Jade Helm part two or something else?
Has anyone's city experienced the military working with the police in the early hours? Are these types of exercises happening in other states or maybe in states that are close to a military base?
Police, city council apologize after loud training exercise startles Ogden residents
OGDEN (AP) — Ogden police are apologizing that loud training activities early Saturday morning startled and confused some residents of the northern Utah city.
The Standard-Examiner reports that a joint military and law enforcement training exercise involved helicopters hovering over homes and other loud activities.
The training exercise took place at the abandoned Rite Aid building near the intersection of 24th Street and Monroe Boulevard, Ogden police officials said. The police department acknowledged in a 5 a.m. Facebook post that the training activity was both loud and late.
The Ogden City Council sent a letter of apology to residents Saturday afternoon stating it had no prior knowledge of the exercise.
Here's what the Ogden police posted on its FB page.
If we woke you up last night we sincerely apologize. We were assisting members of our military as they carried out a training exercise.
Military and law enforcement routinely conduct training like this to increase interoperability and give our soldiers an opportunity to train in the most realistic environments available. All of this training is carefully planned and executed to balance realism and safety for everyone involved - especially for our citizens.
There is no denying - it was loud and it was late. Some were unsure of what was going on. Some woke up scared and confused. And for that, we apologize. We did not utilize social media because a crowd would have meant more people and less safety for everyone involved.
But here’s what we did do…
We sent an emergency notification through a reverse 911 in the affected area. We hope you received it. We know many of you did and we thank you for passing it on.
Okay then why would the military need to train in the most realistic environment in the first place? Is there a chance that they will be needing to come into a city sometime soon? I'm damn sure that this does go against posse comitatus. So why the drill?
What counts for the affected area? I live 10 blocks south of the area where this was held and I sure heard the helicopters this morning because they came right over my house. They were very loud because they were very low and they rattled my windows and scared both of my dawgs who came into the kitchen where I was. I hear them go over at times, but they are usually coming from the north east and flying higher up. Last night they came from the direction of their base in the south west. I'd say that I live in this affected area. I did not receive any warning that this was going to happen. What time did it supposedly go out? Why did it need to be done in the wee hours of the morning? Just so that people wouldn't come to watch?
They say that they had no prior warning of the event. Seriously? We are supposed to believe that a joint exercise hadn't been planned some time before it happened?
If you're interested in what Utahns think of this read the comments from the first link. They read pretty much like this statement from the police ends.
You know you’re from Ogden if you recognize the sounds of freedom! We live with them day in and day out as we support our military at Hill Air Force Base. Last night, Ogden had another opportunity to support our military - up close and personal. Thanks for coming through!
As divineorder wrote a North Ogden soldier, husband, father and friend lost his life in Afghanistan while he was on his 4th tour as a national guardsman. Local coverage here and here

Hold on to your hat if you go read the following link.
In some respects though, it has a certain ring to it?
I found this when jb read your essay and reminded me of the scene in Michael Moore's latest movie where the kind of thing you experienced happened. Can't remember which city.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Hmmmm, operation apparently has been going on for some time
Worth reading the whole piece imo.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Thanks for finding this article
This has been happening since at least 2014
Yep. This is what I think is happening. Plus there doesn't seem to be much difference between how the police look from the military. They are wearing the same uniforms.
Exactly why this is happening. There have been lots of executive orders written for when the shtf.
Here's Obama's contribution which I have verified.
I have read Balko's book twice and highly recommend it. He shows how the cops started becoming what they are after the drug war started and with the creation of SWAT. Police departments have been sending people to Israel for training by its military.
The WSJ link doesn't work for me... says file not found.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Sorry, I wonder why it is not accessible via the link ?
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
How interesting
I wouldn't have known that he's related with the Koch brothers and while he has left out the worsening class war and inequality I don't think he had that in mind when he first started writing his book. This wasn't the reason why cops started becoming militarized, IMO. At least that's what I got from his book. I guess he could have added that in the latter part of it, but I just thought that he was focusing on how militarized they have become. I still recommend reading it if anyone is interested in how SWAT came into being. He said that Nixon started the drug war because he needed a platform to run on. He also shows how congress has done their part in making it worse. Biden in particular. Yep. There's uncle joe again looking out for industry's profits.
The correction to Balko's reporting stands as one of the most epic reporting corrections in the annals of journalism. This isn't something to brag about now is it? Then again who knows if this correction is true? I've read from numerous sources that almost every agency in the government started buying certain types of bullets about a decade ago. Billions of rounds of ammunition. But was that true either?
Even that article came with a correction
I always thought Reno was the AG. Surprise.
Anyhoo, thanks for the article, divineorder. Interesting.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
From your second link I found this one
Militarized Police and the Threat to Democracy
This was written by Kucinich and he is referring to the protests after Michael Brown was killed. I think that by militarization of the police by the government has gone against posse comitatus as its stated here.
Thanks again for the links and for adding great commentary on this essay. Appreciate it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I found the article on DHS buying 1.6 billion rounds of ammo
It's from 2013 during Obama's tenure. I've been reading about Ferguson when they called in the national guard. Remember when he spoke out about the violence that police were committing? Yeah me neither.
Is Homeland Security Preparing for the Next Wall Street Collapse?
It then talks about what might happen when the banks fail again.
I'm thinking that we should keep an eye open on what's happening in our country.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Military/police enforcement...Blurred Lines.
Somebody will bring it...and we can dance.
Blurred Lines
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Meant as a compliment to 'on the cusp' for short comment above
That's the beginning of a set of lyrics. I like it.
Strange that a harp of thousand strings should keep in tune so long
There are so many disturbing things
about this "exercise." I went to the first link and read the comments. What frightened me was how many citizens praised the police and military for working together to "keep us safe." None of this is about keeping us safe IMHO. There is already far too much militarization of local police departments and now we are using US military to work with the police?
There were some very good comments on the newspaper article. This one was succinct and captured how I saw this "exercise." I do believe that this is just another way to desensitize the American people to living in a police state.
Edit to add this about the Posse Comitatus Act because it seems to be that the government more and more does not see itself subject to laws that were intended to curb its powers. I agree with snoopydawg that this "exercise' sure looks to be in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I can't prove this.
But I'm pretty sure this sort of thing has happened near Burlington, VT in the past. There was one particular period of time, two or three years ago if memory serves, when low-flying helicopters buzzed the house late at night on multiple nights. They were so low they rattled the windows.
As in your case, snoopy, we're near the airport where the Green Mountain Boys are based, and it's common to see their helicopters flying overhead -- but they're always much higher. I've still never been able to explain it, and for sure there was nothing communicated or written about it.
I agree we need to keep our eye on such things, but also don't think there's jack squat we can do about it ...
Thanks for the post.
Chilling stuff.
If that crap comes down
We have to hope that the soldiers inolved are not indoctrinated.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Big brother is also normalizing the military
We already know about the sporting events with flyovers
and celebrating our war heroes i.e.(anyone that wears a uniform)
But now we give preference to vets in jobs, phone service
discounts, boarding of planes, etc.etc.etc. what next our
first born our daughters our sons.
Both the military and first responders are being lionized
throughout social media/msm. Say anything against them
and one must fear the consequences.
This country is rapidly becoming the 4th reich
EDIT: gotta say if I had bugout dosh the bugout
would be done.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
That's terrifying.
I can't say whether they're doing those sorts of things over here; I live a good 100 miles from Fort Snelling. It's not that unusual to see military helicopters or Hummers out an about once in a while here either. I don't pay attention to the local news, other than what I hear on the radio or see on FB. (You should have seen my coworkers look at me like I had three heads when I said I don't watch the news anymore the other day.)
All I know is I'm staying put; hubby has another year and a half before he gets his BS, due to changing majors, so I just hope it doesn't come out here to the middle of nowhere.
This shit is bananas.
I agree
And you know how people here think about the military as gulfgal found out when she read the comments. "I love the sound of freedom," when this type of event has nothing to do with freedom. Just the opposite.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Another aspect to this scary story
In addition to concerns about militarized police and posse comitatus, we should think about FFs (false flags) which have occurred often soon after such an exercise or "drill". The time frames are flexible. The most immediate of these "drills" was the February 14, 2018 shooting, a fire drill preceding the violence almost concurrently at Parkland High school in Florida. Another, longer interval occurred between an armed guard training event at Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh January, 2018 and the shootings at the same Syngagoue, sans guards, 10 months later.
Theory: these cumulative but geographically isolated events of military drills et al are preparation for the Hellfire which will convulse this country if Trump's unseals those thousands of indictments in the near future--such as when the Dims don't even win the House. Since becomingly politically aware, I have become convinced that in this country certainly, there are NO political / social "coincidences".
Seriously good point
I didn't think about that, but you're right. The area where this was done was in a poorer residential area with no businesses around it. One 7-11 with the a gas station 6 blocks away and that's it for the area. The rite aid was closed in June after Walgreens bought them out and the city decided they wanted the building for something else. Dumb, dumb and asinine decision. This was where I got my drugs and now have to go to a very congested area to get them.
I did hear about the drills in Pittsburgh not long before the shooting, but I wasn't sure if that was true. So what's the motive for it? The Boston bombings were to see how people would react to martial law. They did a brilliant job from the PTB's point of view. Guess I'll find out in a few weeks. Don't know if I should drive by there anymore?
I'd like to see the last part come true, but without needing the military to keep order.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Oregonians smokin' too much weed?
Be safe Snoopy.
This shit is bananas.
I just remembered that I drove right by there today and didn't even think about it or of looking at the building. But then I hadn't read Alligator's comment yet. I too wish for everyone to stay safe in these troubled times. There is tension everywhere and it's been growing more since Trump was elected.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.