it?
Powers out sporadically in Ogden, but mine has just flickered enough to make the coffee clock flick. But oh you should see my backyard. Tree limbs are down in my backyard. The neighbor's fence between our houses was blown over. And the Wind. OMG the wind. I have experienced numerous East Canyon winds through the many decades, but nothing like this. MY house shook all night and I kept hearing big THUMPS. Must have been the limbs hitting the yard. And it's still blowing, although not as hard. Looking across the street there are trees that have been shattered by the wind with limbs on cars, fences and in the street. My garbage bin full of heavy cuttings was blown down the street and over. The pickup guy is righting other bins on the street. Good. Cuz I can't lift that beast upright. And it is cold. I turned the heat on this morning even though I had the air on last night. My patio is covered and usually misses the drama. Not today. I see tree branches that are on top of it so thankfully it wasn't damaged. Oh my. I will take pictures later and update this.
Gusts up to 60 mph downed trees in Centerville and Farmington early Tuesday morning and were expected to get stronger, KSL meteorologist Grant Weyman said.
Potential wind gusts up to 70 mph are expected Davis County as the morning progresses. Several areas recorded gusts stronger than 70 miles per hour Tuesday morning.
We get 70 mph winds frequently, but it had to be gusts above 70 throughout the state. My house rarely gets hit by the easterners because I am in between canyons, but for my house to have shaken like it did... well I don't know. Not much sleep either.
Power pole snapped and Centerville Police have 2000 N Main blocked #KSLTV #utwx pic.twitter.com/6paJbEpnsg
— Derek Petersen (@Derek_Photog) September 8, 2020
Centerville is halfway between Ogden and Salt Lake City and always gets hit hard when the Eastern winds blow because they get funneled down through the mountain canyons and Centerville lies at the bottom of them.
More damage:
Big trees down at the Capitol. Damage still happening. Just received a reported gust of 112mph at the UofU! pic.twitter.com/k4QY2lYkbS
— Spencer Cox (@SpencerJCox) September 8, 2020
Farmington is next to Centerville and usually gets hit just as hard
Main st in Farmington right now! 4 am @NWSSaltLakeCity @2NewsWeather @kvandykewx @weathercaster @ChaseThomason @AllisonCroghan @JimCantore @adambcarroll @KutvLab #utwind #utwx pic.twitter.com/OwLIoGq2qo
— Darin Brooks ❄ (@UtahWxMan) September 8, 2020
I don't want to see what has happened to my trees at the cemetery. I feel I know each one by heart. Lots of the Weeping Willows there are fragile and blow over at the drop of a hat. I have stopped wearing my hat when I walk close to them just in case.
⚠️ Downslope Wind Event
Post #27
We have a winner for the low elevation race to 90 mph.
At 6;35 am the Park Lane Station recorded a wind gust of 91 mph!#utwx #utwind pic.twitter.com/bYEUzs3eTG
— NWS Salt Lake City (@NWSSaltLakeCity) September 8, 2020
New winning number
Just received a report of 97 mph gust in Farmington. #utwx pic.twitter.com/u6aKo4ugMX
— NWS Salt Lake City (@NWSSaltLakeCity) September 8, 2020
Good gravy look at the wind patterns:
Winds could get even stronger this morning about 7:30am... look at the potential wind gusts... the arrows show the direction of the wind flow- going over the mountains... pic.twitter.com/PrB7we3dY6
— Grant Weyman (@KSLweyman) September 8, 2020
Is that snow on them there mountains when it was 100 the day before? Why yes it is.
Getting word from the field that there are 10 semis down now. pic.twitter.com/rAmYVwPlqp
— Lt. Nick Street (@LtStreetPIO) September 8, 2020
The freeways are usually shut down during high wind storms so I don't understand why so many trucks got blown over. Probably something to do with they have to keep driving.
Charlie just went outside and turned and looked at me and asked WTF happened here? Of course she slept through the night because she's a dawg and she doesn't have to worry about the damage or the cost to clean it up. Speaking of cleanup where do I turn to get help with this? Sure dunno.
Some good news. I thought I had lost one of my favorite earrings when I took my mask off the other day, but found it during the night in the bed. I didn't remember taking it off. But yippee. My brother gave them to me and they mean the world to me.

Oregon and parts of Washington
Got the high winds also. Forecast was for the wind to blow hard until early afternoon today, but it is just breezy as of early this morning. Many downed trees, power lines, and fires from the down power lines. Fortunately no big fires from the windstorm.
Northern ID too
A huge branch fell off a tree over where we parked at the place we were staying, but luckily we were out for the day helping an elderly relative move into assisted living. Power still out this AM, other relatives who left yesterday trapped on I-90 for hours. We drove back to Seattle today between brown clouds only to arrive in the city with the 7th worst air quality in the world.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Glad you're home safe
Hi Snoopy
My SIL in Kaysville lost power; I don't know if they've managed to get it back on yet. They had some trees leaning into power lines that need taken care of too. Glad you all are ok. Kind of punches a hole in Hubby's repeated admonishions (sp?) to install mountains here to block some of the often 20mph winds.
When we were driving back to UT from Kansas for my uncle's funeral, driving through Wyoming there was a storm with some high wind gusts. I-80 was under construction and down to one lane each way. We were surrounded by trucks; just a little nerve-wracking!
Yikes at all those trucks knocked over.
We turned the heat on here yesterday. Low of 35 forecast for tonight. It's too early to be this cold!
This shit is bananas.
This storm was really bad
I’m bet you experienced the east winds which are bad enough, but this was 4 times worse. The wind was so loud and then there’d be loud THUMPS and it went on all night. There is so much damage from it and of course most people won’t get help from insurance. If there’s property damage they will pay for it. But if it’s just big ass trees falling in your yard then you’re on your own.
I finally lucked out with power. Usually I’m the one that loses it, but it just flicked and came back on.
Check this video out and see for yourself how bad it was. Plus it’s not over. Winds calmed way down through the day, but they have picked up again. Steady at 30-40, but gusts up to 70 or more. Pray for my power to stay on.
Usually they close the road to big rigs but I don’t usually why they didn’t for this one knowing how bad it was going to be. The picture that shows snow is close to Kaysville. When I looked at the mountain I only saw it on top. Over 160,000 people lost their power today. 20,000 back on. I hope your sister is okay and not too much damage there.
You can still get some mountains there. Just don’t give them canyons.
This wasn’t so much an eastern winds storm as much as the high pressure collapsing so quickly. This causes air to rush in. At least that’s what SnowBanks the weatherman said. Edit) this was both if I wasn’t clear. It was the low pressure that caused the wind and then the canyons came into play. Look at the map that shows how the air swirled in the valley.
I can imagine how scary it was to drive right next to them in a windstorm. We were towing a 5th wheel during one and one minute we We in one lane and blam just like that we were in the other. It seemed instantaneous. Lucky we didn’t end up off the road or blown over.
How are things back there? Still doing cakes and stuff and has hubby graduated yet or still at it. Hope your mom is doing okay?
Oh yeah. I took pictures of the yard, but I can’t get them emailed to me. The damn phone is connected to the internet, but Gmail says I’m not connected. It’s a damn android phone. Is there anyone who can help with that?
I’m surprised more people aren’t interested in this. This is a huge climate event.
BTW if anyone wants a very nice galaxy 7 phone let me know. I love the camera on it, but I’m a Mac dawg and I can’t figure out how to work it. I’m getting an iPhone this week.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
We're doing ok.
I had one cake order come in last week, at long last. I've been posting in lots of FB groups, but still nothing. I'm kicking myself for not charging more. Hopefully more will start coming in.
I have a Galaxy s6; it still works good. You should be able to transfer the photos directly to your computer via USB cable. When you plug the phone into your computer it will bring up a thing that says USB charging and more options; click more options, then file transfer. Then on your computer you find the proper files on your phone, then you just drag the pics into whatever file on your computer you want. At least that's how mine works, I don't know if yours is different. Hope that helps!
This shit is bananas.
I haven’t tried hooking it up to the computer yet because my other one wouldn’t connect so I thought I’d have the same problem. But I need to know how to get gmail to work. I am connected. Gmail says I’m not.
Did you watch the video? It shows how bad this was. And here’s the wind again picking up. I didn’t close the dawg door and boy are there a lot of leaves and twigs down my stairs.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
This is not over
We are going to get another night of hurricane strength winds. In the link I posted above on KSL there is a video of lady weather person who explains what this downslope wind event is. Interesting.
Check out the video in this article
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
I saw a comment fly by yesterday
that made me laugh: "Today's Colorado weather will be Fire and Ice, brought to you by George R.R. Martin..."
There are breaks in the clouds now, and the snow has stopped. We only got about 3" that stayed on the trees hereabouts, so it wasn't a branch-stripper and we still have power. Temps should crawl above freezing by about noon, and then we cycle back up into the 80s by the weekend.
A couple of tree frogs had moved into our deck herb garden planters that we moved inside, and serenaded us all night- one pleasant note from the storm... Hope everybody else made it through this one okay. Increasing chaos in the weather patterns, indeed.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
looks and sounds a lot like the downslope
weather events in boulder, co, back in the day.
of course it's a huge weather event, as was Hurricane Laura at the end of august.
here we've had the same temp differentials, 95 daytime, 41 before dawn, but not so much horrendous wind strength.
we were told that the dense smoke here was from the cameron fire in NE colorado (which blew up double in one day to ober 102,000 acres, snowed ash all the way to denver), but as it turns out it's apparently from the east fork fire near hanna, UT, which yesterday was 15,000 acres 15% contained, and this a.m. is 49,936 still 15% contained/
iirc, 4 million acres have burned in CA already this season, hot hot hot...and more wind on the way.