The Politics of Pantsuits & Safety Pins
Was the Trump Election driven primarily by racism and xenophobia?
Or: Unifying the majority of Americans who want to move the country forward requires more than wearing pantsuits and safety pins!
Or: You can't shut out half the party from the convention in July and expect their support in November.
INTERESTING FACT: Of the 700 counties that voted twice for Barack Obama, 1/3 of those flipped to Trump in 2016. (Roemer & Wamp, The Hill, 11-17-16)
The absolute rage of the working class, of those left behind during the Obama administration is a key factor. Many of those whose jobs have been exported & whose children can't afford college can still remember a time when their labor was valued and rewarded.
The absolute neglect of the Obama administration, after promising hope and change, has taken a heavy toll and has directly resulted in the election of Donald Trump. In fact, one reason why normal levels of criticism were withheld during the past 8 years is because many did not want to play into the hands of the right wing by criticizing the first Black president -- not because they were racists. To be promised more of same by HRC and the super-delegates was like being poked in the eye with a sharp stick.
BTW, does your anger at the electoral college system have any antecedents in the undemocratic use of DNC super-delegates to deny Bernie Sanders the nomination? Where was the outrage then? (Hint: Much of it was locked out of the convention hall in Philly in July.)
During the period when we were told that it was necessary to bail out the big banks and to omit a public option from Obamacare, Social Security beneficiaries have lived without any real increases. The COLA adjustment is based on an index that is weighted not toward retirees but by the average expenses of working families and those with disposable income. Those who are well-off and comfy are not required to pay FICA tax on income over $188,500. These are easy fixes, but I don't recall any passion about prioritizing these simple changes in the 'stronger together' campaign.
While Donald Trump held 3 - 4 meetings daily promising (falsely) to take care of the forgotten people, Hillary Clinton spent the entire month of August privately meeting with big donors. She never visited Michigan, because the Dems took the votes of the displaced working class in the rusted-out belt for granted.
Michael Moore has pointed out that Hillary lost Michigan by 90,000 people who voted in Michigan voted on every line except for President. These engaged citizens COULD NOT vote for Trump and WOULD NOT vote for a candidate who touted incremental solutions in the face of their increasing personal desperation, who partied with rock stars while children in Flint were traveling hours on weekends to relatives in order to get their one bath per week. Why didn't Obama send in the National Guard to protect the health and safety of the families in Flint?
You can't shut out half the party from the convention in July (that being the Progressive half) and take their support for granted in November. As Bernie's delegates were blocked from entering the Dem Convention, the DNC was paying $50 per night to actors to come and sit in their empty seats. For the sake of TV optics and suppression of dissenting voices, truth and justice were manipulated. Did that also qualify as fake news? And Nina Turner was not permitted to enter the hall to put the name of Bernie Sanders into nomination. Wonder what parts of her speech they were scared of? Which side of identity politics mattered most that night? That an intelligent and engaged Black woman's voice was silenced -- or that she wasn't wearing a designer pant suit?
Well Bernie is back on the trail. We will never know for sure the backstory of what happened to his campaign. He is definitely breathing fire about the arrogance of those who cast people into a 'basket of deplorables' while toasting over champagne with wealthy donors. Bernie is arguing that we can't cast off our natural allies who have been labelled this way, many of whom are neither racist nor backward looking in their outlooks but who are very hungry for hope and change -- and the audiences are roaring their support.
The majority of Americans continue to support expanding Social Security & raising the minimum wage. They support inclusiveness and social justice, the pursuit of peace and the imperative to address climate change.
But building unity with those who can move the country forward involves more than wearing pantsuits and safety pins. While I have no common ground with racists, I also know that many who have been labelled as ‘deplorables’ are my best allies -- my friends and relatives, my spiritual brothers and sisters, whose hopes and dreams have been rusted out.

"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Wage earners and those who want to be wage earners
have not been forgotten: They are being remembered as a source of easy money for the 1%. Those in control want the last trickle of fiduciary flow diverted from the 99% into their Armani pockets.
Those who control the political economy don't care, and won't spend the money on, modernizing water systems; waste treatment plants; roads and bridges; schools; public hospitals; and actions to stave off climate change.
We are living in an era when the public good and public commons are irrelevant to the capitalists. What's a climate catastrophe when there's a buck to be made?
"Nature will have its revenge" - F. Engels.
The 99% might also.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Great essay
I'd share it but I'm on a self imposed hiatus from social media right now. My FB feed is so infuriating I may lose every last friend I have left if I stay on it. But I will definitely save this. You've done a good job diagnosing the problem.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
People felt like they'd been forgotten
and they were hardly wrong. Yet Bernie could have addressed their concerns and offered actual remedies. Hillary simply couldn't--in fact, it's people like her they felt they'd been forgotten by--and that's why they flipped to Douche-o-lini. Everybody has the proverbial angel on one shoulder and devil on the other. If we don't speak to the angel, far darker forces will be more than happy to whisper to that little devil. Or shout at the top of their lungs. And now we see the Democrats pathetically trying to reshuffle the deck--"Hey, I know we've got a progressive card in here somewhere." The whole system is rigged, but I don't think there will be any Elysium-like space stations ready to go by the time the whole thing comes crashing down. Heads are going to roll, and Trump is only the beginning.
"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum." --Noam Chomsky
To throw a Molotov Cocktail at the establishement
there really wasn't a better one than Trump. Michael Moore had it right, the more destructive the better, so when the HRC campaign kept going on about how dangerous he was while ensuring everyone knew she was the insider of all insiders, it played right into his campaign.
Well done!
You beautifully expose the conniving Democrats who upended any sort of Democracy within their own party as the hypocrites they were and are. Through their repugnant primary tactics and their equally off-putting pre-selected candidate, they showed us who they were and we believed them and turned away repulsed.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Obama's legacy...
has a name. It's called Donald Trump.
There's an old saying that when you sow the wind, you reap the whirlwind. What's sad is that those, like Obama, who are most responsible for making our political system so completely dysfunctional as to usher in the era of a home-grown Mussolini are the very ones who will be completely insulated from the horrors that will result.
The older I get, the more convinced I am that the French had the right idea as to the proper way to deal with the "aristos."
inactive account
Higher Power, bring it back.
My thoughts to the Universe. OR pitchforks and torches first.
I truly feel I am living in a different time and space that is NSFC-not safe for children (or adults).
You Rock,
MsDidi. Great essay... so many good points, especially about the Convention, and Michigan. Truth!!!
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X