Let me try to explain it again with sufficient pathos.

As I've pointed out previously, American political discourse is heavy upon ethos, the appeal to character, and pathos, the appeal to emotions. Logos, the appeal to reasoning, is my favorite, yet does not encourage interest among Americans when discussing politics. What's important to Americans is how they feel and what the personalities are.

So let me try the last diary's thesis with a little more oomph. The neoliberals, as I've said several times before, have dominated American politics for the last forty years. Donald Trump, though not strictly speaking a neoliberal, did not interrupt their rule in the least. As a result, America is screwed.

But the really big screwing started last year, in April, with the CARES Act. That's what granted America's richest individuals access to direct Federal Reserve loans. Now, what I was saying in that diary was that in government circles there is typically a (neoliberal) distinction made between monetary policy, which is Fed "loans," and fiscal policy, which is taxing and spending. However, this distinction is basically false, as "monetary" policy toward the rich (as put forth in the CARES Act) is basically a way of spending upon them -- in short, giving them money.

Okay, now fast-forward to the present day. Congressional policy over the past forty years, aided and abetted by various Presidents, has created an enormous gap between the rich and the poor. Now we've got it disguised as "monetary" policy, as well as it being up front and center as "fiscal" policy. The distinction is key because the further enrichment of the rich can continue to occur without public oversight and without anyone really thinking twice about what Congress is doing. Each invasion of that sort, where helping the rich becomes "monetary policy" whereas helping the rest of us becomes "fiscal policy," is a further cementing of the love affair between Congress and the rich.

As a result of all this policy, there's the "violent Capital riot" and such. Here's Richard Wolff on that last topic:

Okay? Okay.

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The Liberal Moonbat's picture

I shared it far and wide!

9 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

Money is a play-thing for the rich.
The fed giving it all away to corporate interests
with the blessings of the
executive, legislative and judicial branches
is killing the 'values' of the rest of us.
Henceforth unrest. No end in sight.
Unless revolting works. We shall see.

12 users have voted.
magiamma's picture

Love r wolff. Every person in every business gets a vote as to where the profits go. No more bozo bezos, manic musks... no more 1%.

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Cassiodorus's picture

@magiamma on our government's love-affair with the rich:

6 users have voted.

"the Democratic Party is not 'left'." -- Sabrina Salvati

pleasure this weekend.
Thanks for posting them.

4 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

RantingRooster's picture

I was watching this video with Kyle of Secular Talk and he played this clip of Mark Levin talking about NeoMarxist. And I'm like WTF is a NeoMarxist?


The guy is obviously bat shit crazy, but I was just curious about that term, NeoMarxist. Would that be like a "Communist" that wants to take over government and then "force" socialism upon the population, aka Soviet Union / Stalinist style?

Let's make a new rule, if what you say has nothing to do with the Matrix movies, you can't say Neo, MK! I get confused... Crazy

Bernie really fucked up by not having Dr. Wolff serve as his "official explainer" of the term Socialism.


And all the time I struggled with Das Capital, I could-a just ask Dr. Wolff and boom, saved months of hard reading...


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C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote

Cassiodorus's picture

@RantingRooster This is like when Jordan Peterson discussed "cultural Marxism" in his book, which I reviewed -- that's right, folks -- here at Caucus99Percent! Anyway, if this Mark Levin guy can't tell the difference between "NeoMarxism" and the "Democrat Party," he's kind of like Jordan Peterson when Peterson equates Max Horkheimer, Jacques Derrida, and the Khmer Rouge.

I could get through about three minutes of Mark Levin before I concluded that it was time spent that I could never get back. A "Neo-Marxist" is someone who applies Marx but without, strictly speaking, being a Marxist. I think the Republican cultists like hyphenating their accusations of "Marxism" because it provides cover for their not having read Marx.

2 users have voted.

"the Democratic Party is not 'left'." -- Sabrina Salvati

RantingRooster's picture

@Cassiodorus @Cassiodorus I didn't mean for you to lose any time. I don't know if I made it longer then 3 minutes myself. I should have put up a caution notice or something. My bad. Sad

But thank you for your answer! I do appreciate it.


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C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote