Where to Invade Next movie by Michael Moore

This movie is finally available for download for only $14.99 (Less than the cost of two movie tickets.)

Email from Michael Moore:

The day to own your own copy of WHERE TO INVADE NEXT has finally arrived! http://apple.co/1N3pzw1 http://gwi.io/5sx3t4

Dear Friends,

I've been waiting for this day for seven long months -- the day when you and I get to bypass the company that owns the theatrical rights to the film and bring my new movie DIRECTLY to you. Put it in YOUR hands to own, watch it when you want, show it to whomever you want. No more middle man! No more trying to find out where the hell it's playing! No more $9 popcorn!

Just you and me and my new movie, the aforementioned, much-acclaimed, and Oscar-shortlisted WHERE TO INVADE NEXT.

Beginning today, right here, right now, you can download and own my movie thru iTunes http://apple.co/1N3pzw1 or Amazon http://gwi.io/5sx3t4

And in just 12 days, beginning on May 10th, you can buy it on DVD/Blu-ray, or rent it to stream (real cheap!) on iTunes or Amazon, or watch it on your cable or satellite system's OnDemand channel. Yes, it will now be THAT easy to see what many have called not only the best documentary of the year, but one of the best MOVIES of the year. Time to find out if they're right!

WHERE TO INVADE NEXT is, as one critic pointed out, my "most dangerous and subversive film." It's dangerous because it shows the American public exactly how we can achieve, quite easily, a very decent society. One where we all take care of each other, where there's true, free and universal health care, a stunningly amazing educational system, a place where no one needs a second job, everyone gets at least a month's paid vacation, all families have paid maternity and sick leave, where the war on drugs is over and the prisons are now half-empty because people got help or were just left to live their lives in peace. There is a whole world out there where I take you from country to country to country and expose all the lies we've been told:

*The French don't pay more "taxes" than us -- they actually pay LESS than we do;

*College doesn't have to bankrupt you -- in fact, even the poorest of countries can afford to let everyone go to university for free;

*Imagine countries where their justice system is not set up to mass incarcerate one particular racial group;

*Instead of spending their money on war and invading countries, what would you say if I showed you how ALL the other democracies spend their money on their people?

*And the number one thing I saw, over and over: Where women have true political and economic power, EVERYONE'S life gets better. Imagine that.

Those places actually exist -- and it's called... the rest of the civilized world! We've been lied to and misled for too long. And I don't just talk about this -- I SHOW YOU the schools in Finland, the prisons in Norway, the bright and humane factories in Germany (where everyone makes a middle class wage), the public school lunchroom in France where students are fed a four-course meal, and you get to meet the college students in Slovenia who have absolutely no frighin' idea what a "student loan" is.

This is what makes WHERE TO INVADE NEXT so subversive, because if enough of you see this movie, that's it. Once millions have this information -- and inspiration -- the game is over. For Wall Street. For the bought-off politicians. For the boss or the dean or the candidate who keeps telling you "it just can't be done!" That's collectively the biggest con ever, and I am here to blow it up once and for all with this movie.

That's why I so desperately want you to see WHERE TO INVADE NEXT. You've probably already read on Twitter or Facebook people calling it "my best film ever." I have no problem with that statement. I'm convinced it's the best thing you'll see this year.

So, click here -- iTunes: http://apple.co/1N3pzw1 or Amazon: http://gwi.io/5sx3t4 -- to download and own it right now. Watch it tonight or this weekend. It's funny, it's jaw-dropping, it's the best use of two hours I can recommend for you (short of the other obvious choices you can partake in in the privacy of your home).

Let me know what you think! I'll be on Facebook this Sunday from 4 to 5pm ET taking your questions and discussing the film with all of you.

Own this movie! You will not be disappointed! You will be uplifted, entertained, astounded, blown away, mad, thrilled and re-energized. This I promise you, and I don't think I've ever let you down.

Thanks for all your support through the years. Thanks for your well-wishes over the past months. I'm very happy I got to make this particular movie at this particular moment in history.

All my best,
Michael Moore

P.S. To answer the most anticipated question -- "When will it be on Netflix?" -- um, well, it's not. That's a juicy story for a later time (in my forthcoming book, "Hollywood & Me: The Kardashian Years"). Suffice it to say, I'd love to have it on Netflix. They're great, they wanted it. But... well, if I told you what I've had to put up with from people OTHER than Netflix, you'd probably say, quit your bellyaching, at least you didn't have to build Buicks for 40 years -- and to that I say, Amen.

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I'm going to invite some friends over to watch it with me Wink

And if one can't afford the $14.99, which is not chump change, On May 10 it will be available to rent for 24 hours for only a couple bucks, as Michael said in his email.

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reflectionsv37's picture

on the torrent sites, and I admit to downloading it and watching it the day it was posted. I just couldn't seem to find it playing anywhere here in Malaysia.

I've always been a big fan of Michael Moore and his documentaries but I have to agree, this is, without question, his best! I posted in another comment here, that I had a sore neck at the end of the movie from shaking my head in disbelief for 2 hours. It's truly sad, but American's haven't got a clue on how things are done in other countries. From vacation pay, to maternity leave, unemployment, health care, infrastructure, prisons, education and even school lunches, Americans have become accustomed to living a third rate existence. All the while the 1% live like kings.

There were so many segments of this film that inspired me, but I think my favorite part was showing a pay check in France where every deduction, for all the benefits the French receive from their government, are itemized on every paycheck. This, opposed to the one line entry on our paychecks, "Federal Income Tax". I wonder how long the grossly obscene military spending in this country would continue if the American worker actualized realized how much of their weekly pay went to support the Military Industrial Complex?

This really is a must see movie! Buy this movie, rent this movie, stream this movie, download this movie or steal it if you have to, but SEE this movie!!! Then pour yourself a stiff drink and ask yourself what the hell is wrong with the American public!

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“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush

snoopydawg's picture

Is that many Americans have bought the propaganda about socialized societies and their great health care and other benefits.

But I'm dubious about if the American people would care if they see how much of their taxes go towards the military. Too many of them believe that the troops are fighting to defend our freedoms. I wonder if they ever stop and think about how anyone could take them away from us. Besides, after the patriot act and the NDAA, most of our freedoms have been curtailed if not recinded.
And look at how many of them approve of our military invading country after country going back to at least Korea and has gone on non stop since 9/11.

I wondered in the EBs what humanity could have achieved if it hadn't spent so much time and money on wars that only profit the very few.

Can't wait to see the movie.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Pluto's Republic's picture

Watched for half an hour of so. It was absolutely riveting. The film begins in Italy, with two main interview settings — a younger professional couple in their apartment discussing their work and their vacations, and the owners and workers of a small clothing factory as they went about their work day and talked about what they earned.

Watching it, one is stunned at their privileges as middle class workers, shocked that they seem to take their extraordinary pleasures and personal security for granted. For them, two months worth of paid vacations and thirteen months of pay per year, is the norm for all Italian workers. Stress is low and they live four years longer than Americans do.

When Michael Moore mentions to the couple (who idolized America) that Americans are not entitled by national labor laws to any paid vacations, ever, in their lives — they transform before our eyes. In the end, neither they, nor the factory workers believe Moore. They simply reject Moore's assertion that American's lack of worker's benefits, such as national laws providing periods of paid leave when a child is born. After all, their government even paid for their honeymoon when they got married.

I paused there. The film is certainly among the best of Moore's work.

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reflectionsv37's picture

I imagine there is a large segment of Americans who simply won't believe that segment on Italy. I sat there dumbfounded! I've travelled to many different countries and always enjoy discussing issues like sick leave, healthcare, employment laws with people from other countries. I've seen that shocked look in the face when I've explained the lack of "benefits" American citizens are denied. I remember talking with a cruising couple from Norway and we were discussing healthcare. They simply could not believe what I was telling them, almost to the point of completely discounting what I was say. I will never forget one of their comments... "America's is the wealthiest country in world, how could they not provide healthcare to all of their citizens?" They did a little research on the internet that night and actually apologized to me the next day for doubting me.

It's a real eye opening experience for people in other countries. It does seem they take their benefits for granted. But that's not really true. As soon as someone comes along and tries to take away or reduce those benefits, they are in the streets making sure it doesn't happen. If American's ever realized how much power they have, should they choose to exercise it, we too could have those types of benefits. There's much we can learn from these countries. And, it goes far beyond the benefits they enjoy!

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“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush

Bisbonian's picture

His best movie so far.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

jorogo's picture

That's a disclaimer, because I want to ask why then, Michael, don't you just sell me the damned DVD? You say I will "own" it, but only if I have some I-device I don't have, or some copywrite-protected device I don't have, or a computer that's fast enough to play it, which I don't have. Please sell me the DVD, I'll pay up, watch it, love you more, and won't copy it ever, promise!

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"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh

longtalldrink's picture

and have always enjoyed watching him on political shows like Keith Olbermann. (remember when he was on MSNBC? When they were a progressive network). My favorite all time MM movie was "Sicko", there my eyes were open to our laughable health "insurance".

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Well done is better than well said-Ben Franklin