Open Those Shoes 01/16/16

George, don't make no full moves. Please make it quick, fast and furious. Please. Fast and furious. You get ahead with the dot dash system. Oh, oh—dog biscuits! And when he is happy he doesn't get happy. No hobo and pobo I think he means the same thing. I am a pretty good pretzler. Don't put anyone near this check. In the olden days they waited and waited. I don't want harmony. I want harmony. There are only ten of us and there ten million fighting somewhere of you, so get your onions up and we will throw up the truce flag. The sidewalk was in trouble and the bears were in trouble and I broke it up. You can play jacks and girls do that with a softball and do tricks with it. I take all events into consideration. No. No. And it is no. It is confused and it says no. A boy has never wept nor dashed a thousand kim. I am sore and I am going up and I am going to give you honey if I can. Mother is the best bet and don't let Satan draw you too fast. They dyed my shoes. Open those shoes. I know what I am doing here with my collection of paper. Come on, open the soap duckets. The chimney sweeps. Talk to the sword. French-Canadian bean soup. I want to pay. Let them leave me alone.

—among the last words of Dutch Schultz

Dutch Schultz was a New York City mobster who one night in October of 1935 was shot to pieces while urinating in the washroom of the Palace Chophouse in Newark, over in New Jersey. The gendarmes hauled his expiring corporeal container to the hospital and planted a police stenographer in a chair by his side, in case Schultz wanted to talk about who shot him. Or anything else that might be of interest to the Law.

Schultz lingered for some 22 hours before exiting his body. He emitted many words in those hours, all faithfully committed to paper by the police scribe. Those words later got loose in the world. Almost all of them are thoroughly non-ordinary. And thus they have, through the years, acted like a magnet, attracting the sorts of people who are ineluctably drawn to certain types of deep weirdness.

These include the Discordian pranksters Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson, who in Illuminatis! posited that Schultz' last words are a coded message revealing many secrets of the nefarious globe-bestriding conspiracists of the Illuminati. In E.L. Doctorow's Billy Bathgate the protagonist uses Schultz' deathbed burblings as a divining rod to locate the gangster's buried $7 million in felonious monies. And William S. Burroughs, he was obsessed with the Schultz gibberish for decades. Both before and after inserting them into a novelized screenplay, The Last Words of Dutch Schultz, Burroughs picked and picked at the Schultz emissions, pulling them apart, rearranging them, putting them back together, seeking therein a Key to Language.

Burroughs, he was always dubious about language. He was pretty sure it was up to no good, and that it would be better for everybody if it just went away. The fact that Burroughs himself made a living as a writer, that was of no moment. And, anyway, the only Real and True reason Burroughs even became a writer, is because he shot his wife in the forehead.

"I would never have become a writer but for Joan's death," he said. "I have no choice except to write my way out."

Burroughs ultimately concluded that language is a virus from outer space.

"[A] virus operates autonomously, without human intervention," he explained. "It attaches itself to a host and feeds off of it, growing and spreading from host to host. Language infects us; its power derives not from its straightforward ability to communicate or persuade but rather from this infectious nature, this power of bits of language to graft itself onto other bits of language, spreading and reproducing, using human beings as hosts."

Burroughs provided this description of how the virus reproduced itself in early ur-humans:

[A]lterations in inner throat structure were occasioned by virus illness . . . This illness may well have had a high rate of mortality but some female apes must have survived to give birth to the wunder kindern. The illness perhaps assumed a more malignant form in the male because of his more developed and rigid muscular structure causing death through strangulation and vertebral fracture. Since the virus in both male and female precipitates sexual frenzy through irritation of sex centers in the brain the males impregnated the females in their death spasms and the altered throat structure was genetically conveyed.

When you shoot your wife in the forehead, that can pretty much through-a-glass-darkly your outlook on most everything.

Leonard Schlain, who has not shot any wives in the forehead—or anywhere else—sorta concurs with the Burroughs virus hypothesis. Asserting in The Alphabet Versus The Goddess that language rewired the human brain, shifting dominance from the "feminine" right hemisphere to the "masculine" left hemisphere, thereby allowing patriarchies to worldwide supplant matriarchies—a complete and total disaster that has produced stultifying horrors without sense or number, quintessenced in such as "bread gloves," pictured below.
As soon as they looked through their space-tubes and regarded these "bread gloves," extraterrestrials expanded by an additional 50 parsecs their "no-go" zone around planet Earth. And wisely so.

Anyone who pays attention can readily apprehend that human language is a piss-poor means of communication.

But it has additionally been Proven, by Science Men. Thus, we Know that in face-to-face communication as much as 80% of all information is transmitted non-verbally, and that "only about 7 percent of the emotional meaning of a message is communicated through explicit verbal channels."

Trying to communicate, then, via an even more constricted modality, like phone or paper or tube: these, clearly, utterly: hopeless. Just not going to work.

It is, however, possible to further fuck it up. Peter Farb noted that "[h]umans eat and drink a variety of substances that disorient the mind, interfere with the ability to walk upright that took millions of years to evolve, and produce personality changes counter to the sociality that has been a hallmark of human existence"; Robin Williams put it more succinctly, when he observed that "the main purpose of alcohol is to make English your second language."


Communication is about the body, more so than what comes out the mouth, or off the fingertips. As Kenneth Patchen observed: "There is body; there is mind: they are mixed up together. Shakespeare with a hole in his sock will not write the sonnet of a Shakespeare with socks intact."

This has been Proven by Science Men:

You say a person is warm and likable, as opposed to cold and standoffish? In one recent study at Yale, researchers divided 41 college students into two groups and casually asked the members of Group A to hold a cup of hot coffee, those in Group B to hold iced coffee. The students were then ushered into a testing room and asked to evaluate the personality of an imaginary individual based on a packet of information.

Students who had recently been cradling the warm beverage were far likelier to judge the fictitious character as warm and friendly than were those who had held the iced coffee.

Or maybe you are feeling the chill wind of social opprobrium. When researchers at the University of Toronto instructed a group of 65 students to remember a time when they had felt either socially accepted or socially snubbed, those who conjured up memories of a rejection judged the temperature of the room to be an average of five degrees colder than those who had been wrapped in warm and fuzzy thoughts of peer approval.

The body embodies abstractions the best way it knows how: physically.

Time and space are echoed in the body:

Researchers at the University of Aberdeen found that when people were asked to engage in a bit of mental time travel, and to recall past events or imagine future ones, participants' bodies subliminally acted out the metaphors embedded in how we commonly conceptualized the flow of time.

As they thought about years gone by, participants leaned slightly backward, while in fantasizing about the future, they listed to the fore. The deviations were not exactly Tower of Pisa leanings, amounting to some two or three millimeters' shift one way or the other. Nevertheless, the directionality was clear and consistent.

"When we talk about time, we often use spatial metaphors like 'I'm looking forward to seeing you' or 'I'm reflecting back on the past,'" said Lynden K. Miles, who conducted the study with his colleagues Louise K. Nind and C. Neil Macrae. "It was pleasing to us that we could take an abstract concept such as time and show that it was manifested in body movements."

The piece concludes with wisdom:

Yesterday is regrettable, tomorrow still hypothetical. But you can always listen to your body, and seize today with both hands.


All of this is why all of the attempts by all of Them to roll up all their "data" and thereby be able to wizardly whiz-bang something such as a person's "threat score," are simply farcical.

Today the people of Them, they listen to all of the phone calls, and they peer into all of the tubes, and yet they know less about people than if they took a big bong hit and then put their heads in a big paper bag.

Nobody knows shit about anybody. Until they get up close and personal. That's just how humans are made.

When I was reading gulfgal's most recent police-beat piece it struck me that all these cops that are killing people are killing strangers.

If the cops who rolled up on Tamir Rice had lived in Tamir Rice's neighborhood, knew him, had met him face-to-face, talked to him, knew who he was and who was his family, they would not within seconds have filled him full of holes and taken his life. They would have known his gun was a toy. They would have advised him of the unwisdom of his waving it around like that. And they would have taken him home. Because that's the sort of thing that you do. With people that you actually know.

That human language is pretty much utterly useless can be appreciated in the image below, of the Cliff House, in San Francisco:
That says so much more about the place, and so much more about so many other things besides, than any writer, anywhere, anytime, could ever, in words, ever express.

For many years, when one purchased a postcard, or a print, or a poster of that photograph, one also received the following accompanying message:

A Japanese boy, noticing the approach of lightening and thunder storm, took the last car for the Cliff House at 10:30 p.m.

The night was dark. He took up his position with his camera on the beach, and patiently waiting until 2 o'clock a.m., was able by leaving his camera open to obtain this picture, the "flashlight" being Nature's own—the bright strokes of ligthening at the moment. The pateince of the "Oreintal" together with his keen perception of the opportunity, give us this photographic rarity, thunder storms and ligthening being a rare occurance in the "glorious climate of California."

The "Japanese boy" was in truth Tsunekichi Ima. A man. A commercial photographer with a thriving photography studio in San Francisco.

Proving that language is not only useless, but embarrassing.

Humans to this day continue to flood any and all tubes with embarrassing Reasons for the abolition of language. For instance, yesterday evening I was veritably trampled by the anathema embedded below. Which is not only a reason for all to go mute, but also a monstrosity that nearly succeeeds in assassinating music, and film, as well.


But that is as nothing, compared to the latest emanation of The Hairball. Which I ran across while researching "New York values" (the briar patch with which the shrewd Zed Crud is attempting to ensnare The Hairball).

In my search, I was directed to gothamist, and a piece titled "President Trump Corrupts Innocent Children With Fanatical Trump Theme Song."

It seems that The Hairball, every time he tries to employ music in his campaign, the creators of that music immediately catapult innumerable lawyers into The Hairball's domain, there to wave in The Hairball's face Copyright Violation claims, Cease And Desist orders, even Writs Of Fear.

This is because The Hairball, he is the antithesis of music. The Hairball and music, they do not touch, at any point. The Hairball and music, they are like matter, and anti-matter: if they were ever to come into contact with one another, both would explode.

And so, The Hairball, he has contrived to create his own "music." It is not believable, and it is not to be borne. As the gothamist aptly puts it: "Here, let the Donald urinate in your ear:"


This man, he simply has to stop, daily, excreting this sort of shit. Either that, or at the dawn of every week, he needs to ensure, shall arrive in the mailbox, of every American, mass quantities of Medicine.

Yesterday afternoon I went down to the town to go to the buildings to get the papers to take to the other building where the papers would be exchanged for different-one papers and also some pixels both of which I should then be expected to expend to save the floundering retail-sales economy.

When once I had accomplished this paper-exchange, I went by the bookstore, where the books displayed in the window not infrequently tell me to buy them, and I do that, which is all, many times, that has kept the American economy from completely collapsing.

But I could not buy any books on this day. Because one of the books displayed was the truly satanic tome The Chicago Manual Of Style, a treatise that should, all and everywhere, simply be burnt.

I stood there and had really bad flashbacks: flapping through my frontal lobe, as if on playing cards, flowed all the robots, masquerading as human "copy editors," who had, in my life, chanted gibberish, from that heaving garbage-sack of a book, in order to vampirically suck any and all life out of whatever piece I might be writing or editing.

I was going to go into the store and chunder on the proprietor, when I noticed a small typed poem he had affixed to the window. It went like this.

little tree
little silent Christmas tree
you are so little
you are more like a flower

who found you in the green forest
and were you very sorry to come away?
i will comfort you
because you smell so sweetly

i will kiss your cool bark
and hug you safe and tight
just as your mother would,
only don't be afraid

the spangles
that sleep all the year in a dark box
dreaming of being taken out and allowed to shine,
the balls the chains red and gold the fluffy threads,

put up your little arms
and i'll give them all to you to hold
every finger shall have its ring
and there won't be a single place dark or unhappy

then when you're quite dressed
you'll stand in the window for everyone to see
and how they'll stare!
oh but you'll be very proud

and my little sister and i will take hands
and looking up at our beautiful tree
we'll dance and sing
"Noel Noel"

And then I remembered that I have known this bookstore's proprietor since he was a boy. When he was then the son of a woman with whom I was working at a perfectly useless magazine where we were required to run our stories through a Bill "666" Gates computer-program we all called "the fog machine," an ur-"data" horror that read and analyzed the words we entered and then screamed like a banshee if it determined what was written had exceeded the comprehension-level of a human who had dragged his or her knuckles through the 9th grade.

And I remembered that he was long ago now no longer a boy, but grown into a good man. And so I went in and I asked him what he said to people who came in and smirked that he had a Christmas poem in his window. Though it was January 15.

And he said what I thought he would say, because I know him, because I know him because I know him, not from any "data," but from Real Life: that the poem is even more appropriate now, in the days waning after Christmas, when all the little adopted Christmas trees, they are being abandoned, kicked to the curb, dying, dead, waiting, forlorn, for the garbage trucks, to come.

Cut Christmas trees: one of many, many, many, many, many sectors, of "American retail sales," that should decline, right now, and forever, right down, to zero.


Then I left the bookstore and walked to the corner. And thereon was a young man, and a young woman, and the latter was bearing a sign reading: "Free Hugs."

Well this is nice, I thought. People really wanting to really know people. Through physical contact.

And not Thanatos physical contact. Like shooting your wife in the forehead. But Eros physical contact.

I was reminded of an episode of the true-life documentary television show St. Elsewhere, wherein a very old man, dying of something terminal, as all humans shall eventually die of something terminal, was asked by a kindly doctor if there was anything the man, here in his last, might want. And the old man said: yes. He said he wanted to be picked up, and held, cradled like a baby, like when he was a baby. Because he was, then, still, a baby, still. And the doctor, he did that. Because that's the sort of thing that you do. With people that you actually know.

But then I noticed that, leaning against a pillar, was another young woman, and she had a notebook, and she was smirking, and she was Writing things. And farther back, in the shadows, was a young man, with a Camera.

And I understood: this wasn't about hugs at all. This was about "data."

And so I passed them by. Because I am not interested. In hugs for data.

I went back into one of the buildings to talk to a man about—assigned to me, by him—my latest quest: I will read some words, and then endeavor to extrude from some people some words, and then set about to write some words, that will encourage a judge to emit some words, that will debar a human being, alive on this earth, from being locked away in a cage.

When I came out, I saw that, on the corner opposite the one occupied by the data-huggers, the crows had roused themselves, and entered the world.

There is a coffee shop on that corner, and the crows often lounge at the tables outside. Watching the wheels. I think of them as like the crows in the true-life documentary film Dumbo. They are wise and wizened, and generally keep to themselves. But, sometimes, they are stirred, to poke their cigars, into what around them is happening. This was one of those sometimes. They had fashioned their own sign, reading "Free Hugs." And that's what they were delivering. But without the "data." They were just giving them away for free. And they had called down to the Irish bar, there a couple blocks over, and brought, out of the Friday afternoon revels there, to stand on the corner with them, a fiddler. And she was playing our song.

yet will I sing: bonny boys, bonny mad boys
bedlam boys are bonny
for they all go bare and they live in the air
and they want no drink nor money


St. Elsewhere ended with the Reality that all that had occurred therein had occurred in the mind of an "autistic" boy. Who would neither write nor speak. Through his gazing into a snow globe. All that was Real, was all in his mind, projected through the snow, of that globe.

This, could be our world. There is, really, no way to, really, tell. Here. In the barnyards. O' Delgaty. Where I am a pretty good pretzler. Where I am sore and I am going up and I am going to give you honey. If I can.


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lotlizard's picture

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hecate's picture

NCTim's picture

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

gulfgal98's picture

Your open thread today has me thinking and I am not a real deep thinker. But here goes. Words (or language) is only as good as the thoughts behind them. If the thoughts behind those words are evil or intentionally misleading, then the words themselves become evil and misleading. One can manipulate words to create emotions, but real emotions from real human contact are far more genuine.

Words are often a poor substitute for real human contact, hence the social science experiment with the students offering free hugs. The problem is that the free hugs social science experiment did not have the real warmth and emotion behind a real hug, such as one between two old friends. But even so, the free hugs experiment still has some value in society. Real human contact is something we all need to remain human.

So even an stranger can give real emotion with a hug or other personal gesture. One thing that struck me about when Dr. Cornel West came to speak to Occupy Tallahassee, was not as much his words as the man himself. His fifteen minute speech was wonderful, but what was much more wonderful was speaking with and hugging the man himself. His warmth toward and love for his fellow human beings came through strongly in the way he hugged each one of us there.

I may have more later. Thank you as always for your wonderful writing and provocative content. You both entertain and challenge me to think on a deeper level with each essay.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

hecate's picture

you're thinking ; ) , in my view, there is no "evil." That is a trap that allows one to slot others as Others. Against which, all and every, eventually, becomes permitted. Duality is a false, ready, easy, illusion. Instead, closer, I think, to the Real, is that there are but gradations.

In my . . . work . . . I have many times come up against what could easily be scorned and dismissed as "evil." But it's never so simple. There is always . . . a story. Which "data," for sure, can never reach.

And I disagree, respectfully, with you about "the free hugs experiment [having] some value in society." I watched it. It was solely for data. And was, therefore, writ small, in my view, the Tuskegee experiment.

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gulfgal98's picture

That's the sound of the meaning of this essay flying way over my head. Blush

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

joe shikspack's picture

when the person giving the "free" hug is doing it purely for the intent of expressing love, care, concern, etc. for hir fellow man, that is one thing. when the person giving the "free" hug is doing it for the purpose of research, it is reduced to a sort of commercial transaction where the giver is providing the physical component of a hug without the reasonably expected emotional/social/mental/spiritual component. to call it a "hug" is an exercise in equivocation.

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hecate's picture

What joe said.

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hecate's picture

I don't think so. ; )

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NCTim's picture

just a way to get a free hug. Hugging is a reciprocal benefit activity.

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

enhydra lutris's picture

do not exist. Even malice can't be evil, unless spurred by a maleficient supernatural entity, of which there are, at last count, zero.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

enhydra lutris's picture

language in question is purposive. The surrealists and dadaists had a variety of language games the purpose of which was to see what the universe itself would communicate if left to its own devices but filtered through a receptive awareness. I tried some among family and friends after tanksgibbons dinner and the results wee often gibberish, but frequently amusing.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

NCTim's picture

There were code words for activities. Someone would say, "Do you want to talk to Ralph", but there was no man named Ralph. Shortly after that a few of the fellows would step out back.

Then there was the Pittsburgh dialect. We didn't abide by jagoffs.

A long time ago, I programmed a machine tool for Fokker aircraft. Their facility was adjacent to Schipol Airport, Amsterdam NE. KLM Airlines used the same hotel for training classes. I struck up a friendship with several people and we hit the town. One of them claimed to speak English as well as a native English speaker. I contended that it was not possible and commenced to say, "Let's blow this popsicle stand". Getting the blank stares that I had expected, I explained slang and colloquialisms.

I often reflect on Orwell's newspeak when taking in the news.

new•speak ('nü-"spEk, 'nyü-), noun, Usage: often capitalized. : propagandistic language marked by euphemism, circumlocution, and the inversion of customary meanings. Etymology: Newspeak, a language "designed to diminish the range of thought," in the novel 1984 (1949) by George Orwell. Date: 1950

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

gulfgal98's picture

were from the Pittsburgh area (Indiana, Pa), but I recognize the Pittsburgh accent still. I call it the Mike Ditka accent. I can remember when I was a kid in St. Pete and someone would come up to my mother and ask if she was from Pittsburgh.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

NCTim's picture

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

mimi's picture

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enhydra lutris's picture

"A boy has never wept nor dashed a thousand kim." an old favorite, along with "It's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide". Perhaps the ghost of Burroughs, or the French surrealists and dada folk could scramble them together into a more beautiful portmanteau omelet for us. Meanwhile, the latest science to cross my vision says that the whole feminine and masculine lobes/hemispheres is a misunderstanding, a cosmic shuck of great magnitude, and it just ain't so.

Thanks for another session of your glorious prose, thankee kindly.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

NCTim's picture

I think I will try them with roast beef and gravy. Too bad they only have sour dough. Ciabatta gloves would go great with a nice marinara sauce.

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

hecate's picture

whole wheat, raisin, unleavened, and "classic white." ; )

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NCTim's picture

You make me feel inarticulate. Maybe I should plan and proofread instead of winging it. Have a great weekend!

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -


The Bank of Japan’s purchase of corporate debt at negative yields for the first time adds to distortions in Japan’s bond markets and raises risks for investors and banks, according to Mana Nakazora, the chief credit analyst in Tokyo at BNP Paribas SA.

The central bank bought corporate bonds in market operations at minus 0.03 percent on Wednesday, according to data from the central bank. While the BOJ has purchased company notes at zero interest in the past, it’s the first time for it to buy the debt at negative levels, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

“The BOJ could end up becoming the final arbiter of everyone’s creditworthiness by deciding whether or not to buy a bond,” said Nakazora, ranked Japan’s No. 1 credit analyst in an Nikkei Veritas investor poll in 2015. “Investors will be saddled with risks if credit spreads aren’t reflective of a company’s creditworthiness.”

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The U.S. government itself now says this story was false. There was no engine failure, and the boats were never “in distress.” Once the sailors were released, AP reported, “In Washington, a defense official said the Navy has ruled out engine or propulsion failure as the reason the boats entered Iranian waters.”

Instead, said Defense Secretary Ashton Carter at a press conference this morning, the sailors “made a navigational error that mistakenly took them into Iranian territorial waters.” He added that they “obviously had misnavigated” when, in the words of the New York Times, “they came within a few miles of Farsi Island, where Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps has a naval base.” The LA Times conveyed this new official explanation: “A sailor may have punched the wrong coordinates into the GPS and they wound up off course. Or the crew members may have taken a shortcut into Iranian waters as they headed for the refueling ship, officials said.” The initial slogan “inadvertently drifted” — suggesting a disabled boat helplessly floating wherever the ocean takes it — has now been replaced in the script by “inadvertently strayed,” meaning the boats were erroneously steered into Iranian waters without any intention to go there.

It is, of course, theoretically possible that this newest rendition of events is what happened. But there are multiple reasons to suspect otherwise. To begin with, U.S. sailors frequently travel between Bahrain and Kuwait, two key U.S. allies, the former of which hosts the Fifth Fleet headquarters; these were familiar waters.

Moreover, at no point did either of the ships notify anyone that they had inadvertently “misnavigated” into Iranian territorial waters, a significant enough event that would warrant some sort of radio or other notification.

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Shahryar's picture

I think of the difference in temperature between Crete and oh....Sweden, for example, and the difference between the old religions of those places. I would think that the warmer a place is the more likely it would have been a matriarchal society. Here's my current hypothesis: warmer means fewer clothes, more love-making, less reliance on big, strong men to provide animal skins to protect against the elements. More food growing on trees and in the ground, leading to worshiping Mother Earth rather than Father Lightning Bolt.

I'm going with that today, rather than the development of language. And Talk Talk is great, on my list of the top 30 songs of all time. List available upon request.

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NCTim's picture

Depending on mood, time of day, last time heard, in context with the current of the day, ... A durable list item ->

What's on your list?

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

Shahryar's picture

here's some of it

I Want to Hold Your Hand
Just a Dream
Penny Lane
Beechwood 4-5789
Shop Around
I Can't Explain
Keep On Running
Talk Talk
Will You Love Me Tomorrow
Bye Bye Baby

I think the only lesser known one there is the Mary Wells tune. Any 70s numbers would be things from Elvis Costello, Abba, the Chi-Lites, or this one..

here's another obscure-ish tune from the 60s on my list

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NCTim's picture

We can spin records and party.

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

enhydra lutris's picture

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

NCTim's picture

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

gulfgal98's picture

I was always and still am a big Smokey fan. The original Motown star. Glad to see this one on your list.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Shahryar's picture

at least the ones in my top 30....of all time!!!! (I noticed this list doesn't have Get a Job or Stranded in the Jungle...or Green Door...might have to make it a top 33)

I'm Alive - The Hollies. Love their harmonies. Clarke and Nash told the story of meeting the Everlys as fans. That's who they wanted to be
Wake Up Little Susie. And then Phil and Don went to England after the Beatles hit here and recorded an album...backed by the Hollies!
I Only Have Eyes for You - The Flamingos. So gorgeous. They've got other tunes that are great too.
Save the Last Dance for Me - The Drifters. Of course this was led by Ben E. King
He's a Rebel - The Crystals....which means Darlene Love plus backups. The actual Crystals were out of town so Insane Lunatic Specter had Darlene sing it and he then put it out under the Crystals name.
Sally Go 'Round the Roses - The Jaynettes. I believe they changed their name to the C-Notes for some reason.
Touch the Hem of His Garment - The Soul Stirrers. Sam Cooke on lead vocal
Who Do You Love - The Sapphires
Whatcha Gonna Do - The Drifters. This one features Clyde McPhatter
Diamonds and Pearls - The Paradons

but there are probably 100 doo-wop tunes that I could list here.

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shaharazade's picture

One more from my list...

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shaharazade's picture

I was trying to think of my favorite David Bowie song the other day and realized it was impossible to decide. Songs from my list rotate into my head and sometime I don't even know what they are. They are programmed in my minds greatest hit's list. I find Eric's great songs come floating up and before I even recognize the source of the song I think this a good one. Hard to even archive let alone pick through the durable list I've accumulated.

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shaharazade's picture

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Shahryar's picture

although I heard It's So Easy today and that's almost as good/better/close to as good...well it's up there! So is Maybe Baby.

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NCTim's picture

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

NCTim's picture

place it. When I finally figured it out, I felt stupid.

Freddie Hubbard kept throwing me off.

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

mimi's picture

Because these days tribal affiliations, identity politics are "the cool thing" and being of a tribe that has its privileges and no victim status justifications associated ... I started to question myself where I actually come from. After some reflections of anecdotal differences I saw in my life between Southern (warm tropical climate) and Northern (cold climates) "tribes" I decided that I myself somehow am much closer to a descendant of the Northern Barbarians of the Northern Culture than anything else. Mostly I get affiliated with those anyhow. So, if you can't beat those categorizations, I decided to just follow them and declare myself a German Northern Barbarian. Smile

If you read along in this article, you might find that matriarchy can exist in patriarch societies, independent of warm climates.

When we use the word patriarchy today, we generally associate it with the oppression and devaluing of women. However, there is very little evidence that women were less valued and less powerful than men to any considerable degree. In many societies, gender division only means that men and women have different areas of expertise and power. Among the ancient pagan Scandinavians and Germans, free men were primarily warriors, although they would also be traders, craftsmen, bards, priests, sailors, fishermen, hunters and farmers at the same time. Free men gathered around one powerful chief to whom they swore allegiance, chiefs gathered around little kings and so forth. Heads of households and clans would come together in assemblies in which they decided on laws and other settlements. The heads of households were expected to represent his people, men and women, at the Assembly, and legal cases could be brought up to him by any free man or woman in his jurisdiction. It is important to note that not all men were patriarchs and that the status of one´s clan was more important to the hierarchy than gender. Obviously, a male slave had to obey a free woman, and sons were expected to obey their mothers.

The head of household, that is, the patriarch, did not have total authority over his wife and children, as numerous sources show. Wives could own property of their own and take out divorce if they so wished. Sagas show that women would not accept punishment from their husbands. She would regard physical violence as a great dishonor that had to be avenged. A man who beat his wife could expect violent, even deadly, retaliation from her clan, who saw the respect paid to their kinswoman as equal to the respect paid to the whole clan. Any individual, regardless of gender, was first and foremost a representative for the clan they were born into, even after marriage, which was considered a truce between two clans.

The woman who was married to a patriarch could easily be called a matriarch at his side, because she had total authority when it came to the practical and economical aspect of running a property – an authority symbolized in the dangling set of keys in her belt. She, not her husband, chose which doors to open and how to run the veritable business that was an Iron Age property. The man´s wealth was very much in the hands of his wife. She would be seated right next to her husband in the high seat of their property, a strong symbol of equality, and she would be addressed and referred to as the “house-Freya”, the Lady of the House, after the great Goddess herself.

Sexually, very little importance was placed in chastity and virginity. Married women were expected to stay faithful to their husbands, not because of morals but because of the practical results of patriarchy – a man needed to know who his children were, since they would inherit him. Unmarried girls, widows and divorcees could do pretty much whatever they liked, and there was no dishonor to a woman who had children outside of marriage, although it would be more practical to identify a willing father.

I just thought it might be fun for you to read. There is more in this article which made me smile. And. btw. you have matriarchal and patriarchal societies and tribes in sub-Saharan Africa and I can confirm that's hot down there in both tribal areas.

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shaharazade's picture

That warmer climes fostered matriarchal societies is hard to swallow when you consider the Aztec and the Mayan civilizations. They were a blood thirsty lot. Campbell attributes this to their agricultural use of blood for fertilizer. Look at the ancient ME desert tribes their whole explanation of the universe was patriarchal. Perhaps if you go back farther to ancient Africa you can find evidence for this. God knows (speaking of patriarchal concepts) what historical adaptations the manly conquerors of matriarchal societies did to the story.

As for talk talk it is a great song but the singers voice puts me off. He's just too much of a mush mouth, manly twit hippie dude with out the edge or talent of say Mick.. It was interesting to see what he looked like after hearing The Music Machine for years and thinking here he goes with another weak lame manly huhhh grunting noise. The late James Brown has the same effect on me but in his case i have to admit he was a talent. However this is just my visceral gut reaction to this singer so to each his own.

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Shahryar's picture

but Talk Talk is fine all around.

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hecate's picture

well, I really stepped in it with that one. ; 0

Can we at least agree that The Hairball tune is of Hell?

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mimi's picture

extinguish this hellish fire and drown it properly.
I thought that was impressive. Found In Greenland, Zachariæ Isstrøm glacier has come undone and is flowing into the Atlantic. And I thought if it's getting too hot out here in DC I could emigrate to Greenland as it's supposedly gaining a lot of landmass where you can grow your foodies. Now I am having kinda second thoughts...

Good Night.

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Yesterday is regrettable, tomorrow still hypothetical. But you can always listen to your body, and seize today with both hands.

The better one is at it, the more psychopathic they become.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

mimi's picture

I regretted much not knowing you in person. That's why I can't stand the online communication, it makes people unhappy, in fact. But that's all what many of us got, mostly. Out of despair, we deny it, and out of shame, we try to make up for it by choosing the best words we can put up for the data machines to datafy our thoughts and kill our feelings and put us like dried insects in boxes to study.
Thanks, hecate, for your amazing word salad prose.. I just can't imagine how the "fog machine" made statistical data out of your ur-word-writings. That's so mean.

I like this OT very much. Thanks and have a good weekend.

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NCTim's picture

That's why I can't stand the online communication, it makes people unhappy

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

mimi's picture

all the time online?
Scratch one-s head

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hecate's picture

writing a novel at the time, and I brought 100 pages or so in on disc, and fed it into the computer, and turned on the fog machine, and the fog machine broke. Like Nomad in Star Trek. I was really pleased about that.

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mimi's picture

fog machines slaughtering novels. Feeding the beast til it chokes. Smile

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shaharazade's picture

A good write. 'We don't need no stinking data' I used to say at dkos where I first encountered the wonk's who say Nie! They immediately declared me a heretic of the church of science that uses the binary language. Your choices are only binary they said. I prefer the beauty of Latin the formerly spoken words of the Church my parents sent me to. It was as unintelligible as xxxoooo's but it had a strange but familiar rhythm and pleased the ear. The monk wonk's of ancient times illuminated and transcribed the fragments left after it fell. Where they aware of the meaning of the words they made art out of?

As a visual artist there is not much room in the language of pixels and xxxoooo's for either hugs or shading, unless you jpeg the pixels. Even then there is no connection to the hand of the creator you have to move the nodes. You can feed the machine with analog but it translates it into binary. It's kind of fun to blow up the pixels to an abstract and then mess with them. The only problem is you lose the connection between the mind body and spirit that you created in the analog moment.

I spent an afternoon with William Burroughs. He helped me and another art assistant to a up and coming hack of a 'fine artist' hang his show. He was booked to recite at the opening that night. He was a dapper old guy and very sweet. He preferred to hang out with the picture hanger's rather then hobnob with the press and fine art hangers on and even bought us a take out lunch from Little Tokyo. I didn't know at that time he had shot his wife in the head but I loved his lurid Naked Lunch. At that time Bukowsky was all the rage in the arty LA scene but Naked Lunch and the Tropic of Cancer were my favorites of that genre. Did he have a aura of melancholy around him? I think so but perhaps once I knew he had shot his wife dead my memory shaded the melancholy in.

I know, I've just gotta get out of this place
I can't stand any more of that mechanical grace
Though you say, it's only industrial squeeze
It looks like luxury and feels like a disease

amen. amen. amen

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hecate's picture

that he helped you.

I like your stories.

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shaharazade's picture

to wade through legal documents the bureaucracy spews out. The ACA was another one. they 'only do it to annoy because they know it teases'.

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