Hellraisers Journal: Members of the United Mine Workers of Defend the Western Federation of Miners
There are no limits to which powers of privilege
will not go to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones
Tuesday May 22, 1906
To The Indianapolis News: Miners of U. M. W. Defend W. F. M.
A letter written to The Indianapolis News, signed by members of the United Mine Workers of America, defends the Western Federation of Miners which was so viciously attacked recently by The News. The letter was found published in the Socialist section of a newspaper out of Salem, Oregon.
From the Daily Capital Journal of May 16, 1906:
The Western Federation.
Miners' Delegates Defend the Western
Association-Facts Cited.
-----To the Editor The News, Indianapolis: Sir-We were somewhat surprised to read your violent attack upon the Western Federation of Miners, which appeared in your editorial columns of March 19th, and, believing, as we do, that you are not fully acquainted with the facts in the matter, we would, therefore, kindly ask your indulgence to present our views on this question, which have been gleaned from practical experience and from a personal acquaintance with the leaders and policy of the Western Federation of Miners.
You state that wherever the Western Federation of Miners has been represented there have been riots, kidnappings, assaults, dynamiting and murders. This is a very broad and injurious, statement, and nothing could be further from the truth of the policy of the Western Federation of Miners. Their mission is one of education and their methods of procedure have always been along peaceful lines, and we challenge any person to produce evidence that this organization has even countenanced violence of lawlessness. On the contrary, they have officially condemned every lawless act perpetrated in the labor troubles of the west, and have even gone so far as to offer rewards for the apprehension of the criminals, and in this respect this organization has a clear record, as none of their members have ever been convicted of crime, although numerous attempts have been made by the Mine Owners' association to convict members of the Western Federation for alleged crimes.
Each and every member indicted, when brought to trial, has been acquitted, and this in the Colorado courts, dominated, as they are, by the corporate interests which have plundered the people, stolen the governorship and debauched the legislature of that fair state. Notwithstanding the insults and the abuse which has been heaped upon the members of the Western Federation of Miners by the military deputies and thugs employed by the Mine Owners' association, the fact remains that, for every violation of law of which they have been accused and indicted, scores of instances can be cited wherein those in the direct employ of the Mine Owners' association have been the guilty parties. In proof whereof we refer you to the following crimes consummated by this diabolical capitalist organization, who now seeks to pose as defenders of law and order and who cry for the blood of innocent men viz:
The incarceration of Charles Moyer in the military bull pen at Telluride, Colo., for a period of 103 days, his only offense being that he was president of the Western Federation of Miners and zealously guarded the interests committed to his care.
The assault of A. H. Floten for no other crime than managing a co-operative store patronized by union miners.
The chaining of Harry [Henry] Maki to a telegraph pole at Telluride by deputies and militiamen for six hours in the face of a blinding snowstorm for no other cause than that of refusing to obey their command to work in a cesspool.
The cowardly assaults on Organizers Chris Evans, William Farley, James Mooney and William Wardjon, of the Mine Workers so America.
The attack upon the later organization is ample proof that there is no distinction drawn between the Western Federation of Miners and the United Mine Workers of America.
Another outrage perpetrated by the pliant tools of the coal companies was the dynamiting of the homes of the striking coal miners at Newcastle, Colo. This damnable conspiracy was executed at dead of night, when the miners and their families were in bed, and very little effort was made to bring the guilty parties to justice. Numerous other cases of a similar character can be produced if necessary, but for lack of space they can not be mentioned in this article. However, it is evident that the only criminal organization in the west is the Mine Owners' association. But, screened as they are by the protecting arm of a debauched judiciary, it is impossible to convict them of these dastardly outrages or secure impartial treatment from a subsidized press.
Again, in the latter part of your article you state that we do the cause of labor a very great harm by sympathizing in the slightest degree with the Western Federation of Miners, it being, as you say, a criminal organization. We desire to register an emphatic protest against such an unqualified statement, for we claim it to be incumbent upon all lovers of liberty and justice to extend to Moyer, Haywood and their colleagues all possible aid and assistance in order that they may not be the victims of another foul conspiracy on the part of the Mine Owners' association and Citizens' Alliance, whose attitude in the past has proved that they have no regard for human rights or liberties.
Trusting you will publish this statement of facts, we remain, respectfully, yours, Frank J. Hayes, James Mooney, A. F. Germer, Edward Williams, Duncan McDonald, W. H. James, Pat Carr, Con Kelliher, E. S. McCullough, John Walker, William Wardjon, Delegates to the United Mine Workers' Convention. Indianapolis, March 21, 1906.
-----[Photograph added.]
Daily Capital Journal
(Salem, Oregon)
-May 16, 1906
WFM Button
HMP Case, UMWC Delg's Letter, Salem OR, May 16, 1906
Is Colorado in America? Poster by Big Bill Haywood
Henry Maki chained to pole, Telluride 1904
See also:
"Hellraisers Journal: Charles Moyer Arrested for Flag "Desecration" Asking: IS COLORADO IN AMERICA?" by JayRaye
"Hellraisers Journal: Cripple Creek Leaders "Not Guilty;" Telluride Miner Chained to Telegraph Pole" -by JayRaye
Minutes of the Special Convention
Indianapolis, Ind. March 15-30, 1906
Cheltenham Press, 1906
Note: The signature of Frank J. Hayes is the first on the letter above. At the convention, Hayes was a delegate from the Belleville local of District 12 of the UMWA. It was the Belleville local that sent $5000 to the WFM immediately after the arrests of Haywood, Moyer, and Pettibone. This was before a defense fund had even been established.
Several of the other delegates named above were also from UMWA Locals affiliated with District 12 of Illinois.
There were members of UMWA District 12 in attendance at that founding convention of the IWW in 1905 (remember that at this time (May 1906) the WFM is still a member union of the IWW) and specifically some from the Belleville local.
For Haywood on Belleville Local's donation:
IWW Convention, 2nd Day,
Wednesday June 28, 1905, Morning Session.
The Cripple Creek Strike
-by Emma Florence Langdon
Denver, 1904-05
Appendix, April 1908
(Coverage of Haywood-Moyer-Pettibone Case)
The Darrow Collection, Haywood Trial

Thank you, JayRaye.
"To hell with the people." They tend not to come right out and say that these days...but they still mean it.
the democrats said it loud and clear in Nevada
even if they didn't use those exact words.
Great to see you at c99, OPOL, and here at HJ.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
TY for this, JaeRaye. I also liked the union workers singing
Solidarity Forever.
You know, as I read the article, I thought of how timely it is.
The comm-page is filled with, "But what if they accuse us of violence at the convention?"
And all manner of other kinds of pearl-clutching.
I'm like, how about you do something that might give someone cause to be offended by you?
Don't just sit there and fret. Get out onto the street and resist nonviolently.
This is it: this is the fight of our lives. Do you honestly think there will be another chance in America to fight for democracy and justice democratically? I don't.
After this election, you'll be fighting Skynet.
Go storm the Bastille while you still can, folks.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
yep I'm seeing that pearl-clutching also.
best thing is to know straight out that we will be facing infiltrators and agent provocateurs. We always have and we always will whenever we fight for justice.
The best thing is to plan for it and to train for it and then go on out there and take a stand for what is right.
Good thing the early union organizers didn't spend any time clutching pearls. Their unions were filled with spies and agents. And provocateurs also. Some of them even got themselves elected to union offices where they did a great deal of damage.
During the trial of Haywood, their was a spy planted on the defense team. That spy reported to the Pinkerton McParland who sent reports to Gov Gooding who sent reports to Pres Roosevelt. Neither of these two government officials said, "Hey wait, that's not right." No they were very happy that a spy managed to become part of Haywood's defense team.
But more on that later. Stay tuned to HJ for further developments.
Good thing for us that our early labor leaders were too busy fighting on behalf of working people to spend time clutching onto pearls.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
The hardest thing is that first ittle step into action. The 2nd
hardest thing is to take that first incoming punch and recover from it. After that, it's just business :=)
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Exactly Gerrit
One day I will write a diary about when my former church in Minneapolis became a sanctuary on the over-ground railroad. We took in an indigenous women whose village in Guatemala had been massacred by the US-backed death squads. She was one of the few survivors.
Our church was infiltrated and not only to watch us but to cause trouble and discord also. Our homes were watched.
If we aren't prepared to face this and worse, than we may as well give up right now. Our labor martyrs faced much worse.
We prepare for it as best we can, and then get together and take a stand.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Wow, that sounds like a magnificent story. I hope you can
find the time to tell it to us.
I think the main reason why our times don't produce such hell raisers as the times you chronicle is that we have so many more possessions than they do. We are enmeshed in stuff and the long chains to which stuff binds - jobs, debt payments, pension plans, health care, etc. Kristofferson sang that "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose." I think we have a lot still to lose before we are free to fight.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
The story will be told but takes time to tell because the trial
won't even take place until summer of 1907.
To read ahead use the links for the Cripple Strike, and the Darrow link.
Also Big Bill"s Autobiography and the biography on Big Bill by Peter Carlson:
The info on the spy on the defense team is from Carlson. And his info came straight from the letters of Pinkerton Detective McParland.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
I did my first act of civil disobedience today.
At a public event. It felt right. Especially driven home by Home of the Brave.
My daughters' graduation from nursing school, BS-RN. 5 people in car driving up from Ithaca to Syracuse, the ceremony held in one of the grand auditoria (auditoriums?) named for a politician. $10 to park, close walk. A newish space, one of 5 downtown, connected (snow, ya know). Brutal concrete beauty, stadium seating, very cool acoustic balcones either side, hanging concrete, 3 stories. Small orchestra, live, in one. Classy. SUNY.
My daughter was one of 35, getting BS-RN, 120 MS-RN, 5 PHdN. She led the procession. After infill processional, a welcome, then call to stand for the National Anthem. Sung by a female graduate, hit.every.note.
I turned my back, briefly considered a sit-down. But I stood and turned my back to stage, and looked into the faces of the people in tiers above. Then closed my eyes. Not a word was said. But I did it. Land of the free, home of the brave, my ass.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Damn, forgot perspective
Syracuse has an extremely high poverty rate, PoC segregated Southside, nestled to University Hill. With The Dome. Gun deaths every day and night. Snuggling in to where we were. Jokes about gunfire in the car. [we were white plus one Taiwanese]
After graduation, and a quick car ride to return rental vestments, we ended up in DestiNY for late lunch. Mega-Mall. My first Cheesecake Factory visit. We used valet parking at a Mall!!! Sunday aft. Shopping time.
I am proud of my daughter, my son, new son affiliation from Taiwan, SIL local. Terrified of outside. Fearful for them. Some sense something.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
congrats to your daughter, riverlover.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
On for her Master's RN
toward an NP, while working in hospital FT and house and husband and pets. Full plate.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.