Hillary's hypocrisy on full display

Former Secretary of State seems to have changed her mind, because in 2014 she said, 'just because your child gets across the border, that doesn’t mean the child gets to stay.'

Former Secretary of State seems to have changed her mind, because in 2014 she said, 'just because your child gets across the border, that doesn’t mean the child gets to stay.'

Former Secretary of State and 2016 presidential candidate, Hillary Rodham Clinton, expressed her dissatisfaction with the Trump administration’s immigration policies in a series of nine tweets.

Clinton, she wrote, is “horrified by what is happening to immigrant kids and families because of this administration’s policies.”

The former First Lady of the United States also tweeted that there is “no more important test of our country than the way we treat the most vulnerable among us, especially children,” adding that she is, as a mother and a grandmother, “devastated” by Trump’s immigration policies.

Widely liked and retweeted, Hillary Clinton’s Twitter thread seems to have garnered a lot of attention from her followers and critics alike. Pulitzer-prize winning journalist, Glenn Greenwald, retweeted another user’s post, along with a screenshot of a 2017 Newsweek article, pointing out Clinton’s change of heart.

According to Newsweek, in a 2014 interview with CNN’s Christine Amanpour, former Secretary of State, much like Donald Trump, suggested immigrant children should “go back.”


Why were so many parents sending their children on the dangerous journey to get across the border into the USA? And why did Hillary make the statement that "We need to send those parents a message not try to send their children to safety? It might have had something to do with the Honduran coup that she supported.

Hillary Clinton admits role in Honduran coup aftermath

In a recent op-ed in The Washington Post, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used a review of Henry Kissinger’s latest book, “World Order,” to lay out her vision for “sustaining America’s leadership in the world.” In the midst of numerous global crises, she called for return to a foreign policy with purpose, strategy and pragmatism. She also highlighted some of these policy choices in her memoir “Hard Choices” and how they contributed to the challenges that Barack Obama’s administration now faces.

The chapter on Latin America, particularly the section on Honduras, a major source of the child migrants currently pouring into the United States, has gone largely unnoticed. In letters to Clinton and her successor, John Kerry, more than 100 members of Congress have repeatedly warned about the deteriorating security situation in Honduras, especially since the 2009 military coup that ousted the country’s democratically elected President Manuel Zelaya. As Honduran scholar Dana Frank points out in Foreign Affairs, the U.S.-backed post-coup government “rewarded coup loyalists with top ministries,” opening the door for further “violence and anarchy.”

The homicide rate in Honduras, already the highest in the world, increased by 50 percent from 2008 to 2011; political repression, the murder of opposition political candidates, peasant organizers and LGBT activists increased and continue to this day. Femicides skyrocketed. The violence and insecurity were exacerbated by a generalized institutional collapse. Drug-related violence has worsened amid allegations of rampant corruption in Honduras’ police and government. While the gangs are responsible for much of the violence, Honduran security forces have engaged in a wave of killings and other human rights crimes with impunity.

Despite this, however, both under Clinton and Kerry, the State Department’s response to the violence and military and police impunity has largely been silence, along with continued U.S. aid to Honduran security forces. In “Hard Choices,” Clinton describes her role in the aftermath of the coup that brought about this dire situation. Her firsthand account is significant both for the confession of an important truth and for a crucial false testimony.

First, the confession: Clinton admits that she used the power of her office to make sure that Zelaya would not return to office.In the subsequent days [after the coup] I spoke with my counterparts around the hemisphere, including Secretary [Patricia] Espinosa in Mexico,” Clinton writes. “We strategized on a plan to restore order in Honduras and ensure that free and fair elections could be held quickly and legitimately, which would render the question of Zelaya moot.

Clinton’s false testimony is even more revealing. She reports that Zelaya was arrested amid “fears that he was preparing to circumvent the constitution and extend his term in office.” This is simply not true. As Clinton must know, when Zelaya was kidnapped by the military and flown out of the country in his pajamas on June 28, 2009, he was trying to put a consultative, nonbinding poll on the ballot to ask voters whether they wanted to have a real referendum on reforming the constitution during the scheduled election in November. It is important to note that Zelaya was not eligible to run in that election. Even if he had gotten everything he wanted, it was impossible for Zelaya to extend his term in office. But this did not stop the extreme right in Honduras and the United States from using false charges of tampering with the constitution to justify the coup.

This bears repeating:

Clinton, she wrote, is “horrified by what is happening to immigrant kids and families because of this administration’s policies.”

I'm sure that many people in other countries are equally horrified by what this country does to other countries regardless of the cost of human lives.

h/t wotb and lone star mike

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one ought to be hanged for entertaining the opinion that the ideas of henry fucking kissinger (a phrase that i may have actually popularized at dPOS) are anything other than evil exemplars of precisely what ought not to be done

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The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

And yes, it is sickening because she was largely responsible for creating those child refugees in the first place.

I'm sure Joy Ann Reid will be along to defend her any minute now.

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snoopydawg's picture


I meant to include this graphic, but I got my links and quotes so mixed up I had to delete half of my essay. Hopefully people will read the included links to get more info about her heinous actions during her tenure as SOS.

This is from the first link that says Obama deported 5 million immigrants which apparently people either gave him a pass for doing it or they weren't aware of how many he deported during his tenure.

According to data from the Department of Homeland Security, from 2009 to 2015, 56 percent of all immigrants removed from the United States had no criminal convictions. President Barack Obama – under whom Hillary Clinton served as the 67th United States Secretary of State – vowed to focus government resources on criminals, not children. However, according to the Huffington Post, aside from the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, the Obama administration “continued to deport far more people without any convictions.”

Donald Trump has campaigned promising to toughen up on immigration. According to a Washington Post analysis, although Barack Obama was often derided by immigration advocates as the “Deporter-in-Chief,” his and Trump’s immigration policies differ.

Although Obama deported a record number of undocumented immigrants, totaling more than five million after his eight years in office, he also set up DACA. Trump, on the other hand, relies on racially-charged rhetoric, and he has repeatedly criticized the Obama administration’s DACA program via Twitter, claiming it “no longer works.”

I'm amazed at how many people think that history of this country started with Trump while ignoring the fact that he is doing the exact same things as Obama did during his tenure and that they had gotten upset when Bush did them.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture


This is one of the reasons people gave her a pass for her tweets about tah gays decades ago that she said she didn't write or that she had grown from the person she was back then. Sure she has!

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

GreyWolf's picture


HRC on illegal immigrant children (0:14)

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gulfgal98's picture

she reminds us all of what a sociopathic excuse for a human being she is.

Hillary Clinton is responsible for Honduras and Libya where millions of people have been killed, tortured or enslaved. This evil woman does not care one whit about children.

The Clintons were closely involved through the Clinton Foundation in child trafficking in Haiti after the earthquake. When Laura Silsby was caught trying to sneak children out of the country and charged with child trafficking, it was the Clintons who came to bail her out.

Silsby was arrested at the Haitian border attempting to smuggle 33 children out of Haiti without documentation. Her sentence and charges were reduced after an intervention by Bill Clinton. In the aftermath of Silsby's arrest, her originally retained lawyer Jorge Puello was arrested in connection with an international smuggling ring accused of trafficking women and minors from Central America and Haiti. The revelation of this news in November was either ignored by the Western media or attacked by Clinton controlled publications.

And then to think that someone (Bill and Hillary Clinton) who hangs out with a convicted pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein, can cry crocodile tears over the fate of children reeks of hypocrisy.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

WaterLily's picture

Her would certainly have a "special place" in it.

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