Unemployed Americans And A Housing Wage
I'm starting with an article at Counterpunch that takes a look at The Employment Rate and Economic Health:
For decades, familiar economic indicators, such as the unemployment rate, the national interest rate and the nation’s total gross domestic product, have been used by the power elites in the government, the media and the business sector to inform us whether or not we as a nation are doing well. These numbers are used by professionals and politicians in our government to direct fiscal policy, presumably to help as many Americans as possible achieve the American Dream.
How many Americans are unemployed doesn't matter as much as how the unemployed are counted:
Let’s start by disabusing the public of the widely held but erroneous notion that the unemployment rate reflects how many Americans are unemployed. No, this is false. Instead, what the unemployment rate reflects is the share of people who are out of work but actively searching for it at least once within the past four weeks. The rate does not include Americans who are unemployed but who have given up searching for work.
That's why the unemployment rate can go down even when the jobless rate goes up. In addition, people with marginal temp jobs are counted as employed and some people are not counted:
If that were not bad enough, the rate does not count temporary workers. In other words, temporary workers who seek full-time work but have not found it are considered employed. The unemployment rate intentionally omits retired people, schoolchildren, and stay-at-home spouses. As you can see the unemployment rate misses a large number of unemployed Americans. This is why it is such an unreliable economic indicator.
The unemployment rate also does not include the large population of homeless Americans. Here's one way to count full employment:
However, as African-American human rights leader Rev. Al Sharpton has noted when lamenting the relative impoverishment of the African-American community even during economic boom times, “We were at full employment during slavery.”
That raises the question of how you measure economic health:
However, history and present experience clearly inform us that the economic indicators reported by the government are unequal to the task of adequately reporting our true state of economic health. This is because numbers alone could never tell of the real economic misery millions of Americans are always facing in this draconian, trickle-down economy.
America seriously needs a wake up call:
Today, despite the rosy economic indicators, we know that America’s true state of economic health is poor. In fact, America suffers from the worst wealth and income disparity the world has ever known.
Some questions to consider from a long list provided in the article:
How many of the available jobs in our economy pay a living wage?
How many of the available jobs are temporary employment jobs?
What benefits are these companies offering their workers?
Now let's move to the issue of a Housing Wage from The National Low Income Housing Coalition in 2014:
This year, the national two-bedroom Housing Wage of $18.92. The Housing Wage represents the hourly wage a full-time worker must earn in order to afford a modest rental home while spending no more than 30% of their income toward housing costs. This means that nationally a household must have income of least $39,360 a year in order to afford a two-bedroom unit at the Fair Market Rent (FMR) of $984 per month.
Here's how much the estimated income was for an L.A. resident to rent a modest apartment in 2015:
You need to earn at least $33 an hour — $68,640 a year — to be able to afford the average apartment in Los Angeles County, according to Matt Schwartz, president and chief executive of the California Housing Partnership, which advocates for affordable housing.
So it's no surprise that Los Angeles has been rated as the most unaffordable city to rent in America by Harvard and UCLA.
How about buying a home?
So it's no surprise that Los Angeles has been rated as the most unaffordable city to rent in America by Harvard and UCLA.
Recent discussion of inequality has just scratched the surface of how both political parties, the media and economic theories have worked in tandem to destroy the middle class. There is still plenty of heavy lifting ahead.
Thank you, Meteor Man,
for this set of points. I'm glad Elizabeth Warren is still taking part in the inequality discussion because she and her daughter, Amelia Tyagi, wrote a very important book published in 2003 entitled, The Two-Income Trap: Why Middle Class Parents Are Going Broke. It takes a detailed look at income insecurity for average American families with children and makes the point that contemporary families have less financial well-being than their one-income grandparents did.
Just saying that people are working, that they're employed, doesn't mean that they can afford a home, transportation, health care, dental care, vision care, and healthy food. It means for increasing numbers of young adults aged 18-34 that they're employed but trying to save enough for first and last months' rent in order to move out of their parents' home.
Housing in CA's Central Coast
The figures from the essay are not disputed. Al I know, in talking to many patients is that often three or four field worker families are forced too live together in housing units meant for one family. Although clearly against the law, the relatively benevolent attitude of the local city council allows this practice to continue. To me, this is a far better strategy than sanctuary cities. The effect is the same without permitting the lawlessness of some not-employed criminal aliens.
What we need
is actually to create and compare 2 indexes:
1. An "Adequate Income Index" that calculates the minimum income (regardless of source) to live a decent life.
2. A "Cost To Live" index that calculates how much income is required to live a decent life.
Now compare the two - This will allow us to figure out actually and exactly how many people are poor and why. Some communities have too few jobs, some too low wages, some too many greedy landlords. Let's talk about reality rather than ideology or hobby horses.
On to Biden since 1973
Costa Hawkins And Affordable Housing
A couple of weeks ago I was confused about opposition to low income housing by a Crenshaw tenants association. I found out about Costa Hawkins:
What Is Costa Hawkins?
The problem is that the homeless/low income housing will rapidly be transferred to "free market" rental rates.
After the Realtors and developers beat back legislation, a ballot measure is coming up to
Repeal Costa Hawkins
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Unemployed disabled 'Muricans are double fucked.
Finding decent paying jobs, let alone housing has always been difficult for people with disabilities. Now? I'm sure it's much worse.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.