The Independent Progressive Party
It seems to me like C99 would be as good a place as any to float this idea. There are clearly disenfranchised Democrats, Greens, Socialists, and Progressives that have gathered here to use this wonderful format and speak openly without being shamed by the owner/donor class. I can't thank the good folks who make this site run enough. Y'all are amazing. But I didn't start writing this to fluff your fun bits- I actually had a point. And as soon as this giant pit bull gets off my fucking arm, I'll be able to articulate it better. Good boy.
A day or so ago, a petition showed up on my Facespace Bookfeed. I hardly ever give these things a second look, but I was intrigued for a couple reasons. One, it originated in South Bend, Indiana, and I'm a native Hoosier. Two, it was asking for fractured progressive parties to unite under a single banner and shake the foundations of our corrupt as fuck two party system. Here's the link.
I get that this petition was created in response to, specifically, the Sanders campaign. I get that forming a national political party is a shit job that you wouldn't wish on anyone. I also think that the infrastructure exists to make this a bit more fluid than starting from scratch. I've reached out to the woman that started the online petition and hope to hear back shortly. If the run up to the 2016 election has taught us anything, it's that the current model we're operating in doesn't fucking work anymore. We're taking advice from buggy whip makers in the age of the Tesla car.
Barely a third of the nation votes. And out of that third, 42% are independents. We have the opportunity to form a party that actually represents people. If anyone wants to get on board, please let me know. It's time that E Pluribus Unum meant something again.
Been A Long Time A'Bornin'
I've been watching for such a moment ever since Jimmy Carter's poor POTUS performance and Ronald Reagan's troglodyte politics caused me in 1980 to hold my nose and vote for the possibility of other options in the form of John Anderson. I will be clicking on the link as soon as I send your comments to others who are interested in this project.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
I also voted for Anderson in 1980.
And again in 1984. While I will never vote Republican, whomever I vote for needs have earned my vote.
The Democratic party as we know it is dead. It needs to reform itself along progressive lines, or be replaced with a Progressive party
~ Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. ~
Personally I don't like the term progressive.
Largely because of who calls themselves progressives, the conservadems and their leader over at Daily Kos, and generally within the Democratic party as a whole. After that experience and seeing what most of those people stand for I wouldn't call myself progressive if they paid me. Also I can't imagine the Greens incorporating without at least some kind of platform or mission statement to review. Just asking isn't enough. Is there something else that's been developed regarding the mission of such a party?
I see your point, Al, but
perhaps for many the word 'progressive' evokes the old LaFollette Progressives...pretty biased here, my farm is about 20 minutes from the LaFollette homestead farm in SW Wisconsin.
They weren't perfect, but they did fight for (and often win on) a lot of good issues: women's rights, expanded education opportunities, clean government, the establishment of civil service systems, etc. They were anti-war, and fought to break up the big trusts. Some factions were very pro-union and pro-civil rights for native Americans and AAs (Wisconsin got a ton of German immigrants, after the revolutions of 1848 in Europe, many pretty radical for the time, lots of intellectuals and Freethinkers ). Others were more conservative, and more closely aligned to the Republican party, from which the Progressive party developed. In general, though, they were on the right side of a lot of issues that neither the Dems nor Repubs at the time would even consider.
I looked at the petition in the link. Wasn't sure what the guy is suggesting when he (the petitioner) says we should unite for Sanders and that if he doesn't get the nom, stay unified in our vote for the best alternative. If that means for Hillary Clinton, I cannot support it. If he means form a new political party and get Bernie on the ballot in all 50 states and all the territories, I'd be for that if it can be done in time for the November election.
Sure do agree with you that the term progressive has been co-opted by a lot of despicable people.
In any case, I hope a new party can be formed soon. Funny, I've personally always had a problem with 'liberal' as to me it connoted the sort of Dems during the Veitnam protests who claimed they agreed the war was wrong, but that it was inappropriate to protest it! So it may be a pretty tricky thing, to get a good name that represents big concepts of freedom, equality, honesty, etc. I will try to not get too riled if 'liberal' appears in the name.![Wink](
Shaylors Provence
Good point about liberals during the Vietnam war.
Another label I eschew. I guess the problem is the two party duopoly is so entrenched it's hard to imagine a third party gaining any traction no matter what it's name.
"Largely because of who calls themselves progressives"
All the more need for actual progressives (websites, parties, individuals, etc) to stand up and be noticed.
Just to have actual progressives be called Progressives would be a good thing (I think.)
Signed and added the link to my Facebook page.
As I commented in the comment box, I think we should first do everything possible to see that Bernie moves into the Big White House first. I think he is going to win. But, if not, then I am all on board (actually either way) for a new party. I have been waiting all my life for a tapp on the shoulder from "The American Progressive Party." Looking forward to it before I depart this orb.
Did you actually think what the initials sound like?
If you say the initials, it doesn't sound so good: I pee pee. So, not so great.
I don't know if a new party is needed, but I've written this numerous times, but if enough Bernie-like progressives are elected, he could form a "shadow-cabinet."
If naming a new party, Progressive should be in the name and make a clear distinction that Progressive≠ Liberal. But that the current establishment of the Democratic Party are only Liberal in regards to social issues like LGBTQ, gay marriage, etc., but in every other way they are Conservatives, and the GOP are reactionaries, and Trump is a fascist (not Nazi, but more like the Front National of France created by LePen).
While admittedly a bit silly, I wouldn't mind naming it something like Delta Progressives: The Greek letter ∆ is used in mathematics to refer to change. Also, the political compass puts progressives in the Delta quadrant (-,-).
-9.75, -8.21
The FTS party?
Joking, of course, but that's what comes to mind when I think about ditching the conventional parties and forming a new one.
The smaller the mind the greater the conceit. --Aesop
Are you trying to start an 'Indendent Progressive party'?
Because that is not what the linked petition is asking for, by my reading.
I admit that the URL suggests new-party creation:
But the petition's text says she wants to create a voting bloc --
The petitioner has written to the organizations mentioned, asking them to create this voting bloc. Her petition has received 1657 supporters in 3 days.
The only Party involved here is the Greens. Progressive Democrats of America are apparently Democratic office-holders who are Progressive ( ) Democratic Socialists of America is a 5-year-old organization that promotes Progressive values, but it is not a political party as far as I can see ( ).
I can understand getting excited about the idea of an 'Independent Progressive Party', but that is not what the linked petition is about.
If you read the March 20 'Meta #2' post, you will see that c99 is not intended to be a political advocacy site. If you want to start a Party, or recruit people to start a Party from this site, I urge you to contact the Mods to see if that fits with the site's purpose. Just use the 'Contact Us' link at the top of the page and write 'Mods' (followed by title) in the subject line. They will advise you, pleasantly.
PS -- returning to the petition, I just saw that the petitioner has also written to Bernie Sanders with this idea about combining these groups to make a voting bloc. I don't expect she has received a response yet. It would seem to me that ordinary courtesy to Mr. Sanders would allow him to decide whether he would want to ask for such a bloc to be created. I would also hate to be his campaign manager the day that distorted reporting of 'Sanders creates bloc' showed up, claiming that sitting Democratic members of Congress had joined forces with the other organizations mentioned.
Third Party?
Many attempts have been made at a third party, none successful. It always splits vote and one of the establishment candidates wins. If you want change you have better success with keeping a movement alive within an existing party and take over control of the party.
If the Republicans split
which has a chance of happening, then this becomes a very viable option for me. Hell, the Repubs. might go three ways eventually.
I don't like the idea of diluting the vote on our side if the Repubs are still united. No harm in talking about it now and getting our ducks in a row though. What about the Green Party? I also think the result of this upcoming general election will most definitely affect strategy moving forward.
Progressive to the bone.
I, as an avowed political neophyte
would appreciate a fuller explanation of the mechanical hurdles to such a thing. I hear about such things from time to time usually spoken of vaguely. But I assume that the two parties have done what they can to throw procedural road blocks up against any such action.
So? Who here knows more than me (I'm guessing near everyone LOL)
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard