A Thank You Note to C99

Bear with me for a minute.

I want to acknowledge caucus99percent as a special place, an online community that all of us are fortunate to have discovered and, for many of us, to join as members.

We now have at c99 some of the best writers on politics and progressive activism on the entire internet in my opinion. I am not going to name names, because there are so many wonderful writers here. Some you see on the front page on a regular basis, but a great many more post valuable and thoughtful essays to Community Content. These writings, and the comment threads for them, are the equal of anything I've read anywhere on any blog or news media site. Some essays are laced with humor, while some describe the tragic and terrible crises we and people around the globe face. Others include a plethora of in depth analysis on economic, scientific and political issues. Many speak passionately to us about the many outrages that have occurred in our country, while others tell heartbreaking stories of personal experiences. I admire and respect all of the people who write them for they are my teachers.

And the best thing about getting to read their work is that I know that no one censors the content of their speech here. No dictatorial decrees come down from on high telling us what we can or cannot discuss, either in the essays we post or in the comments we make. No one offers us snide remarks that if we don't like the website owner's rules we can always start our own damn blog.

Now there are other places that have created havens for those of us who left Daily Kos and other progressive blogs that suddenly (or not so suddenly) became toxic and full of malice directed toward anyone who did not come to heel and toe the official "Blue Line." For example, I admire the heck out of the folks at the sub-reddit site, Kossacks_For_Sanders, for what they have created. However, even there they have to be careful about what they can allow to be posted as this statement by their moderators makes clear regarding the rules that can make it difficult for people to always speak their minds.

S4P [Sanders For President]and its offshoot Political Revolution are reddit subs. That puts us all on the same web site and subject to the constraints imposed by the administrators of the site. They generally take a dim view of running battles between subs and have the power to put subs into indefinite quarantine. We don't want to risk that happening here.

In light of those concerns we have been following a practice of removing posts that appear to us as an effort to carry on the S4P battles on KFS. We have not previously publicly posted it as a moderation policy. We are doing so now. We ask for your cooperation.

Thankfully we are not subject to those same kinds of pressures. And we owe that privilege to the people who created this website and maintain it. I had the good fortune to meet one of them, Joe Shikspack, in Philadelphia last Saturday. He is a lovely man, with a calm, warm and engaging personality, and I told him in person how grateful I am for this place. He and JtC have done a lot for me personally behind the scenes, and for that I also want to express my gratitude.

We live in "interesting" times right now, as the ironic proverb goes, but I do not feel cursed by our times in one sense, because they have led me here.

So, thank you, Joe and JtC and all the other people who helped create and maintain this site. Thank you also to all the wonderful people of this community, whether they post essays, leave comments or merely lurk and read. All of us are blessed to have found one another. All of us are fortunate to call ourselves c99ers.

By the way, I did not write this "note" seeking donations for c99. However, if anyone wishes to do so, please click on the yellow Donate button in the upper left hand margin of the main page, or go to this link for further information on how to send a donation to keep this place up and running.

All my best to you,


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Julian Assange has said that Google is a bigger threat than NSA.

At the NN16 conference, David Dayen said that NetrootsNation had to make major changes because bloggers are not the power they once were. Now, Google owns ads and Facebook owns eyeballs.

Surprise today in my twitter feed to find out about google deleting a man's years of work on a blog and all his files. Well, they could be found somewhere, but Google has not put them back yet. I had never followed him myself.

From the NY Times yesterday

The spectacles of life, sex and death are the mainstay of Dennis Cooper’s blog, DC’s Blog. I never know what to expect when I read it, but I always know I will be provoked, challenged and intrigued. Over the years, Mr. Cooper, an artist and writer, has curated any number of collections of ideas and images, revealing an inexhaustible curiosity about art and the human condition. He has unfailingly championed small-press writers, and particularly those who experiment with language, narrative and form.

I am especially drawn to Mr. Cooper’s posts on sex, death and violence — the things we do with and to human bodies. Often times, the work he shares is grotesque but impossible to ignore. Twice a month, he posts personal ads from international male escorts, young men detailing what they like to do sexually, what they will allow to be done to them, a display that is hypnotic and disturbing.

The Blog That Disappeared

And also covered in the New Yorker


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MarilynW's picture

FB didn't like her name: Hon. Lisa Helps Mayor of City of Victoria, BC. It said her name looked commercial. She got the page back after 10 days of debating with FB.

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To thine own self be true.

your writing along with all others have made us what we are, a blog is only as good as it's writers and it's commenters, surely much of the gold of this site can be sussed from the comment sections.

When this site was developed we tried to learn from others mistakes. We try to stay out of the way and give no official stance from on high that could be used as a bludgeon against others. We savor free flowing expression and it seems to be paying dividends.

Thank you all for making this site what it is.

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You're at the top of the list of great writers at this site, and I am grateful and privileged to be able to read you here.

And thank you, JtC, and Joe, and the rest of the founders of this site, who had the foresight to see the need for a place like this and the ambition to make it happen. I don't know what I'd do without you.

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Alex Budarin's picture

we tried to learn from others mistakes.

On this site you give me the kinds of things I asked for, or looked for, at TOP and couldn't get. Especially with regard to comments! Things like ability to edit comments and have comment titles. But, most of all, an expectation of civility.

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"All Life is Problem Solving" - Karl Popper

As a 12 year TOP addict, I never thought I could kick the habit. Thanks to the c99, I am top free. There was a lot of talk about community over there, but I never felt it. At c99, the community is real. People are here to share, not snipe.

Big hug to JtC for the hours upon hours of TA, and to Joe for his calming and laid back style. As a moderator here, they both make my job easy. So let me also thank them, the other moderators, and our community for the wonderful atmosphere and great new blog home.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

I sound so bitter sometime. But I appreciate the space to vent. And to appreciate the great writing and diverse topics and range of discussion.
Thank you All!

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Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

Lookout's picture

I appreciate this place and it's openness. Thanks to you all for being a thoughtful and insightful community. This site is a great learning and sharing venue. Rarely does the conversation drifts toward snark, and when it does everyone calls it out.

group hug.jpg

Group Hug for all!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Unabashed Liberal's picture

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

And read the story of your wife's medical problems and the healing of the art and dance therapy.

I also was in the habit of TOP/Orange Turd for too long. What kept me there for the last year was BNR and I saved up articles during the day and posted them with comments on Bernie News Report.

It is amazing how totally it is now a DNC/Hillary site and actively tries to kick off people.

When I go there I look to see if there is a topic of interest, like election integrity, and make a comment and then send a Kosmail to the person inviting them here to C99% or to TheLeftWing.

There has been so much going on as the empire collapses that I have not been here as much as I want to. And the time on the web is becoming an even worse problem on the home front. My wife is up in arms about neglecting her and the many issues of our kids and grandkids which often are at the extreme level. And she is for Hillary and I can get the male privilege aspect of her position. I have been blind to that until only recently and now see my own bad behavior.

dailykos should be a subset of TPM - another blog that I once followed and have not for years and years as it became a beltway clone

looking forward to hearing more from you Steve... and thanks

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Hawkfish's picture

But for some reason the browser auto-fill of my address was ignored (so I had to type in identical values) and it still runs the email address through PayPal's validation system (so I had to use a +xxx modification to avoid the duplicate email error). In the end, I was victorious, and now have a recurring contribution.

Thanks c99!

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We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg

MarilynW's picture

I also appreciate that it is not solely a political blog. It is also about the environment, the arts, and personal stories. Looking forward to seeing more of that after "this war is over."

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To thine own self be true.

Greetings and thanks to all!

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I hope we see a lot more of you!

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Please help support caucus99percent!

sojourns's picture

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"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage

detroitmechworks's picture

but that's from years of habit, and the knowledge that some of my opinions are extremely unpopular.
I'm getting better, but it's a hard habit to break.
Used to tell myself I'd do it as soon as I hit Mojo 5... then I didn't want to lose it.
Now I don't want to lose friends, and so avoid certain topics.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

mimi's picture

same time ...and I am actually not so much in favor of that. Wink

So, yeah, you are all very kind (wo)men and great to read and listen to. A place to come back home to over and over. This place is all I need for talking (and basically also for news collecting).

With regards to self-censoring, you may think I can't do it, but I feel it do it all the time. But then I think that's in our genes. Imagine we never would restrain ourselves from punching everyone in their faces with our words. That would be hell, wouldn't it?

Thanks to the awesome writers and researchers here. You rock. And you are the best. Period. The good thing is I can be biased as much as I want to and nobody cares. Thanks for that too.:-)

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MarilynW's picture

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To thine own self be true.

mimi's picture

that's why I can't help myself to comment. Sorry for that, I don't want to use any other social media sites like facebook and can't read more than this one blog and some news articles. I don't know if that will ever change, but I hope so.

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Wandered around a bit when TOP began wallowing in the mud, but find myself most often here, because so many of my favorite writers came here. Commenters too tend to come from the upper echelons, so I'm just a tad shy about adding my .02 sometimes.

But I speak anyway, partly because I remember this from my childhood: my mom asked me why I had a lower grade from my class when I'd always been an A+ student. It was long division, I said. I didn't really understand it and didn't want to appear stupid by asking questions. She said, "you know what happens when you won't ask a stupid question?" I dunno. She answers it herself: "you stay stupid".

I like that so much more than "there's no such thing as a stupid question" - because I know different.

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I tell my patients, "I'd rather look stupid than be stupid." I think they appreciate it.

Please speak up! I love what you have to say.

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Please help support caucus99percent!

jamess's picture

Time for another $50 tip to our tireless hosts.

and Done!

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Deja's picture

I despise PayPal.

Actually found my password but it wouldn't accept it. And, I spent 30 minutes on 2 calls to India when I bought jewelry from Michele from here resetting PW to what I wrote down.

Tried the non PayPal route first but PayPal bastards apparently have a monopoly on both my email address and card number. Said I HAD to use PayPal or use a different email AND card.

Sorry, but I tried. It would be a bad idea for me to call India right now.

If I remember to take cash, and remember to buy a money order, I'll send a donation. Just don't take it as a promise because I still can't remember to buy wax strips and I'm near hipster guy level growth by now. Fool

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joe shikspack's picture

thanks for the kind words steven. and thanks so much for all the fine work you do, not only on this site but with the people's convention and elsewhere to help keep the movement going.

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