Security-related excerpt from Hillary's 2014 book

Hillary Clinton, a lawyer, understood knew full the rigor of national security regulations and why they exist. She wrote about security measures in her book, Hard Choices (irony in that title). Read this gem of an interview with excerpts and pass it around:

Although Clinton admits she is “not the most tech-savvy person,” she also describes “falling in love with my iPad,” even as she acknowledges that new technologies, including more widespread use of cell phones and ever expanding social media channels, are tools that are “in and of themselves value-neutral. They could be forces for bad as easily as for good, just as steel can be used to build hospitals or tanks, and nuclear power can either energize a city or destroy it.” She adds that we must “act responsibly to maximize technology’s benefits—while minimizing the risks.” Ways she and her staff were advised to minimize those risks included leaving “BlackBerrys, laptops—anything that communicated with the outside world—on the plane, with their batteries removed to prevent foreign intelligence services from compromising them” when they visited places like Russia. She was also advised to keep sensitive material confidential by reading it “inside an opaque tent in a hotel room. In less well-equipped settings we were told to improvise by reading sensitive material with a blanket over our head. I felt like I was ten years old again, reading covertly by flashlight under the covers after bedtime.”

She wrote this after she left the State Dept. How in hell can she claim she wasn't cognizant of the violation of regulations she signed in her exclusive use of an insecure home server for State Dept. business--and if she was aware of them, what's her excuse for blithely ignoring them? None of her predecessors so egregiously thumbed their noses at the responsibility they swore to uphold.

Conclusion: Unfit for the office she held; unfit for the office to which she aspires.

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