Trump is sending Nat’l Guard to border per instructions from RUSSIA! thru Hungarians so we need censorship per WP
This article starts off by chewing out Fakebook for its opportunistic business practices and its resident RUSSIAN! bots, it then makes a big detour into the Ukraine and the dirty tactics of afore mentioned RUSSIANS! during the coup (irony alert), starts singing the praises of Robert Mueller for wising us all up to the fact that we're all dupes of afore-afore mentioned RUSSIANS!, and provides examples of their fake stories about Muslims, rape, and the French ‘gay lobby’. And to add to the the outrage, Hungarians and other bad rabbits are involved also too. (Yeah, I’m still trying to figure all that out.) But I do believe that I get the point of what this woman is carrying on about, and that is Censorship. With a capital ‘C’. We need to be protected from thinking for ourselves. Because we’re stupid.
It’s not just Russia anymore
Fox News and the Trump-friendly media operate in exactly the same way. As I’ve written in the past, Donald Trump openly used Russian slogans and narratives during his 2016 election campaign.
At the moment, though, he doesn’t need to borrow from them anymore. A recent New York Times analysis of how the president came to be obsessed with the “caravan of illegal aliens” listed the ways the original story came to be enhanced and misreported, deliberately, by what we would in another country call pro-regime media. As retold on “Fox & Friends,” or hyped by Frontpage Mag, “Beltway pundit,” and thousands of bots and trolls (both voluntary and professional), the story lost some critical details: that many of the group were refugees from Honduras’s drug wars, or that many planned to stay in Mexico, or that others hope to cross the U.S. border legally to apply for asylum. By the time the tale of the caravan reached the president’s Twitter feed — which has featured faked or mislabeled video in the past, as well — it was an “invasion” requiring the presence of the National Guard.
I repeat: These are Russian tactics. But they are being used by a U.S. president, a Hungarian government and others who are not in power, or not yet. That’s why solutions to disinformation campaigns that focus on Russia alone are insufficient.
Here’s the real challenge faced by all the major platforms: how to re-engineer them to make them more resistant to organizations that, like the Internet Research Agency, engage in what one tech executive calls “coordinated inauthentic activity,” ranging from the use of false names and the creation of false audiences to the publication of false stories and the creation of divisive narratives. Perhaps they will have to limit the use of anonymity, change the algorithms that ensure that the most sensational material spreads the fastest, or institute transparency around video editing tools, especially as these become more sophisticated.
There seems to be a movement to start censoring the ‘information’ that we are allowed to access on the internet and elsewhere and it seems to me the biggest push for it is coming from the ‘left’. It makes me upset having to rely on the ‘right’ to protect us from these anti-Constitutional justifications being used to justify control of free speech and access to information. It’s particularly galling because its genisis is rooted in a desperate need for certain political miscreants on said ‘left’ to maintain the facade that they aren’t responsible for one of this country’s worst political scandals. Support for Wall Street over the people, drone killings, eternal war, NSA spying, and blind obedience to the whims and the will of the MIC are all policies that should be anathema to the ‘left, but have now become SNAFU. Now add to all that the concept that we’re supposed to let them control what information we are to be allowed to access. Is it my imagination or is the ‘left’ starting to sound a lot like those dastardly RUSSIANS! they keep ranting and raving about? I wonder about other things too, like why is it so many don’t see how wrong and dangerous this situation is? And why are so many allowing TPTB to get away with taking us back to the freaking feudal system with their aid and acquiescence?
The so-called ‘left’ in this country is pretty much comparable to a herd (or whatever) of lemmings headed for a day at the beach.
EDIT TO ADD: it is really disgusting that the author of this article would stoop so low as to use this humanitarian crisis as an excuse to promote this bullshit push for censorship in America.

Schizophrenic article from WaPo--or who in their right mind
could think up such tortuous trail of rubbish? And to think some people still believe in the Washington CIA Post. If anyone wrote that article for a legitimate creative writing class, the critique would be longer than the the article.
Of course, writing gives one privileges]
[video:"Make America great again
is a Russian slogan? Seriously? What the Hell is she smoking?
OFFS! IRA is an internet advertising agency, not a propaganda company. They placed a few ads on FB which had nothing to do with the election. And BTW, we still haven't seen them yet. Most of them were placed after the election, so how could they have helped thrown the election to Trump?
Internet Research Agency, engage in what one tech executive calls “coordinated inauthentic activity,” ranging from the use of false names and the creation of false audiences to the publication of false stories and the creation of divisive narratives.
All kinds of organizations are messing with our elections and have been long before Russia Gate started.
others who are not in power
Ever since Hillary lost the election the left has lost their minds. When Alex Jones got censored on YouTube, they cheered YouTube. They happily accept that they are no longer left leaning democrats, but are now centrists who think that Obama's tenure was the second coming of FDR. And Hillary would have been his Eleanor! They also think that Comey, Mueller, Brennan and others in the intelligence agencies are their BFFs. Tillerson got fired? Oh noes, he was the only one who was standing up to Putin. Except for when he was hired. Then he was too close to him. I need a bingo card to keep up with who are their enemies and friends anymore.
The whole point of Russia Gate has been to get people okay with a war against Iran, Russia and China as well as censorship of the internet.
Whatever this lady is smoking, she should share it because I have no idea how she made the connections she did to say that Trump is a Putin puppet.
Great catch, Amanda.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Not a Bingo card--a ouija board would be better
What about Comrade Comey? How quickly we fall from grace, but then, Christlike arise again, forgiven of our sins. And don't forget Dubya!
Oh yeah, W is back in people's good graces
He was on Ellen's show dancing with her and laughing with the audience. George is still a war criminal for what he did to Iraq, etc, but just because Trump is now in George's old office, people think that he wasn't as bad as he was. The kos kids are friends with George again. Just like Comey and Mueller and even Brennan wasn't as bad as they used to think. Go figure.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
And Amazon
I need a neck brace for my chronic whiplash.
So Afraid of the Russians - I can't sleep at night.
I'd like to feed the children
Find a cure for disease
Rebuild cities
And plant a lot of trees
I'd like to help the sick
Build factories
Give money to students
Hospitals and galleries
I'm afraid of the Russians
I can't sleep at night
So afraid of the Russians
Afraid we've got to fight
I'd like to go to space
Clean up rivers and lakes
Put everyone to work
Whatever it takes
I'm afraid of the Russians
I can't sleep at night
So afraid of the Russians
Afraid we've got to fight
They've got ships at sea
They've got missles in the air
Tanks on the border of Europe
And spies everywhere
I'd like to feed the children
Find a cure for disease
Rebuild the cities
And plant a lot of trees
I'm afraid of the Russians
I can't sleep at night
So afraid of the Russians
Afraid we've got to fight
They've got ships at sea
They've got missles in the air
Tanks on the border of Europe
And spies everywhere
Spies everywhere
Spies everywhere
Spies everywhere (continues under telephone call)
[Telephone call]
Operator: Good afternoon. Cambridge Storage here. Can I help you please?
Caller: Yes, please. I'd like to leave a message for your bookkeeper
Operator: Ah, yes
Caller: The streets are sinking and wheels burning
Operator: Thank you!
Anne Applebaum is easily one of thee worst Russian xenophobes
I first saw her in a debate with Stephen Cohen and some others. She hates everything Russian. BTW the whole Russiangate hysteria has made her rich. She is married to a Polish politican who was accused of corruption, and his income and hers were made public. She made that year (forgot which) a little over a million dollars. Not in the Racheal Maddow league, but up there.
So this caravan crap is using Russian themes? From what I have seen and read about, Putin himself is not anti-immigratation. Putin understands that Russia is also diverse in that it still has many ethnic homelands within Russian borders. Cohen claims that Putin has been thee most pro-Jewish leader in Russian history. Who does Putin admire in terms of immigration policy? Canada.
In fact Putin from this clip is suggesting government sponsorship of language programs which I believe countries like Norway have to help immigrants.
Ironically, it is the darling of the Western media--"opposition leader" Navalny who is the Trump of Russia.
But Applebaum's piece is redundant to tons of articles which claim they see Putin's hand in everything. The only point to be made is originality in terms of finding Putin in some event. In this case, Putin was found hanging around the caravan story of all things.
Every single time I watch Putin speak, I am reminded
of the fucking imbeciles in positions of leadership in the US/UK. Is Putin the only true statesman left in the world with any intelligence? Just look at the fucktards May and Trump have surrounded themselves with. No wonder they are all afraid of Putin in the west. He makes them look like stupid half wits.
The guy in videos vs. the propaganda
I have to say among the world leaders I have heard, he stands out with the breath of his knowledge. In the video I posted he knew about Canada's immigration system. A country whose leaders are openly hostile to him and Russia and who are major supporters of the regime in Kiev. I am not sure any leader in the EU can match his knowledge of European history.
He was with (and survived the cutthroat tactics
of) the KGB for 16 years and came out on top. He has to have something on the ball to survive the RUSSIAN! Political minefield.
Putin in KGB uniform, circa 1980
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
I would venture to say that the CIA is heads and shoulders
above the KGB when it comes to "cutthroat". The Soviet Union never came close to matching the number of regime changes world-wide the US did. Their death tolls were also significantly less.
Putin's highest ranking in the Soviet Union was Colonel. He has said that a lot of his work entailed recruiting espionage agents in Germany.
Lol, agree, except they started out half-witted
and have now been revealed to be devoid of wits at all. All they really have are armies of (bad, but repetitive) propagandists and armies of armies, in the belief that might makes right even when defying reality and that life is survivable for themselves even if they get to use those shiny nukes on everyone else as a show of ultimate force.
If they were anywhere near as high as the half-wit end of the spectrum, they'd have taken the many 'outs' Putin has offered them instead of digging themselves in ever deeper and trapping themselves in the dark, unfortunately dragging the rest of us down with them.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.