What's new in Clinton-land today?
BIG day for number of articles with Clinton in the subject.
I'm not going to specifically cover the pissing contest about who's the bigger racist - to one degree or another, they both have points, although he's slamming Dems in general and hasn't made use of the whole Super Predator history. Both of them are classists and have shown disdain for little people of any color. I suppose pot calling the kettle black isn't quite an apt expression for this, but is not far off in my opinion.
Adding to the clamor to separate the Clintons from their foundation, the Los Angeles Times ran an editorial today with a slightly different angle on the proposed solution:
It’s time to take the ‘Clinton’ out of the Clinton Foundation
Bill Clinton already has recognized that the possibility of his wife’s election requires a change in the way the foundation operates. Last week he announced that if Hillary Clinton were elected president, the foundation would no longer accept foreign or corporate donations and that he would resign from its board. But that remedy is both too much and not enough.
It would be too much in the sense that a worldwide effort such as the Clinton Foundation might be hampered in its efforts to combat disease and malnutrition if it had to rely only on donations from inside the United States. But the solution might be too little if powerful individuals in this country could continue to donate to a philanthropic organization in the hopes that it would endear them to the family of a president of the United States and a former president.
We would propose a differently solution: that the foundation continue but that the Clinton family sever its connection to it so long as Hillary Clinton is in the White House. That means not only Bill and Hillary Clinton but also Chelsea Clinton, who now serves as the foundation’s vice chair.
I keep wondering why I haven't seen anyone use a King Solomon metaphor about the Foundation... the story where two women both claim to be the mother of an infant? You know the one - he suggests that the baby be cut in half, and the real mother identifies herself by saying she'd rather have him live with the other woman than lose his life. Shouldn't Clinton have a similar sense of compassion for the charity she's helped to build? Give it up for now, get out of the way, wipe the name off of it until you're out of office and let some other professionals run it while you're focusing on the country and then renegotiate once you're out of office... To ANYONE else, this makes sense. What gives, Clintons? Oh, that's right - we keep learning that things aren't exactly as they look on the surface. Here's the thing - if you want to grab that presidential brass ring, you got empty your hand of what you've been clutching.
Alligator Ed has a much better mind than I do, so I'm hoping he'll do a piece (a chart, perhaps?) showing us what we expect that's upcoming in the next month or so - there's an onslaught headed our way.
First, there's another mysterious reference from Julian Assange which is just tantalization and no specifics about what we're getting when:
From The Hill
Assange: 'Unexpected' Clinton campaign leaks coming
WikiLeaks expects to release information with some "unexpected angles" regarding Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's campaign ahead of the general election, the organization's founder, Julian Assange, said Wednesday.
"I don’t want to give the game away, but it’s a variety of documents from different types of institutions that are associated with the election campaign, some quite unexpected angles, some quite interesting, some even entertaining."
Damn Emails
I have been trying VERY HARD to keep this stuff straight, but there are just too many court cases moving right now about what Hillary kept hidden from her time as Secretary of State - one needs a score card! You know that 15K new emails that the FBI turned up and then turned over to the State Department? Well this is a Benghazi case where the judge has says State had better get cracking FASTER than at least one other judge has already ruled in another matter.
From The Hill
Judge orders State to begin releasing Clinton emails next month
The State Department must start releasing the additional 15,000 emails uncovered during the FBI's investigation into Hillary Clinton's private server starting on Sept. 13.
The date is a full month earlier than agency officials had hoped to begin the release.
State Department officials confirmed the existence of those emails to a separate federal judge on Monday. They also claimed they would need until Oct. 14 to review the documents to determine which were work-related and to prepare those for release. That judge had decided to give the State Department until Sept. 23 to iron out a schedule to release the emails in batches.
But another judge in Florida, overseeing a separate complaint from Judicial Watch, ruled Thursday that State must start releasing those emails on Sept. 13. That ruling would force to agency to drastically ramp up its work.
So, try as they all might to keep what's hidden until after the election, the courts are getting tired of all this dragging out. Somebody really great once said that the arc of history bends toward justice. My fingers are still crossed that we get all the way to one level of it AHEAD of election day with Bernie as nominee. (Let me dream - if that doesn't come to pass, likelihood is we've got some ugly to live through...)
Yet ANOTHER article today in The Hill mentions that
Democrats say Clinton must do what ever she can to keep the focus on Trump, and not on her own controversies.
At this rate, with all the drip, drip, dripping of info about her time at the State Department and conflicts with the Foundation are going to make it hard to keep attention focused just on Trump.

CB gets it.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
And just like that...
Huma Abedin becomes the most powerful unelected official on the planet.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Well, true, but only if she can again juggle jobs
like she did at State/Foundation/Teneo. There is NO WAY Hillary would be in the WH without Abedin. Or Mills.
I imagine Band would still be at the Foundation... We'd see a lot of recycling of names.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
If that's going to happen
she better get a lot more polished at testifying before commissions. I don't know, it might have been just the text reading (and not hearing vocal inflection, etc) but I remember when reading--who was it that posted all the transcripts from the last round of "email server" depos, FSM bless 'em, that was a gargantuan task with Abedin's testimony--I was thinking a lot of it read like she was nervous and tripping up on herself. Which is, one might think, a very big problem if she has to do it again any time soon.
That was Alligator Ed
Who has a mind which can keep track of all the two-bit players to make sense of it for us...
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Won't work
The entire point of a family foundation is that it makes possible the accumulation of vast amounts of wealth tax free and makes it possible to pass that wealth across generations tax free. As long as the Clintons plan to take the foundation back, stepping aside temporarily does nothing but, maybe, provide a talking point for supporters.
Also, I imagine President Clinton might hear about the people, corporations and countries giving multi-million dollar contributions to the foundation in her absence.
Hillary and Alex Jones arguing thru the media!!
This has got to be one of the signs of the coming apocalypse!!
Why in the world would she even mention his name? His traffic at infowars.com has got to be spiking. And how quickly the media picked up Hillary's "alt-right" meme. Alex Jones will definitely be a guest on at least FOX tomorrow. Geesh, What a circus! Something is gonna' blow soon.
"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN
Well, how about this?
FBI Admits Clinton Used Software Designed To "Prevent Recovery" And "Hide Traces Of" Deleted Emails
Sure sounds like intent to me.
That does seem to complicate the...
Computer Idiot claiming no intent story...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Thanks for that...
They're catching up with her... will they actually catch her while there's still time to replace her? it's quite a race at this point.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
As requested by the author, here is the list of players
on the DOS / CGI / MI roster:
Out of courtesy, there will not be a quiz--at least until after John Bentel's upcoming deposition taken by JY.
I am also hopeful that JW will release the full transcript of interrogatories and HRC's contorted responses. Remember this is the woman who has said that "i'm a conservative....No, I'm a moderate...No, I'm a progressive...Huma, where are we? Should I change adjectives yet?"
Hey Ed! You forgot one!
LV = Lona Valmoro, Asst. in charge of Clinton Daily Calendar Omissions at DOS
As time goes on, we're going to be hearing more from her!!
As the list grows longer, you might consider alphabetizing the list to make access easier! LOL
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
Please forgive my lapse.
I need to update my reading on the latest emails from HRC's secure / not secure, secret / not so secret / convenient / not so convenient servers / many servers.
Huma, are we back in Kansas? Ask Cheryl if she can have the Crown Prince to send his jet, so I don't have to wrinkle my pants suit, riding business class. He is a good friend of ours--so says Dougie.
Oh Ed...
you crack me up!!
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
Alligator Ed is better than SNL.
You don't happen to have a chart handy of what material
is out there being combed through which will likely be released to the public in the weeks and months ahead, do you? Well, I guess material + inquiries... JW has made the most substantial progress cumulatively to date, but several media outlets have also loosed interesting material. I still think that perjury charges are likely to bear fruit.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
The very idea
that one needs a "chart" or even a spreadsheet to keep up with all this stuff. I don't know whether to laugh or cry....
Here's another one
The U.S. Department of Clinton
The latest emails show that State and the foundation were one seamless entity.
This is the week that the steady drip, drip, drip of details about Hillary Clinton’s server turned into a waterfall. This is the week that we finally learned why Mrs. Clinton used a private communications setup, and what it hid. This is the week, in short, that we found out that the infamous server was designed to hide that Mrs. Clinton for three years served as the U.S. Secretary of the Clinton Foundation…
That is a devastating article!
That on is going to leave a nasty mark! Thanks for posting it, I missed in today's reading. It's probably the most blunt, to the point, description of the server scandal to date. Must reading for everyone here. The opening paragraph you quoted is devastating... And then it gets worse!
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
They don't fall far the "Hillary isn't on the email" canard
"The other undernoted but important revelation is that the media has been looking in the wrong place. The focus is on Mrs. Clinton’s missing emails, and no doubt those 15,000 FBI-recovered texts contain nuggets. Then again, Mrs. Clinton was a busy woman, and most of the details of her daily State/foundation life would have been handled by trusted aides. This is why they, too, had private email. Top marks to Judicial Watch for pursuing Ms. Abedin’s file from the start. A new urgency needs to go into seeing similar emails of former Clinton Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills."
(Totally unconnected, but CNN is running a clip of Clinton's speecgph yesterday. Rather than screeching, she is sleepwalking thru it.)
I refuse to listen to it.
But I've seen plenty of references to it, mostly from FB $hills who insist on calling it a "powerful" speech.
Isn't the whole thing about Trump?
That's a "powerful" speech?
Of course it's all about trump.
That's all she's got working for her.
"Powerful." Must be Brock's "word of the day" distributed to the herd. Like I said, it sounded like she was sleepwalking thru it.
She also took time out from her "private fundraising tour" (so characterized by CNN, I think. Cracks are starting to show in the facade) to call into Anderson Cooper. Her hiding from the public isn't doing any good to dispel the rumors about her health, however much credence one gives to them.
The hiding
is becoming absurd. There is no way they keep this up until November.
Oh, my.
Thank you for posting this. It's bruising.
For anyone who hits a paywall via this link, as I did, you can get around it by Googling the article title and following the results link. Well worth the effort.
Yep, this article is a must read
And if anyone but the Clintons had done what they did, their butts would be in prison.
There is also the fact that the foundation didn't report the income to the foundation for the 4 years that she was the secretary of state, but they only had to say "oops, it was a mistake " and then they released them.
How many times has Hillary said that what she did was a 'mistake'?
It was a mistake for voting for the Iraq war, even though it took her over 4 years to admit that. And that she is on record stating that Saddam had met with AQ operatives and that Bill wanted to remove Saddam and that the people who wrote PNAC wanted him to remove him during his time in office.
Does anyone believe that Hillary wasn't aware of that?
Saying that she landed under sniper fire was a mistake, even though that too took her years to admit that.
It was a mistake to use the private email server, and countless other things that she has done during her entire career in government.
And of course her supporters say the everyone can make a mistake, even though those actions weren't really mistakes because if she had the chance to do those things again she would make the same decisions.
Huma's deposition has been a gold mind and what she has disclosed should be enough for someone with integrity to prosecute Hillary.
During her deposition we have learned that Chelsea had access to the email server. If she wasn't coordinating Bill's schedule to line up his paid speeches to the governments and other organizations many times just before Hillary came in behind him and did her business, then why did she need access to the server?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Even if they were all
Even if they were all mistakes and she just continually makes major errors from which she never learns, how many years would it take for her to admit, as President, that it might have been an error to, for example, nuke Canada because she got the buttons mixed and only meant to blow up half of the rest of the world?
Does Hillary claiming to be a chronic screw-up who can keep nothing straight really make her out to be Presidential material people should be eager to vote for? Sorta like a continuation of Bush, The Same Generation - A Generation Later - only With 90% More War And Global Corporate Control!
snoopydawg, meant to mention that your brilliance amazes me - wish you were running the FBI and US Justice Dept!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Thanks, Ellen
I wish that too because it is obvious that Hillary has broken many laws but she is going to get away with it.
Comey actually said that she had broken the law and then said that no 'reasonable' prosecutor would take on the case.
Does reasonable mean someone that wants to continue living?
There's a lot of coincidences around the many people who are no longer living.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Indeed... and this is not her
Indeed... and this is not her power, but that of her ruthless paymasters and of the money they've variously provided the Clintons, (beyond that gained by scams,) so that disposing of the Clintons as an active hazard is only a beginning. The corporate/billionaire power must be broken. No idea how, though, although a non-corporate President and a majority-progressive Congress would certainly be a good start, especially if a sane judge was selected for the deciding vote on the Supreme Court, rather than a corporate-friendly Republican.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I think the HRC vs Colin Powell might heat up
Short summary - Hillary apparently told the FBI that the person who advised her to use private email as SOS was Colin Powell.
This is clearly a narrative she wants to put forward as part of her "other people did it!" defense even though the rules of personal email use and storage and Federal record keeping requirements were different and more rigorous in her time in office than in his - so she's comparing apples and oranges from the getgo.
The area under dispute is when where and how did Colin Powell give this advice? According to Joe Conanson in an upcoming book, it happened at a dinner Party at Madeline Albright's which apparently he initially said happened in January 2009 but which Colin Powell's secretary corrected and says occurred in June 2009, long after Hillary already had her server in place. Colin Powell does not remember this conversation nor does Condi Rice who was also present. Colin Powell does say he sent her an email about using personal email, but that also occurred a year after she was in office.
Clinton doubled down in her Anderson Cooper interview by saying he advised her BEFORE she took office. From the Cnn transcript - CLINTON: Well, look, I have the utmost respect for Secretary Powell. And he was incredibly gracious and helpful after I was nominated and before I took the job. I appreciated the time he took when I was preparing to become secretary. And I valued his advice. I'm not going to relitigate in public my private conversations with him." Although she just did- litigate in public her private conversations with him, that is.
But Clinton is going to HAVE to re-litigate her conversations with Powell even more, because she told the FBI (apparently) that the person who advised her to use private email to do her official business was Colin Powell. She has an upcoming deposition in the Judicial Watch case where they are guaranteed to re ask the questions about the origins of the server.
Powell is getting increasingly angry that the Clintonistas are "trying to pin" her server on him . Judicial Watch will no doubt make the deposition public. I doubt that Powell, former military guy that he is, will allow Clinton to besmirch his name in defense of hers any further.
Clinton's Powell defense is foolish on the face of it. Even if Colin Powell advised her to use a private email/private server, he was in no position of authority to give her permission to do so.
I don't think we've heard the last of this.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
What with ongoing stock
What with ongoing stock market issues, I'm thinking that direct purchase of/investment in popcorn farms may be the safest investment around. There will be ever-increasing demand for a while.
Also for dental floss.
Frank Zappa - Montana
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Moving dates around for narrative fits a purpose.
Does no one know how the net works?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.