Germany paying Vattenfall 1.4 billion Euros award..
What does everybopdy think.
Germany's taxpayers are now going to pay the Swedish company Vattenfall for the privilege of dumping nuclear power in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear accident. German produce is now already quite radioactive.. As meat goes.
This is because facing Germen agricultural products becoming too radioactive to be safe if they have another nuclear accident. they decided to switch to another kind of power generation. For doing that, they are now being sued, for changing their minds after signing this treaty.
Something similar could happen to us for ending the export of our natural gas.
Vattenfall sued them under the Energy Charter Treaty, an agreement thats similar to USMCA, NAFTA, TISA, etc. in a special tribunal for 7 billion euros.
Vattenfall won.

Trump was right???
If your predecessor signs a rotten treaty pull out. (Course he chose the wrong treaty)
On to Biden since 1973
At least Trump
did keep us out of the TPP, which would certainly have gone through if the Wicked Witch had won...
"A harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a very dangerous man who has that under voluntary control."
- Jordan Peterson