Thank You Mr. Trump
Thanks to your victory, The New York Times, on the day before your inauguration, has made climate change its top story on the front page of its print edition. Take a look:
Here's the lead two paragraphs:
Marking another milestone for a changing planet, scientists reported on Wednesday that the Earth reached its highest temperature on record in 2016, trouncing a record set only a year earlier, which beat one set in 2014. It is the first time in the modern era of global warming data that temperatures have blown past the previous record three years in a row.
The findings come two days before the inauguration of an American President who has called global warming a Chinese plot and vowed to roll back his predecessor's efforts to cut emissions of heat trapping gases.
They even add more information supportive of statements made by climate scientists, with little or no attention paid to presenting "the other side" of the "controversy."
In reality, the Earth is heating up, a point long beyond serious scientific dispute, but one becoming more evident as the records keep falling. Temperatures are heading toward levels that many experts believe will pose a profound threat to both the natural world and to human civilization. [...]
“A single warm year is something of a curiosity,” said Deke Arndt, chief of global climate monitoring for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. “It’s really the trend, and the fact that we’re punching at the ceiling every year now, that is the real indicator that we’re undergoing big changes.”
For example, many experts on sea level believe that a rise of 15 or 20 feet has already become inevitable, though they cannot say how fast it will happen. A rise that large would drown most of the world’s coastal cities without heroic efforts to fortify them.
Amazing. Their top story actually states that "In reality, the Earth is heating up, a point long beyond serious scientific dispute ..." Long beyond scientific dispute! On the front page of the NY effing Times of all places. The paper that still gives op-ed space to a prominent climate denier.
I can't imagine what the Times editorial staff would have decided to run with as their top story today if tomorrow was to be Hillary Clinton's inauguration day. One can only speculate, but I doubt the Times, which usually buries these stories in the back pages of its print version of the paper or intentionally ignores them completely, would have made the top story on its front page one regarding the existential threat posed by anthropogenic climate disruption, if Ms. Clinton was about to move into the White House.
And by existential threat, I mean man-made changes to our climate with deadly and irreversible consequences by 2017, a threat about which the International Energy Agency warned the world in 2011, six years ago. I suspect that the Times would have consigned this story to its usual position in the graveyard that is the back pages of the paper, if Hillary Clinton, with her record of advocating for fracking as Secretary of State, and her receipt of millions of dollars to her campaign from Big Oil (more than Trump received), and "donations" to her family's private foundation from oil companies and foreign states that are major oil and gas producers, was going to take the oath of office tomorrow as our 45th President.
So, thank you Donald Trump. It seems your victory has made the deadly threat climate change front page news again, at least as far as the American media is concerned.

I had the same reaction
Thank you NYTimes, and thank you President Trump for bringing this into focus. I actually had a warm feeling towards the Times this morning and it wasn't the usual flush of anger. This is how we protest President Trump's policies when they are wrong, facts and focus!
From what I read, Trump's team accepts the fact that we are in a period of global warming. What they don't accept is that it is mostly if not all man made. So, that's our challenge.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
In other words
They can no longer deny the reality of warming, they just deny the scientific consensus of what is causing it. Which isn't really any better than just denying the reality of warming...
It's the sun, it's a natural cycle, it's volcanoes...we've heard all this shit for decades.
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
There is a sideshow & also an agency coup planned for tomorrow
THE CONFIRMATION HEARINGS and the INAUGURATION are nothing but a SIDESHOW. Trump is the master of manipulating the shiny object -- writing outlandish Tweets, sending cabinet appointees to the Hill who say ridiculous or ridiculously uninformed things -- while planning the real changes through shock troops being put together behind the scenes.
An article posted on The Hill this morning -- hardly a left-wing screed ( "Trump Team Prepares Dramatic Cuts") describes how the Trump Admin. is planning to follow the plan of the Heritage Foundation in gutting govt. services. It describes the "swat" teams being put together to go into Federal agencies at 12:01 on Friday and immediately start whacking. Have you noticed that his dictate that so many govt. servants resign has the earmarks of a hostile coup?
While the cabinet nominees still have not been confirmed -- and some of them may have little insight to what is actually being planned -- these bands of 2d tier appointees (who are not subject to confirmation) will already have made the changes. There is a reason why military generals were his first choices -- these are battlefield tactics often used by corporate CEO's but not well understood by the American public.
Some of those specific changes planned in blueprint of the Heritage Foundation and described in The Hill's article:
"The Corporation for Public Broadcasting would be privatized. ..
"At the Department of Justice, the blueprint calls for eliminating the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, Violence Against Women Grants and the Legal Services Corporation and for reducing funding for its Civil Rights and its Environment and Natural Resources divisions.
"At the Department of Energy, it would roll back funding for nuclear physics and advanced scientific computing research to 2008 levels, eliminate the Office of Electricity, eliminate the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and scrap the Office of Fossil Energy, which focuses on technologies to reduce carbon dioxide emissions."
The election is over. The coup has begun. It's time to rethink what resistance actually means in the era of Trump.
What's worse is that I've begun to wonder whether I would even feel the impact of any of these rollbacks of a tone-deaf bureaucracy? When during the past Democratic admins. did any of these agencies actually make any real differences in most people's lives? We think of them as a bulwark of our rights but try calling the Social Security administration when they make a mistake on a check or getting the EPA to actually take a progressive role in a fracking dispute. A huge issue here is the absolute neglect of Democratic administrations for the real concerns of ordinary people and for social justice.
So the govt. agencies will come down in a bloodless coup -- and Trump will put out some bribes and crumbs to keep the masses believing that somehow this is all good for them. It's late -- the empire is crumbling -- and perhaps with it democracy and even lip service to human rights.
While Bernie is out hollering as loud as he can about class issues, Hillary will sit on the podium and smile at the Donald, as people who thought her candidacy was legitimate will risk getting their heads cracked -- without her even appearing to notice. But then too, Bernie keeps foolishly insisting that change is possible in the DNC. It's time to get very serious about what it would take to reclaim ground for the 99%. I agree with CSTS -- the demo on Saturday is just people saying Hillary should have won -- and likely not even noticing that legal protections for women are being dismantled as they march with pussyhats on. (But take heart -- Mika on Morning Joe, great friend of Ivanka, tells us that women will soon have greater access to capital -- hey, we can all become successful capitalists too -- regardless of gender!)
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Heritage Foundation government
We are so royally screwed.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Imagine that, the entire globe is warming?
And only for the last couple of years eh? When they start talking a bit more about what Exxon knew and when they knew it, maybe they'd get some credibility back. And maybe when they mention how Mr Obama, hope and change himself, has not only done nothing but accelerated more drilling in both the US and the rest of the world maybe they can be "real news." But I for one will never subscribe to that rag ever again. While I was maybe a little surprised to see that hit the front page, not really. They'll probably "argue" about the causes for the next four years while nothing gets done and then bury further discussion on the back pages. After all, they'll have the daily abomination of the Rump to talk about. They have to appear to have some "distance" between an outright denier and themselves and here's their first round.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
T-rump has cleverly emasculated the press. All you should believe are his tweets.
The NYT is decades late and dollars ahead. I often wonder where we would be if we had kept to Carters energy powered a decade or two ago?
Looks like we're in for a pissing war between tiny hands and the press, and I'm hoping between the t-rump and the CIA.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
For me it is an easy visualization.
I liked Jimmy Carter. He understood the engineering needed to fix our deteriorating situation. But like most science savvy he just couldn't "sell it".
The Achilles Heel of those that continue to block real solutions is the tax code. As we should know: Taxing is not about some stupid notion of supplying government with funds to operate. Taxing is a social engineering tool. If we are ever to solve the problem we need to force the rich to stop · · ·
One baby step forward, spin around and jump . . .
Big Coal, Oil, et cetera are safe, The New York Times no longer has any real journalists on staff. Why the NY Times would publish this, I have no clue, but this signals nothing of any consequence, and I have no intention of reading any of it, UNLESS · · · buried deep within the bowels of the article they actually discuss real actions to mitigate this disaster in the making. Forget "Hell Freezing Over" TNYT will print All the News That's Fit to Print the day after I construct a transdimensional portal and say さようなら.
I have a lucite (I hope) LED in my tea glass that changes
colors. Wowie. Red now, no, green. A light show. It takes so little to please me now, or something. Refuse to look at NYT.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
The NYT? I'm surprised the headline didn't read "Trump has WMDs"
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa