Saturday Open Thread 03-21-15
Submitted by Cordelia Lear on Sat, 03/21/2015 - 7:45am
Good morning 99percenters!
Simple fact: male birds are more colorful than female birds. Ever wonder why?
Well, you can get up close and personal with some of the fanciest birds in North America at the All About Birds blog.
With colorful quizzes and rare footage you’ll get to know males that use feathers, songs, dance moves, and even design skills to woo mates. Discover the upper limits of extravagance with peacocks, parrots, lyrebirds, hummingbirds, sage-grouse and more.
Then satisfy your curiosity about the origins of fanciness by watching as the birds-of-paradise bring evolution to life.
Here’s hoping you have a great weekend.
This is an open thread. What’s on your mind today?
General Betrayus is out spreading propaganda about Iran
being the number one threat in the MIddle East, not ISIS. More proof that ISIS is a fake war
and the real targets are Syria and Iran.
Syria is the excuse, the ultimate goal is to tie up and weaken Iran in a major war. On the Russian/China front it looks like Kyrgyzstan may be in line for the next color revolution. And the beat goes on.
All About Birds
I am so grateful to Cornell University for this wonderful site. I am trying more and more to learn about birds and identifying those that I see. I have read that veteran birders often identify birds first by their calls and songs. I know a few, but the number and range of songs and calls is amazing.
Thank you for posting this open thread today, Cordelia.![Good](
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Ditto, Nancy. Below are
the calls of two common backyard birds.
The Cardinal call is especially lovely, IMO.
And here's one of the calls of the feisty Blue Jay.
I'll also frequently check out the Cornell U website/blog.
[Credit: Northern Cardinal Call -- Wikipedia, Title: Cardinalis cardinalis cardinalis - Northern Cardinal - XC75501.ogg, Author: Jonathon Jongsma]
[Credit: Blue Jay Call -- Wikipedia, Title: Cyanocitta cristata - Blue Jay - XC86756.ogg, Author: Jonathon Jongsma]
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Independent journalist Danny Schechter has passed.
Here's a previous article of his about how the United States is not a democracy, it's an oligarchy.
Rest in Peace Danny.
Good Morning
watched three minutes news on France24. They had a clip of Michelle Obama being in Cambodia promoting girls rights to a school education there. Though I don't mind at all her engagement in that regard, I realized it made me sad and that I am almost unable to listen to such campaigns anymore.
I would take that with more of an accepting mind and heart, if she would engage in a campaign to support boys' rights in the US to get a good education first.
Sorry, I have a sad this morning. Too close to home
Have a good digital diet and fasting session over the weekend.