What is the scoop on the Infrastructure Plan(ned asset givaway)?

Does anybody have any information or able to point to sources about what I read on reddit a few days ago regarding the Infrastructure "Asset-Recycling", i.e. Privatization? I had read that almost half of the 1.2 Trillion dollar package constituted short sales of existing assets such as the Hoover Dam, and the Tennessee Valley Authority to private concerns for what would certainly be pennies on the dollar and without restriction on pricing. This also includes several roads and bridges...

I am not finding any critique of the package on googleBingDuckDuckGo go figure, lol.

I certainly remember the Chicago fiasco involving the privatization of their parking meters, and shudder to think of it happening on a grand scale across the USA. And if that is their plan, we really have to fight it. The ransom is too high for the infrastructure we need.

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It is hard to briefly give a quote to explain the article but I will provide a brief excerpt.


Among the most promising opportunities is “asset recycling,” where a private company buys the right to rehab and operate an existing government-owned property (like a toll road or parking lot) and in exchange keeps a portion of the future revenue charged to the public to use the facilities.

This approach is so effective because many of these facilities need expensive repairs and governments lack the budget to pay for them. By leasing them to private companies, these partners can pay to have them fixed and run them more efficiently — providing a better customer experience. In turn, governments can use the proceeds of the transaction in other ways, and often also receive a portion of the revenue, which they can invest in everything from new bridges to expanding schools.

Just trying to help not that I agree with the concept.

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I looked back at my reddit history, it was from another article at cnbc but it's obviously from the same press release...cnbc..., and here's the commentary on reddit even though the post has been pulled reddit.....

Even though they sell it as private-public partnership not privatization, I don't trust it...
I would rather see all the tax-cuts over the years rescinded/ the wealthy taxed appropriately , so that the government can pay for it, instead of them reaping profits by virtue of their wealth.
And I think George Carlin was right when he said that bipartisanship is when both sides have gotten together to screw YOU over..

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abdicating it’s infrastructure responsibilities so it can continue to finance an ever expanding projection of military force around the world. If there was ever a sign of the complete collapse of even the pretense of serving the basic needs of our own population, this is certainly a clarion example.

I am prodigious cynic, but I’m finding it impossible to keep up with recent developments. Even Carlin would likely find himself at a loss for words.

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“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

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of bipartisanship that came creeping out of the White House in Biden? DC was much healthier as a swamp.

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"