It ain't over till it's over!
New member. Bernie supporter. Participant of earlier caucuses in Nevada.
If you are in a caucus state, it is very important that all the low level
delegates get to the next level of the caucus process. Help if you can.
Offer to drive them to the next level activity or donate money to help
them get there.
Here is what happened in Nevada in 2008.
Caucus results: Hillary 50.82% ... Obama 45.09%
County Convention results: Hillary 51.09% ... Obama 48.91%
State Convention results: Hillary 44.84% ... Obama 55.04%
Obama got 2 more delegates going to the National Convention than
Hillary got.
Wha' happen'??? Basically the Hillary delegates did not have the
commitment that the Obama delegates did. Approximately 400
Hillary delegates did not go from step one to step two. Then to
make matters much worse for Hillary, about 600 did not go from
step two to step 3. (The State Convention.)
The State Convention was expensive to go to. Hotel room, Taxies,
Food, Donation to the State Central Committee, etc. All that stuff
adds up.
As an activist in your precinct, make it your business to encourage
or help the delegate(s) to get to that next level.
Vote Bernie for a better Country and a better World!

Would Like to Hear More on this Topic
This is interesting and appears to open a world of possibilities. I would like to hear much more on this topic since it is an entirely new subject for me.
It gets on my nerves, and you know how I am about my nerves...
I know that the delegate conventions get short shrift once the primary/caucus is over, and I've always assumed the party paid for delegates to get from point A to point B. If you have time, please elaborate on this....
Re: Seconded
Not in Nevada. Beg, borrow or increase your credit card debt to get to the next step up the caucus process!
This is incredibly important. Don't drop out. If you can't get there make sure your alternate goes. In Nevada
a pledged delegate to the National Convention must have participated in all three of the steps: Caucus, County
Convention an then State Convention.
Stay committed! Find a way to go!