This weekend's forecast

I was actually planning on going to see a concert in the park, but a dictatorship of the proletariat is good too.


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CB's picture


This hideous charade can now be seen for what it was: a brazen scam to engorge our Death Merchants with blood money.

U-S-A! U-S-A! We’re Number One!

It took America 15 years to airlift its whipped, arrogant ass out of Vietnam; in Afghanistan it took 20. All the young men and women our diseased, criminal “leaders” doomed to be killed, mangled, or commit suicide in or after those fake, bullshit “wars” were, in effect, shit-canned by them like rotten meat. Trillions that should have educated, inspired, and nurtured them were wasted and stolen by our rabid, raping Capitalist War Machine.

After 20 years of blustering, pious deception, colluded in by the hillbilly ninnies laughingly referred to as our government, led by four despicable Presidents—as contemptible a set of moral and spiritual monsters as could be dredged up from the fetid latrines of history—this hideous charade can be seen for what it was: a brazen scam to engorge our Death Merchants with blood money.

The coprophagous Corporate Press and its petting zoo of hired political porn stars rage against ersatz villains in this Bozo pratfall of America’s Potemkin regime, imported, installed and bankrolled by this unraveling empire in its last pathetic shot at a grotesque simulation of world hegemony.

One is in awe at the spectacle of the blackguard war pimps who stampeded this simple-minded, helpless country into these exercises in folk murder, pointing fingers and anathematizing anyone but themselves, disgusting human sepsis that they are.

The only indisputable truth about the Afghan debacle is that the U.S. War Machine and its wholly-owned Congress and Press, hyped fear and outrage at 9/11 to spin the mythical GWOT and two decades of limitless profiteering using the brutal destruction of a poor, defenseless country as a weapons-testing experiment.

Whether that country could be dominated and pacified, much less remade, had no relevance in their calculus. Outcomes in their pretend “wars” mean nothing: what matters is that the Federal money spigot be jammed wide open and massive profits from their death devices never end. Schumpeter nailed the war industry a century ago: “Created by the wars that required it, the machine now creates the wars it requires”.
The fall of Imperial America, while certain, cannot be predicted as to mode and method. It may come in a series of our floundering, catastrophic military idiocies—though upping the ante against Russia and/or China will put a swift, devastating end to that process—or in a climax of economic spasms leading to flight from the dollar as reserve currency and national bankruptcy. What is certain is that it will be the most cataclysmic disruption the world has ever suffered. Empires, as the terminally ill, cannot self-rescue. They die devoured by their own inherent horrors.

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gulfgal98's picture

It is way past time for the people to rise up and eliminate the corporatocracy that is the United States. The people of this country have gone far too long without things that citizens of other nations take for granted: healthcare, free education, living wage, healthy environment, and the ability to live without fear of the police state.

Meanwhile, are we once again seeing a false flag event in Afghanistan designed to bring us back there? Defund the Department of Defense and associated spy agencies, defund the police, and invest in the people of this country once again.

9 users have voted.

Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy