A few fireworks in the KY Democratic Gubernatorial Debate
This is an election year in Kentucky for the office of Governor. If you don't already know, the incumbent Matt Bevin brought us the worst that the GOP has to offer.
The poll shows that a whopping 32.3% of Republicans surveyed had an unfavorable opinion of Gov. Matt Bevin. Again, that's just Republicans. #kygov
On the Democratic side, it is a four way contest. The "establishment" vote is split between Andy Beshear, son of former Governor Steve Beshear, and Adam Edelen, former Chief of Staff to Governor Beshear. Edelen's running mate Gill Holland is married into the Brown family dynasty (John Y Brown Sr, and JYB Jr were both Kentucky Governors), his wife being the daughter of Christy Brown. These two candidates are cut from the same cloth. Even in appearances they are nearly indistinguishable.
Next up is Geoff Young, often called a "perennial candidate," with only an outside chance.
And finally there is Rocky Adkins, who spent his career serving in the Kentucky legislature. Full disclosure, I support Rocky since his running mate, Stephanie Horne, is a personal friend and I worked on the congressional campaign of her husband, Lt. Col. Andrew Horne.
On the campaign front, the Brown's money is funding attack ads on Beshear. Surprisingly, Rocky is polling extremely well, likely due to the intensive statewide grassroots campaign he and Stephanie have been hard at work on.
Which brings us to last night's Democratic Primary Gubernatorial Debate.
While Beshear and Edelen were busy trading barbs, Geoff Young laid down the gauntlet, three times accusing Beshear and Edelen of being crooks. Here's the money quote:
MODERATOR: After this hard-fought campaign, will you unequivocally support and work for the Democratic nominee for governor in the general election, yes or no?
GEOFF YOUNG: I will support Rocky Adkins, but i will never support a crook, and that is what these gentlemen are. They do not believe in Democracy. They are sowing incredible contempt for Kentucky's 1.7 million registered Democrats. They are telling you your decision does not matter. they will make the decision in a back room.
The Kentucky Primary is Tuesday, May 21.
UPDATE: One of the criticisms against Beshear is his 2015 campaign received last minute support from a PAC that waited until after the filing deadline, so the reveal as to who funded it would be kept secret until after the Primary. It turns out that Perdue Pharma (oxycontin pushers) was behind that 2015 PAC. Today we are learning that a new pro-Beshear PAC has swooped in to help Beshear. Not coincidentally, they waited until after the filing deadline and we will not learn the principals for another month.

Heh. The Democratic Party has long--perhaps always?--
operated that way.
Among many other things, is anyone else here old enough to remember the shameful Democratic primaries of 2016?
Ever since then, we've read and heard so much, via the msm, about how the Kremlin allegedly "hacked our democracy," or, at the very least, "meddled in our democracy," whatever the hell either of those two terms may mean. However, we've read and heard so very little, via the msm, about how a couple of Democratic Party icons, the Clintons (and their minions, including many in the mesm) meddled in our republic's Presidential primaries.
And so it goes.