Transphobia, Thy Name is Ted Cruz
Ted Cruz has decided to step his transphobia up a notch.
In essence, Cruz wants to eliminate transgender people from the public sphere.
Speaking in Plainfield, IN:
Every one of us has the right to live our lives as we wish.. If any one of us wants to dress up as a woman or man and wants to live as woman or man and believes that we might be something other than what we were born, God has made each of us with free will and the ability to choose to do that if man to wants to dress as a woman, and live as a woman, and have a bathroom at home.
So then they shouldn’t use the bathroom out in public?
You don’t have a right to intrude upon the rights of others because whether or not a man believes he’s a woman, there are a lot of women who would like to be able to use a public restroom in peace without having a man there — and when there are children involved, you don’t have a right to impose your lifestyle on others.
On Tuesday, the Washington Post rated Cruz’s claim that President Obama’s policies “let teenage boys shower with teenage girls” with Two Pinocchios because of the way it erases who transgender people are.
Cuz has also added his Trump/Hillary "joke" to his stump become the first ever presidential candidate to seek nomination purely based on transphobia.
If Donald Trump dresses up as Hillary Clinton, he still can't go to the girl's bathroom.
Not just wrong, but offensive. And not just offensive to transgender people, offensive to any American who thinks denigrating transgender people is repellent.
In Cruz' recent ad, the following text rolls over black-and-white shots of women's restrooms and a little girl holding her mother's hand:
Should a grown man pretending to be a woman be allowed to use the women's restroom? The same restroom used by your daughter? Your wife? Donald Trump thinks so. It's not appropriate. It's not safe. It's PC nonsense that's destroying America. Donald Trump won't take on the PC police. He's one of them.
The implication here is that these quiet, black-and-white bathrooms are about to be overrun by marauding, faux-transgender people hellbent on attacking your wife and daughter and ruining America.
That, of course, is nonsense. Insulting, fearmongering nonsense devoid of any inkling of a clue as to what it actually means to be transgender.
A transgender woman is not "a grown man pretending to be a woman." If you say that, as Cruz did, you clearly have no interest in understanding gender identity and would rather take the dullard's approach of writing off those different from you with no concern for their humanity.
--Rex Huppke, Chicago Tribune
Huppke's piece nails it:
Ted Cruz
wants to terminate with extreme prejudice anyone who is LBGTQ. And given his way, he probably wouldn't stop there.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
More fear-mongering from the intolerant
Notice how their argument tries to invoke some scenario based on perversion? First and absolutely foremost is the rejection that transgender people are perverse and simply looking for a way to attack or get some sort of satisfaction by being in a restroom with other women. I think this reflects more on the people trying to raise this argument and what goes through their own minds, personally.
Second, if someone wanted to be some sort of pervert, why on earth do they think these types of bigotry laws would do anything to stop them? What precisely is it that Cruz thinks happens in restrooms? That people are just sitting around in wide open stalls exposing themselves to others of their gender? I don't care if you're straight, gay, transgender, if you try and break into or violate someone's privacy while they're using the restroom you're going to be in trouble, regardless of any transphobic law on the books.
What a lot of people don't realize...
Is that Intersex births are not uncommon - about 1 in every 1500. That means 220000 people in the US were born with both sex organs. And that's just the 'visibly' Intersex births. That doesn't account for genetic mutations (XXY, etc.) or those born with one set of sex organs, but are psychologically the other sex. It is all just fear of the unknown.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
I really don't understand
Why anyone cares. If your sexual partner undergoes a change, then you would be an interested party. Otherwise, it's nobody's business.
What is Cruz afraid of?
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Cruz is afraid
that his own homo/trans sexuality will be exposed. That's the deal with most bigots agains LGBT people.
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck
A positive note re: the holy restroom
Target has announced that they will not prevent customers or employees from using the restroom of the gender they identify as.
Of course, this has resulted in Christians (only the good ones, of course) to start a boycott petition.
However, Target's announcement has prompted me to decide that I need to pick up a few things this weekend at a place I generally avoid because of the congestion around it, but I think I need to make a point. And, I feel that I should seek out the manager and let him/her know that I made a special trip to support them.
Anyone care to join me?
I should stop being shocked by cretins, but the ignorance
on display still shocks me