Placebo Ballots: Stealing California from Bernie Using an old GOP vote-snatching trick
By Greg Palast with Dennis J Bernstein for Reader Supported News
[Los Angeles] Woop! Woop! Alert! Some California poll workers have been told to give "provisional" ballots to all independent voters in Tuesday’s Democratic Party.
That’s wrong. That’s evil. That’s sick and illegal.
Here’s the 411. If you’re registered as an independent voter in California, you have the right to vote in the Democratic Presidential Primary. Just ask for the ballot.
But look out! Reports out of Orange County are that some poll workers have been told to give "No Party Preference" (NPP), that is, an independent voter, a PROVISIONAL ballot, as opposed to a regular ballot.
Do NOT accept a provisional ballot. As one poll worker told me, “They simply don’t get counted.”
Who would benefit from this switcheroo from legal ballot to “provisional” ballot? It’s just a stone cold fact that independent voters favor Senator Bernie Sanders. Among voters who describe themselves as having "no party preference," Sanders leads Sec. Hillary Clinton by a humongous 40 points—though Hillary is hugely ahead among registered Democrats.
So one way to steal the election is to make sure those independent voters’ ballots end up in the garbage, uncounted.
Two million “Placebo Ballots” not counted
And for our readers in the other 49 states: you can bet that the GOP will be shunting voters to these placebo provisional ballots in November. In the last presidential
election, over two MILLION voters, overwhelmingly voters of color, were shifted to these rarely-counted ballots. Two million voters could have just written their votes on bubbles. That’s how they steal elections.No, I’m not promoting Bernie nor my uncle Ernie, nor anyone. I’m promoting democracy. Let’s make sure your vote counts. Read on…
What is a "Provisional" ballot? “Provisional” ballots were created by George Bush and Karl Rove as part of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) after they swiped Florida in 2000.
The original idea of provisional balloting was sound: The Congressional Black Caucus was very upset that African-Americans were not able to vote in 2000 in Florida because they were falsely removed from the voter roles for all kinds of cockamamie reasons. So the Black Caucus proposed that, if your name is not on the voter roles, you should still be able to vote provisionally. The state can then check the records and count your vote later.
The Black Caucus won the right to a provisional ballot, but didn't win the right to have them counted. They rarely are.
Say you are tagged an “inactive” voter, you CANNOT get your provisional ballot counted even if you were wrongly listed as “inactive.” You’ve been removed from the register. So, it’s a Catch-22. You get a provisional ballot because you were wrongly left off the voter roll, but it can’t be counted because, well, you’re not on the voter roll.
And that’s why I call provisional ballots “Placebo” ballots. They let you feel like you voted, but you haven’t. It’s ridiculously easy to challenge a provisional ballot – so in a tight race, it’s just tossed out.
California Reamin’
I am currently reporting from Southern California, and I got a tip from Ashley Beck, a poll worker in conservative Orange County . Listen to her story. She was being trained with other poll workers, and they were given some very strange information."I was told that all NPP [independent] voters are to be given provisional ballots. I was bothered by that, because I was always told that NPP voters in California can vote for Democrats and their vote would be counted. I was a little worried that he was telling all 18 of us poll workers to give all NPP voters provisional ballots. We all know what happens most of the time with provisional ballots. They are not being counted."
Provisionally Black
Who gets these placebo ballots?I was on a book tour in Palm Springs—with an audience of about 200. I asked, "Has anyone here ever gotten a provisional ballot?" The only two Black people in the room both raised their hands, and that was it.
Black people know what provisional ballots are, and they probably know that if they fill one out, the chance of it getting counted is slim.
With the attempt to steal votes by giving independent voters provisional ballots; a lot of white people are being treated as if they turned Black. So to Bernie voters experiencing vote suppression for the first, welcome to the United States of Apartheid voting.
It’s almost done — The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, The Movie — Help me finish it with a itty-bitty $25 donation and I’ll send you, signed, my comic book, Steal Back Your Vote, with the 7 ways to beat the ballot bandits. Make it a tax-deductible $100 donation and I’ll put your name in the credits. And you’ll save the nation. A bargain!
...or listen in while Dennis J Bernstein and I take you through that ugly sausage factory called the American voting system…. Dennis J Bernstein and I have begun a weekly radio broadcast, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: The Election Crimes Bulletin, on his Pacifica broadcast, “Flashpoints.” Don’t get Flashpoints in your area? then subscribe to the podcast, coming to you weekly. We’ll also have an edited transcript of each show linked from
Greg Palast (Rolling Stone, Guardian, BBC) is the author of The New York Times bestseller, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy which will be released as a feature documentary movie this fall. Find out how to Steal Back You Vote, and make sure it counts, by downloading our FREE election protection comic

We don't need no stinking mojo
all raised thumbs on this comment will be donated to a fund for the victims of Obama/Clinton war crimes who have lost their thumbs.
You mean our purple thumbs
I assume. Of course, in the USA they use invisible ink so they don't have to count our votes.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Should be a link to the article where it was posted originally
Here's the link:
Placebo Ballots: Stealing California From Bernie Using an Old GOP Vote-Snatching Trick
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
The article appeared
in my in box, emailed from Greg. Thanks for finding a link to it. I tried to include all his original links to sell the book, etc.
I looked this up.
This is what's on the California website.
So NPP voters that want to vote in the Democratic Primary are supposed to get an NPP ballot that lists only voter nominated and non-party offices. BUT! NPP voters can request a Democratic one if they want to vote for president. The last day to request one was Tuesday, but there's hope!
So remember Californians! You can request a Democratic ballot at the polling place and you should definitely do so if you want to vote in the primary.
There've been reports of poll workers being given the wrong
info and their trainers being trained to give the wrong info. That's why it's important for voters to understand how the NPP status works and what to ask for--demand, if necessary--and not to allow themselves to be misdirected to a provisional ballot if they want to vote D (or R, because we should all be fighting for full enfranchisement of all eligible voters, however they plan to vote).
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Oops I forgot to thumbs you up.
Ten-forward good buddy!
It's both harder and easier than that
I've talked to the Los Angeles registrar's office a couple of times, and did the official poll worker training, because I'm working election day, precisely to make sure Bernie voters aren't tricked.
The swapping out the ballot deadline only refers to the Vote By Mail ballots, and only refers to getting a crossover ballot mailed back to you. As that excerpt states, any NPP voter can exchange their ballot at an early voting site OR at their polling place on election day. They won't receive the Democratic ballot per se, though. They'll get an NPP Crossover Democratic ballot. It should have all the same names to choose from, but a different pattern on the top. Bernie should be on it. I think it's just so they can keep track of all the ballots. Any turned in NPP ballot will have a corresponding NPP Crossover ballot handed out.
The possible trick here, though, is if our corrupt Secretary of State Alex Padilla has underprinted Crossover Democratic ballots, an NPP voter may go to the polling place and find there are no Crossover Democratic ballots left, and get handed a provisional one. People are very worried about that, but I can't tell whether that's based on evidence or just justifiable fear. In Los Angeles county, the registrar has said EVERY valid provisional ballot will be counted, regardless of the win percentages. My interactions with the staff have been really positive. I believe Los Angeles will count them. But from the way they worded it, I think that's a county-specific initiative.
If you're voting NPP in California, I recommend doing early voting for this reason. If you did vote by mail and need to switch, bring the one you received with you, or you'll get a provisional ballot. And if you're a new voter, bring your ID, or you may get a provisional ballot.
And if you do Vote By Mail, SIGN THE OUTSIDE OF THE BALLOT and PUT IT IN A POST OFFICE BOX. Do NOT hand it to someone who comes to your door claiming to be a Bernie volunteer. Clinton people used that trick in Oregon, and there are reports they are doing it in California.
Also: postage for CA's mail-in ballots differs by counties
My county previously provided voters with free postage for mail-in ballots. This year's mail-in ballot/voter guide, along with entire Alameda Co. Registrar of Voter's website, provided zero information on required postage other than: "additional postage required".... apparently due to each cities voting options/whether ranked = more choices/more pages, however my ballot was same as previous primaries, only two bulky pages. First World Problems? Jeez Louise, the growing suppression is almost laughable!
Great info Sandino.
The GOP definitely doesn't have a monopoly on election fraud.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
You can say that again!
Provisional ballots are nothing but a piece of paper.
Happened to me in Oregon. It's happening all over and there's nothing, so they say, we can do about it.
There is no election, there is no parties.
I'd have a better chance of having my vote count in Afghanistan or Iraq.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
What a cluster
In this day and age, how can the most sacred act of democracy still be such a clusterfuck in this country? While I'd like to see voters be reasonably informed, technical minutiae should not be able to render one's vote null and void.
If you live in California, you must explicitly request a Democratic Ballot by name, and refuse to accept any other type of ballot (local races, or "provisional") that they first try to give to you (and they will). Independents by default will not get a ballot that has the Democratic Primary names on it.
Not Exactly.
If you have already been mailed a provisional ballot, you can exchange it for a Democratic Ballot on election day. But you have to bring it. Otherwise you get a provisional.
election fraud
This is great information to provide to voters, and I hope the word spreads widely. Having witnessed the massive election fraud in the AZ presidential preference election, and what happened in NY and Illinois, I am convinced that this is a national coordinated effort to disenfranchise newly registered folks and those who changed their registration to be able to vote in closed primaries. There is no way that anyone will ever convince me that Bernie did not get more votes than Hillary in Pima County, either the most or the second most (after the Navajo Nation) progressive area of the state.
Here in AZ, the voter suppression started w/ Republicans but seems to be embraced by the anemic AZ Dem Party. Arizona has an open primary law. Registered independents, like me, can request the ballot of any party and have their vote counted (we have Dem, Rep, Green, and Libertarian). But the Dems and Reps -- two sides of the identical coin -- decided that they didn't want us indies to vote in their presidential primaries, so they renamed it the "presidential preference election" to get around the open-primary law and then we had to register for a party in order to be able to vote (and taxpayers had to pay for a separate election). I managed to do it, and I did receive a Dem ballot and voted for Bernie, but thousands of others did not, or they had the widely reported experience of having their party registration changed without their knowledge. The situation was then compounded by the restriction of voting places in Maricopa County, resulting in 4- and 5-hour waiting times, and the widespread handing out of provisional ballots -- which election officials clearly stated would NOT count (and they did not). The hours of testimony before the state elections committee were damning, but Hillary had accepted the win while ppl were still in line, and the state certified the results.
The whole thing is rigged. The only thing that surprises me is how blatant it all is, and yet so many ppl still don't see it
There is no justice in America, but it is the fight for justice that sustains you.
--Amiri Baraka