Transgender candidates
'Tis the season, I guess.
I'm not necessarily endorsing any of these candidates. Rather I am just spreading the word.
Kristin Browde is running for town supervisor in New Castle, Westchester County, NY.
Yeah, people are going to be focused on that but I’ve got to tell you this: My gender isn’t going to balance the budget. My gender isn’t going to fill a pothole or get the streets plowed of snow. My gender isn’t really going to be the factor that makes people’s lives in New Castle better. But what I do in office? That will.
Browde, 66, an attorney and former CBS News reporter, will announce her candidacy on the steps of Town Hall today as the head of a Democratic ticket whose members are part of a group called Up2Us, which was spawned from the Chappaqua Friends of Hillary. Her announcement will represent the first transgender candidate on a major party line in New York.
Brianna Westbrook is running for Congress is Arizona's 8th, which includes Surprise and Sun City. In 2016, Democrats didn't even field a candidate in this district.
Honestly, it was Trump that motivated me to run. I was never active in politics until this last election. That’s the one thing that I will thank Trump for.
Westbrook, 32, is sales manager at Arrowhead Honda.
It's not surprising that she is running in a district that typically votes Republican. For transgender candidates, those are often the only places where they'll be given the chance to run at all.
In a sense, these transgender candidates are running as 'sacrificial lambs' for the party in these districts.
--Don Haider-Markel, a professor of political science at the University of Kansas
When Johnny Boucher announced that he was running for a seat on the Grand Prairie school board, one of the first questions he got wasn't about his qualifications, his background or his educational beliefs.
It was, "What bathroom will you use?"
Boucher, 29, wants to talk about his credentials as an award-winning teacher at a Montessori school in Dallas, about his passion for early childhood education and for innovative, specialized schools like the ones in Grand Prairie.
Jacey Wyatt is running for governor of Connecticut.
She doesn't her lack of experience will hurt her. "I don't think that's an issue,'' Wyatt said. "After all, we put a president in office with no experience.''
Mac McGregor is running for City Council in Seattle.
The 53-year-old, who sits on the Seattle Police Department’s LGBTQ Advisory Council and served on the Seattle LGBTQ Commission, said November’s election motivated him to seek office.
President Donald Trump’s pretty extreme, religious-right administration wants to roll back the clock on protections and acceptance of minorities.
They want us to be silent, but we’re not going to do it.. I’m going to stand for all marginalized people.
Sophia Hawes-Tingey launched her campaign [for mayor] over the weekend, giving her pitch to a small group of supporters at a Mexican restaurant inside a strip mall in Midvale.
Hawes-Tingey is no political novice. She ran unsuccessfully for state representative in 2014 and Midvale City Council a year later. She currently serves as vice-chair of the community council.
If you know of other candidates you wish to introduce, please feel free.

One alarm bell to me in all of the candidates
Kristin Browde:
I sure hope she doesn't follow in the neo-liberal footsteps.
I'm very cautious of anyone too closely linked to the one (Hillary) who brought the DNC to its knees foisting Trump upon us all!
I hope to see more names on the list (as long as they are more from the Bernie Wing than the Hillary Wing)
When I was a kid, Republicans used to red scare people, now it's the Democrats. I am getting too damn old for this crap!
Standing for all marginalized people was the concept of
great people like Harvey Milk (and Jesus, if you believe he or someone who spoke like he did existed). He said nothing about members of the LGBTQ community. Wait that's wrong. He said that everything boils down to loving God and loving your neighbor as yourself, your "neighbor" meaning every human on the planet, no exceptions.
Unfortunately, many of us do not love ourselves enough to get what that really means. And while I try not to hate anyone, I don't love everyone either. I don't love Trump or a whole bunch of people running our lives. But, I'm digressing.
I know people in some of those places who will vote for the best candidate. I will call them about the people in their area.