Madman or Genius? Man calls for Americans to make a run on the banks.

Aaron Day, who describes himself on Twitter as a Candidate for President and a bestselling author, thinks we ought to crush the financial sector by making a run on banks.

Not your typical campaign platform.


Fellow Americans, the time has come for us to unite and take a stand against the encroaching threats of WW3, financial collapse, political persecution, censorship, and crypto bans. We must recognize that change won't come from protests or the political process. It demands our collective courage to engage in mass civil disobedience. Let us come together, boldly say NO, and take action to dismantle the corrupt system that seeks to undermine our freedom.

Welcome to the Bank Run Manifesto – a call to action for us all.

We face a grave reality: protests and the ballot box have failed to address the pressing issues of our time. As we stand on the brink of global conflict, economic ruin, and increasing control over our lives, we must unite and take matters into our own hands. Consider the following five areas of oppression:

1. Verge of WW3: Our government continues to escalate tensions with China and Russia, despite overwhelming public opposition. Voting has proven ineffective against the Deep State, and we must starve the fiat currency that fuels war.

2. Financial Collapse: The US Dollar is on the verge of collapse due to economic mismanagement, unsustainable debt, and government corruption. By embracing self-custody crypto, gold, and silver, we can protect ourselves and demand a new, more equitable financial system.

3. Political Persecution: The recent arrest of former President Trump on hush money charges highlights the abuse of power at play. Protests have been manipulated, but a bank run sends an unmistakable message: overreach will not be tolerated.

4. Censorship: Douglass Mackey's trial for posting a meme and the proposed RESTRICT Act illustrate the erosion of our First Amendment rights. By defunding the institutions behind these attacks, we can resist the encroaching tyranny.

5. Crackdown on Cryptocurrency: Congress will not willingly relinquish its control over fiat money. By embracing crypto, gold, and silver for day-to-day commerce, we can challenge this monopoly and secure our freedom.

Our call to action is simple: participate in a bank run, exchanging your dollars for alternative assets like cryptocurrencies, gold, and silver. Then, tell three others to do the same and encourage them to spread the word to three more people. Just as the 3% of the population who fought in the American Revolution made a profound impact, so too can we transform our society through collective action.

It is time to initiate a bank run that shatters the foundations of control and reclaims our financial destiny. As we come together, undivided by the shackles of prejudice and discord, we become an indomitable force. We stand for liberty, for autonomy, and for justice.

Together, we can break free from the shackles of centralized control and forge a future that values individual sovereignty, liberty, and justice for all. Stand with us, take control of your assets, and embrace the power of the people! Let our collective action echo through history, inspiring generations to come. The time is now – join us in this vital act of civil disobedience and reclaim the destiny that belongs to each and every one of us.

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Clinton Alden's picture

Gee, let's bring on the Great Recession + The 2008 financial crisis at the same time, along with total unemployment and complete societal collapse. Yeah, that's the ticket. Those with "assets" will be fine. They have plenty of guns or can hire plenty of guns. Those without assets would be crushed in to full destitution, like some fricking Ana Rand, dystopian nightmare. Those w/o assets, but have guns, will become the new War Lords.

"Liberty, Asset & Crypto" are key terms that are sure fire clues, same ole Capitalist rule. These people haven't realized, Capitalism did this. Continuing down the same "asset minded" mentality has lead us where we are today. The pursuit of money, wealth and much stuff one can possible do anything real with, has lead us to where we are, over the verge of WW3.

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Formerly, RantingRooster

Lookout's picture

Bank run or not, the USD is toast sooner or later. Endless war combined with the massive wave of de-dollarization occurring across the world, the US economy isn't healthy.

Hope all is well on the ranch!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”