Summary of Key KSF and WotB Links Related to Election Cheating by DNC and Both Recent Chairs of the DNC, as of Nov 1, 2016

Hi friends,

One of the problems with sites like c99p and the reddit subs is that its hard to "catch up" on what you've missed if you've been away for a bit, and depending on when and how often you visit, you might miss quite a bit. These site are great for WHAT'S HAPPENING NOW, but it's nice to also have the context of what came BEFORE to better make sense of current events. In addition, for the last few weeks at least, SO MUCH HAS BEEN HAPPENING related to the election that it's been hard to to keep up even if you HAVE been spending a lot of time reading. If I've been very engaged in one topic, perhaps I missed another one that was huge, but somehow I just didn't see it. Also, I like to be able to provide evidence to others when I'm having a conversation, and having access to a resource such as the lists you are about to see makes it easier to do that. Anyway, I thought this info might seem helpful to others so I thought I'd go ahead and share what I have so far. Maybe you can share some of it with voters who are still somewhat charmed by Hillary somehow.

I've been trying to organize all of the information in a way to help me understand the big picture, and also remember key details of what has happened so far, which has basically boiled down to creating and organizing lists of useful links. I've found a way to compile the best posts from KFS and WotB based on the TOP feature of reddit (which essentially shows the most popular posts). I'm organizing the links by subject and also by date, to be able to see the timeline of events. FYI, I'd like to be able to enhance the summary in the future to also get the best of c99p to incorporate those essays too, but time is short and I wanted to get a "first release" out before the election is over. I'm also planning on releasing other summaries for a number of other areas, including the ongoing FBI investigation.

Contained in this summary are useful and important posts related to

  • Donna Brazile, the current DNC Chair
  • CNN (especially because of its connection to Donna Brazile)
  • Debbie Wasserman Shultz, the former DNC Chair
  • Mocking of the Bernie Sanders Campaign by the DNC
  • Nevada "Chair Throwing" and Other Fun (key name: Jon Ralston)
  • DNC contemplating going after Bernie on Religion (key names: Brad Marshall, Luis Miranda, Mark Paustenbach)
  • DNC hiring paid agitators to impersonate Sanders Supporters or cause trouble at Trump rallies (key names: Scott Foval, Robert Creamer, Americans United for Change)
  • Class Action Lawsuit against the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz (key names, Jared Beck, Shawn Lucas)
  • Federal Elections Commission Lawsuit against Hillary Clinton (key names: James O’Keefe, Project Veritas)

UPDATE: November 2, 2016: Sandino pointed out an absolutely fabulous website to me, called Most Damaging WikiLeaks, which trys to name and describe the Top 100 most damaging items that have been revealed by WikiLeaks. I have added additional rows to the tables below, highlighted in yellow.

Donna Brazile, the current DNC Chair, who gave unfair advantages to Hillary during the primaries of 2016, including giving her debate questions BEFORE the debate
Votes Date Submitted Submitter to WotB Comments? Submitter to KFS Comments?
Top 100 Most Damaging WikiLeaks #15. Hillary cheated in debates: DNC head Donna Brazile caught giving MULTIPLE debate questions to Hillary
Top 100 Most Damaging WikiLeaks #21. CNN leaked primary debate question to Hillary through head of DNC
Top 100 Most Damaging WikiLeaks #92. Hillary finds out more debate questions
148 If Hillary Sounds Like She's Memorized Answers to Interview Questions, This Leaked Email Explains It (
  10/7/2016 low-n-r-g 13 comments
189 @WikiLeaks: Donna Brazile Was Clinton Mole Who Tipped Off Clinton Campaign About Sanders Planned Twitter Storm (
  10/10/2016 AdviseMyAdvice 21 comments
258 Wikileaks: DNC Chair Donna Brazile Aided Clinton Campaign Against Sanders (
  10/10/2016 Bernie4Ever 40 comments
202 Wikileaks - Donna Brazile leaked debate question on death penalty to Hillary campaign in advance of primary debate (
  10/11/2016 DunningKruger-Effect 34 comments
379 It was really rigged for Bernie from the start. New WikiLeaks release shows the head of DNC emailed debate question to John Podesta (Clinton campaign) a day before the Town Hall against Bernie Sanders. (
  10/13/2016 thyeyretoocute 25 comments
125 Ben Swann Has Awesome Coverage Of Podesta Leaks: DNC Chair Donna Brazile Did Leak Townhall Question To Clinton Campaign (
  10/13/2016 bernieaccountess 6 comments
205 Jordan's NOT HAVING Donna Brazile's Russia Dodge! (
  10/19/2016 basedOp 95 comments basedOp 37 comments
8 I made this video to prove for once and for all weather Donna's CNN leak email was altered or not. The math doesn't lie... • /r/WikiLeaks (
  10/20/2016 TheMysteriousFizzyJ comment
11 New Clinton Campaign Wikileaks Email Cites DNC Chief Donna Brazile as Surrogate (
  10/20/2016 vonHakkenslasch comment
106 DNC Chair Unravels During Interview (
  10/20/2016 wiseprogressivethink 18 comments
91 Jordan Chariton Rocks! Grills Donna Brazile On Leaking CNN Question To Clinton Campaign (
  10/20/2016 Prometheus_Unbound_ 12 comments Prometheus_Unbound_ 5 comments
156 Open letter to DNC. Fire Donna Brazile (without giving her another cushy job) by the end of October or we Bernie supporters will vote Trump. (self.WayOfTheBern)
  10/21/2016 T2AmR 369 comments
100 DNC Chair Unravels During Interview, Claims ‘Persecution’ Over Accusation of Feeding Clinton Town Hall Question (
  10/21/2016 wiseprogressivethink 17 comments
108 Is Wikileaks About To Take Down The DNC? Says They Have ‘Surprise’ For Interim DNC Chair Donna Brazile (
  10/21/2016 chakokat 36 comments
73 Donna Brazile Gets Owned by Jordan Chariton of TYT Politics (
  10/22/2016 Ninma 1 comment
559 CNN severs ties with Donna Brazile (
  10/31/2016 justice_here 123 comments gideonvwainwright 17 comments
228 Donna Brazile: "I'll send a few more. Though some questions Roland submitted" #PodestaEmails24 • /r/DNCleaks (
  10/31/2016 aesop55 4 comments
227 Jordan Chariton on Twitter: "When will @donnabrazile be resigning as DNC chair and @BernieSanders be replacing? #PodestaEmails24" (
  10/31/2016 Ninma 34 comments Ninma 11 comments
211 Why Stop at Donna Brazile? Let's Purge All the Political Hacks on Cable News. (
  10/31/2016 chakokat 18 comments chakokat 9 comments
184 Donna Brazile caught red handed sharing questions ... AGAIN - Podesta 24 • /r/The_Donald (
  10/31/2016 basedOp 20 comments
182 Donna Brazile Leak May Help DNC Class Action Lawsuit (
  10/31/2016 chakokat 11 comments chakokat 1 comment
121 The emails are DKIM signed, which means they're cryptographically proven to have come from and unchanged. Donna Brazile's "Russia changed it!" BS no longer flies. (self.Kossacks_for_Sanders)
  10/31/2016 japinthebox 21 comments
102 DNC boss fingered again in media collusion with Clinton - Somebody within CNN had to feed Brazile questions that were forwarded to the Clinton Campaign. - "She was not a moderator for any of these debates or town halls. She was not involved in the debate prep in any capacity." (
  10/31/2016 basedOp 2 comments basedOp 4 comments
80 CNN Formally Severs Ties With Donna Brazile: ‘Completely Uncomfortable’ With Question-Sharing (
  10/31/2016 CareToRemember 38 comments
74 WikiLeaks on Twitter: "Former CNN host, current DNC Chair Donna Brazile, exposed as leaking 2nd townhall question to Hillary Clinton" (
  10/31/2016 Ninma 7 comments
41 Jordan Chariton on Twitter: "@donnabrazile is serial question leaker 2 @HillaryClinton camp-she also lied to yours truly! #PodestaEmails24" (
  10/31/2016 Ninma comment
26 Second question given by Brazile to Clinton -WIKILEAKS 24: Weiner's 650,000 Emails Linked to Clinton Being Hacked in ... (
  10/31/2016 Purityofessence1 1 comment
19 Time to ask the surrogates: If Donna did leak the questions, should she resign and apologize to Bernie and us? (self.Kossacks_for_Sanders)
  10/31/2016 citizensunitedsucks 3 comments
702 Democratic National Committee: Donna Brazile Must Go. Tulsi Gabbard For DNC Chair. (
  11/1/2016 BernieBro 54 comments BernieBro 4 comments
Votes Date Submitted Submitter to WotB Comments? Submitter to KFS Comments?
Top 100 Most Damaging WikiLeaks #15. Hillary cheated in debates: DNC head Donna Brazile caught giving MULTIPLE debate questions to Hillary
Top 100 Most Damaging WikiLeaks #21. CNN leaked primary debate question to Hillary through head of DNC
Top 100 Most Damaging WikiLeaks #34. List of reporters that Hillary wined and dined, including biggest journalists and pundits of CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, NY Times, and a lot more. Off the record.
Top 100 Most Damaging WikiLeaks #92. Hillary finds out more debate questions
212 CNN: It is ILLEGAL to read the Wikileaks documents, so you have to get it from us. (
  10/17/2016 CadetPeepers 57 comments
68 Huffington Post, CNN, AP Colluded With Hillary Clinton Campaign For Puff Pieces (
  10/20/2016 Blackjack115 comment
43 Breaking news from The New York Times, one of Clinton’s public relations firms (others include the Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, Vox, Slate, The Daily Beast, TPM and more), attempts to deflect from the Clinton email scandal by rehashing Trump’s taxes. (self.WayOfTheBern)
  10/31/2016 RLS_2 21 comments RLS_2 3 comments
105 CNN must conduct an internal investigation on debate question leaks — now (
  10/31/2016 SandersDemocrat 12 comments
323 After finding out that Hillary received questions in advanced of ATLEAST 2 different debates hosted by CNN; CNN should be banned from ever hosting another presidential debate! (
  11/1/2016 ShotBot 13 comments
28 Even CNN Knows... (
  11/1/2016 10gauge 3 comments
Debbie Wasserman Shultz
Votes Date Submitted Submitter to WotB Comments? Submitter to KFS Comments?
Top 100 Most Damaging WikiLeaks #17. Rigging the primaries against Bernie Sanders (DNC favored Hillary)
Top 100 Most Damaging WikiLeaks #67. Hillary told Tim Kaine back in July 2015 he would be VP
Top 100 Most Damaging WikiLeaks #90. Trouble with NBC so they call Chuck Todd to take care of it
106 "If the plan is to so anger or depress Bernie supporters that they stay home on election day if Hillary is nominated, Debbie is performing brilliantly" They should've listened. (
  10/20/2016 bernieaccountess 15 comments
142 Are We Seriously Just Going To Let Debbie Wasserman Shultz Get Away With Her Assault On American Democracy? (
  10/31/2016 Forkfoot 4 comments Forkfoot 3 comments
131 Debbie Wasserman who resigned in disgrace for helping Hillary gets replaced by someone who gave multiple debate questions to Hillary Clinton. And we are supposed to accept it? (self.Kossacks_for_Sanders)
  11/1/2016 eman00619 8 comments
Top Hillary aides making disparaging remarks about: Bernie Sanders, Catholics, Latinos, Blacks, Muslims
Votes Date Submitted Submitter to WotB Comments? Submitter to KFS Comments?
Top 100 Most Damaging WikiLeaks #7. Top Hillary aides mock Catholics for their faith
Top 100 Most Damaging WikiLeaks #12. Latinos are "needy". Latino outreach is "taco bowl engagement"
Top 100 Most Damaging WikiLeaks #37. Racist remarks about Blacks and Muslims
DNC Staffers Mocked the Bernie Sanders Campaign, Leaked Emails Show
Nevada Chair Throwing
Votes Date Submitted Submitter to WotB Comments? Submitter to KFS Comments?
859 Nevada DNC 'chair throwing' smear intended to discredit Sanders supporters originated from DNC communications director. In email to reporter, DNC requests them to publish story without attribution. (
  7/23/2016 HillaryShillington 63 comments
Going after Bernie on Religion
Votes Date Submitted Submitter to WotB Comments? Submitter to KFS Comments?
254 New Leak: Top DNC Official Wanted to Use Bernie Sanders’s Religious Beliefs Against Him (
  7/22/2016 Spacewoman3 131 comments
243 Sold at your nearest DNC Gift Shop: Anti-Semitic Shirt (
  8/24/2016 joshthephysicist 90 comments
Paid Agitators
Votes Date Submitted Submitter to WotB Comments? Submitter to KFS Comments?
Top 100 Most Damaging WikiLeaks #5. Paying people to incite violence and unrest at Trump rallies
Top 100 Most Damaging WikiLeaks #77. Staging fake anti-Trump protest, conspiring with Univision CEO
566 Rigging the Election - Video I: Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies (
  10/17/2016 basedOp 248 comments
143 UPDATE: Clinton Campaign, DNC coordinated with organizations to incite violence at Trump events. New video of Zulema Rodriguez blocking traffic on Arizona Highway to Trump rally, then faking a medical crisis. FEC documents confirm Zulema paid by HILLARY FOR AMERICA, MOVEON.ORG, STAND UP FOR OHIO PAC (self.Kossacks_for_Sanders)
  10/18/2016 basedOp 9 comments basedOp 50 comments
114 Be aware, CTR trolls are saying the O'Keefe video is fake. Don't fall for it. (self.WayOfTheBern)
  10/18/2016 pullupgirl 54 comments
121 Hillary and the DNC's paid agitators chant "Bernie" at choreographed Chicago riot (3/11/16) (
  10/18/2016 LiesLikeThese 15 comments
173 Hillary needs to steps down after the reveal that she together with the DNC paid hooligans and blame it on Bernie. (self.WayOfTheBern)
  10/19/2016 iivelifesmiling 38 comments
10 DNC Leaks - 12540, 9185, 12012 - "FW: Reminder -- Trump Rapid Response/Bracketing Call -- Today - Tues - May17 - 1PM Eastern" - ROBERT CREAMER and DNC co-ordinate rapid response to Trump events. Same 1PM time mentioned by Zulema Rodriguez in Project Veritas undercover video. (
  10/20/2016 basedOp 1 comment basedOp 2 comments
59 Woman Backtracks on Assault Claim After O'Keefe Video (
  10/20/2016 CadetPeepers 11 comments
8 WEAPONIZED AUTISTS going down the rabbit hole. More info exposed on paid agitators and bird doggers from the DNC SOROS network. IMMIGRANT VOTERS WIN PAC funded $3,000,000 by George Soros • /r/The_Donald (
  10/21/2016 basedOp comment basedOp 0 comments
Robert Creamer
Votes Date Submitted Submitter to WotB Comments? Submitter to KFS Comments?
46 Top Democratic Operative Bob Creamer Resigns From Clinton Campaign After Being Exposed By O'Keefe Investigation • /r/StillSandersForPres (
  10/18/2016 KrisCraig 9 comments
107 Why Did Vote-Rigging Robert Creamer Visit The White House Over 200 Times During The Obama Admin (
  10/19/2016 jlalbrecht 17 comments
42 Wikileaks - Podesta 37101 - "Just wanted to pass along this note I sent to Bob Creamer, who as you may know is consulting for the DNC and is close to Robby Mook." (
  10/31/2016 basedOp 2 comments basedOp 3 comments
Other Incidents of Cheating and Rigging
Votes Date Submitted Submitter to WotB Comments? Submitter to KFS Comments?
Top 100 Most Damaging WikiLeaks #22. Democrats created fake Trump "grope under the meeting table" Craigslist employment ad in May 2016
Racketeering lawsuit - Difference between the exit polls and the electronic vote totals presented on the morning after the primaries
Votes Date Submitted Submitter to WotB Comments? Submitter to KFS Comments?
Racketeering Lawsuit Exposing Nationwide Vote Rigging in DNC Primaries Could Derail Clinton
Class action lawsuit against the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz; covers claims of Negligence and Fraud
Votes Date Submitted Submitter to WotB Comments? Submitter to KFS Comments?
How Can You Join the DNC Class Action Lawsuit?
Top 100 Most Damaging WikiLeaks (a fabulous, fabulous website, go there NOW!)
WikiLeaks List: Most Damaging Emails About DNC, Clinton, & Bernie
Facebook Page for DNC Fraud Lawsuit
90 DNC Lawsuit Process Server Shawn Lucas Has Died (
  8/9/2016 AravanFox 8 comments AravanFox 18 comments
11 Shawn Lucas Cause Of Death Still Unknown As Clinton’s Campaign Lawyer Tries To Shut Down Class Action Lawsuit against DNC (self.Kossacks_for_Sanders)
  8/26/2016 Bernie4Ever 4 comments
22 Election Fraud: Learn your state history/advocacy groups to end electronic voting (self.WayOfTheBern)
  9/1/2016 Grace8543 3 comments
13 DNC Fraud: Bernie Sanders Donors File Lawsuit | Jared Beck and Stefan Molyneux #2 (
  10/6/2016 birdiemom87 0 comments
126 DNC Files Scathing Rebuttal, Wants Fraud Lawsuit Filed by Bernie Backers Thrown Out (
  9/22/2016 aesop55 8 comments SernyRanders 19 comments
66 Judge Slams DNC ‘Shenanigans’ In Election Fraud Class Action Lawsuit (
  9/2/2016 Domenicaxx66xx 11 comments
106 Reminder: there is a huge fraud lawsuit against the Democratic National Committee still incoming. (
  10/12/2016 Not_Pictured 5 comments
175 DNC Lawyers Argue No Liability: Neutrality Is Merely A 'Promise' - 'Apparently Voters Were Supposed To Assume The DNC Was Biased In Favor Of Clinton Before The Primaries Even Started' (
  10/17/2016 Bernie4Ever 41 comments
221 DNC Admits They Stole the Election From Bernie Sanders (
  10/17/2016 political_og 22 comments
169 DNC Lawyers Admit The Fix Was In Against Bernie Sanders | #CWTB (
  10/18/2016 meatduck12 11 comments
49 DNC Stoops To New Low In Fraud Lawsuit Filed By Bernie Backers (
  10/18/2016 dbrog 5 comments
68 There's A Mighty Big Plot Hole In The DNC's Lawsuit Defense (
  10/18/2016 Forkfoot 15 comments
91 According to the DNC’s argument, the assumption that the presidential nominating process was fair can not amount to an appropriate basis for a lawsuit because any indications of fairness are nothing more than “purported political promises.” (
  10/18/2016 bernieaccountess 13 comments
70 8/7cst Tonight: Election Justice USA will be live streaming their interview of Jared H. Beck, who represents the Plaintiffs in the class action lawsuit against the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz. (
  10/20/2016 AdviseMyAdvice 3 comments
  11/1/2016 Dolls4Sale 10 comments
Federal Elections Commission Suit against Hillary Clinton
Votes Date Submitted Submitter to WotB Comments? Submitter to KFS Comments?
63 Federal Elections Commission Suit Filed Against Hillary (
  10/21/2016 10gauge 7 comments
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Older and Wiser Now's picture

This is primarily intended to be a reference document, so I'm not really expecting a ton of discussion on it. I was thinking that folks might bookmark it, to use as a resource when they want to cite some evidence.

If you find any errors in the links, please let me know (I did a certain amount of testing so I think most are good, but one never knows). Also, if you feel that you know of a great url / resource on the web that would be a good addition to any of these lists, please feel free to let me know in the comments.

Also, if you find it helpful or want to pass on a suggestion, please let me know. It is a bit of work to put together, but I have it kind of automated to an extent. If I'm the only one that finds it useful though, maybe I could use the time differently. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!

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OzoneTom's picture

Filed under "Activist Resources" folder!

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Older and Wiser Now's picture

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Amanda Matthews's picture

of use pre-'election' but afterwards when we're all discussing where the country went to Hell in a handbasket.

May the Repubbies keep the House and make the Clinton creature's life miserable for the next 4+ years.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

elenacarlena's picture

Then they can't drag their heels and blame the Repugs.

Making it all Democratic will out them as to their real intentions and (in)ability to govern.

Want to push the party to the left or get rid of them if they're just Repugs in Dems' clothing? Make it all Dem. Prove their positions once and for all.

We've had divided government. All we get for it is finger pointing.

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Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.

Amanda Matthews's picture

Most of the bodies are buried. Plus we need to stop that wretch in her tracks on the trade agreements.

So you think it would be better to give her a free run at everything? The presidency, the House, and the Senate.

That's interesting.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

elenacarlena's picture

establishment. They'll either fight her on the few things she good at and support her on things like the TPP; or everything will grind to a halt and it'll be "her fault," no "their fault". We can't afford 4-8 more years of nothing getting done. We need renewables, living wages, no more war, new policing techniques now, or we're dead. Too many of us, anyway.

If we can't take it over in a giant progressive upsurge, then our only hope is to turn it over entirely to one party or the other, so they can't point fingers.

Much as I would like to see Her get impeached, it'll just end in Kaine and that does no good.

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Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.

Amanda Matthews's picture

"We need renewables, living wages, no more war, new policing techniques now, or we're dead."

Good luck on that one.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

elenacarlena's picture

or Pence. Do you? That's why I'm voting Jill.

But if we have Clinton and a Repug Congress, she really will continue Obama's legacy - of doing nothing and pointing fingers. Likewise with Trump and a Dem Congress. Been there, done that, nothing gets done in a divided government.

Sure, it'd be fun to watch Clinton squirm during impeachment hearings. But at worst, she'd just be kicked out. Nixon didn't go to jail. TPTB figure losing position is punishment enough. It won't be all that satisfying. Meanwhile, nothing that needs to get done, gets done.

So when people finally start clamoring for change, we need an undivided government. They act or it's obvious they don't care. They have no one to blame but themselves. I think that's our only chance.

Granted, it's a slim chance. Maybe they'll have to lose in 2020 before they understand that people are fed up with them. But if they can point fingers, there's a good chance they still won't lose in 2020. I'm tired of the excuses and blaming the others.

Give them the whole thing and when nothing gets done ask, "What's your excuse now?"

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Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.

Older and Wiser Now's picture

different ways. Seems like people have different memories about "what happened" when they look back, and definitely for this election, I know I'm already thinking "What the hell just happened", lol.

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ThoughtfulVoter's picture

Back in June, I had done something on a very small scale for the same reason...easy to access later.

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Older and Wiser Now's picture

Thanks for the positive words!

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Thanks! With so much corruption in evidence, it's hard to keep it all straight without keeping some sort of record...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Raggedy Ann's picture

Thanks for doing the work. This is quite useful. Good

0 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Older and Wiser Now's picture

I think these are pretty useful, never know how other people think, though.

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lotlizard's picture

0 users have voted.
Older and Wiser Now's picture

I've suspected for a while that I might have an undiagnosed case of ADHD. When there is too much going on, it is distracting and overwhelming for me. And I too can be very meticulous about getting certain things JUST RIGHT. I wanted it to be visually satisfying, I actually spent quite a bit of time trying this and that. I'm pretty happy with is so far. I'm planning to update these periodically, and gently highlight the "newest rows" in a next release to make it easier for those who are following along to see what's new. Thanks for letting me know!

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Sandino's picture

0 users have voted.

Thanks for the link, Sandino. This is a nice complement to OaWN's work.

0 users have voted.
Older and Wiser Now's picture

That is a FABULOUS site that I was completely unaware of. I'm not just going to link to it, I'm going to update the individual mini-lists as appropriate to go there.

That site is a MUST READ for everyone to know about. Thank you so, so much Sandino.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

Thanks for this, Sandino. I can hardly believe my eyes!

0 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Perhaps the scariest thing is that the poster found it necessary to enumerate some of the ways in which the behaviours and attitudes displayed these 100 most damaging Wikileaks are variously not only illegal/against rules/standards but wrong.

The level of corruption among public servants which it seems that some citizens have come to accept is absolutely terrifying...

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Older and Wiser Now's picture

information is a big deal, and not appropriate for pillow talk between spouses or other lovers. People used to actually know why certain actions were wrong, and not have it spelled out for them.

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Bisbonian's picture

This WILL be referenced.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Older and Wiser Now's picture

AWESOME is a super-duper great feeling Wink

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Mark from Queens's picture

since a fully functioning, adversarial-to-power media doesn't exist in America.

When I came back from Philly just before the convention started, uplifted by the massive displays of solidarity and support for Bernie that blanketed the city, I was aghast though not so surprised to see the media not covering any of what we had witnessed and what only got bigger and more powerful as the week went on.

That compelled me to start collecting all the citizen journalism and tweets that were providing the real story happening in the streets and inside the arena of how deep the opposition to Her really was, inversely to how much support there was for Bernie. May have to revisit that draft for the same purpose as you have done.

We need to be able to reference these stories of dissent and opposition for us here, and for future generations. One of the most unsettling things to me is the way we both don't tell the real stories of history and how it is re-written by the PTB to serve their own interest. Howard Zinn's life work should be an inspiration to everyone here. We should be compelled to take that inspiration and turn it into essays like this so we do our part in not letting these stories fade away.

Thanks again for all the work you put into this O&WN.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

Older and Wiser Now's picture

hadn't really thought of. Thinking that I might have a teeny teeny thing in common with Howard Zinn is a humbling and lovely thought, that hadn't crossed my mind at all, but yes, figuring out how to "tell the stories" that don't get ordinarily told by the establishment is indescribably important and I can see how this type of effort can help contribute to that.

One thing I've noticed is that at THE MOMENT something happens, there is good discussion and things get very tense, but after that moment passes ... all of a sudden, that energy gets dissipated into the "that's old news" bucket. The media only wants to report NEWS, but tying current events to ones that came before is crucially important to get the proper CONTEXT related to what a particular new development is about. For example, as part of this exercise I realized that CNN is not just one of the media, it seems to have a very, very special relationship with the DNC. I hadn't really grokked that before, but now I do, and I think it's a very important understanding to have. If we forget the bad actions of bad actors, then there is very little accountability. All they have to do is to grit their teeth and get through NOW and then all memory of what happened seems to fade away. TY again, Mark, I very much appreciate hearing your thoughts, as always.

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Anja Geitz's picture

Nothing quite fuels righteous citizen journalism like the anger of epic injustice? Looks like you've put your frusterations about this election to very good use. 1000 thank you's for this powerful resource!!! Have added it to my bookmarks under "Links to Hillarys ratfucking 2016 edition"

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

Older and Wiser Now's picture

Funny, I was listening to the latest update about the class action lawsuit, and the interviewer was asking questions about "what can we do to help" and I realized that so many of us care so much and are going out of our way to help this great cause, however we can. And I thought, hey, I can do THIS, and if it helps OTHERS be more effective at doing THEIR part ... then wow, what a great reward to me for my efforts. The people in this community are so smart and so awesome, none of us really knows the scope of what others are doing ... it is a lovely thought for me to think that maybe I am throwing my pebble into the pond and THERE WILL BE RIPPLES, even though I never really see them. I'm just hoping for those ripples, and comments like yours are very encouraging to me, especially coming from you. So thank you again.

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Anja Geitz's picture

Is going many a sleepless night, and I keep going back to the same thought. We need each other more than ever because consolidating our resources as the global oligarchy fights to control it seems to be the only be logical solution. As they keep expanding, we build small communities to help each other. From victory gardens to action groups, we may need to go back to the basics and begin with conservation and pooling our resources. Both human and everything in between. So in that sense, yes, I think the pebble in the lake that ripples outward is exactly where we need to go. And I am so glad to be able to share my thoughts about that with people like you.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

Zenza's picture

and it doesn't get any better than this and some of the added links. I'll first be sending it to a fearful voter friend in OH. Thx and I hope it gets revisited and stays in view.

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Older and Wiser Now's picture

I'm not really sure where my cockles are, exactly, but comments like yours are GOLD to me. I especially love that you think it might be helpful when you talk to other voters, that is exactly what I very much wanted to happen.

Something about seeing the history of what has happened, which one can get just from reading the list - not even visiting the source content behind the links - paints a certain picture that is otherwise difficult to see, I think. Also, perhaps it might get some persons to become aware of the work that is being done by certain alternative media outlets, and then the value of the conversation just compounds. Thank you much for being willing to unlurk for me to make your comment, Zenza. You made my day!

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Phoebe Loosinhouse's picture

Kudos to you for the work involved and such a polished final product with great content.

May I ask how you did the formatting?

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" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "

Older and Wiser Now's picture

If you know HTML, you can put those tags into the edit box of c99p, and it comes out as an HTML page!

I'm not sure if I can "disable" the html to show you "what I wrote", but I'll try. This is what the markup looks like for the very last table, but all of the "[" symbols should be replaced with ""

[tr][td bgcolor="#91ACEB"][b]Votes[/b][/td][td bgcolor="#91ACEB"][b]Date Submitted[/b][/td][td bgcolor="#91ACEB"][b]Submitter to WotB[/b][/td][td bgcolor="#91ACEB"]Comments?[/td][td bgcolor="#91ACEB"][b]Submitter to KFS[/b][/td][td bgcolor="#91ACEB"]Comments?[/td][/tr]

[tr][ td style="border-top:1px solid #000000" align="CENTER" valign="MIDDLE"]63[/td][td style="border-left:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000"align="LEFT" valign="MIDDLE" colspan=5][a href=" "][b]Federal Elections Commission Suit Filed Against Hillary ([/b][/a][/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td style="border-left:1px solid #000000"align="LEFT" valign="MIDDLE"][b]10/21/2016[/b][/td][td][/td][td][ /td][ td]10gauge[/td][td][a href=""]7 comments[/a][/td][/tr]

P.S. And thank you for your kind words. Hearing them from certain people that I've known and respected for such a long time, it is lovely to hear that I might be helping you in some small way.

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elenacarlena's picture

I often find that when I Google, I get the same current story reprinted at a million different links, instead of a timeline of stories showing the evolution of the problem. So this will be very helpful! Two years from now, Google "Clinton primaries" and it will all be about her plans for 2020, anything remaining from this fight will be deeply buried.

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Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.

Older and Wiser Now's picture

and by the way, knowing that you've read my comments over on TOP gives me such a happy feeling every time it happens - it's ridiculous how happy it makes, me, really, but I wanted to share that because it really does.

And yes, the google thing is not so great at finding the older stuff, I have the same problem as you. I try to put different years into the search criteria, and that can help, but still, it pretty much totally sucks. I'm just thinking now, I wonder if that is a bug or a feature, if you know what I mean. They COULD enhance search in a way to make it easier to find the older stuff by adding a date parameter in an advanced search capability but perhaps that is not in the best interest of the oligarchs. Now I'm going to quote from the great site that I just learned about today from Sandino.

6. Hillary's campaign wants "unaware" and "compliant" citizens

  • “And as I've mentioned, we've all been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry. The unawareness remains strong but compliance is obviously fading rapidly. This problem demands some serious, serious thinking - and not just poll driven, demographically-inspired messaging.”
  • The Clinton campaign is literally conspiring to keep the population unaware of what is going on, and they admitted it in this email. Very scary ‘1984’ level thinking (group-think). If Hillary is the right choice for president and the truth is on her side, they should encourage their supporters to be aware and do research on both candidates.
  • Watch this video about it.
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elenacarlena's picture

doing what we can to keep them honest.

Wow, that last one sounds so conspiratorial that to me, that doesn't sound real. Do you know any high schoolers? Are they learning no civics, becoming unaware and compliant?

My feeling is people are unaware because they're too busy working, but not very compliant because they're tired from all the working.

Raising wages seems like it would be easier than a giant conspiracy to keep our kids uneducated. Plus we need educated kids for the next generation of inventors and job creators.

Hmm. It will be interesting to see where this goes.

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Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.

Older and Wiser Now's picture

It appears to be slowly being pushed out of the school day for "higher priorities". The overlords think they would be better off without it. Who actualy ever USES what you learn in government class anyway?

Keeping peons overworked and underpaid is a great way to exploit them. Just like you say, they are tired, don't have much time to become "aware" with everything on their plate.

IMHO, the goal of the elites is actually catastrophic. Once they have all of the money, and we peons have none of it, it stops having any worth at all. Money is really just a symbol, we all collectively agree to value it. Folks who lack money will turn to the barter system once again to survive. If they actually GOT all of the money, they would realize that they had shot themselves in the foot.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture


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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Older and Wiser Now's picture

With all of this nice feedback, I will certain keep going with this little project then. Thanks for adding your voice here too, it means a lot to me. Smile

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Thanks, a great resource!

You clearly aren't getting older and I don't see how you manage to seemingly keep getting even wiser all of the time... maybe I'm just seeing more evidence of the level always there?

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Older and Wiser Now's picture

on the last comment? That shows how wise I actually am, ha ha ha. The link directly below was for you, my dear. TY again.

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Lol, I can't even seem to get my recs to stick!

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Older and Wiser Now's picture

You should talk to my husband, lol. He'd tell you stories ...

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Husbands are like that - but it's no fair their using any spousal inside story set prior to your caffeinating - or thereafter in day either. In any event, a balance must be stuck between the display of acute intelligence and the periods where the brain rests in hibernation. (I'll come up with more after that 3rd cup of coffee goes down, although I can't imagine your needing the list of excuses I do - not that mine work for me, dammit, lol.)

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.