Newest Anti-Russian Psyop
Danielle Ryan at RT asks today: ‘Coincidence? Baltic invasion story reappears as Pentagon seeks to quadruple Europe spending’
First she explains why the theme of Russian revanchism may have been put on the back burner, especially an older ‘Russia about to invade the Balkans’ story. But she notes this interesting timing today:
“On February 2, the Pentagon announced it would seek to quadruple its budget for Europe in 2017 to deter “Russian aggression”. On February 3, the UK’s BBC aired a fictitious ‘war gaming’ account of a Russian invasion of Latvia, complete with a nuclear strike on a Royal Navy warship and a planned strike on London — an exercise which one expert termed“psychological warfare”. On the same day, an American think tank, the RAND Corporation — which is partly funded by the US Department of Defense — claimed that Russia would be able to “overrun” the Baltics in 60 hours.
In the weeks leading up to the new media blitz, the Atlantic Council — whose primary founding aim is to defend NATO interests — had gotten the ball rolling again with a piece about Putin’s “next potential target” — which, you guessed it, was the Baltics. The piece was then re-published by Newsweek with the headline: “Counting down to a Russian invasion of the Baltics”.
This happens every time the Pentagon wants more money to play with. Various ‘studies’ about the danger posed by whichever bad guy is in fashion start appearing. Experts suddenly realize that the US military is drastically underfunded in said area of immediate strategic importance. Officials begin making even more outlandish statements than usual. And the media eat it up, apparently completely unaware of the fact that they are being taken for a ride.”
She has a bit of fun with the MSM reporting and op-eds following the new Baltics story, Hitler-as-Putin, all would be fine if Putin weren’t bombing Syria to ‘strategically weaken Europe…(Guardian) we must stop Russian propaganda, more sanctions!!! and arm Ukraine. …Well, you get the drift. Then:
Rational, balanced voices sidelined
Meanwhile, saner, expert voices calling for rational thinking rarely get heard, and when they do, they appear as a mere footnote to the drama. Take Kent University Professor Richard Sakwa’s letter to the Guardian last week, in which he called for a calmer assessment of Russia and argued that its constant ‘demonisation’ would serve to make no one safer.
“We need to understand more and condemn less,” he wrote, arguing that the country’s portrayal as an aggressive power only increases its own perception of threat from outside. He warned that such portrayals “fail to take into account its defensive posture”.
The letter is here, although Sawka teaches at Kent University UK, north of Canterbury.
The BBC show: ‘World War II: Inside the War Room’; it sounds sexy as hell for war porn devotées.
On Feb. 3, Russia expert Stephen F. Cohen was up with ‘The Obama Administration Has Just Recklessly Escalated Its Military Confrontation With Russia; The Pentagon’s announcement that it will quadruple US-NATO military forces in countries on or near Russia’s borders pushes the new Cold War toward actual war, possibly even a nuclear one.’ He has a radio discussion on John Bachelor’s program (40 minutes, ugh).
But the text highlights:
“Except during Nazi Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union, Western military power has never been positioned so close to Russia, making the new Cold War even more dangerous than was the preceding one. Russia will certainly react, probably by moving more of its own heavy weapons, including new missiles, to its Western borders, possibly along with a large number of its tactical nuclear weapons. The latter reminds us, Cohen points out, that a new and more dangerous US-Russian nuclear arms race has been under way for several years, which the Obama Administration’s decision can only intensify. The decision will also have other woeful consequences, undermining ongoing negotiations by Secretary of State Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov for cooperation on the Ukrainian and Syrian crises and further dividing Europe itself, which is far from united on Washington’s increasingly hawkish approach to Moscow.”
He ends by saying that MSM have barely reported any of this, and notes that the subject hasn’t come up in the Presidential ‘debates’.
Now I’d been mocking NATO on Twitter the other day for their…er…muscular weapons and other armaments photos and grotesque names for the new ‘strengthening NATO in Europe’ the other day, and lookie here! I checked back with the Feb. 2 royal blue map and noted that the northermost three Stars are...the Baltics: Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Funny that. Plus: US trains with Latvian forces, Norway (next door), “Cuts in defence have now practically stopped among European Allies & Canada”, and tra la la.
New #NATO units in Eastern Europe gear up to support exercises & military planning
— Oana Lungescu (@NATOpress) February 2, 2016
(cross-posted from Café Babylon)

I just love this topic.
I regard the US's transparent Russia Derangement — on display in front of god and everyone — as a festering sore on the nation's face, that is indicative of a syphilitic brain.
Are you the one who had a link to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's press conference two weeks ago? Maybe it was joe. Anyway, it was very entertaining and carefully re-translated. The big story was not only Lavrov's credibility but the fact that the reporters of the world flocked to cover it live — and it did not appear in a single Western news source.
A Russian Diplomat's Take on the World.
::: lol polonium :::
ah, bugger, Pluto.
do i know that Doctorow? (smile). thank you, i sweat i'll read later, and as to your question...perhaps joe, but i forget everything in about six minutes any more.
but please, given that i may be too bushed to come back tonight (i'd been working on part II of 'compromised NGOs and brands', but this seem too great to miss...:
Somehow over the past two days I’d ended up at the Oriental Review website, and had seen news of this Paul Moreira documentary . I swear there was a function to play it in English, but although I spent far too long trying to hunt down that version, I never did find it. But I did find: “The Director of Controversial French Maidan Documentary (and the Odessa Massacre at the Trades Union House) Answers His Critics”, an he brings some of what the film had told, and it’s not easy (Right Sektor proto-Nazis, etc.), as those of us who’d followed the events in almost-real time...know.
The English version to which even he links has been removed. Does he know? I’d think not. Was it Censored? Who can say?
This is the French version; my four years of high school French...are almost useless.
Remember Avaaz? it may be that one needs to become a subscriber to see their site's more war-pimping programs, but there is this newish one. Avaaz retweeted 20 hrs ago: (roth is either HRW or the other soros one):
well, yes; russia is always to blame, not the Imperium and allies, nor the sauds, nor the turks, nor...tra la la. 'Know your enemy!'
Sleep well tonight: NATO is awake!
jeezum, crow,
Comrade aXe at the café found a version of the above 'Ukraine - Masks of revolution' documentary with english subtitles.
I experienced this in real time:
…on a large, heretofore sane Democratic blog. It may be the most shocking political moment of my life. Reality split cleanly in two, for me.
I had seen a hint of this impossible singularity in Benghazi on the day of the attack of the CIA torture house. In both cases, I was "on the ground" before the media. The facts have never been reported in the US, to this day. Oddly, the facts were not that damning, to elicit a total blackout. But I may not understand what I know, for example, which specific files were stolen from the consulate that day.
So I took a pass with Benghazi, and marked it up to a mass hallucination in the US. But when Ukraine became a black hole I had to choose: to deny reality and go blissfully ignorant. Or to adapt to the global force of the US terrorist state.
At this point, I highly recommend, for anyone who finds themselves with too much reality awareness, to fully embrace blissful ignorance. It will lead to a much happier life. I've watched good, intelligent people go deeply stupid when they found flaws in the state narrative. They are among the most successful, confident, and well-connected people that I know.
Deftly and beautifully done, Pluto.
There have been a few times when I'd wished I could be...clueless and 'happy' like some of the folks I get Christmas cards from. Of course, those thoughts only last for nano-seconds, and then...I pity them for their hiding among the ferns and flowers, in a different form of 'duck and cover'.
There are times and personal conditions, of course, that require shutting out reality (whatever that is, really) lest while staring into abyss too long....they find the abyss staring back. I've been there, and then it's time to seek love and connections in our families and communities with those with whom we're able to connect, at least.
But in the end, I reckon that I'm process-oriented, not goal-oriented, and achieving 'happiness' means being static as all giddy-up (contra the Dalai Lama's book, l.o.l.). I reckon I'd rather be real, be aware, and take the pain and depression of stride, and love glee and euphoria when it comes along. Writing, for me, and often 'calling out The Dark' acts as a pressure valve to leak off...too much steam, eh? (smile) With the life I have left, I figure I'm gonna kick the hell outta it!
My best ♥ to you, Pluto.
Time to nudge that clock a wee bit closer to midnight.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
i feel like a git asking,
which clock, LapsedLawyer. nuclear conflagration?
But oh, my, now i'm seeing clocks. especially this clock (h/t kurt vonnegut)