This is My Rambling Rant to my RightWing Brother
The part after "m" is his email.. thoughts?
Hey, I started a new thread again. Mostly because I want separation between our political discussions and our family talks. I really like that bright line, as we call it in the weapons systems requirements biz..
Here's the way I see it: Jared Kushner is in a deep hole because the wunderkind you see on TV whose voice you've never heard, is actually an idiot with a large bankroll. He bought 666 Fifth Avenue for $1.8B, according to the entire world, way over what he should have. As a result, he is in hock to the Russians. His marriage to Ivanka is like one of those historical marriages, appearance. But to me, he was the one totally willing to court the russian spies because they gave him a fuck ton of money, as Donald Trump, Jr revealed during a golf outing with a golf reporter.
So yes, we are riveted on this man Trump. He is affecting our entire future lives every moment he is in office, by the hour! "Oh, my trip to Cuba just got cancelled." "Oh, my father was deported for lawfully reporting to ICE as he has done for 4 years." "Oh, I can never retire because there are a million mosquitoes outside the hospital ready to suck my blood (and take my house) over medical expenses."
I have no idea what your appeal is trying to be, it is really opaque to me, all this talk of checks and balances. Hey, let's take your email piece by piece, cuz I do care what you think brother. I just prefer it offline.
I am seriously concerned about the hate towards our president. Do you think you felt as much "hate" towards Obama? Not what you displayed, but what you felt? This requires you to gauge your own hate versus what you think my hate is. Toward Donald Trump. To me, hate is an unproductive word, because it doesn't reflect the fear in the country right now.
I hate Donald Trump. There is no doubt about that. But I love my country more, John. And that is why I am all behind a re-examination of what this country stands for. If this man gets away with - and don't fucking insult my intelligence with challenges to "what constitutional statement is he violating?" Fuck, you know goddamn well that he is at first and foremost violating the emoluments clause, every day. Please stfu about that ok brother? It's like global warming, of which Trump still denies, it's a settled argument.
The aiding and abetting - at a minimum - of Russia attacks on US persons IS NOT FAKE NEWS.
What you call hate is anger. If you keep saying up is down the argument cannot proceed. Donald Fucking Trump violates the Fucking Constitution every Fucking morning. I am angry you don't fucking respect me enough to allow the discussion to proceed. You get hung up on what i consider settled points and act like you have Alzheimer's. Stop that, we have time enough for Az..
OK, we've dealt with the second sentence of your email. Stay tuned.
And don't change the channel. If you want a rhetorical fight you've got it, but keep it off the funny pages ok bro*. Mucho Loveo!!
*- by that I mean don't interject your financial and political bullshit into our family discussion, I can't believe I have to say this. Again. I feel like Degner. gdi
Good Morning,
I’ve been appealing for cooler heads to prevail. I am seriously concerned about the hate towards our president. I warned it seemed to me it was getting dangerously high, the next day people were shot because they were republican; which supported my contention.
I’ve called Trump a Jester and clueless Mr. Jones from the Bob Dylan song. I’ve been writing about “feeding the bad wolf” the hate was streaming unchecked.
I’ve been asking what in your opinion would constitute a successful term? What part of the constitution is being violated? We could talk about that.
To me it’s been like trying to stop someone in a rage from fighting.
I’ve been stating the limited roles of a president and the checks and balances that keep them from too much power, as in don’t worry, our “system” works; have faith.
Right now I am owning what I said, that’s all I meant when I said you own whatever you’ve said. Not that you took actions, that was somebody else it was clearly coming.
I’ve made lots of prediction’s here and you can look at the record. I’ve asked you guys to make predictions based on what you see? I can’t remember any replies.
I could only infer terrible things were coming because of our president, I asked for clarification because I couldn’t see it.
I get no response. I even bet on the Russian thing and started watching politics again to engage in the conversation but it was never revisited. Realistically, nothing was going to come from that and won’t. It’s just a huge distraction and waste of time; absurd on the face of it by the way.
I respectfully disagree with socialism as a good form of government. Historically it has proven to be a disaster at times. I understand and respect you hold the opposite view.
We’ve had time, 10 years, I hope we have decades more. With very different views on what is real and not reality, an opportunity exists for all of us to learn.
If I’m wrong I hope I can admit it, it would be learning opportunity for me to grow.
Christine’s poem was brilliant, I really enjoyed it.

Russian attacks?
You wrote:
I haven't heard about any Russian attacks on US persons. Can you provide details, with cites to source information, about when and where these attacks happened?
With regard to this remark you made to your brother:
Just because you consider something to be a "settled point" doesn't mean that (1) it is, in fact, a settled point, and (2) everyone else has to keep quiet and not disagree with you about it.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Shame on you.
We are all Hillary Clinton now. Future elections be damned, defending Her good name is all that matters.
This essay would fit right in on Orange State. They might even pay you for it.
@edg Nice.. I think my brother
Bernie is a win-win.