Great Article on Why the LGBQTAI are Hurt Most by Boycotts

I came across this today and urge everyone to read it all the way through.

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Oldest Son Of A Sailor's picture

It's a cruel fact but you get judged by the company you keep...

Those are "Deep Red States" for a reason, and the reason is the voting majority in those states are Republithugs and they promote this bullshit...

There are a list of places in this country where I no longer consider them as viable places for a vacation because of their politics and laws. Why would I want to go to the 3rd world states where I might be shot by some yahoo that got scared when I was lost turning my car around in his driveway, and he decided to "Stand His Ground" by running out of his house to empty a full clip from his pistol into my car?

You might have white sand beaches and palm trees, or a beautiful riverwalk through the center of the city, or an outrageous party scene, fine dining, and entertainment district...

But... If your state has oppressive laws that affect my freedoms, and safety, or subject me to arrest because of their crazy laws, then please excuse me while I fly over your state on my way to somewhere I'll actually enjoy myself...

When they (The majority of the voters) decide to come out of the 3rd world and get rid of their crazy laws, and crazy politicians, I'll put them back on my list of places I'd consider visiting...

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"Do you realize the responsibility I carry?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."

~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Damnit Janet's picture

Between this diary and the last one written about how this matter... telling their brother not to act so gay...

I'm just proud that my loved ones prefer to stand up, speak out and take action to improve the lives for everyone. Not just for themselves or their own interests.

One can continue feeling like a victim or one can act and be an activist.

It's one thing to look away and do nothing, it's another matter to advocate that others do nothing as well.

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

michelewln's picture

Between this diary and the last one written about how this matter... telling their brother not to act so gay...

His nurses told him the same thing to be careful who he tells he is gay because they can now refuse medical treatment. We are trying to save his life. Get your facts straight. I have fully supported him being gay but until we get the law repealed which is what we are trying to do he has to make sure he can get medical treatment.

One can continue feeling like a victim or one can act and be an activist.

I am and have been an activist all my life.

It's one thing to look away and do nothing, it's another matter to advocate that others do nothing as well.

I work with the homeless council. I work with the LGBT community. I fully support William Barber and Moral Mondays. I never said do nothing I said the current boycott isn't working because the big business here in North Carolina isn't going to be hurt by it. They are in McCrory's and the Legislatures' pockets. It is the small business who have traditionally fought for LGBT rights that are being harmed.

Cyndi Lauper and others are doing their shows here and giving the money to fight the bill. I am trying to give alternatives to actively fight the bill but keep the vulnerable safe who are now in danger.

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A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. Oscar Wilde

Damnit Janet's picture

what I got out of your last diary was a tirade and plenty of judgement. I like the above reply so much more. It provides for.... sharing of ideas.

I do agree with Lauper using the money to help support the very thing your state has agreed to tar and feather. That can happen along with boycotts, protests, marches and mass attention to this obscene passing.

Since you already work with anti-hunger and homeless, you an parlay all this into that as well.

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

Shahryar's picture

"hurting the little people" is an argument that's been used by the powers that be. It's similar to all the fuss they kicked up about the surcharge tax on yachts, saying the poor yacht construction people would be hurt.

The point of a boycott is that the business community gets hurt and then forces the legislature to change whatever they've done....because the legislature, as we all know, works for the business community.

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the author has NOT advocated that we doing nothing. The author HAS suggested other methods of protest in the previous essay and in this one via the link.
What this all comes down to is heartbreaking decisions on how to best and most quickly effect change.
We may disagree on the methods but to remind everyone of the consequences of our actions, no matter how noble they be, is a well justifiable thing to do.
Being confronted over the results of our choices can indeed be painfully sobering.
But it's right that we are.

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With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge

michelewln's picture

I apologize for coming across like a bitch towards you the other night.

People have to realize that "homeless" isn't a word to me. I know them personally. I know the Iraq veteran who fought off drug addiction because he was ignored by the system when he came home. He is African-American. I'm one of the few people who he will allow to hold his hand or touch him. That quiet spoken man over there has a PHd. and can't get a job. He is also African-American. I know the mother who lost her children to the state even though she did everything the asked because she was homeless and couldn't find a job that paid enough for childcare.

We were making great strides in North Carolina. In 2008 we voted for Obama. One of our Senators was a Democrat. The picture is the early voting then on a Saturday. Big business (whose profits are overseas) panicked along the the Legislature. They realized that there was a huge new class of voters coming in and among were the young, the non-whites, the older people who still believed the 60s peace and love that we marched for then. They knew that if they didn't do something more new political people from the left were going to get in and work against them. We were already getting local laws changed like the one in Charlotte.

The way to stop it was to keep us from voting. They gerry-rigged the entire state to make as many "safe" districts for their cronies as they could. They passed an illegal voting rights act that made it extremely difficult to get an ID. They cut off weekend and early voting. They shut voting places in primarily minority areas. If you want to vote you can't vote early and still get to work on time because of cut hours. You are too far away to try and vote at lunch and get back to work on times. You can't vote after work because they cut hours of voting. They are brazenly admitting that they were specifically targeting people who might vote Democrat.

Still a large number of us were able to vote but not enough were able to vote to keep Thom Tillis out of office. We have been working for years and now have to come up with the money to fight them court. That is going to take time and money.

I'm a working activist and full time caregiver to my little brother. I want him to be happy and I am proud he is gay and admits it. I don't want to take the chance that some bigot will decide they don't have to treat a gay man. Let us get this law and other discriminatory laws off the books so I don't have to worry about them refusing medical treatment and I'll make the hot pink eye patch he is asking for. I'll do the Steampunk leg now.


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A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. Oscar Wilde

Push the right buttons and I'll explode too. We all have our triggers.
As far as I'm concerned, we're all good.
Keep fighting the good fight.

Peace love joy!

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With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge