St. Croix, St. Thomas, St. John Update
Hi all.
I have been unable to get back to this until now due to all the problems with my recent move.
Now that I am more settled in, I wanted to provide an update for anyone who might be interested. The following are links to some articles I found concerning the aftermath.
The situation in the US Virgin Islands appears to be nearly as bad as Puerto Rico but the reporting outside of the islands is scant. IMO, part of this may be due to their governor, Gov. Kenneth Mapp being less than forthright about the need in the islands.
The current guesstimate is around 5.5 billion dollars. The first site that popped up with this info I was from the VI Freepress website which is run by John McCarthy. His article about the amount needed is titled "BROKE VIRGIN ISLANDS GOVERNMENT BEGS CONGRESS FOR $5.5 BILLION BAILOUT … WILL USE HURRICANES AS RUSE TO ABUSE THE FEDERAL TREASURY" but in reading it I could find no evidence for his statement that Mr. Mapp is using the hurricanes as a ruse to abuse the treasury.
I linked to it so you can judge for yourselves. Maybe I'm missing something. He has other articles about the situation in the US Virgin Islands that seem to be sympathetic but I have doubts about him being a reliable source.
If you do go to that site and check out any other articles, please be aware that there have recently been calls to the site's advertisers to pull their ads.
VI Free Press Reporting Sketchy
Based on the information I found at the State of the Territory site, and what I saw in the article I linked above, I am inclined to agree and would say that the VI Free Press site is not a reliable source. I include it here because in doing searches for news about the US Virgin Islands, it does pop up and I want to give everyone a heads up about trusting this particular site.
Better links that I found about the current status are below.
A more reliable site outlining the planned money and the estimate of what is needed. This discusses both Puerto Rico and the US VI.
Current progress of power and water on the islands.
Water and Power Authority - US Virgin Islands update
DOE October 20th Power report - Hurricanes Irma & Maria
Curfew and Schools
Current status of schools and curfew consolidation
Disaster Recovery Centers
Two Disaster Recovery Center Open - St. Croix and St. Thomas (St. John coming soon)
Reasons for the Catastrophe in the US Caribbean territories
Five Weeks Later
5 weeks after Maria in St. Croix
Price Gouging
Internet Access Help
FCC Authoizes Google to supply Internet boosts for Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands
Alphabet's Project Loon
Tesla Power Help
St. Croix Up to Date Important Links - For Official info, contact phone numbers, disaster assistance. There is also a map of the current WAP (Wireless Access Points) on the island. There are currently nine. Around October 9th, there were only 3 according to someone my daughter spoke to who has family there.
There are also a couple links to donation sites at the site above, that I will list here as well.
Thanks for reading.
As Bollux Ref pointed out in the comment below, the British VI got walloped as well.
I am adding a link specifically about the British VI and a link that talks about all the other islands that got hit by Irma and Maria in the Caribbean.

What is happening to those islands is criminal, IMO
They are citizens of this country who have paid taxes to it, but they aren't getting the help that they deserve. And the only one that is even being discussed is Puerto Rico.
Letting 3 million people of any country die is beyond words. I think this is happening so that rich people can build their own private playground.
Is this any different than when Obama and the rest of the country ignored Flint's water supply? Where are the democrats who should be calling Trump out on this? Playing cowards because they stayed silent when Obama ignored it. Hillary used them for a photo op.
Oh well. They are mostly brown people. Kinda like the brown people in the Middle East. Their lives don't matter either.
Thanks for all of the links.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
No problem
As I said before, my family made it through but there was a lot of loss. As to politicians, I don't expect any better. When you can't even have a real election to choose who you want to represent you if they are not part of the corporatocracy, there is not much else that can be expected.
Yes, they are mostly brown people and they aren't rich!
Yaldabaoth, Saklas I'm calling you. Samael. You're not alone. I said, you're not alone, in your darkness. You're not alone, baby. You're not alone. "Original Sinsuality" Tori Amos
From what I've read
The British Virgin Islands aren't in great shape either.
It doesn't help that Boris Johnson (Twat, Con.) is Foreign Sec. (see Foot in Mouth)
Theresa May's cabinet is a laughable joke. As she is as PM.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Quite true
The British VI got hit full-on by both Irma and Maria as Cat 5 storms. Another island, Barbuda which is part of the island nation of Antigua and Barbuda, is uninhabitable. My father came from Antigua and as far as I know, no one in my family lived on Barbuda.
The scary thing regarding Theresa May and her cabinet is that somehow, the US manages to be worse. America is great - great at sucking when it comes to basic human and civil rights both here and in the countries we
helpinvade abroad.Yaldabaoth, Saklas I'm calling you. Samael. You're not alone. I said, you're not alone, in your darkness. You're not alone, baby. You're not alone. "Original Sinsuality" Tori Amos
This is why people lacking
This is why people lacking empathy - a basic requirement for the public service - have to be kept out of public office. They are not only incapable of doing their jobs, but prone to abusing their positions to the detriment of the people and country their offices exist to serve and which sustain such public offices for the purpose of.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.