Tucker vs critic who calls him cheerleader for Russia
Submitted by entrepreneur on Sat, 01/04/2020 - 6:06pm
In this video Tucker speaks with Max Boot about Russia and Iran. And, as has happened at least a few times in the past, Tucker comes off as being extremely reasonable. His guest comes off as childish, irrational, and on the verge of having a temper tantrum. I found it interesting, if for no other reason than to show how low the warmongers will stoop to shill for the MIC and neolibcons.
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HjVipLZYns width:400 height:240]

Hitler sympathizer?
OMG..everything he said Putin does is exactly what this country is guilty of.
Ahh. Council of foreign relations. Nuff said. Sanctity of our elections? Yeah let's forget what Hillary did. Iranian hegemony? lol.
I'm immoral. You're immoral. We're all immoral. Yippee!
Childish indeed. I couldn't finish watching it. I nominate Boot for today's number one idiot.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I couldn't quit watching and I think
Tucker Carlsen just gave a class on how to interview such rabid ideologues like Max Boot, and it's worth noting that he has been the best antiwar voice on tv,while the so called 'liberal' stations have been drum majorettes for wars.
It feels good to laugh
during a week in which I could be overwhelmed by depression, anxiety, and anger at what our government has done. Thank you for posting this interview. I have been an increasingly respectful viewer and reader of Tucker Carlson during the past year. It was good to see Boot looking so weak and to hear Carlson lose it a bit in frustration.
But substance-wise, there is one point in this interview that has me frustrated. Tucker Carlson asks Max Boot at one point,
and Boot says,
OK, so that's the point Carlson makes that punctures the hot air balloon that Iran is the number one sponsor of terrorism. And Boot fumbles his response by saying Iran and (or) its proxies have killed hundreds, which is supposed to re-inflate that balloon.
But balloon or no balloon, why in the discussions all over the media this week is Soleimani spoken of as a terrorist for fighting our troops in war? How and in what kind of logic is Soleimani a terrorist, or even somehow morally wrong, for fighting against us in a war we brought to him?
I'm quite lost in this part of the entire defense of Trump's assassination attack. Was Soleimani supposed to have welcomed us to the Middle East by throwing rose petals?
We brought Shock and Awe, our two rottweilers of military mayhem to Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Yemen, and if Soleimani fights against us, Boot says American troops have been murdered?
It's as if our soldiers were the Peace Corps, or were going door to door handing out Bibles -- unarmed!
According to Craig Murray not very many. Most of the troops killed were because of our Saudi ally who backs Sunnis. I left a link in the other essay on Iran. It's a great read.
As for everyone who fights us after we've invaded them being called terrorists is effing mind boggling isn't it. This thread seems to sum that up what lots of Trump's supporters think. I've tried pushing back on them and have gotten nowhere.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I'm sorry but Tucker Carlson and "reasonable"
do not belong in the same sentence, paragraph, essay or tome.
The superimposed American flag that waves in the background of his show exposes him for the coward that he is, patriotism being the last refuge of the scoundrel and all that. I don't have time to listen to that asshat.
"The enemy is anybody who is going to get you killed, no matter which side he's on." Yossarian
How about listening once then commenting on what happened?
I respect
your feelings because I never stand for the National Anthem at football games because what I like about the lyrics is that they are a question, as in, does that star spangled banner yet wave o'er the land of the the free and the home of the brave? It's a good question. And I feel like I am exercising my freedom if I choose to remain seated.
I came home today after being at the demonstration against our government's killing of Soleimani, and in all the years I have been to demonstrations against war, starting in 1967, I have always liked seeing American flags. On the way there today I was wishing I had brought one, but ours is kind of small. So maybe I should get a full-sized one. We may have a lot of demonstrations ahead of us.
I really love the American flag because it can stand for so much, including freedom of expression. If I am holding it when I march against war, it stands for my belief that my country can be a force for good, that in truth we are a nation of good people.
But I understand your anger. When I saw it covering the entire field of the Rose Bowl, with every person in the stadium forced to hold a tiny one, and a stealth bomber flying overhead, I understood it to be a crass, blatant, stupid act of war mongering, musically sponsoring the murder of innocent people for profits, for war crimes, for death. I hear you.
I love the American flag
"The enemy is anybody who is going to get you killed, no matter which side he's on." Yossarian
On the wrong day I might avoid Tucker myself. But right now
I'll take the wins where I can find them. And Tucker kicks this Russiagater warmonger's ass using purely logic and reason and none of the silly nonsense double-talk that Fox is famous for. Frankly, I am counting the days until he gets fired for not shoveling enough warmongery bullshit.
I watched the video
Tucker Carlson is a stuffed suit and I have absolutely no respect for anything he says.
I've been watching his bow-tied ass since he was on Bill Maher on Politically Incorrect in the 1990's. He had nothing to say then and he has nothing to say now.
"The enemy is anybody who is going to get you killed, no matter which side he's on." Yossarian
all these guys are FUBAR
Tucker has the nerves to talk to them, and I wonder why he does it. Sigh. Unbearable all of it. What the heck is going on. Jesus Christ, while I am listening, I think they belong to a mental institution.
I lasted
about 25 seconds before my head exploded. I can't do cable news any more, I just can't. The cognitive dissonance is like a physic attack on my mental faculties. But that was enough, Soleimani a very bad man, needed to die, blah blah blah, Tucker Carlson somehow appears reasonable, next to some crazy whack job making the case to more kill people, for any reason, anywhere, just because, ya know, facts, evidence, don't matter...
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote