July FEC Fundraising Report - Fear and Loathing Edition
I wasn't planning to write this for a few more days, but the data became available this morning and it was so interesting I had to share.
A little background. The FEC puts out a data set of prior month campaign contributions on the 20th of the following month. It only contains donors who either gave more than $250 or choose to self-report, so it is not a good statistical sample for the voting public, but it can often give us a good overview of how the money is flowing among those of moderate means.
One problem with using the data is that Trump was not getting any donations during the primary. The only R with anything like a normal donor base was Cruz, but he eventually lost, so the data was mostly only interesting for looking at the Democratic race.
No longer. As of the convention, Trump now has as many donors from this pool as Clinton:
Even more interestingly, his average donation from this donor pool is only half ($152) of the average donation to the other populist candidates (Stein and Sanders).
But all is not well in duopoly land - the two third party candidates also show a massive spike in donors:
In fact, the third party spikes are in the last weeks of July, corresponding to the conventions. This is the fear and loathing aspect: some people were apparently ready to jump ship the moment it was a done deal.
But these "spikes" are pretty tiny compared to the duopoly numbers. Jill Stein has about 1500 donors now, which is more than twice what she started the month with, but about a tenth of a percent of the two main party candidates.
On the other hand, the glass half full argument points out that by polling at 5-10%, the third parties get highly disproportionate results for their money. If they can continue to raise money and get exposure going forward, I expect they can gain a lot of ground before they run into diminishing returns.
Next month will be interesting. I expect a lot of people were tapped out at the beginning of July with final scheduled donations (e.g. I opted to send my monthly budget to Bernie to fund delegates instead of moving on) but August will be the first time we get to see post-convention realignments. I honestly don't expect to see a lot because other analyses I have done show extremely high rates (> 99.5%) of loyalty in this donor pool. It seems that if your first choice doesn't make it, very few people are willing to make a second bet, but Bernie and Trump continue to cast long shadows over this election and I hope to be surprised.
Donor loyalty analysis takes more work, so it will be a little while before I have the data crunched for July. If there is any radical change (aside from the obvious Trump stampede) I'll do a follow up post.

Thank you, Hawkfish
“No sympathy for the devil; keep that in mind. Buy the ticket, take the ride...and if it occasionally gets a little heavier than what you had in mind, well...maybe chalk it off to forced conscious expansion: Tune in, freak out, get beaten.”
― Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. Stephen Hawking
I donated to Sanders
In fact, that was the first time I'd ever donated to a political candidate. I also donated to a handful of Berniecrats.
Now I'm donating to Stein. I see my money as an investment in the future. In other words, I'm not betting on Jill Stein winning. That'd be a stupid bet to make. I'm investing in an organized opposition to the oligarchy and even partial success has merits.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
I confess I have not given to Jill
and most of may donations for Bernie were sub-$27, I am feeling poor now/still. I do talk her up, i am decent at messaging my feelings. I suffer from SAD after 6/21, have a concussion, and feel put-upon. A nice phrase, meaning No One Cares How I Feel.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Ack - I'm not trying to dump guilt on you!
Or anyone else for that matter. This was a data analysis essay, not a Green fundraiser. Sorry if that was not clear.
I hear you about SAD. I've been noticing the rapid change in daylight the last week or two. It just makes me tired, but you sound like it really gets to you. And a concussion is ugly - I don't think we fully understand all the damage that can do.
But, for what it's worth, I think I speak for many here that we do care how you feel.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
hey, you're a c99'er
and that's good enough for me, big hug!
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
You're important to us. [[hug]]
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
what hawfish said, riverlover
I have no idea how to help you other than my best wishes. You tell me what I can do, and I will sure try to do it. Be well, friend.
I maxed out for Bernie. That, for me, was an enormous sacrifice/investment. I have given to all kinds of politicians for 48 years. In times when $100 was a lot, I gave. In years where $50 was a lot, I gave.
My parents gave. To anybody local, state-wide, or nation-wide if they thought it would help them and their kids.
Well, it is now down to me and my brother. He has cancer.
Me? I never really got to go anywhere, so at age 64, I am traveling the world.
Can Stein get my chump change that would otherwise help pay for my brother's care? Can she help me see the world I have only read about but never experienced first-hand before I enter a home for the aged?
I have found myself in a position of NOW OR NEVER. And that may have trumped political movements or candidates that need my chump change.
I no longer believe they think of me or my brother.
Bernie's support of Clinton pretty much dried up my political fun money.
Alan Grayson gets $25 more this month, and that is all I ever expect a politician to get from me in this life.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
For what it may be worth
I strongly believe that Bernie still thinks of you and your brother. He made a deal with the devil when he decided to run as a Democrat and is now honoring his part of that bargain after having done his best to let his supporters know that they should continue along without him (at least until he has fulfilled that commitment).
As for seeing the world, enjoy it as much as you can while realizing that it may be less than it's cracked up to be unless you're seriously into cultural history rather than just experiencing a wider range of places (which you can do pretty well without leaving our country's borders, though Canada and Mexico are nice adjuncts thereto). How you see it can be as important as what you see, and I find that the closer I get the happier I am (hiking beats driving beats buses and trains beat air travel, in other words).
Best wishes to you and to your brother, and thanks for doing all you could over the years: it matters.
TY for the excellent work Hawkfish
Interesting analysis. Here's hoping that the Greens are on the track of "increasing returns" on their donations.
Jill has a lot of volunteers doing real work for no money.
A lot of the Johnson fans, however, seem to be just plain potheads. They may vote for him, but they won't do any work because that requires concentration and dedication. His actual money is probably coming from true conservatives who aren't sociopathic enough to support Trump.
Wouldn't you love to see a Stein/Johnson debate?
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.