"We are being walked into an eye of a perfect storm"

Dr. Kory talks with a nurse of 20 years who shares what she has been seeing in her hospital since the mRNA shots were rolled out and it’s obvious that she has seen an increasing number of people who have been injured by them. Other nurses are sharing with her what they are seeing too and they are understanding that what they are seeing is coming from them too. A few doctors are waking up to it, but many don’t until they too get jab injured.

Nursing Reports From The Front Lines Of The COVID Vaccine Crisis

The massive propaganda campaign which led doctors to disassociate from the reality of widespread vaccine injuries is slowly weakening in impact. A stark reality is finally creeping in.

I recently posted a deeply referenced compilation of evidence detailing the historic humanitarian catastrophe that has slowly unfolded within most advanced health economies across the world. Caused by a global mass vaccination campaign led by the Pharma masters of BMGF/WHO/CDC that illogically (but profitably) targeted a rapidly mutating coronavirus. They did it with what turned out to be the most toxic protein used therapeutically in the history of medicine. In vials mixed with lipid nano-particles, polyethylene glycol and who knows what else.

I cited studies and reports showing massive increases in cardiovascular deaths and neurologic (and other) disabilities amongst working age adults, beginning in 2021 only. A disturbing signal screaming from the original clinical trials data , VAERS data, life insurance data, disability data, reports of cardiac arrests of professional athletes, rises in ambulance calls for cardiac arrests in pre-heart attack age young people, and the massive increases in illnesses and data manipulations in Department of Defense databases.

As these events become more and more recognized by the average citizen (and occasional journalist), a new pathetic “Disinformation Campaign” was launched in response trying to blame all the young people dying as simply a need for increased awareness of the rare condition called Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS), rather than examples of the legions dying from the vaccines. The fact checkers also came out in support of this narrative, branding anyone who thinks the vaccines are the cause of SADS as a conspiracy theorist. Like this self-appointed social media watchdog. Mentions of SADS are popping up from many countries.. all in the last few weeks. Here, here, here, here and.. oh whatever. This article even listed a dozen such publicized deaths in the past few weeks from all over the world..but blamed them all on SADS. You get it. What is nauseating is the tone of purported good intention within these articles, informing folks that if you are related to someone young who died suddenly you should go see a cardiologist to make sure you don’t have an abnormal EKG. After it turns out normal, they will assuredly tell you to get vaccinated, an absurdity atop a mountain of absurdities caused by our bio-medical-media industrial complex over the past 2+ years.

Ugh, lets move on. In this post, I will move away from numbers and data and studies to give a more qualitative view of how the vaccines’ impacts are manifesting in the “belly of the beast,” (i.e. on the inside of a major academic medical center).

Anyway, this was the first email I received from her (editorial note: I wrote out or translated all her abbreviations but made no other edits to substance - I had to do it as her writing style clearly reflected someone who has been writing myriad nursing notes her whole career :).

On May 12, 2022, at 7:47 PM, L. wrote:

On May 12, 2022, at 7:47 PM, L. wrote:

I wish I could have you as my doc. Nurse of 20 yrs + ICU - cardiac, neuroICU/ neurosurgical ICU mostly, and ED at Level 1. Vax injured from 2 Pfizer doses mandated by my major University hospital system. Clotting issues, open bleeding, spontaneous with no ability to stop, weeping down arms and legs. Severe leg clot post-surgery in March. Had to get D-Dimer ordered by force at little ED I was in, and use my own portable doppler I brought in from work, b/c they had no Ultrasound techs or equipment access - TPA (clot buster med) finally. Cervical lymph nodes enlarged since vax especially, for over 1.5 yrs. Cannot biopsy at least one as it sits on my Left carotid, now wrapped around it, . Got Covid originally while working ED in March 2020. "N antibody" still high as of Nov 2021. Hit neuro, never respiratory. Had same issues with H1N1 vaccine which was also mandated and then I got Guillain Barre Syndrome and neurological weakness - out of work 5 months. Will not get any boosters or vaccines this year, but have no exemption as all docs took to the “deer in headlight” look and said nothing. I will lose my career this winter if I refuse. Functional med/family practitioner - she has a long wait list and I have no idea how she sits with this data on vaccine injured. My VAERS report - it was deleted. Pharmacist never entered as required so I did. It has vanished. My batch numbers - significant for bad neurologic responses, clotting. I lost my Hematologist-Oncologist doctor to vaccine injury - he is out and never to practice again - in his early 40s. He was a "true believer" and in denial until it was him who was the injured patient. Our cancer hospital - know most of the case managers and many doctors since they were residents. They now have case loads in the 1000s rather than 250-400 over any given quarter. Not enough bed or infusion space for the cancer patients as outpatients. Radiation treatment backlog. All at a huge cancer hospital monstrosity itself. All kinds - brain, lymph, stomach, pancreas, blood, AND EYE CANCERS - orbital especially in younger people recently vaxxed. Microvascular ischemia on rise in vaxxed younger people. Strokes way up in no-risk, no co-morbidities, young to younger-ish. Ask me anything. I'll tell you inside scoop from the floors and suites. This has to stop. They need to admit the fraud and crime and STOP. The liability must be lifted, mandates ended. They KNOW NOW and many KNEW THEN. Don't know if you'll even read this, but I follow all of you on substack and Twitter - those not banned yet! - and read ALL the data. I've been a lab rat myself from an issue from a car accident yrs back - I know the process. So much fraud. Keep going. Never give up. Never, never, never give up. Thank you for all you do, hope that you inspire and the confirmation of that little voice in me, that said NO way back, everything was off. I did not have an option or data then. I have data now, and it will keep coming. The option is NO.

Links not included. You can click on the ones if interested.


FDA Panel Recommends Moderna Two-Dose COVID Vaccine for Kids Ages 6 to 17 Despite Serious Safety Concerns

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s vaccine advisory panel on Tuesday voted 22 - 0 to authorize Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines for children ages 6 to 11 and 12 to 17 despite the lack of short- and long-term safety data and no evidence children are at risk of serious illness.

The Pfizer clinical trial in kids 6 months to 4 years old is an embarrassment

I. Bad study design leads to unusable results

FDA/Pfizer claim that this is a study of 4,526 participants 6 months through 4 years old. This is of course a lie. Like Moderna, Pfizer found ways to whittle down the number of participants to force the “data” to fit a pre-determined fictional narrative. We’ll return to this in a moment.

Pfizer has a unique problem — and this may be one reason why it has taken them so long to get to the application stage… Apparently Pfizer thought that this clinical trial in kids was going to work, so they unblinded it on September 28, 2021 and they started vaccinating the placebo group (to destroy the control and eliminate any long term safety data) on November 3, 2021 (see p. 23). Then in early December the data showed that the trial had failed. Whoops! So Pfizer had to scramble to enroll even more kids (643 more by my estimation) in the attempt to save the clinical trial with a third dose.

The results then become a complete muddle because Pfizer has to refer to the blinded period (before September 28, 2021), the unblinded and crossover period (after September 28), and then the post “protocol amendment 6 period” (February 1 to the “data-cutoff” of April 29, 2022).

When it suits their needs (in the press) Pfizer points to the larger sample size. When they are trying to hide bad data (immunogenicity) they just use a tiny slice of the total sample. This is dishonest and unethical and makes this study functionally useless for making decisions.

Many people are writing about this horrible decision on substack and they are just as horrified that they were given the go ahead even though close to 80 of kids have natural immunity and are not at risk of getting seriously ill. The trial for this was just as fraudulent as the ones for adults and the jabs are based on the original virus and doesn’t protect from omicron. Many of the kids involved in the trial were dropped, but no reason was given for it. Plus the number of adverse effects in the placebo group was unnormally high.

Tomorrow the FDA meets to determine if Pfizer gets the go ahead to give their jabs to babies and kids under 5. Biden has already ordered millions of doses for both groups.

10 users have voted.


the elderly were being targeted to keep them from sucking Social
Security...Other cts suggest they are targeting adults who are "fertile"...still others say they are targeting kids to thin the herd.
Hell, they are coming after us all.

7 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

janis b's picture

Hopefully, now that the CDC has backed-off from suggesting monkeypox is airborne, a few more people will start to question, in general, some of the CDC's other announcements.

The Neil Oliver commentary would be a great place to start questioning from. Thanks for the video.

I was listening to a piece on the radio on my way home about the extraordinary ability of dogs that you might be interested in hearing. It relates specifically to training dogs through scent to sniff out Kauri trees with a virus that is killing them. It's from minute 2:55-12:00 here.

7 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@janis b

Monkeypox being airborne. Seems strange that something that has been around for decades all of a sudden becomes more dangerous. Some people are questioning whether it was tinkered with by gain of function.

Yeah I thought Neil had a good message here. Thanks for the video. I’ll watch it tomorrow. After reading the main story of my essay I again told Sam that humans are despicable and that she is lucky to be a dawg and have me for her mom. She yawned which I took as her agreeing with me. I just can’t believe that anyone would be involved in making something like these vaccines that cause so much harm to people. And that others see no problem giving them to babies.

This essay has a link to one where they talk about babies being injured by the jabs and given before anyone recommended they should be. Apparently there was a doctor in Canada that was giving them to kids even though it wasn’t allowed to be. He was just told to stop, but no other punishment for him. If you read it make sure you read the linked essay. Good lord.

9 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

janis b's picture


as I did this morning on radio, is that unvaccinated pregnant women gave birth to more babies with neurological problems than vaccinated pregnant women. I'm glad I don't listen to the news often, mostly in the car which is only 3 times a week.

5 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@janis b

Even if you have gotten your 3rd jab you aren’t considered fully jabbed until after 2 weeks and it’s how they could say that it was the unjabbed that were dying more. How many of the women had actually been jabbed but gave birth in that time frame? And why didn’t he caution people that they would be more susceptible to getting infected just after they got jabbed? People might have taken more precautions instead of thinking that they were now protected. But then…

7 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

ggersh's picture

Sam yawned because she's been totally spoiled in that loving way that all dawgs get.

As far as not believing that evil exists, well that's been around forever. Here's a
small reminder of that fact. The first 6:30 minutes is all that's needed to be watched.


5 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

snoopydawg's picture


Yep both world wars were funded by American eugenicists and of course the banks and big business. Wars make lots of money! How many times did George Carlin tell us the truth about our one party government and their clubs that gives themselves all kinds of perks that they deny us to have? Smedley Butler also told us the truth about war. Companies made too much of their lousy products and gouged the government for them. Great video. How is it that so many people are still thinking that voting will change squat if we just vote for the right people?

Of course dawgs were put here for us to spoil them rotten. I cleaned the toy room yesterday and you should see it now. It’s like your storm came through here. Ima gonna go to the Uintas and see if I can still camp in my favorite spot. It’s just below the meadow.


Thanks for this video! A must watch. Sweden or Norway is microchipping people already with chips tied to their bank or credit cards. Young people think it’s just dandy and saves time not pulling out their wallets. Remember that whatever the PTB are planning isn’t going to affect us much because they are targeting the generations below us. Look at how many people believe that social security is not going to be there for them even though it can be with just a few twists. I should end here or I’ll go on all day.


Why hasn’t Russia taken what’s happening in Syria to the UN or security council? We’re stealing their wheat and oil in broad daylight and yet the world is silent.

7 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

ggersh's picture

@snoopydawg should you hopefully make it to that camping site! So envious!

enjoy my friend!

3 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

snoopydawg's picture


I took lots of dirt roads trying to find the perfect spot that Sam approves of and have narrowed it down to 3. Off the grid spots with not very many neighbors. Nice and cool on top with some snow left. Got some good pictures that I’ll post when I get home. Still an hour or so away.

Sam the dawg has had her head out the window all day. Surprised her tongue hasn’t dried up, but I carry water for her. Ta for now.

2 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.