Hellraisers Journal: Haywood, Moyer, Pettibone Now Held Together at Ada County Jail in Idaho
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones
Wednesday March 28, 1906
Boise, Idaho - W. F. of M. Officers Now Confined at Ada County Jail
The Los Angeles Herald of March 25th reported the following:
Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone Are Now
Confined at Boise
-Moyer's Health Reported BetterBy Associated Press.
BOISE, Idaho, March 24.-William D. Haywood was brought here from Caldwell today by Sheriff Jasper C. Nichols and was placed in the Ada county jail with Moyer and Pettibone. The leaders of the Western Federation of Miners, pending their trial for the murder of former Governor Steunenberg, will have the use of a large room in the daytime and at night will be locked in separate cells.
Moyer's health is said to be much improved.
-----[Photograph added.]
Los Angeles Herald
(Los Angeles, California)
-Mar 25, 1906
Big Bill Haywood, young, Darrow Collection
From the Autobiography of Big Bill Haywood:
When our lawyers got on the ground, they raised such a hullaballoo about our being in the [state] penitentiary [on death row] that we were transferred to the county jail at Caldwell...
The Caldwell jail was a small affair of four cells, in one of which we were locked up at night. In the daytime we were allowed the use of a large room where there was a cookstove. There were five or six short-time prisoners...
While we were in Caldwell we learned that a stone cutter from Chicago by the name of Billy Cavanaugh, and his partner, were cutting stone for the new court house that was being built in Caldwell. Cavanaugh sent word to us to know if there was anything we would like to put in the cavity under the cornerstone. We could think of nothing better than a copy of the constitution of the Western Federation of Miners and my membership card, which we sent out by a trusty. Cavanaugh saw that they were deposited before the cornerstone was place...
By some hocus-pocus of the law, a change of venue for the state had been enacted by the legislature. We were transferred to Ada County jail, in the county in which our trial was to take place. Here we were confined at night in a little jail that had been built behind the main building. There were special guards outside, day and night. Sheriff Moseley was a man of some feeling who tried to show us that in his opinion we were not guilty until convicted. We were the only occupants of this little jail, and while our cells were not locked at night, there was a lock on the cage and on the door that led into the main prison....
In the daytime we had a special cell where we had our meals together, and each of us got out for an hour every day, to walk up and down in the sun or amuse ourselves as we pleased in the yard under close watch of the guards. I took excellent care of my health.
We had a tub in which we could bathe at any time so I always had a bath at night and setting up exercises in the morning. I fasted several times, for two, three and once for six days. At the time of the trial I was as clear as crystal both physically and mentally.
This was the jail where the plans for the Western Federation of Miners had been talked over before that initial convention in Butte in 1893. Now Moyer and I, the officials of this organization, were imprisoned in this historic jail some fourteen years later...
[Photograph added.]
Bill Haywood's Book
The Autobiography of William D Haywood
-by Big Bill Haywood
Greenwood Press, 1929
Big Bill Haywood, Ada Co Jail, Idaho, Darrow Collection, 1906/07
WFM Constitution, 1893-96
See also:
Bill Haywood Trial, Darrow Collection
The Cripple Creek Strike: a History of Industrial Wars
in Colorado, 1903-4-5
-by Emma Florence Langdon
Haywood-Moyer- Pettibone Case
Haywood's CIR Testimony re Founding of WFM

Hi JayeRay!
I can't get enough of this lately, although it makes me sad. All that was fought for, blood shed for, pissed away over the last forty years. People need to wake up and fight to get our unions back up to the strong proud things we had.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
Really interesting segment
Thanks JayRaye
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
most welcome kharma, great to see you at HJ.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
yep, triv, that is the truly heartbreaking part
If we had hung on to and built upon their sacrifices, that would be one thing. But that we are allowing all they sacrificed for to be destroyed right before our eyes...well, that is the very worst part of Labor's Story.
I strive to make true this slogan: WE NEVER FORGET!
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Another chapter in th saga. Thanks, JayRae, I found it so
interesting that the Sheriff was a man "of some feeling." So many people just trying to do an honest day's work get trapped in the machinations of the elites. Then they have to develop a bat's radar to try and do what little bit of good they can in such situations - without alerting the elites and getting caught and their families at risk because they're the breadwinner - in a society with no social safety net. I'm deliberately not clicking the links on this particular series because it's become like a daily soapie; I wanna see how it turns out :=) Cheers,
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
More power to you, Gerrit, if you can stick with this
long long saga to the end. The story will go quiet after awhile and our heroes will endure many long months in the Ada County Jail until the story gets hot again during the trial.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
It's the age-old story, mate, and you tell it brilliantly. Have
you put it all together in books and I'm just ignorant of it?
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
the ebook...folks keep telling me I should, but
I have neither the know-how nor the time to do it. Just keeping up with this series takes all my time.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
I hope the time comes for that one day, mate :=) With the
amount of visual material you have, it could be a great coffee table sized book, never mind an ebook. I love history and this is the best kind of real history. Most of our histories were and are written by the elites for the elites. We have to look in the margins (hello postmodernism :=) for the history of real people. You're gathering source material that will vanish real soon in the rush of history and it's real valuable stuff.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
thank you for your support, Gerrit
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons