Is the Trump campaign about to screw up a slam dunk?
Just a few weeks ago it looked like the Dems were about to get blown out. Biden was an old man who refused to give up the keys to the car, and you even heard some Dems talk about being resigned to four more year of Trump. Trump was also on a winning streak for getting his court cases delayed.
And this was before Trump's assassination attempt, which I must admit that Trump reacted much better than I expected.
Then came the RNC. First he picked Vance as VP, which made no strategic sense. After that Trump had a chance at looking presidential, which lasted all of 10 minutes.
Then Biden actually did drop out, which wasn't all that surprising. But what was surprising is that the Trump campaign seems to be caught completely off guard. He even canceled the planned debate. You would think that someone would of had a ready workshopped strategy. Instead they appear to be trying to slut-shame Harris, which is about as stupid as you can get.
Forget for a moment that the Dems will be running a prosecutor against a convicted a felon. Let's also forget that Trump has also been convicted in civil court of sexual abuse. The number one issue for suburban and urban women in this election is reproductive rights. It has been ever since the SCOTUS overturned Roe, and you think that slut shaming the Dem candidate is going to go over well with women? Seriously?
Dem candidates have been over-performing in special elections since the SCOTUS decision. This has been true even in deep red districts.
Democrat Marilyn Lands won a special election for an Alabama state House seat late Tuesday, flipping a Republican-held seat in the deep-red state in the aftermath of a court ruling in the state that threw access to fertility treatments into question.Lands, a mental health counselor, made reproductive rights central to her campaign. She's spoken openly about her own abortion when her pregnancy was nonviable. And she ran advertisements on reproductive health care, like contraception and in vitro fertilization, being threatened in the state, after an Alabama Supreme Court ruling that equated frozen embryos to children and led major IVF providers in the state to pause fertility treatments.
According to Project 2025, even birth control will be under attack, and Repubs think that putting Harris' womenhood front and center is a good strategy?
Good luck with that.