No Means No

Our rights have been violated. I will not yield. I will not fall in line. I will not ever for any reason ever give one iota of support to that monstrous hydra made up of Clinton and her dirty supporters.
As the grandchild of immigrants who fled Hitler, I will not allow my vote to be corrupted by the specter of Trump when the more urgent threat is spurning the Democratic Party in all it's bloated debauchery.
Do not think for one minute that dangling Trump over my head like a piñata filled with the seven deadly sins will goad me into supporting, however begrudgingly, a person so filled with the promise of destruction.
My grandparents name is listed on Ellis Island. The Statue of Liberty welcomed them and saved them from a merciless dictator. And she is being raped by our political system. I will not stand by. I will not yield. I will not fall in line.

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lunachickie's picture

Both candidates shoot their mouths off with bullshit, regularly.

One of them shoots their mouths off with bullshit that demonstrates verbal hatred (Fuck the Moooslems and Mexicans)

One of them shoots their mouths off with bullshit that laughs at people dying (We came, we saw, he died! And then bombs fell on people).

So yeah, I hear ya. It's hard to square "immigrants and Ellis Island" and "Donald Trump" in the same thought, but then again, he's not threatening to bomb immigrants, is he?

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Nothing the Democrats can possibly do would make me vote for Hillary in November.

Today, Obama endorsed her. Nope. No fucks given. I dislike him even more now.
Giving us worthless DNC platform committee positions? Hell no.
DWS could be fired. Nope. Too little, too late.
Warren could be her VP. Nope. If anything, whatever respect I have left for her would vanish.
Bernie could endorse her. Nope.
Bernie could write a personal letter to me asking me to vote for her. Nope.
Hillary could adopt every single policy that Bernie campaigned on. Nope. I'd never believe her.
Hillary could write me a check for $1 million. Nope. Keep your tainted money.

I will not be a party to this blatant corruption and ideology that believes that you can run a scorched earth campaign and make amends later just because there is a greater evil looming on the horizon. Plus, if the Democrats pummel Bernie into submission and he endorses her and/or gives the Democrats access to his donor list, I will rage. I won't be pacified and fall in line; it'll just make me even angrier.

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lotlizard's picture

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"No Fucks Given"
Powerful, powerful essay,
Not PUMA, cuz became an Independent when Clintons/DLC took over the party to which I used to belong. Never gave up MY VISION for what that party could be, Bernie Sanders expresses my vision for the Democratic party. No interest in the words of any platform. "No Fucks Given" for words.
Obama disappoints again. Party labels mean nothing.

We can't have that Democratic party while it is still controlled by the Crooked Clintons.

A. B. C. = Anybody But Clinton

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Raggedy Ann's picture

that nothing he does will make us vote for hrc. Is there a way to communicate this with him? I can't find a "contact us" on his campaign web page and I don't really want to send it through is Senate site.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

xRiotGrrrrlx's picture

a lot of us will not vote for her. I don't think pressuring him right now is a good idea. he is under a lot of pressure already and I know this must be really hard for him. Bernie said not long ago that his greatest fear about losing the nomination is to disappoint all the people he has brought into the political process. He is hurting right now because he feels he let us down. I think the more important message to Bernie from us right now should be that we will continue to fight and that he has not let us down, even if he is pressured into endorsing her. The thought of Bernie's beautiful, fighting spirit breaking over this really tears me up inside. He has fought so hard for us for his entire life. I think it's important to let him know he has changed politics in a big way and that he has inspired us all to fight harder for real change and real justice regardless of the outcome of this biased farce of a primary.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

I just saw this in another essay comment thread. The article is long, but validates everything we've suspected and been warned about all along. We're doomed. Period.

I will not vote for Biden either. Period.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

snoopydawg's picture

It's a great article about Hillary's crimes during her time as SOS and if it was anyone else, they would have been indicted already.
I'm afraid that she is going to skate just like Petrayous did.
But her crimes are much worse.
And when they finally come out, Obama owns them
As I wrote yesterday, there's no way that he and other people didn't know that she was using a private server. All they had to do was look at her email address.
Clintonemail or something like that is a dead giveaway. And Obama had to know that Bluementhal was working for their foundation and would be emailing classified information.
But just like he didn't go after Bush and Cheney for war crimes, the FBI torturers and the people who crashed the global economy, he doesn't give two shits about his legacy.
And I'm tired to hell of reading that he's been the best president since FDR and how so many people are going to miss him when he leaves the WH.
IMO, he can't leave soon enough.
And maybe the TPP won't get passed and no last minute deals on privatizing or cutting social security.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

jwa13's picture

I have to point out a misspelling -- Petraus -> Betrayus

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When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.

featheredsprite's picture

He used to be an astute politician, if nothing else. I wonder what happened?

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Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.

snoopydawg's picture

Chicago you would see that neither Obamas are who people think they are.
I don't remember the circumstances of what Michelle did working as an administrator in a hospital there, but it had something to do with screwing poor people who had gone to her hospital. I will try to find out what she did.
And then there's Penny Ptitzer who has financed his career during his time in the Chicago legislature and he finally was able to reward her with a cushy ambassador job in some nice country.
Penny is the other side of of the Koch brothers, but not as well known. She has flown under the radar.
And why did Obama vote present so many times while he was in congress? It's so no one could see his true opinions and see how he would be as president.
They are nowhere near as slimy as the Clintons by a long shot, but they aren't squeaky clean either.
And how do the Obama girls feel about their dad killing so many innocent civilians? I would like to know

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

his legacy may be the only thing he cares about. I mean, it's obvious he doesn't care about us, or his oath to defend the constitution or his promise to be "the most transparent administration" in history. He doesn't care about the lives of the innocent people he's droned to death in the Middle East. He doesn't care about the fraud perpetrated by Wall Street. His legacy, such as it is, might be all he cares about, and it isn't looking too good right about now.

BTW, I made this thinking you might want to update your avatar. I call him Peace Snoopy.


We could sure use some peace in this world.

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snoopydawg's picture

That would be his joe Cool persona.
I have him and Woodstock tattooed on the inside of my ankle. This way I can see it.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

RA - agree, that is such a powerful article.

Hoping we can have a "thread" from the original essay. To make sure everyone has the opportunity to read and watch these.

The Lewis Powell Memo:
and the video:

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CFland's picture

Thanks for posting the link I just finished it but i bookmarked it to reread. Sadly, one sentence stood out where she said Obama knew better ( paraphrased ) than to endorse before the people had spoken. mean 1% of the people.

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ppnortney's picture

Someone posted a suggestion on KFS that we show our support by making a donation and sending him a letter of thanks, and I think this is such a great idea. He has been an indefatigable campaigner, not just this election season but his entire life. Here's the post:

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The smaller the mind the greater the conceit. --Aesop

featheredsprite's picture

Just to let him know that we're still with him. And that he should give up on the Democrats already and declare as an independent.

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Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.

CFland's picture

Me too. I sent 2.70 and a thank you email. But not because I'm saying goodbye. HELL NO.

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Made a donation and sent a thank you email. Said I'd continue to follow him and work for the revolution.

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The Sanders campaign can use a few pennies for final bills as well.

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"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti

hester's picture

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Don't believe everything you think.

Unabashed Liberal's picture

know that his movement will live on.

I respectfully disagree that we shouldn't make a lot of hay about not backing FSC. Right now, is when his movement has the most leverage.

Let's remember, Bernie is a decades long politician. He will likely weather this defeat better than some, if not most, of his supporters (IMO).

Anyhoo, I'm definitely not suggesting that (we) his supporters harangue him. But I believe that we should be very vocal on social media--making it known that we will not 'get in line' and vote for FSC.

Having said that, if I had a way to email him (and I don't), I'd express my appreciation, in abundance.

Maybe, I'll Tweet him.



In Tribute To 'Barabas'
Please Visit Save Our Street Dogs [SOSD]

Barabas The Brave, Dearly Missed, SOSD

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

the corrupt system did. Our desire to maintain hope in the face of all that corruption let us down.

The only thing Bernie could do to let me down would be to not fight all the way to the floor of the convention and make the demands we all know must be made:

Institute single-payer healthcare to break the stranglehold of insurance companies.
Support tuition-free college to educate our children and grandchildren for the 21st century.
Rebuild our roads, bridges, schools and the rest of our crumbling infrastructure.
Provide a living wage and family leave for all.
Promote racial and gender justice for all.
Invest in renewable energy and a green economy.
End the endless goddamn wars.
and, most importantly of all, demand real action on climate change.

As long as he continues to fight for those issues and all the other things we so desperately need, I'll be right there beside him.

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no matter who says it is, except Bernie.

Why is everyone talking as if Hillary has won already? Did I miss something?

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'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "

CFland's picture

TYT actually has a YouTube poll right now. Also, you can hashtags.

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mjsmeme's picture

and it seems to have shocked Cenk when he was reporting it earlier.

BTW: I love it when you tell us how you feel, Celeste.

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Hillary Clinton is no lesser evil than Donald Trump. The blatant corruption and election fraud that brought us this likely contest between two widely despised and distrusted candidates makes a mockery of our government and our election process and confirms the Princeton report that we don't have a democracy. For those who needed a research paper to know that.

CNN reports that Elizabeth Warren will endorse Clinton on Rachel Maddow's show. Now, when there's no risk to her and no benefit beyond undercutting Sanders at the convention in the name of "unity." Is it jonquil, egg yolk, or sunshine, that yellow hue she's wearing?

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"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti

mjsmeme's picture

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when you can shoot for VP?

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Love is my religion.

mjsmeme's picture

anti=trumpers and that 15% of Berners who will hold their noses (should this farce continue beyond the Convention). They seem to have a difference of opinion about Wall Street and the bankers for one thing.

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Hard to write this, worked hard to help her get elected MY Senator from MA, but noticed I DO have another "DGAF" ("Don't Give a Fuck") left for Elizabeth Warren.

Think it was RA who first called our attention to this, on another now deceased site:
"Those who would make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." — JFK

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....that while Warren was talking about "working her heart out for Hillary" she was vigorously shaking her head "no"? And in Obama's endorsement, he said "enthusiasm" so many times that it turned into satire.

I share your pain, Caerus. I made many calls and knocked on many doors to get Elizabeth Warren elected. She taught the millions to recognize and reject the "rigged" system; how can she truly believe we will all fall in line? I feel something truly weird is happening.

...After all, Brutus is an honourable man.

Bernie: Mensch of the Year

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snoopydawg's picture

But has she been able to get any bills passed, or has anything come from her being in the congress?
And she is also a war hawk. Voted to give Israel more bombs after they ran out during Operation Mow the Fucking Lawn!
And so did Bernie. So much for his I/P statement. Bernie has done a lot of great things in congress, but he has been on board with many military interventions.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver