Toka. Israeli Espionage. Who ARE they loyal to?
Absolutely no one.
Toka is an Israeli firm that sells spyware.
Originally founded by former Israeli Prime Minister and Jeffrey Epstein associate Ehud Barak, one of these companies’ wares are being used by countries around the world, including in developing countries with the direct facilitation of global financial institutions like the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the World Bank.
I guess now that the world is hip to their pedo blackmail schemes they've gone digital.
used to target dissidents, politicians and journalists. It also allows many of the same groups who are Toka clients, like intelligence agencies, to use these tools for the purpose of obtaining blackmail
Dissidents. Like anyone they accuse of being anti-semetic who speaks out against the fascist right wing of Israeli politics.
You know, those pesky free speechers BDS guys here in America they want us to silence.
Barak’s close relationship with Epstein, including overnight visits to Epstein’s now-notorious island and apartment complexes that housed trafficked women and underage girls, has been extensively documented.
Israel has exhausted any moral high ground they may have once possessed. They are the Evil.
And lookie who is bankrolling this operation:
The venture capital firm co-founded by Silicon Valley titan Marc Andreessen is currently advised by former Secretary of the Treasury Larry Summers, a close friend of the infamous pedophile Jeffery Epstein. Early investors in Toka that are no longer listed on the firm’s website include Launch Capital, which is deeply tied to the Pritzker family — one of the wealthiest families in the U.S., with close ties to the Clintons and Obamas as well as the U.S.’ pro-Israel lobby
Pedophile blackmailers using children. The. Scum. Of. The. Earth.
The jewish community should be outraged and ashamed.

They are working hard
to suppress any information on this because the folks involved still have some semblance of power. If they are exposed, the power, supposedly, goes away. Let the sunshine in.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11