A HUGE win for progressives


Joe Crowley is the fourth most powerful Democrat in the country, and he's never been primaried before now.
Ocasio-Cortez is only 28, has never held a political office before, and she's a socialist.

In other words, she's the polar opposite of Crowley.

Also, Ben Jealous is a Bernicrat.


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article published on web yesterday

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Why She Wants to Abolish ICE and Upend the Democratic Party In an interview, the left primary challenger discusses everything from how Democrats have failed to protect working class interests to the need for a Marshall plan for Puerto Rico and why her democratic socialist message is catching on.

Kate Aronoff: Your race seems to exemplify some broader trends within the Democratic Party. How do you think the Democratic Party needs to change?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: I feel like there is an unfortunate status quo issue with the Democratic Party, in that it doesn’t want to actively or proactively organize. New York State is so designed around depressing the vote—not even just suppressing the vote but depressing the vote.

The Democratic Party in New York state is reliant on non-voters. And it’s a place of privilege that the party here is able to come from in that they have to rely on people not voting just as much if not more as relying on their very small base of machine voters. We had one of the lowest voter turnout rate in the entire country. We’re talking about one to three percent turn-out in many of our primaries. And even in the general election last year, the first year after Trump was elected, we still had some of our lowest voter turnout for city elections in recent history.

When I first started this race, people were telling me, “Only go after your triple prime voters—voters that have voted in the last three primaries. Everyone else is a waste of time.” That was appalling to me. In a community like ours—we’re people of color, we’re working-class Americans and people who work two jobs and struggle to find time the vote—what you’re essentially saying is that those people are a waste of time. When you only want to go after triple prime voters—especially in an era where voting is getting more and more difficult—you’re basically saying that a smaller and smaller amount of people matter.

You’re also saying that the only people that matter to you is one to three percent of our population. While I understand maximizing your efforts, I also know that the only time we create any kind of substantive change is when we reach out to a disaffected electorate and inspire and motivate them to vote. That is how Obama won and got re-elected, and that’s how Bernie Sanders did so well.

If we continue to go down this course of only caring about people who have voted in the last three primaries, we’re going to keep losing. I just wish our Democratic representatives cared about our communities. These communities do want to turn out, but they just aren’t being spoken to. They don’t feel valued because they aren’t valued, and so they won’t go out to vote for someone who doesn’t value them. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. It’s not up to the voter to change that. It’s up to the leadership to change that. It’s up to the people seeking votes to change that and it’s up to the party to change and to break that cycle.

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Mark from Queens's picture

but this just feels too good.

Like the '69 Mets coming out of nowhere to win against all odds.

I fucking loathe these venal Neoliberal, Wall St shills so much. At the least it just feels great to see them get their comeuppance getting their asses completely kicked, in the case of the odious Crowley.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

@Mark from Queens

The King of Queens is dead.

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The Liberal Moonbat's picture

@LoneStarMike ...was the pyramidal-hatted, sergeant-peppering Beast himself.


0 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

@The Liberal Moonbat it would have been necessary to invent him. Seeing the need, he did it himself.

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They say that there's a broken light for every heart on Broadway
They say that life's a game and then they take the board away
They give you masks and costumes and an outline of the story
And leave you all to improvise their vicious cabaret-- A. Moore

thanatokephaloides's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat

And how do I know that your photo of Aleister Crowley is from his adolescence?

He has hair! On his head!

As I'm sure you know, the adult Crowley had as much head hair as a typical ball bearing!


"Love is the Law; Love under Will." -- Crowley, Liber AL vel Legis

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

arendt's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat


The theory holds that Barbara’s mom, Pauline Pierce (1896-1949), was friends with satanist Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) — maybe more than friends. Pauline had a reputation of being a bit on the wild side in the ’20s. It has been reported that she and Aleister were in France together around September or October of 1924. Upon her return to America, Pauline gave birth to Barbara Pierce on June 8, 1925.


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The Liberal Moonbat's picture

@arendt I've heard that. Color me skeptical. It reminds me a bit much of how people always say the Nazis were into "the occult" and while you can certainly point to things, it feels like they're just trying to find an ex post facto, seek-and-ye-shall-find excuse not to reach the conclusion that ordinary people and their precious institutions of moral doctrine are to blame for Evil rather than deviants, outcasts, and convenient folk-devils.

Or, I could just say it feels too much like Colonel Chapman-bait.

0 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

arendt's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat

Aleister Crowley was a first class piece of shit. The fact that you posted about him in a positive way makes me ill. You called him "the only good Crowley". I posted about Barbara Bush as veiled criticism of praising the man.

Aleister Crowley was a mountain climber, author, occultist, intelligence agent, sexual libertine, drug addict and sometimes cult leader who spent a good deal of time terrorizing respectable British society in the first half of the twentieth century. Born into wealth, he burnt through his inheritance by self-publishing a tremendous number of books, ranging from pornographic poetry to manuals on consciousness raising through drugs, sex, and occult rituals. He started the religion of Thelema, which took sexuality as its central sacrament and urged its adherents to strive to discover their True Wills, their reason for being, by delving into black magic. It's all a bit like Ayn Rand for goths.

Crowley was not a particularly nice man. Despite being a genius, he was also kind of a sociopath, and treated the people in his life quite poorly in-between bouts of obsessive sex and cocaine, heroin and ether abuse. He was always broke, and constantly sponging off his students for heroin money. He once tried to get one of his followers to have sex with a goat. He wasn't, you know, the kind of guy that would be a promising candidate in a job interview.

- Jason Louv, Was Barbara Bush Really Aleister Crowley's Daughter?

Please tell me you do not think this man contributed anything positive to the world, that you praise him and quote him merely for shock value.

Bottom line: My comment was about Crowley, not really about the Barbara Bush. I did that for shock value.

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The Liberal Moonbat's picture

@arendt ...yes I do. He was, to put it in horribly mild terms, strange and complex, whereas your judgment is too simplistic by orders of magnitude.

The first time I read about him, it was indeed from a source that characterized him much as you do - but it wasn't really a very solid source, either (a "weird facts" book that was light-to-nil in the bibliography department). Nonetheless, I believed that about him for years. Gradually, however, the more I've otherwise learned about him, the more compelling he actually seems.

I wouldn't trust anybody who would be willing and content to characterize him in such an illiterate-minded manner as "Ayn Rand for goths." He was a provocateur who the tabloids of the time loved to demonize, and trouble is that he actively encouraged them, so the conspicuously and incontrovertibly awful stuff has to be taken with numerous grains of salt. It wasn't that he didn't care what others thought of him, he wanted to be thought of as "The Wickedest Man In The World" - the sickening irony being that that's not something any true sociopath would want. In some respects, he may have been a visionary.

As for his opiate addiction, it was originally inflicted on him by doctors, and by the end of his life, he said being unable to overcome it was his one regret (which would implicitly extend to whatever he might have done to afford it).

I'm not here to write a dissertation on the guy or defense of why I admire him; judge not, lest ye be judged.

0 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

arendt's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat @The Liberal Moonbat
That happened via the, as you would put it "strange and complex" Jack Parsons, the original JPL rocket scientist. Here are some quotes from a good article on that connection:

Parsons and his young girlfriend Betty — whom he'd been dating since she was 15 — were both smitten immediately by L. Ron Hubbard when the writer moved in with them. A war veteran who told crazy stories and eagerly lapped up Crowley's spiritualism, Hubbard became Parson's great ally...Hubbard's relationship with Betty deepened. So did Hubbard's fascination with the OTO.

For those familiar with the basic outlines of Scientology, it will sound quite similar to the OTO...it's hard to deny that Crowley had a strong influence over Hubbard, and many of the trappings of the OTO's system appear in altered form in Scientology. You might say that Scientology is the science fiction version of the supernatural horror that was the OTO. So the religions may be different genres, but they have a lot in common.

The strangely true connection between Scientology, the Jet Propulsion Lab, and Occult Sorcery

Several books have been written on the connection:

First book: Strange Angel: The Otherworldly Life of Rocket Scientist John Whiteside Parsons, an article referencing that book says:

Experimenting with rocket engines in the Pasadena arroyos by day, by night he worshipped Pan and conjured spirits as head priest of the Agape Lodge, the California chapter of Crowley’s notorious crypto-pagan Church of Thelema. As Pendle points out, Parsons’s streak of wild imagination was “a valuable commodity to have” in “a nascent science” like rocketry, where risk-taking was often more important than professional discipline (it’s not for nothing that his CalTech cohort was dubbed the “Suicide Squad”); at the same time, Parsons always approached his “magick” rituals (Crowley’s preferred spelling) “as a strictly literal branch of learning, one that could be mastered by concentrated scientific application.” Of course, as Pendle makes abundantly clear, Parsons was attracted to Crowley’s half-baked ceremonials in large measure because they provided license for dissipations he already had a strong taste for, such as free love, bad poetry, and narcotics. It boggles the mind to imagine this dapper engineer racing home from his pioneering experiments to whip up a batch of homemade absinthe, compose avid doggerel celebrating the wonders of cocaine and peyote, and perform a lengthy divination requiring focused chanting and ritual masturbation. No wonder such an incendiary life ended in such an explosive death.

Second book: Sex and Rockets: The Occult World of Jack Parsons.

The bottom line for me is that Crowley is directly responsible for the creepy authoritarian cult known as Scientology. It has ruined many peoples' lives, including some of my former friends. The fact that he created and encouraged cult behavior is the top reason on my list for thinking the world would have been better off if he had never been born.

I reject making excuses for him because he was "complex".

He was, to put it in horribly mild terms, strange and complex, whereas your judgment is too simplistic by orders of magnitude.

As far as I'm concerned, Crowley's "complexity" is nothing more than a cheap excuse for doing as he pleased. And being a genius-level sociopath, he was very good at making excuses. His complexity seemed limited to finding new ways to debauch himself and his acquaintances while preying upon the gullibility of suckers who funded him after he burned through all his own money. At least Jack Parsons built rockets. Crowley? Meh.

So, since you find the general take on Crowley to be "shallow", whereas I tend to believe the research of several recent authors and many columnists, we are going to have to disagree on this one.

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The Liberal Moonbat's picture

@arendt That doesn't mean HE, rather than Hubbard, is to blame. A teacher's influence over a student only goes so far.

I'm sorry about your friends. It explains where you're coming from, which I had to wonder about. Similar happened to an old family friend via the Libertarian Party, and more recently (I strongly suspect) to at least one online chum of mine via "identity politics/critical theory" - but I would, to draw a parallel, never hold Freud and/or Marx personally culpable for "critical theory."

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In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

thanatokephaloides's picture


The bottom line for me is that Crowley is directly responsible for the creepy authoritarian cult known as Scientology. It has ruined many peoples' lives, including some of my former friends.

False. First, by the time the first edition of Dianetics was published, Aleister Crowley had been dead for roughly 3 years. Crowley was no more "directly responsible" for Scientology than Robert Heinlein, the original recipient of the "bar bet" made by Hubbard which directly led to the foundation of the Church of Scientology.

Now, if you could show how involvement in Astrum Argentum or Ordo Templi Orientis, the organizations which could boast of a living, breathing Aleister Crowley as a member, ruined many people's lives, you'd have a point here.

But the ruination of lives by Scientology can be laid at the feet of precisely two men only: L. Ron Hubbard and David Miscavige. And increasing evidence shifts ever more of that blame to the latter as time passes on.

After all, one can't really influence a whole hell of a lot once one is dead.

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

thanatokephaloides's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat

I wouldn't trust anybody who would be willing and content to characterize him in such an illiterate-minded manner as "Ayn Rand for goths." He was a provocateur who the tabloids of the time loved to demonize, and trouble is that he actively encouraged them, so the conspicuously and incontrovertibly awful stuff has to be taken with numerous grains of salt.

Numerous grains of salt like this one:



As for his opiate addiction, it was originally inflicted on him by doctors, and by the end of his life, he said being unable to overcome it was his one regret (which would implicitly extend to whatever he might have done to afford it).

His Diary of a Dope Fiend was written to describe the difficulties of breaking out of opioid addiction. It is one of the best anti-drugs documents ever written, and probably the very best such document to come out of the times in which it was written.

I'm not here to write a dissertation on the guy or defense of why I admire him; judge not, lest ye be judged.

There is much to be admired about the man and his body of work. Those who deny this haven't read his serious metaphysical stuff.

And you've got to admit the aged Barbara Pierce Bush resembles the aged Crowley very well indeed.
(With the obvious exception that Barbara Bush has head hair....)

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

thanatokephaloides's picture


The theory holds that Barbara’s mom, Pauline Pierce (1896-1949), was friends with satanist Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) — maybe more than friends. Pauline had a reputation of being a bit on the wild side in the ’20s. It has been reported that she and Aleister were in France together around September or October of 1924. Upon her return to America, Pauline gave birth to Barbara Pierce on June 8, 1925.

I knew the elder Barbara was the real brains in the Bush household! Now I also know why as well! Wink

And Aleister Crowley wasn't a Satanist. He worshipped the ancient Egyptian pantheon, to whom "Satan" is a god of those primitive Hebrew ex-slaves off in the northeastern hinterlands.

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

arendt's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat

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QMS's picture

Mark from Queens must be happy. Sounded like a dirty fight. Go social!

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

What a well deserved smack in the face to the establishment. I haven’t felt this good in a loooooooonnnnnggggg time.

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Benny's picture

@LoneStarMike Hey LSM--could you post that same graphic at TPW? I think the bloggers would love it!

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One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will. To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.--Tennyson

WoodsDweller's picture

An overwhelmingly Democratic (safe)district is going to have a young (she could spend 50 years in government) socialist (yay!) congresswoman?
Hoo boy, the donors are going to have a fit over this one.

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"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone

Strife Delivery's picture

Isn't she a democratic socialist, not a socialist?

Democratic socialist is not a socialist. A democratic socialist is a smiley-face capitalist.

This might have been decent enough in the 80's, but we're at a stage in human society where capitalism needs to be killed, not saved.

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Big Al's picture

@Strife Delivery Isn't that special. I wonder what her stance on U.S. imperialism is?

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Little Bill's picture

@Big Al I'm dismayed to read that those Daily Kos neolibtards are happy about this, although I knew they would think they played a role in the outcome. They are such crawling Hillary sycophant weaklings that they would have banned anybody who wrote what Alexandria wrote and said during her campaign.

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Big Al's picture

@Little Bill on this site that is exactly the same as Daily Kos.
But it doesn't surprise me.

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divineorder's picture

@Big Al Do acknowledge your point of view on this though.

Glad to see this news.

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

Big Al's picture

@divineorder except it says "earthquake for the democratic establishment", instead of "huge victory for progressives". Sounds about the same to me. Even the comments look the same outside of a few of us here at C99 pushing back against the democratic party. I guess that's the different d.o.


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@Big Al @Big Al
Obviously there's no difference between c99p and TOP.
Just look at the way people get banned here at c99p for promoting Jill Stein. Or denouncing Obama and Hillary. Or not believing Russiagate.

Yeh, "exactly the same as Daily Kos".

And the DSA is just like average Dems. I've been to a DSA meeting, and there was a loyalty oath to Clinton before you could enter.

I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for being happy about something good happening in the world. I promise it won't happen often.

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"I've been to a DSA meeting, and there was a loyalty oath to Clinton before you could enter."

0 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

@The Voice In the Wilderness
I went to an antiwar protest a few weeks ago, and the DSA was a whole section of the crowd.
I ended up getting in a conversation with some of them about the differences between an anarcho-syndicalist flag that one of them had, and a regular socialist flag.

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0 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

Big Al's picture

@gjohnsit Maybe you should cross post it at the democratic party blog Daily Kos, see how it goes. I bet you make the rec list at both places.
As for not doing it again, I'm sure we'll hear plenty more about democratic party successes from you, the DSA revolution is just getting started, right?

Hey it's all cool, if a few of us here didn't give you some pushback against the democratic party, then it WOULD be exactly like Daily Kos wouldn't it. I take it you don't want that.

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@Big Al

Maybe you should cross post it at the democratic party blog Daily Kos, see how it goes.

Can't. I got banned for lack of party loyalty and insubordination.

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mimi's picture

could quit reading TOP. But they don't. Confusing, isn't it?

How is this syndrome called when someone can't quit a former abusive lover? May be it's something else, I just don't know what it is that most of you read TOP. It has the flair of a somewhat split mind mentality.

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divineorder's picture

@Big Al about DK back in the day before jtc, and js moved eb over here and I quit checking dk. I have no clue what is being written over there and frankly, am surprised you do.

The Democratic Party is dead to me, but individual candidates may still spark my interest.

At any rate there are some good suggestions down thread here about her interesting peaceful world platform mention and ways to push that further.

0 users have voted.

A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

@Big Al thanks, I read the interview at the top and had jaw drop near the end where she says:

I also know that the only time we create any kind of substantive change is when we reach out to a disaffected electorate and inspire and motivate them to vote. That is how Obama won and got re-elected, and that’s how Bernie Sanders did so well.

Get Out The D Vote for change, same as it ever was. The echo chamber at peak insanity,
"... if the NY machine goes down, the National Dem establishment is dead."
LOL omg Nomi, because it doesn't reach California? Or Florida? Or Virginia or Maryland? Because it can't buy newbies? Sheesh good luck electing more Ds to get rid of Ds.

Congratulations to the 15,000 people in Queens who voted to hire a new face. If that is considered a HUGE win now, well go on and celebrate. Have fun on facebook. I didn't bother to see what her solutions for homelessness are, any different from the D-Values already on the ballot? Does she even care about basic human needs or is it the same old "save the middle working class" rhetoric? I don't know.

Pretty sure this HUGE win will deter third party participation, not very democratic in my view.

Better Off Fred

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is a secure well-paid Union job.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

@Strife Delivery
A top House Democrat just lost his primary — to a socialist

I'm starting to see a pattern.
The establishment is winning most of the races, but when there's an upset on the Dem side it's often a DSA member.
You don't see a moderate liberal knocking off an incumbent...anywhere.

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thanatokephaloides's picture

@Strife Delivery


Isn't she a democratic socialist, not a socialist?

Democratic socialist is not a socialist. A democratic socialist is a smiley-face capitalist.

This might have been decent enough in the 80's, but we're at a stage in human society where capitalism needs to be killed, not saved.

Freedom of action and choice for individual natural humans needs to be preserved, not destroyed.

Democratic socialism merely means socialism in its workable forms, like the Scandinavian nations know it, and the Arab nations knew it until Hillary Clinton and Company bombed it out of existence. Democratic socialists are socialists. Especially here in the USA where the mere word "socialist" has been strictly taboo since 1935 or so.

We need a resurrection of Lenin-Stalinism on this Planet like we need another 50 holes in each of our heads. Lenin-Stalinism set the progress of Socialism back more than a century and guaranteed the most predatory flavors of capitalism that same century (the 20th) in which to live, thrive, and grow stronger.

And anybody whose electoral success is as disturbing to the megadonor class as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's is, is a step in the direction we need to be moving in.

Especially, as Big Al points out, if she's a non-interventionist in foreign policy. We really do need to pay attention to this country for a while now, regardless of what Grover Norquist and Company might "think".

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Big Al's picture


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thanatokephaloides's picture

@Big Al

You mentioned she wasn't a non-interventionist.

Could you please direct me to any direct affirmative evidence that she isn't? (I.e., stuff she's said on-record supporting our military adventures, etc.) Thank you!

A careful examination of her Issues page and other pages her name brought up, showed no direct mention of any foreign policy issues at all. (I consider immigration a domestic issue.)

So do you know of anything where she affirmed our current foreign policy clusterfuck? Mere silence, unfortunately, won't "meet the need". I need affirmative evidence one way or the other.

And again, thank you for your help! Smile

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Big Al's picture

@thanatokephaloides With that, I strongly disagree. Not only that, I call bullshit. That's the same bullshit the progressives having been pulling over and over. Like they don't have to talk about it. Then they end up supporting it. No way man.

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thanatokephaloides's picture

@Big Al

Big Al, I realize we disagree here; but do please remember that this is not indicative of any ill feeling or disrespect on my part for you as none such exists. I respect and support your anti-imperialist stance, even if we may disagree at times as to how to get it implemented. (The Devil's always been in that particular detail!)

With that said and (hopefully) settled, please allow me to discuss this:

"Mere silence won't meet the need" With that, I strongly disagree.

You may disagree with it, but it's still fact. To accuse someone of supporting our current foreign policy clusterfuck, one needs affirmative direct evidence of the person actually supporting it: votes, speech, documents the person has authored, etc.

Allow me to elaborate somewhat as to why this is.

I trust you will agree with me that the accusation that someone supports our imperialistic foreign policy is a serious one indeed. That's why "mere silence won't meet the need". I didn't just mention that to be a pain; when one is, in essence, accusing someone else of being a war criminal (even a potential one), the extraordinary evidence requirements are likewise serious indeed. This is Aristotle (innocent unless and until evidenced guilty) and Carl Sagan (extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence) at work. I must therefore beg you to please not shoot the messenger, which is all I am here.

What bothers me (and I respectfully submit should bother you!) waaaaay more than Ocasio's apparent silence on matters of military and foreign policy is the fact that apparently nobody has bothered to ask her about these things! Where the fuck is the Fourth Estate here? Remember that I tried to find this stuff before asking you for it!

But let me ask my question of you another way, one I hope is somewhat less confrontational in nature. Let us say that you wanted to be elected to Congress, a position where you hope to be able to do something about the imperialistic clusterfuck that is our foreign policy.

Would you talk about foreign policy during your first election attempt?

I'm not sure I would. I think I'd do exactly what Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is doing: hammering away at long-neglected domestic priorities, and include some of those (Puerto Rico, immigration) which cannot be addressed unless and until we address our imperialistic foreign policy. Then, once elected, I'd work the system against interventionism, the mechanism by which all modern imperialism (World War I and later) operates.

Of course, you are not me, and so I wouldn't expect you to handle this particular hot potato in the same ways I would. Conversely, however, there is this: being too openly a non-interventionist and anti-imperialist can easily prevent one from getting elected to any position where one could do anything about our imperialist foreign policy. So caution is called for here.

But the simple fact that Ocasio's entire domestic program could be paid for with the net cost of one F-35 will force this issue if she ever actually gets elected to Congress (today's elections were all Primaries).

And sometimes we need to count on such forces -- the ones no politician can choose but all politicians must deal with -- to get us where we know we need to go.

Not the best way to govern a country, though. We'd be better off being able to elect honest folks into power who honestly support our interests.

But in USA Federal politics, honesty of any sort is seldom indeed the best policy!

Which, of course, is the real problem here.

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Big Al's picture

@thanatokephaloides and the number of recs, particularly considering the many discussions on this blog regarding silence about imperialism. Now you're going to excuse it? It appears to be a popular sentiment so whatever. That's the democratic party.
And relative to your question regarding whether I would address imperialism if I ran for office. My answer is fucking A hell yes! I'm sorry, but I've heard that bullshit before, particularly with Bernie and people saying he can't say this or that because of politics.
I'm not into that, man. Of course, I wouldn't run with the dem party if my life depended on it, but a primary reason I would run would be because of imperialism and you think I wouldn't address it? I think it's chickenshit not to.
That's the fucking problem, man.
No guts, no glory.

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Big Al's picture

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Mark from Queens's picture

@Big Al

Won't find fossilized, NYC counterpart Carolyn Maloney with any kind of remotely truthful characterization of the crimes by the Israeli death squads.

For a NY politician, that's pretty big.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

@thanatokephaloides thanks, I know you guys are fighting about F-Policy but I wanna fight about Homelessness, so I went and looked at her issues page. Then I looked at H.R. 948 and then I looked up the NAHT.

Promoting innovative and forward thinking approaches to financing affordable housing and communities.
Maintaining a focus on our partners, developers and investors
Commitment to long term affordable housing sustainability and success
Emphasizing collaboration, efficiency, honesty and integrity

They have failed their "Commitment to long term affordable housing sustainability and success" so shut them down and try something besides tax credits, something not corrupted by lobby cash? lol

P.S. I voted for real Socialists in the California primary, my conscience. We are not that many.
Over 300,000 votes for Socialists in 2018 California Primary

Democrat Gavin Newsom and Republican John Cox will be on November ballot for Governor, while two Democrats, Dianne Feinstein and Kevin de Leon will be the U.S. Senate candidates. The Democrats are heavily favored to once again sweep the statewide offices. Democratic domination of California politics has done absolutely nothing to stem soaring rents and homelessness.

While ballots are still being counted, it is now clear that more than 300,000 people voted for the candidates of the socialist Peace and Freedom Party (PFP), a multi-tendency party which has ballot status in California.

As of June 15, gubernatorial candidate Gloria La Riva has received over 17,000 votes, more than any other third-party candidate for that office, and is 12th among 27 candidates. Insurance Commissioner candidate Nathalie Hrizi has received more than 295,000, 5% of the votes in a four-person race and the highest vote for any PFP candidate. Hrizi received more than 14% of the vote in San Francisco, her hometown. Both La Riva and Hrizi are leading members of the Party for Socialism and Liberation.

I voted for a Berniecrat too, she was No Party Preferred. No Ds no Rs! Crush the duopoly, that's what I say.

Fred Heads for Peace

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wendy davis's picture

@Strife Delivery

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Mark from Queens's picture

Former head of NAACP, Bernie surrogate and endorsed by childhood friend, comedian Dave Chappelle.

Pretty wild night.

I don't know. I'm just gonna relish Neoliberalism getting its fucking ass kicked on two big stages tonight.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

Little Bill's picture

@Mark from Queens "I'm just gonna relish Neoliberalism getting its fucking ass kicked on two big stages tonight."

This statement is the dictionary example of righteousness. I want all the well-off neolib soccer moms and other neoliberal reagan-lovers to suffer...now and for a very long time.

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@Mark from Queens I'm not from NY or Maryland and I don't know if they will make a difference or not, but as you say watching establishment neoliberal fucks get their ass kicked made my day.

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Centaurea's picture

@pro left

I don't know if they will make a difference or not,

Nomiki Konst just tweeted this:

"Guys: if the NY machine goes down, the National Dem establishment is dead."

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"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."

"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone

Raggedy Ann's picture

Else - it's just another day in the United Fucking States of America (UFSA).

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Given the cheating that goes on, she probably crushed Crowley beyond her big numbers. She probably won by such a margin that cheating would not have helped.

Oh, some diaries on Alexandra on TOP now, but I swear I never saw one before this. I was tracking Glenn Greenwald's online twitter postings (not through twitter), and best and fast coverage.

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Strife Delivery's picture

@gjohnsit Seeing the slow change over these 10 years with pot has been interesting; the next 10 years might see the majority of the country have it legalized.

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@Strife Delivery
has finally seen that there is money to be made from Marijuana. Don't forget that the tobacco companies still own trademarks on the old names.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

@The Voice In the Wilderness
The corporatization is legislating out any hope of long time small farmers and medical sellers from being able to compete with their own products.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

If that ain't some kind of stripper/wrestler/porno name...all the better to have him in Congress!

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In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

Dana Belter defeated one Juanita Perez Williams by 62.6% to 37.4% in NY 24th district. Funny thing, just last night I listened to a PBS talk show called The Ivory Tower in which the assembled wise persons explained why Perez Williams was going to win because she was ahead in all the polls. Apparently JPW was the DCCC candidate. Maybe someone else from upstate NY might want to chime in here? Down With Tyranny gave Belter a sort of lukewarm endorsement.

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Mary Bennett

But Perez Williams is exactly the kind of DCCC candidates that we've seen lose to Repubs for decades.

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The Aspie Corner's picture

Meanwhile, down here in Flawer'Duh, we're stuck with Wingnuts, Guzanos and Blue Dogs. Pigs, all of them.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

@The Aspie Corner
He may be a loudmouth, but he's a full-on leftist loudmouth, and I'll take that 9 days out of 10.

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thanatokephaloides's picture


and Alan Grayson

He may be a loudmouth, but he's a full-on leftist loudmouth, and I'll take that 9 days out of 10.

And twice on Sundays!


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

divineorder's picture

@thanatokephaloides which is more than most do.

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

thanatokephaloides's picture


Second that. Great news. He takes on the MILC


Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens Camera ?

"Mother, I'd Like to Cuddle" ?

Seriously, I know your acronym is related to the MIC (Military Industrial Complex) but I don't know what your acro stands for.

(It's not been a good night for me trying to get info from search engines!)

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

divineorder's picture


Just this morning saw a poster on FB:

"Auto correct can go straight to he'll."

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

thanatokephaloides's picture



Just this morning saw a poster on FB:

"Auto correct can go straight to he'll."

"Grandma Czech past. Knead spill chicken."


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

@gjohnsit thanks, but Grayson is really scraping the bottom of the barrel in my view. And Ben Jealous has been a D-Values guy since forever. I suspect there is nothing either wouldn't do to further their own interests, fill their own pockets with public service cash. I am so sick and tired of career politicians, why don't they go get a real life and stop revolving through that door! Do a few years of public service and move out, make space for someone new, that is a real living body politic. What we have now is regurgitated, over and over and over, moar power to the D is for Dead Party. PU

FRED 2018
effusive exuberance

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divineorder's picture

@eyo pushback against Obama attempt with chained cpi, and I love it when he called out the Republicans during HCR.

He is more effective than most and I like his loud mouth very very much.

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

@divineorder thanks, I don't remember any real grassroots push back, nothing substantial happened to improve anything for me or the poors around here. As far as cost of living versus fixed income, Obama did not give any SS adjustment at all his last two years, because the economy was so great! for billionaires. Trump finally gave a c.o.l.a. increase, a whole $6 per month after Medicare deduction whoop-de-doo.

At least I'm not starving yet, like Ray and Magenta. Magenta is retired too, she did not work full time enough to be living anywhere at age 83, she has lived too long. "That's the system" of Social Security we have from the Ds and Rs. I did the math, there is no way she could have ever earned enough to be living anywhere in retirement, like many others.

Fighting against something bad is good, fighting for something better is what I want, the middle-class already has it way better than the poors, who cares. Grayson reminds me of Trump with a dyed black comb-over, that is all.

eat the rich

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divineorder's picture

@eyo comparison to most, and while that is not going to save us from extinction I'll let his record stand for itself.

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

QMS's picture


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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

@QMS he's baack. lol
Elton John - Better Off Dead

Peace & Love
as the world burns

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

thanatokephaloides's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness

Because governing is a profession not a hobby.

Governing ought to be a temporary vocation. Otherwise, what one has is almost indistinguishable from "divine right" absolute monarchy.

On this point, eyo is absolutely correct.

In addition, we need a working-class Congress and Senate. The proportion of Senators and Congressmembers who hail from working-class ranks (and received a significant lifetime pay raise upon election to Congress) should match the proportion of such ranks in the society they govern.

We can't get that, either, as long as polygazillionaires can use their assets to help them retain their offices and power.

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

@thanatokephaloides And science and engineering and law and economics.

Your assertion is that any bozo can get a law written and published. Politics is persuasion. It's a profession not a vacation for dilettantes. You term limits would put clueless innocents at the mercy of unelected government workers and lobbyists.
I have nothing against government workers. I used to be one. I didn't need detailed oversight by politicians to do my Navy department job and I certainly didn't need political appointees. But I did need Congress and the President to set overall goals and spending. I'd really hate for our Bureau (the Bureau of Ships aka Naval Ship Systems Command aka Naval Sea Systems Command) to be determining our own budget and deciding how many and what kind of ships to build. We made an annual pitch, up the chain of command with recommendations. I'd hate for our Admiral to have the final say instead of Congress. And I'd hate for that Congress to have an Armed Forces Committee with no idea of what they were voting for, what was done in the past and ramifications for the future other than what some Defense contractor tells them or just examining their own navels.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

thanatokephaloides's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness

And medicine should be part time. And science and engineering and law and economics.

False -- and false equivalency into the bargain.

My remarks (and eyo's) apply to government and politics, and to them alone. They apply to governance because we have no choice about whether we are to be governed. One can easily choose to see another doctor or lawyer; one can employ other scientists, or even do science oneself as millions of amateur scientists do every day. Much the same can be said about engineers.

It doesn't change the fundamental fact that taxation without representation is tyranny; and that if one is neither a gazillionaire, a lawyer, or a doctor, you are completely unrepresented in Congress as it stands today. There's nobody there who resembles you, Mister and Ms. Hourly Paycheck. But we still expect you to pay all your taxes, obey the rules we make (no matter how unreasonable, see cannabis) and die at our command in battle.

Fuck that.

Your assertion is that any bozo can get a law written and published. Politics is persuasion. It's a profession not a vacation for dilettantes. You term limits would put clueless innocents at the mercy of unelected government workers and lobbyists.

The actual experience with term limits belies this. I dwell in a State and a locality which limits terms on virtually all elected officials. And the results have been anything but what you describe. It appears that at least among Coloradoans, there's a plentiful supply of people who hardly qualify as "clueless innocents" who can and do run to replace officials who have term-limited out of offices.

And with regards to clueless bozos at the mercy of lobbyists in Washington, DC, that's what we have now, n'est-ce pas? We can hardly do worse than what we already have.

We made an annual pitch, up the chain of command with recommendations. I'd hate for our Admiral to have the final say instead of Congress. And I'd hate for that Congress to have an Armed Forces Committee with no idea of what they were voting for, what was done in the past and ramifications for the future other than what some Defense contractor tells them or just examining their own navels.

And that differs from what we have in those places now..... how?

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

@The Voice In the Wilderness thanks, I'd rather have a government of hobbyists to be honest. What we have now with the Ds and Rs is much more like a monarchy, rule by rich corporations, the plutocracy. They are devious assholes who love money more than anything, so they change our laws to line their pockets. feh

Here's how my stinkin' Ds respond to their HUGE win:

The surprise win for a 28-year-old Latina activist over a 10-term incumbent in a New York congressional Democratic primary Tuesday may simply be down to the differences between the two candidates as people, Rep. Jared Huffman said Wednesday.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a political newcomer who stunned Rep. Joe Crowley in the Queens-Bronx district, came across as “an extremely compelling candidate” — a young, hard-working, articulate woman — “in a year when people are looking for change,” said Huffman, a San Rafael Democrat who represents the solidly blue North Coast.

News reports cited Ocasio-Cortez’s socialist affiliation and far-left platform, promoting universal health care and abolition of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency. But Huffman said she and Crowley, the fourth-ranking House Democrat, were not far apart on the issues.

Huffman and Thompson, two Clinton super-delegates who voted against Bernie. You know, our "solidly blue north coast" is solidly inhumane to its residents, right? We have old and sick people living in tents, so landlords can "recover" and investors become rich. Fuck the Ds, they are as uncaring and shit-filled as Rs when it comes to basic human rights. Catholic Charities is an industry here now, a fucking charity! Hundreds of good jobs for "professionals", and the problems remain. They are permanent problems now, with their own lobbyists and everything. PU

I can't wait to see what NY-14 will do with their new found changeling. I hope she tears it down, blows it up, builds a new district for the people. Not holding my breath.

good luck

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wendy davis's picture


apparently said in an interview according to patrick martin, wsws.org. i'm sure those who care can check for it themselves. it's long, but a few outtakes:

"In her first post-election interview on CNN. Ocasio-Cortez affirmed her undying loyalty to the Democratic Party, declaring, “I’m proud to be a Democrat. I was raised in a Democratic family, with Democratic values.” She has stated that her main goal is to help the Democrats recapture control of the House of Representatives in the November midterm election."

"She calls for the abolition of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)—currently a popular slogan given the horrific scenes of children being ripped away from their parents—but she does not advocate the abolition of the CIA torture machine, the Pentagon’s Special Forces assassins, or the National Security Agency, which spies on the communications of all Americans.

Even in relation to the border, Ocasio-Cortez said in her CNN interview that ICE would have to be replaced with “a humane agency,” because, “We do need to make sure that our borders are secure.”

"But using the term “working class” is by no means the same thing as advocating a program that meets the needs of workers. In class terms, she represents a section of the petty bourgeoisie, particularly Hispanic businessmen and political operatives who have been excluded from their “fair share” by the more powerful Wall Street interests that dominate the Democratic Party. She says nothing at all about the most fundamental question facing humanity, the mounting threat of imperialist war fought with nuclear weapons."

he tasks her for her lack of anti-imperialism, but here's a weird thing, FWIW. i was on may favorite tankie's twit account, and he'd retweeted this woman's (sameera kahn) archived screen shot of words that used to be on A ocasio-cortez's's FP (iirc) platform page. i'll just link to it so the subtweets can be read.

on edit: sorry, i'd forgotten to link to sameera kahn's tweet, what was removed, what other questions she has for A O-cortez, and dissenting opinions.

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@wendy davis

see below Jeff Stein tweet.


Instead, she has committed herself to support “without question” whomever the Democratic Party nominates in 2020 to run against President Trump, including a corporate Democrat like Hillary Clinton or the junior senator from New York Kirsten Gillibrand. While declining to declare at this moment her support for Nancy Pelosi as the leader of the House Democrats, she said, “It’s entirely possible."


oh nooooooo... (fooled again?)

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wendy davis's picture

true believers™. you believe that peace plank about supporting vets was her FP plank. oy. but no, and apologies, i'd forgotten to link to sameera kahn's tweet, as in: an archived screen shot of what was removed from her FP platform soon after she won her primary. and of course, believers will have their takes on who removed it, why it was scrubbed...and other more of the questioning (as in looking toward the nov. general election variety)...will have theirs.

nice cherry-picking, though. did you even bother to read the patrick martin piece on what else he'd pulled from the cnn interview? as with 'a more humane ice' (trained by mossad) lol, or something you'd left alone? or seek out the interview? i confess i hadn't cared enough to.

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@wendy davis

"you think that.."

It appears you are calling me a true believer, which is insulting.
Let's see what brought this on.

1. Some people here were unhappy that AOC had not declared herself to be anti-imperialism.

2. Benny posted a tweet from Jeff Stein which contained a "peace economy" plank. To me this seemed a signal that she was at the least opposed to the endless war which is inseparable from USA imperial aims. I posted that observation. No one had said that this was a weak version of a plank which had been removed.

3. I saw your post this morning. I read the wsw Martin piece and saw enough to make me concerned about AOC. In particular her declared willingness to support whomever the Dems run in 2020 is a huge problem.

4. I replied to your comment, asking you about the history of the "peace plank". I quote Martin to show the "good Dem soldier" problem and refer to "Don't Get Fooled Again". I was hardly cheerleading for AOC there. At the time you had not given the link to the early platform which is much stronger that that shown by Stein. I knew only that foreign policy was not mentioned in her Issues page and I asked what had happened. My quoting from the Martin interview was not "cherry picking", but simply to provide evidence that that AOC has problems beyond foreign policy. I went back to my first post and added an edit directing people to your comment,because the peace plank question was now unclear to me.

5. I have no need for your good opinion, but I will on occasion reply to an offhand insult.


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wendy davis's picture


but to essentially call out who all who are satisfied that she's an anti-imperialist due to that sentence. what's a peace economy, by the way? yes, i got it wrong, and i am sorry for being so testy, but it amounts to the same thing to me. not that the archived 'rest' was very explanatory, but certainly better. i can't imagine why a volunteer would have removed it, but i do hope he puts it back in.

close down the 1000 US bases globally? vote against the next military budget (if she's elected) rather than the 2019 in which dems gave boss tweet $73 billion (iirc) 'because: russia' more than he'd asked for? vote to stop all weapons manufacturers from selling to other nations to make war? northrup grauman, raytheon, lockheed martin, boeing, general dynamics?

and again, my apologies for thinking that your 'nooooo! fooled again?' was snark. i reckon it was how this comment stream was going that had caused me to believe so. no, i'd imagine my good opinion of you isn't important, but i hadn't had any opinion of you before...as the new kid on the block here.

but anti-empire, anti-capitalism are socialist, as is anti-nationalism. all are of prime importance to me. climate change is up there, but it's all over but the shoutin' already. freeing assange is up there as well, and i have a new post to string together on more evil afoot for his safety and freedom.

peace to you, and again, my apologies.

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@wendy davis

Not necessary,but good of you to offer. "True believer" got me a bit worked up.
Uncalled for,I thought. That's not my profile.

As to "peace economy" I'd say that tearsheet was made of bullet points and not expect much detail there.

However a peace economy is the opposite of an economy based on war and exploitation which is what we have now. Not a bad try in one sentence, imo. Will the fuller "end to war" plank go back up?

Of course a slogan does not answer the specific questions you pose. She should be asked all those questions. And also if she would really support HRC just because she is a Dem.

We shall see if AOC is aok soon enough.

"Please do not understand me too quickly." ha

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wendy davis's picture


look at what eyo found on homelessness. meaningless save for those words like 'innovative' and 'partnerships' and all that capitalistist doublespeak. and yep, i've prolly got those words wrong to; i can remember things for about 20 seconds these days.

but one of the true believer memes i have serious problems with is ubiquitous here: conflating DSA reform capitalism with actual socialism, which of course has varied brands, tenets, etc. another is that a social gospel group *isn't* a Dem cul de sac when the speakers call out trump war crimes...but not obomba's, clinton's, etc.

(ha, this doe outside is on her back feet reaching up in the apple tree to snag a few yummy bites. the sun coming thru the trees is on her like a spotlight on stage for her gymnastics, lol.)

anyhoo, thanks for dialoguing w/ me about it.

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0 users have voted.

@wendy davis

true believers™. you believe that peace plank about supporting vets was her FP plank

The plank was not just about supporting vets, which has nothing to do with peace.
The complete statement was-

"Peace economy that supports our veterans and actively values all humanity."


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@wendy davis

concerning deleted plank-

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
‏Verified account @Ocasio2018
Replying to @SameeraKhan

Hey! Looking into this. Nothing malicious! Site is supporter-run so things happen -we’ll get to the bottom of it.
9:21 PM - 27 Jun 2018


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thanatokephaloides's picture


Instead, she has committed herself to support “without question” whomever the Democratic Party nominates in 2020 to run against President Trump, including a corporate Democrat like Hillary Clinton or the junior senator from New York Kirsten Gillibrand. While declining to declare at this moment her support for Nancy Pelosi as the leader of the House Democrats, she said, “It’s entirely possible."


I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt as long as there was no information to speak of.

But now she's willing to stump for Hillary just to rid us of Trump. I'm amazed at the otherwise intelligent and educated people who can't tell that Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and Dianne Fein[d]stein are all nothing else save Donald Trump in girl suits!


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
