Gorillas, a Rant
I am overwhelmed. No matter where you go, what you watch, who you talk to it's all about the Gorilla. For 3 days now.
The majority of those with deep, insightful comments and punditry have not found the time to actually look at the video. I have. That child was going to be drowned or broken. This is not about "animal rights". Sorry. It's about "If it bleeds it leads".
Yet, where is the wall-to-wall coverage of the accelerating murder/assault crimes in our cities? Where is the wall-to-wall coverage of the Genocide in the Mid-east of Yazdhis, Christians, Kurds and many other sects that are being committed by other insurgents(terrorists) and Gubmints (hello Turkey?)? Where is the wall-to-wall coverage of how we now support the Sadr militias, that killed and wounded so many Americans and now are our allies despite that they are run by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard? Where is the wall-to-wall coverage of why 94 million US citizens are no longer counted among the unemployed and yet we have somehow "recovered"? Oh, who cares about a near $20 Trillion debt? One could go on, but I'll stop here.
Not to worry.
They got this. Whoever the f they are.
We need to find a better way people.

Shiny Object
Why talk about Clinton's emails, her refusal to talk to the FBI, etc, when you can talk about a dead gorilla?
Or on a broader note, why talk about Wall Street, climate change, perpetual war, election fraud, healthcare or decaying infrastructure when one iphone video can transfix the country for days.
I mean, let's face it, lots of angles on the gorilla incident. Who/what to blame? Gorilla? Zoo? Parents? Architecture of enclosure? And was the child in danger? Let's get some experts....
Whereas the whole Clinton thing, there's really only one angle no matter how they spin. She's guilty. Don't want to be talking about that or even dancing near it, now do we? And I think we can all agree that the broader list just plain sucks. So let's go back to the video of the gorilla, shall we?
I have been saying this for days
Would the Gorilla Incident gotten traction anyway? Yes. For 3 or 4 days? No.
All you need to know...
Agreed. The child was in danger.
No matter the protective actions, that child was in danger.
Be it broken bones, cuts, or worse from being dragged like that. Or drowning potential.
But, tranquilizer darts some say. But unlike movies and television, those thing can take some time to work, even with precise dosages for weight of the animal. And during the period of being tranked - between being awake and fall unconscious, that might have been enough of an agitation factor for the gorilla to do something horrendous, even accidentally.
The parent should have kept better control of her child to be sure, but what's done is done.
The zoo would have been negligent if the actions they took to save the child were in deference to the the life of the gorilla and the child wound up dead because they could have done more and didn't.
If the child had died because they wanted to save the life of a captive animal - an animal used for observance and the amusement of people already whether people want to own up to that or not, then the zoo would have faced at least one, if not several major lawsuits.
As it is, there are other insurance issues and problems because of just the loss of the animal in question, but nothing like there would have been over the loss of the life of that child.
This is common sense stuff, but I learned a long time ago that common sense is not common anymore too.
And al the coverage and outrage over this is easier for most people to digest than worrying over multiple world events they also can't change.
See, the news is a circus. And they get to talk about the monkey (ape, I know I know).
Not my circus, not my monkeys.
More and more, it's just not my problem anymore. It simply is the way it is and no matter how much I dislike it, it's gonna be the way it is gonna be.
May as well enjoy the ride down the best we can.
People have lawyers
It was never mentioned on cable TV, but the Cincinnati Zoo didn't have to worry about being sued by the gorilla's next of kin.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
There were obviously more issues with allowing harm/further harm to come to the child, than to the captive animal.
people who know
animals say the gorilla was not harming, or intending to harm, the human.
Experts…people who know...
Did you see the gorilla drag the child through the waterway? The video I saw showed it twice. Now imagine the agitation of a frank dart and the gorilla's actions being even minority more pronounced.
The gorilla could have caused the injury and or death of the child and the zoo decided not to take that risk.
Those people who know animals were not in that water way wight hat Gorilla, the child was. Those moments were all the people at the zoo had and they made their call. All the arm chair experts in the world don;t change the choices that had to be made immediately that day in those moments.
Side-liners analyzing it now can say whatever they like. Even if you call them experts… Oh yeah, an expert said it so it must be the all encompassing truth. Yeah, whatever.
Assuming the gorilla was not trying to directly/purposefully hurt the child, little has been discussed about the gorilla's actions potentially 'accidentally' harming the child.
It's a sad thing the big guy had to die. Sadder still is that his captivity, along with many other animals is a standard entertainment for the rest of us primates.
with respect,
I'm inclined to go more with people who know gorillas, rather than your impressions from a video you saw in a tube.
Humans just like to shoot and kill shit. It's what they do.
Sure, go ahead. That gives you license to ignore and dismiss
whatever you wish because someone somewhere said something which validated your position so it must be true. An expert said it.
That's why when it comes to something like climate change, I always go with the impressions of some random person who's looked at a video in a tube, rather than the considered opinions of those who work in the field.
Pfft. We disagree. Get over it an move on.
But no, instead you shift into a completely different topic to make some vague point over who you'll base your opinions upon.
Maybe next you'll decide that Hillary Clinton is perfect for the office of President and how you have a bunch of experts who say so so it must be true too.
Have a good night, or don't. Whatever.
nothing for me to get over. The point is that you are less qualified to determine what that gorilla was doing than somebody whose field of study is gorillas. Just because somebody, anybody, everybody, can bloviate an opinion on the intertubes, doesn't mean that opinion is worthy. Otherwise this geek, who reads a thermometer on the television for a living, would be the world's foremost expert on climate change. Which many people think he is. Because he bloviates an opinion on the intertubes.
Maybe we can start performing brain surgery based on the opinions of random people who have looked at a video on a tube. That should work.
FWIW, I also thought it looked like the gorilla did not intend
to harm the child. Still, it did drag the child through the water and the child went to the hospital afterward for minor injuries. I can see the possibility of the gorilla harming the child unintentionally, such as snatching it quickly away (it seemed to want to protect the child) and dislocating joints or breaking bones or drowning it or even banging its head on a rock (I'm not sure if the child is male or female, thus "it"). And then there's the possibility of a violent reaction to a dart shot. While I wish they could have found another way, I don't think they could take the chance.
As far as experts, those who responded to the emergency were the experts for this type of situation, weren't they? On the scene, they decided any other course was too risky.
If this incident makes it more likely that gorillas will be helped with habitat preservation rather than trying to keep them in zoos, that would be a good outcome.
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That's my take on the reaction, too
Vayle. The parent is not to blame, either. The zoo had a flaw which allowed a child to figure out how to get in there. The right decision was made by zoo officials.
edited for typo.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
The parent(s) are also to blame. They should be watching their piece of protoplasm better.
There is neglect riding the backs of both parties.
The more people I meet, the more I love my cats.
I disagree with you on this one. eom
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Hard to tell. Little kids can dart away from you in a heartbeat.
I've always thought I'd want to use one of those leash and harness set-ups, but some people say those are cruelly dehumanizing. But some sort of restraint like that is the only way to keep a little kid with you every single moment.
Perhaps if zoos can't eliminate all holes large enough to let a kid through, there should be an age limit for allowing children in the zoo.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Same old thing. The media will play this up, people will
be outraged, while on page six in small letters it says, "Obama's drone kills 30 more children". Where are the petitions for that? Where are the 100,000 people in one day who are outraged about that? It's like how the media will give wall to wall coverage for a missing white girl but won't give the time of day to missing black or latino girls.
It shows how the media can manipulate. Put it on the front page, the lead on every evening news, etc. and then every talk show and daytime bullshit show is talking about it.
Wars are justified that way.
It's a crucial front of any revolt against the ruling class.
Al, is that you?
If yes, maybe we can find allenjo and rip some new ones over this never-ending war mongering.
Is you?
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
It's me Ed.
Nice to see you here brother.
It is all about making money. Distract and distort. Drive ratings. You remember this from a couple of months ago?
I would bet that the six media corporations have ties with the MIC, and more conflict improves ratings plus more profit from arms sales (to both sides). I think MSM are evil.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Le Monde Selon Tippi [1997] - If you haven't seen this film, its about Tippi, the little African girl who runs around with all sorts of animals, including leopards, African elephants, hyenas in their native habitat. Do check her out with the leopard somewhere in the middle of the film.
Sorry, I can't find a link to the Safari Sisters series from South Africa. My daughters loved both of these when they were girls.
Tippi recently graduated from film school in France and returned to Africa.
From the Light House.
*The Child & Gorilla were not responsible. But, according to
some animal rights groups, the Zoo is (in violation of laws).
The parents? Well, from what I've read, you can be arrested for leaving a child in a vehicle to run into Walgreens for 5 minutes to pick up an RX--for child endangerment, etc. Is this behavior not as negligent?
Frankly, I expect that both the Zoo and the parents will have civil charges filed against them.
And, I agree--it is a distraction.
OTOH, if there is any good that can come out of it, it would be that many parents will take a lesson from this 'completely avoidable' tragedy.
*Edit: completely unavoidable, changed to, completely avoidable
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."--Lao Tzu
In Loving Memory Of Sweet Kaya, SOSD Rescue
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
The tragedy
could have been avoided all together if there were no zoo's to begin with,the fact that humans think other animals lives are worth less than ours is a big part of the worlds problems because this is how we justify killing ,keeping people in prison and so on, because their just animals anyway! Well you either get it or you don't but there are plenty of other stories that are used to distract us and I think using this one should have been avoided.
Then You'll
have to somehow get humans to stop popping out little people. More people need more land. That, or we'll have to learn to live giant towers that have a small footprint, thus leaving more land for - what am I saying? More people also need more food. Guess we're fucked, huh?
At least we can eat all those elephants and giraffes whilst we spread like locusts over the earth.
The more people I meet, the more I love my cats.
Blue/white dress, who's at fault
These are baubles, placed in our faces every day. One forms an opinion, others disagree. Countless discussion hours at the water cooler or Xerox machine. These baubles are tossed every day. Which will go viral? Some mother was driving her daughters home and wrecked the car, 4 daughters dead. 24 hours, that one did not make the circus cut.
Distract as news. That is the new business. I unplugged a while ago, still get some. I try to be informed, not distracted.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
need toddler proof fencing
I wonder why the zoo did not have a toddler proof mesh fence or something behind the bars? They know that children are the primary attendees at a zoo, and can fit between iron bars.