Head the Wurlizter Off at the Pass

So I've been receiving a bunch of White Nationalist and Social Conservative messaging in my social media feed.

Conflation, Coincidence, and Conspiracy Theory

I think it is an interesting conflation of two overlapping, yet distinct groups. And I do know there is a lot of overlap, I'm well aware of Dominionism and the depth of it's wicked grip on American politics.

I'm conflicted on the new interest in these things. I'm very happy that these two corrosive demographics are getting some sunlight. These fuckers can't handle sunlight. They do their best work in complete darkess and sun-blocked shade. So that's good. My problem is that it's just focused on the nutters, for the most part, and it's going to leave the real culprits like the Family ™ and institutional racism out of the equation.

To make matters worse, it's going to be conflated and tied to Russia and conspiracy theory. The Establishment Dominionists like Pence are going to completely skate because "that's just more political CT". So that's bad.

Tactics and Strategy

At first glance this could be more Democratic tactical maneuvers that belie a coherent and effective strategy; it's not like that has been on repeat1 for 20 years or anything...

But, if you look at the machinations of the Democratic and Republican parties over the last little bit, and reverse engineer a coherent strategy from the historical record, I think you can come up with one.

Democrats serve corporate sponsors and have done so, all but unanimously, since Clinton, and within the power centers of the party since the 70s. This service to corporate sponsors is inherently against the interests of the citizens of the United States and self governance.

If you see that as a historical, strategic thrust, playing Washington General to Bush's Harlem Globetrotter seems like a sensible maneuver. In fact, all the slapping in the face, the lack of faithful service to leftist institutions and voting blocs, and corporate sponsored public policy cave-in-compromises look like tactics that actually match a strategy.

Splitting the Bible Beaters from Wall St

My plan for Democratic success against Republicans has always been to create wedge issues that highlight incompatible "truths" of the Market and God, Inc. If you could split those two institutions, ideologically, in public, the Republican Party would suffer an identity crisis.

Well, that's happening right now. The exposure and conflation of the wacked out social cons, the white nationalists, and conspiracy theory are making corporate tolerance and support a bit difficult at this time.

Realignment: Rush to the Corporate Center

I called a few things over the last few years. I called the Republicans were going to win on left wing economic Populism, which Drumpf played to a T -- bait and switch from the get go, of course, but it was a strong left wing rebuke to global economics as usual.

I called the cleaving off of the Crazy Tea Partiers and the Naive Leftists from the serious and thoughtful people who are currently drowning in PutinPhobia & Drumpfenfear -- reality again laps irony and satire. The sensible EconoCons would leave the Tea Party rump and throw their lot in with the respectable, business friendly Democrats. It happened behind Hillary, but the corporate Center didn't hold.

Plastic public policy and personal politics failed to deliver. I bet none of the polls said that.

Only the Naive Don't Believe

Here's the beauty of this whole thing.

First off, it tarnishes the very idea of self-governance. It proves that people can't be trusted with the levers of power. That's a key element of late 20th century American political power; a maxim of the Establishment. Superdelegates and Corporate Sponsors - QED.

If you don't believe that the crazy white supremacists are a threat you either secretly or subconsciously are one, or are naive to a fault. But on the flip side, if you believe that it goes up through respectable Establishment channels, you're a CT nutter.

It's like a 3D Houle Hoop.

Predicting the Play and Stealing the Signs of a Political Realignment

The play is the same play Democrats have been running for 40 years. Run to the corporate center.

Knowing that, clearly, and seeing a seemingly failed strategy fit the tactical methodology of successful play -- over and over -- should enable us to intercept messages and co-opt or counter them.

Drumpf is going to unleash privatization for infrastructure development. And because the Democrat's only have one play, and attacking unfettered and unprecedented private investment hurts the sponsors, there will be no message against privatization of public infrastructure. And there will be no mention of public at all. Democrats will join in and say tax breaks and jobs.

Interception! We Get the Ball

Bankster construction investments and lobbying positions could easily be exploited towards creating a web that snares the Establishment. We should be prepared on the private construction boom front and tie it to the corporate center. We should be prepared for the platitudes of values, tax breaks, and jobs.

Being prepared for this; having something lying around, would be amazing. It would mean that we had the ball. Can you imagine that?

Run Up the Score

If we get the ball, it should be easy to connect and tie Big Corporate to the Establishment and inject some Public Policy and general welfare into our national political dialogue.

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I know this is going to sound naive, but - how do you propose to break into the 'official' national political dialogue, captured as it is? Bernie's got some mentions of democracy into the corporate media - at great personal cost - but will corporate-owned media carry criticisms of political/corporate profitable theft of (yet more) publicly-owned property in which their owners/their owner's social groups may well be invested? And the talking heads may be investing themselves, as well, on their salaries. The corporate media also doesn't positively (or at all, depending,) cover protests, unless organized by The Right People...

I can't see any of the politicians honestly dealing with this... I'd bet that Trump will never be attacked by Dems on any of the real things because they benefit donors, just as the Repubs typically attacked the Dems with what appeared to be bizarre accusations and not for the obvious corruption and abuses, for the same reasons. They're both Corporate/Billionaire representing Parties, after all.

I know I'm chronically over-tired and probably exceptionally dense ATM, but I'd really, really, honestly, deeply love to know how it might be possible to achieve inserting the public interest into 'official' national political dialogue under the conditions reached by this point.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

we are headed. People are ill-informed or don't care - or both. /even using social media to circumvent corporate media, how many people do you know who get pissed off when you taint their FB feed full of selfies, puppies, and food with rude political postings? People so suck.

Bernie is still out there sheep dogging for the fucking Democrats. The more he does this, the more respect I lose for the man. How can he possibly believe electing Dems is going to help the middle class? They have zero respect for him or his supporters, which also happens to be a majority of Americans. I am sick to death of their 14 rotating villians taking turns voting with the GOP. The GOP strangles us from the front, and the Dems sneak up and strangle us from behind. Only choice we appear to have is "how would we like to die".

As far right as both parties are, outflanking the Dems on the left couldn't be avoided. Every time I see that smug, mealy-mouthed Obama I just want to kick the shit out of him.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

k9disc's picture

it is going to happen.

Drumpf will lay out a privatized infrastructure project. Democrats will continue on the CT Front while accepting the de facto privatization of public infrastructure. We, meaning the Left, will hem and haw but it will be reactive or defensive hemming and hawing.

Well organized institutions and the rank and file Left who do not believe in privatization of the commons will respond, reactively, and try to push the Democrats into action.

After a few weeks we'll have a strong counter argument and some clever graphical memes, but the jobs and tax break meme will already have hit and experience bipartisan resonation.

But if we, meaning the Left, know about this, plan for it, and have a flurry of graphical memes to share that feed some thoughtful framing, we could have our meme hit in the anti-privatization institutions, before the national meme and throw a monkey wrench in the works, and kneecap the Democratic acquiescence before they push back at the institutions.

That would mean that we, the Left, get to set the meaning, or the leaping off point. I have done this before, just not ahead of the curve. In Feb 2005, I stopped Social Security Privatization with a well framed argument that became a meme: Putting a Human Face on Social Security.

My diary from dKos was picked up and expanded by DFA, AARP, and some other large scale organizations. They ran with the idea, calling for Social Security stories. Tens of thousands of stories poured in. And inside 2 weeks the Bush privatization scheme was done.

The Democrats promptly put the wild card into their breast pocket for "safe keeping" and that was that.

My point is, you can hop in mid stream and give institutions that have national scale a well framed argument or rhetorical guidelines. That's important, IMO, because voters and institutions spend weeks flailing around trying to react to surprising Democratic tactics that seem to belie a coherent strategy.

That is a given. They will support Drumpf's private infrastructure program. They will do so on jobs, tax cuts, and "public" investment. It is going to take people and institutions by surprise.

It would be a good idea to get ahead of the curve and be proactive in developing argument and rhetoric.

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

Alligator Ed's picture

@k9disc Corporate lackey and smiling douchebag Cory Booker has reversed his stance on the drug importation bill. Even though he got $387,000 from Big Pharma last time around, he has sought to retroactively mend his image in preparation for his 2020 run.

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