What We Do — and Why
Please help if you can spare a few bucks. With Google suppressing search results for sites like ConsortiumNews.com, we need them more than ever. This is one of the only sites where truth can be found. Article re-posted in it’s entirety with permission from the author.
From Editor Robert Parry: Honest journalism is vital to a genuine democracy. But what we’ve seen from the U.S. mainstream media – of which I was a part for many years – is something dangerously far from honest. It has become a propaganda megaphone for a corrupt and self-interested establishment.
By contrast, what we’ve tried to do at Consortiumnews.com over the past 22 years is maintain principled journalistic standards, which include considering all responsible sides of a story and recognizing that the U.S. government and its many flacks are not the fount of all truth. Of course, that doesn’t mean that other viewpoints are necessarily correct either. But an open mind is a vital feature of honest journalism.
We also don’t take corporate advertising, nor do we have any big-dollar benefactor who can dictate our content. We can maintain our independence because we rely on contributions from readers and because we operate on a very tight budget.
But that does mean that our three annual fundraisers (spring, early fall, and end-of-year) must reach their fairly modest targets. Right now, we are struggling to match our early fall goal of $35,000.
If you wish to help, you can donate by credit card online (we accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover), by PayPal (our PayPal account is named after our original email address, “consortnew @ aol.com”), or by mailing a check to Consortium for Independent Journalism (CIJ); 2200 Wilson Blvd., Suite 102-231; Arlington VA 22201.
We also are registered with PayPal’s Giving Fund under the name Consortium for Independent Journalism. And, since we are a 501-c-3 non-profit, donations by American taxpayers may be tax-deductible.
Thank you for your support.
Robert Parry
Robert Parry is a longtime investigative reporter who broke many of the Iran-Contra stories for the Associated Press and Newsweek in the 1980s. He founded Consortiumnews.com in 1995 to create an outlet for well-reported journalism that was being squeezed out of an increasingly trivialized U.S. news media.

And I wondered why all those stories Joe often posts
in his EB never show up in my google or DuckDuckGo searches. So far I was too lazy to build my own news stream system to catch all of those. Time to do it.
Thanks for the reminder to support those news outlets who don't show up into our faces the easy way. It's done, one peanut donation at a time.
As you stated, this is happening to too many websites
Every one of the sites I visit are asking for donations and have changed their website design. A few are using Facebook for their comments and not everyone is on Facebook.
What Google is doing to alternative websites is abhorrent and i don't know how much longer some of the sites are going to be able to survive.
The World Socialist Website's traffic has decreased 90%.
It has many articles about what Google is doing to its site.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Facebook has changed its algorithm.
Trying to reach new readers on FB for c99 is getting harder and harder.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
We share the struggle.
JtC donates all his time to c99, and we struggle to keep a few coins in his pot. Our writers get heartfelt thanks but that's it. Jimmy Dore, Caitlin Johnstone, WWF, progressive candidates running for office, $10 a month for membership here and $10 there, GO Fund Me for those really up a creek - worthy causes all. TYT just got 20 mil from a Soros related source, and heaven only knows how much the Democrats shovel into dailykos. If you don't peddle their propaganda, you get blackballed. Best of luck.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Regarding DuckDuckGo
I arbitrarily picked a recent story on consortium news.
Hersh Receives Adams Award for Integrity
A search for "Hersch" adams award turned up consortium news as the second hit. The first was for the wikipedia page for Seymour Hersch.
Trump genocide turned up the correct consortium news article for the first hit.
russia israel influence US politics again turned up the appropriate consortiumnews article on the first it. For reference, I searched google on that one too and didn't see consortiumnews on the first page. To be fair though, there were plenty of sites offering up the same opinion and those sites are arguably "higher profile" than CN.
I know that I've seen this story floating around about google hiding search results. But the queries I did (admittedly cursory) seemed reasonable. Does anyone have any way to confirm this? I took a look at Alexa and noted a drop-off in July. Anyone have any other confirmation of the google censorship?
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Related Issue WWW Consortium
They did something related to copyright that exceeds my IT expertise:
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
The encrypted media extensions are no real surprise
I'm not all that worried about it in the long-term. If TPTB want to try to stop the flow of information in the information age then they can rock on. Me? I'm going with that old adage, "The internet routes around damage." Something like this would be treated as damage and be routed around. Sure, the masses will probably get infected by malware from the NSA but then they probably already are.
Overall it's just more of the corporatocracy in action. All one need do is look at who's interests are served in order to understand who the constituents are.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
It ain't just TPTB, but any hacker, who can do this sort of thing. I now have 13 locked, password-protected files which a Kaspersky free scan can't access to check but mentions to me and a lot of increasingly weird stuff going on in a computer I'll never be able to afford to replace.
Without the PTB-installed vulnerabilities placing us all at risk, hackers would not be having quite such a field day as they're now having, and my one personal consolation is that I have no money that anyone can steal from me through it. They are, however, pissing me off, especially since for all I know, this computer might be slaved to botnets used for attacking possibly progressive sites, or for anything else. As one of the technologically challenged, I have no way of finding out.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
More on Encrypted Media Extensions
Big surprise... this is already implemented in all major browsers. It is required for most video content delivery (Netflix, et.al.). I'm still digging into the various issues here but honestly, the EFF bailed from the W3 standards group over this and the RIAA thinks it's a great victory. That pretty much tells me everything I need to know.
You can disable this in both Chrome and Firefox. In chrome, you can disable it here: chrome://md-settings/content
Look for the "Protected Content" options at the very bottom. If you disable it, you can figure that Netflix and other media industry web sites won't work. So that means I'm cancelling my netflix membership too. I'll need to send them a letter.
Why would you want to disable this?
Reason #1: Security
Encrypted Media Extensions are a set of "commands", if you will, by which a web site can display and run encrypted content in your browser. In infosec parlance, this new set of commands is called an extension of the "attack surface" of the browser because it provides new things for attackers to explore and exploit.
In and of itself, this is no different than any other new set of features. What makes this much worse is that all of these components are protected by the US's draconian IP laws. So security researchers cannot poke and prod the way they normally do. It may well be illegal to do so.
Reason #2: Control
The historic underpinnings of the web are that the end user is in control. If you don't like how some web page is being displayed to you, you can change that. That's how things like Adblock exist. Well, EME is not limited to video. There's no reason we can't see encrypted ads or even entire encrypted web pages/sites. By building DRM into the web the control of your browser has been given over to the content producers.
Not only may you not wish to do that, but disabling it will send a signal back to W3C. This is not the first time that the standards group diverged from the interests of the internet and the internet does not need to play along. By turning off my media extensions I'll be sending telemetry back to "the internet" saying I don't accept this change. In some cases, that "telemetry" will be very direct. In Netflix's case, they'll find out because I must cancel my account because I can't play videos any more. I'm sure their own site records the failed play attempts too.
I'm not 100% dead set against SOME sort of solution for providing DRM content on the web. I'm just against this particular solution as it is implemented right now. I may turn on my EME again when the dust has settled and the security research community has had time to weigh and consider. But prudence dictates I disable the functionality now.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Yes, I've read the various articles
The timing on the algorithm change (april - june) sort of coincides with the drop in consortiumnews traffic... sort of. That happened July 18th or so.
I don't trust allegedly left statements any more than I trust anyone else's so I was hoping to see something I could verify.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Dunno if this helps? It's old, from 2015 - my searches for some time now have tended to produce only old material in 'sensitive' areas. (Have both variable connection and computer issues as well, making even the most basic research damn near impossible, apart from health issues often making me very tired and absent-minded. So I often can't find results which were once easily found.) But it's a great general, non-technical explanation for dummies like myself of how such as Panda works - and best read at source, if possible.
(I did find something directly from the horse's ass, below this, although only via a link.)
(Emphasis mine.)
And this propagandist claim of the neos to be 'liberals', (which fools many, regardless of their personal political indoctrination) is disgusting, as they are clearly the antithesis of liberal, and yet they sully such terms by association with their appalling agendas to confuse essential issues in their divide and conquer strategies.
Meanwhile, actual liberals - often lumped in by the PR people/neos/paid trolls with the 'vast right-wing conspiracy against Clinton', as Bernie supporters so volubly were accused of being part of, because that all-purpose PR tactic is there to be used - are spitting blood (and losing site traffic/ad funding/general consumer useful search ability - and any use for Google) over all this, while misled conservatives are led to think that such as this is a 'liberal' thing actual liberals'd support for a freaking instant - just to make certain that people are busy fighting each other over what's being done to them all by these propagandists and thereby prevented from coming together against it all.
The above links to what I couldn't find in DuckDuckGo search - one of the pertinent official Google statements:
(Emphasis mine)
I'm guessing that the tactic specified in the following piece will not just be used on FB and Youtube?
This part in the following is particularly, if grimly, amusing: '...Just this past weekend, a fake news link rose to the top of Google search results for the question “who won the popular vote,” falsely claiming the answer to be President-elect Donald Trump. ...' as this suppression of all but the Party lines is purportedly being instituted in regard to voters supposedly influenced away from voting for Clinton, while claiming that Her not being recognized on some site as having won the popular vote is an example of the reason for this...
But then the Russians!!! must have hacked!!! the Electoral College which gave Trump the Presidency - and yet they seem to be virtually the only ones not being accused of being one of the myriad causes of Her losing Her Royal Coronation?
Yup, this level of mental acuity and ability to recognize logic/reality certainly explains the way that the Psychopaths and Parasites That Be are killing the global economy, civilization and planetary life ASAP to briefly hold all of the data-dot wealth that will be worthless - and promptly vanish without a likely then-destroyed/deteriorating power supply/electronic tech - without what they're destroying to get it to play Monopoly with, assuming that the banksters don't eliminate paper money, the better to easily steal it all from everyone else.
(Emphasis mine)
The article below has a video which didn't run very well for me, probably due to my computer/connection issues. Have copied much of the transcript to be sure that people can see this.
(The Google Singularity under development and spoken of below is supposed to know what you're thinking even before you do, so that Thought Crimes also become a possibility, btw. Whether you might have been thinking at all, or not, since I gather we're not supposed to - just absorb and regurgitate what we're told by our 'betters'. The Singularity will doubtless assume that it's right in any case, much like the Psychopaths That Be and those programming for them. With no repercussions possible, what difference would it make, at that point, who else was randomly arrested/droned/whatever?)
I'm copying a lot of this because it's essential background and I do know that following links can be difficult/impossible for some, depending on circumstances.)
A link given in the above article leads to something to indicate that Google has been proven to abuse its market power, in countries where this is not tolerated:
And, even more pertinently:
So, how can Google have said 'Don't be evil' with a straight face? By redefining evil and projecting it onto the guys trying to stop the evil, the corporate PR tactics so commonly identified in corporate politicians and their proprganda. Same old, same old.
There's more related stuff I probably should put in but this is getting huge. I can't think what to cut, though, without missing/reinforcing important points.
Assuming anyone actually sees/reads this, lol. After all this time, the thread's probably buried.
But I'll anyway add that we must remember that countries and their governments belong to the people who inhabit them - not to whoever may happen to transiently hold any public office at any given time, not to a few of the wealthiest and most powerful, not to any corporations.
Any claim otherwise is insanely ridiculous, particularly since that's also a claim to essentially own us.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Heh... thanks for the deep background
I wasn't aware of the long-brewing and intimate relationship between google and the government. Honestly, I was hoping someone who had access to web statistics for the sites would post. That would've been the immediate data I was hoping for. Your political backgrounder, however, was immensely useful. Thanks.
In the broader picture, make no mistake. I knew from the first moment that the cries of "fake news" started that this was going to be an Orwellian suppression of information. Even were that not true, any sane person would immediately question, "So who is determining truth for us nowadays?" Even with the best of intents (which nobody in power in the US has), that's a pretty poor idea.
And more blatantly, I'll believe their efforts at curtailing fake news when I see them label WaPo and their ilk as fake news sites.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Would help if I could, but will be strapped for the foreseeable
future. Just bailed my brother out of a major jam (and that may not be the last I have to spend on him, am now getting by on 1/3 of previous income, have to set priorities and economize to the max.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.