Media spotlights
The ACLU of Ohio has created a series of videos sharing the lives of transgender Ohioans.
As social awareness grows, the hope is that legislators will listen to the people and address the widespread and ongoing discrimination against a segment of their constituents. After sitting on the bill for years, Cleveland City Council approved an ordinance in 2016 that prohibits discrimination against people based on gender identity. The state has not done anything like that.
What interested me in being part of the ACLU video series was the opportunity to tell my personal story in hopes of educating the public. Research shows that people are more likely to support good non-discrimination policies if they know someone who is transgender.
--Christian Hemminger
Meanwhile CBS is debuting a new series tonight, Doubt airs at 10pm.. This show will be have the first transgender person in a recurring role on network television. Laverne Cox will be starring as a lawyer named Cameron Wirth. Also appearing in the series are Katherine Heigl, Kobi, Libii, Lauren Blumenfeld, Tara Karsian, Romi Dias, Cassidy Freeman, Steven Pasquale, Dulé Hill, and Elliot Gould.
Creators Tony Phelan and Joan Rater share their main reason behind the inspiration for the show here: Doubt showrunners: How our transgender son inspired the CBS series

The more faces are put on "transgender," the better.
The more gays who came out, to their families, to America, the more gays were accepted. It was not good enough and it was way too late in human history, but it was a huge improvement over, say, the 1940s and earlier. I hope something similar happens with members of the transgender community.
We should all be judged only by "the content of our character."