Hellraisers Journal: Louis Zancanelli Released After More Than Two Years in Filthy Trinidad Jail
Say, brave boys, say, the star that rose in Bethlehem has crossed the world,
it has risen here; see it slowly breaking through the clouds.
The star of Bethlehem will usher in the new day and new time and new philosophy
-and if you are only true you will be free.
-Mother Jones
Monday March 27, 1916
From the United Mine Workers Journal: Springtime and Freedom for Louis Zancanelli
From the cover of the March 23rd edition of the Journal we find a celebration of springtime and within the magazine the good new that Louis Zancanelli is once again a free man:
A Song of Spring

Zancanelli Freed From Trinidad Jail
Zancanelli Freed on BailThe decision of the Supreme Court of the State of Colorado, permitting a rehearing of the case of Louis Zancanelli, the young Italian miner who is charged with the killing of George W. Belcher, a Baldwin-Feltz gunman, is another step toward the termination of the persecution of the miners who took part in the memorable strike in Colorado.
Zancanelli waiked out of the county jail at Trinidad. Colo., released on $10,000 bonds furnished by his friends, after two years of mental and physical torture, and we venture to say that with the ousting of the operators' creature from the bench and the removal of the case from the counties controlled by the mine owners, it will be found impossible to convict him on the meager, palpably perjured evidence; evidence that is fully offset by the testimony of unprejudiced witnesses, before any court and jury, in any part of the State where the baleful influences do not control the judge, sheriff, and through those the jury.
The experiences of Zancanelli would read like a story of medieval Russia; of Turkey in its most decadent time.
Tortured, just as effectively as by the "rack" of old in the hopes of extracting what might be used as a confession, and with the hope of incriminating some of the miners' officials, Zancanelli had nothing to tell. And he promptly disavowed the fake confessions that were produced by the creatures of the operator's, and submitted to further tortures for his determined righteous stand.
In spite of the fact that a jury selected in the usual manner, which of course meant the more than probability of some coal company's creature finding a place on the jury, had disagreed, the verdict standing 9 to 3 in favor of acquittal, a second trial was immediately held, and in that trial care was taken by judge and sheriff that Zancanelli should be convicted.
A jury, every member of which was warranted prejudiced against the prisoner, brought in the required verdict. But this travesty on justice can never be repeated. Zancanelli is free today, and he will be fully vindicated whenever he is again placed on trial. For the next trial will be far from the influences of King Coal of Colorado.
The United Mine Workers Journal, Volume 25
Executive Board of the United Mine Workers of America,
Nov 11, 1915 to May 25, 1916
UMWJ, Cover, Mar 23, 1916
"Zancanelli Freed on Bail"
See also:
From the same edition of the UMWJ-
"Admitted to Bail Louis Zancanelli Given His Liberty under Bond of $10,000."
(From: Editorial in Trinidad Free Press of March 15.)
DK Tag: Louis Zancanelli
(Very incomplete.)
DK search not working, try google searchs:
1. "Louis Zancanelli" hellraisers jayraye
2. belcher beck gunthugs hellraisers jayraye
Out of the depths: the story of John R. Lawson, a labor leader
-by Barron B. Beshoar
Colorado Labor Historical Committee of the Denver Area Labor Federation, 1980
Buried Unsung: Louis Tikas and the Ludlow Massacre
-by Zeese Papanikolas
U of Nebraska Press, 1991

I shall be released
I looked for the 1986 version Dylan sang in DC for the first MLK day. I know I've heard it before, but alas not currently on youtube. Here's a good substitute with hope that we all find release!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks Lookout, very nice.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Thanks, JaeRay, as always. "Zancanelli tortured" - nothing
ever changes...until it does. And it will.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Hey Gerrit. yep, Zancanelli went thru hell in the Trinidad jail
those many months. Some reports have it that he lost his mind and suffered a sever break down before they were finished with him.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons