Team99%Fundraising - First Report to the Caucus 99 Percent Users
We volunteers for the Team99%Fundraisers had our first organizational meeting on August 17. This is the agenda we dealt with:
Hello and welcome to this first planning session of the c99 fundraising committee/group. The list of us on this message is my collation of those of you who volunteered to join, by comment or by private message as well as those who have written fundraising essays.
Some of the latter group may not have personal time available to devote to the committee, and our inclusion of them won't extend to waiting for their input/responses to our working PM round robins, but their input (when & if) will be invaluable, and we'll want to keep them informed as we invent our sausage machine. If I've missed anybody who belongs on either list, please say so in your responses, so I can add them and pm them with this opener.
1.We need to operate under two simple, inflexible rules: The first is, "Everything we come up with needs JtC's prior approval." Naturally, I'm not talking about him having to inspect our rivets; we just want to make damn sure he sees and signs off on the architectural drawings. We won't even need to bother him except for final approvals, because dkmich is a volunteer as well as one of the site moderators, and will know when we need to run a thought or idea by JtC.
2. The second rule should be, "Everything we do should further the goal of self-funding a people's blog in a way that makes assisting accessible to everyone." I predict this rule will prove to be our most powerful tool, and is in any case necessary to what we want to accomplish.
3. We have to have transparency in our proceedings as well as our accomplishments; if we dare to presume to do things in the name of the people, we must have their eyeballs on our deeds. I'll want to publish this as a post from the fundraising committee. I would incorporate amendments from those of you who wished all or part of your input to be specifically cited. I think if we made this a regular way to report to the blog members we could accomplish several good things at once. One of them is transparency without having to think twice or bite one's tongue in a working PM response. The original post has to be unedited, of course; we ain't gonna disfunction like the Congresscritters.
4. We should be as non-hierarcial as possible, commensurate with routine efficiency. We want to draw in as large a pool of diverse talents as possible to our committee and we want everyone to feel empowered to speak up with a suggestion or observation, without thinking they need to be sub-committee chairs or some such. That doesn't mean we won't naturally gravitate toward sub groups we're interested in or good at.
Some committee members will be good with taking care of the details of getting a donation packed, shipped, marketed, auctioned, and they'll know which donating artist/craftsperson needs their help or reassurance. Some members will be able to relate to and aid members who find ways to (literally) manufacture the donation money (in Rusty 1776's fundraiser, 42's comment). We'll do better networking the right committee members with the needing users, and users themselves will start reaching out to the right sub-group, where anyone might answer.
5. Setting up this way means we'll be leaning on secretarial skills (the way the real world works) heavily, at least to get started. Fortunately, dkmich has specifically volunteered to assist there, and I figure others will as well. It also means nobody is yet "in charge" of publishing for the group we're forming, so we have an immediate problem: Who should clear essays published in the name of the group? Shiz PM'd me last night and I suggested publishing without waiting for me to read it (we're talking Shiz here, I knew it would be great) but we need an inspector. I suggest we ask dkmich to do that, at least at the start.
6. We need a proper group name. It should be transparent, yet invite further inquiry. I suggest we use C99p fundraising group, or C99p fundraising committee. People on and off the site who don't know what we're fundraising for will be tempted to see, and may learn something. We should avoid a cutesy or flippant name because we're building something new here; we have to convey we take our work seriously and that it's worth others taking it seriously. JtC told me he's behind us 200%, and to just ask for what help he can give. Right now, we need two things from him: a group page and link, and a report of incoming funds monthly, broken down into recurring and one-time contrib totals. For him to give us a page and link, we need to pick a name.
Please, all committee volunteers, respond to the six numbered paragraphs, and I'll add whatever you like before we publish tomorrow afternoon, along with a small summary of what's been accomplished, but three big shout-outs: Thanks to [elenacarlena] for our funding thermometer, thanks to LeChienHarry for finding the POP Money solution to Paypal and thanks to JtC for trusting us with this.
I'll include part of my response to the team during discussion. You'll note that I'm not including direct quotes from other volunteers, but if you must know what each of us said (or thought) by all means come find out by joining our team and being part of our work.
Dallasdoc, dkmich, how about if I include direct PMs to JtC as part of my general secretary duties? What I would do is send him two messages for each of our sessions. One would be the entire group pm we've used. The other would be a short but comprehensive summary that would boil down the first one for JtC. When we have specific requests of JtC --as we do today-- I'd send a third pm for that session. What do you think, everyone, is this OK?
dkmich, on your #1, thank you. Your communication suggestions are all good, and I'll see about setting them up in the next four or five days. If you've already asked JtC to set us up under Team99% we should go for it, because we need to get started as a group on the blog as soon as just before we publish the final notes of this session. I take and agree with the point that we should have 'fundraising' in our name, but we can always amend that in a couple of weeks if we still feel it necessary. Also, if we're adding "fundraising to support a people's blog" I think we'll get to the same place.
On #2, JtC would need to make the decision whether to add Square Cash. I hope he does, because the more ways to pony up, the more ponies we'll get. Keeping in mind that it took JtC a morning's work to set up his end of POP Money, I agree we need to research the details so (if he agrees to add it) the mechanics of sign-up will be as brief and painless as possible. Anyone of us who does the research can enlighten the rest of us in session two.
On #3, yes, and we definitely need Elena's instruction. An essay from you and Elena on the subject would be very useful and informative. That is the sort of general site-user instruction which will help build our efforts and the spirit of the blog. It wouldn't need 'inspection' either: You'd be publishing as the experts on the subject.
On #4 you are again correct, and I expect us to rely on ongoing subscriptions eventually. The whole numbers and sources of income thingy will be the subject of our next planning group pm, sent out a couple hours after this session is published as an essay.
Your TO DO lists look good; we don't need everything on JtC's list shared but he should have it handy. An essay on the costs of running a blog would be very useful, however. More on that in session two.
Session two (organizing) will start as soon as I post the group private message. We'll be talking about various kinds of fundraising and making decisions about directions and goals to aim for. I want to encourage everyone interested in doing so to join our team. What we are trying to build has to be very broad-based, and we want a large team. Don't make the (false) assumption that you have nothing to bring to the team; we will find your clever parts and ask you to put them to work. JekyllnHyde posted a list which we all should contemplate:
1. It is incredibly time consuming and requires lots of patience.
2. Every inquiry needs to be addressed and catered to.
3. It requires persistence, lots of it.
4. Creativity in getting one's message across is an added bonus.
5. Luck and timing are intangibles over which most of us have little to no control.
Note that JnH (a noted and noteworthy fundraiser for years) doesn't say anything about needing technical skills. Fundraising is about dealing with people. If you care to join the team, say so here in the comment thread or send me a private message; you'll then be on the next group pm.
I'm going to publish this report to the blog members and then go visit with what dkmich and LeChienHarry have dug up for our team's communications, so I may not be immediately available to respond to comments, but I will answer (or find answers for) every question.

The intertubz ate my first response.Well done Dave!
This is comprehensive and well laid out. Thanks for all you are doing and for keeping it up front.
OK C99% folks, this group is looking for your thoughts on what you see here. No one wants to work in the dark.
So belly on up, and say what you think.
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
If you can donate, please! POP Money is available for bank-to-bank transfers. Email JtC to make a monthly donation.
Thanks daveincleveland,
just as a side question, it seems one can't delete a double or triple C99p private message. If there is a way, can someone pm me to say how. Thanks.
Hi Mimi, I don't think we can delete double posts in group pms.
I don't think I can add to the list of recipients of a group pm after I've sent it out, either. Please ask those two questions in the pm as soon as we get Elena back with us (tomorrow) in case I forget to.
Please consider subscribing monthly, to help keep c99 going.
Thanks for this great start!
I'm looking forward to self-funding - makes us all personally invested in the site. Although I don't have time to participate in this group at this time, in the coming years, if I am ever to actually retire, I'd be happy to join. In the meantime, I'm here for any way I can contribute.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Not to worry, Raggedy Ann, by the time our team is full size we
will have a bunch of part-time members. Part-time from you will be like triple-time in value.
Please consider subscribing monthly, to help keep c99 going.
Looks like c99p's fundraising is in competent hands, and we
are off to a good start!
"All Life is Problem Solving" - Karl Popper
Thanks to you all
for taking this on.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Thanks, Steven D. I think we're having fun at it too. I sure am.
Please consider subscribing monthly, to help keep c99 going.
Thanks for All of Your Efforts, David
We are indeed going to need everyone pulling together in this endeavor.
A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
Thanks, JnH, and triple thanks for the graphic; it's awesome.
Please consider subscribing monthly, to help keep c99 going.
All, you rock!!!
Due to unforeseen circumstances (just got diagnosed with a truly rare, familial form of blood cancer, and dh lost his job! Blech and double blech!) I haven't been around much of late. So heartened to see that this newly born of fire community has rallied to JtC's aid, because I really love this place and the people I've grown to know and love from TOP who've migrated over. I'd be bereft and heart broken if this life raft started to take on water! If there is anything I can do to lend a hand, I'm in. Please reach out if help is needed in the writing, diary, sharing on social media or other non-monetary fronts? Peace, love, and Bobby Sherman
(Those older than 59 will recognize the reference).
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
Ha! Bobby!
13 year old Hillbilly Dem to my first girlfriend: "You wouldn't leave me for anyone else would you?"
13 year old girlfriend to HD: "No. Except maybe David Cassidy or Bobby Sherman."
And all my best to you L.L.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Fifty-six here and loved me some Bobby Sherman!
Not that I had very good taste when I was a kid.
So sorry to hear about medical troubles! Let us know what we can do, K? Hopefully having a home here will help.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
My heart and prayers goes out to you and yours
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
So sorry to read of your problems, Lisa
I'll hold you in my thoughts. Get better, and let me know if there's anything I can do.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Lisa, your strong and positive spirit shines
through your comment! Thank you for your kind,loving, and encouraging words! I send you lots of healing, loving, joyful thoughts and energy!
Thanks, Lisa. I'm so sorry to hear about your medical & job
issues. If there's anything we can do, speak. When you feel up to it, either much or little involvement from you will be invaluable. Meanwhile, get well; concentrate on that, but if the spirit moves you to write an essay or send advice, please do. Love and good wishes to you both.
Please consider subscribing monthly, to help keep c99 going.
Just as data you might want to look at--
and I say this with all humility with no pretensions of having an "answer" or a cure:
You may want to look into the studies that have been going on over the past few years on the extract of the coriolus versicolor or trametes versicolor mushroom. It has been shown to have a strong anti-cancer effect.
This article is a good jumping-off point (good bibliography):
I got into this through its applications in veterinary medicine, because my cat has pancreatic cancer. Sadly, it's been more extensively tested for use in animals than in humans (apparently it's hard for big pharma to patent substances that have been long used in folk medicine, which makes them less interested in researching them...) most notably by the University of Pennsylvania, on dogs that had a type of blood cancer. This is not the fringe edges of new age/granola hippie natural meds, but actual scientists studying natural meds (which to me is significantly different).
Here's the study on dogs:
“We were shocked,” Cimino Brown said. “Prior to this, the longest reported median survival time of dogs with hemangiosarcoma of the spleen that underwent no further treatment was 86 days. We had dogs that lived beyond a year with nothing other than this mushroom as treatment.”
The results were so surprising, in fact, that the researchers asked Penn Vet pathologists to recheck the dogs’ tissue biopsies to make sure that the dogs really had the disease.
This data dump not intended as a substitute for my well wishes, which are also yours in abundance.
I've long valued your commentary.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Thanks, humbly, for your generous and
kind thoughts and suggestions!

As the old song says, 'whatever gets you through the night...' When I find myself unable to sleep, reading C99 on my tablet helps to ground me and re-invest my energy in positive ways. If I didn't say it before, All, you rock!
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
I wish you the best, too, Lisa. Try to stay strong. A friend
once told us (when we got seriously concerning medical news) to never give up--and never quit believing in the power of positive thinking, and even 'miracles.'
They were right.
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit, and, therefore, to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
National Mill Dog Rescue (NMDR) - Dogs Available For Adoption
Update: Misty May has been adopted. Yeah!
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Might a link to the PopMoney how-to article be a good thing
to post on this page, so it's always easy for people to find?
Or maybe on the donation page?
I set up an account
on mostly for myself, but feel free to use it.
Just pay S.L. citizen Jtc99. (Search for Jtc99, then right click to pay).
The Exchange Rate is $1000L = $4.00 U.S. :: $500L = $2.00 U.S.
$250L = $1.00 U.S. ::: $5.00 U.S. = $1250L :: $10 U.S. = $2500L
Need any help holler.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.