Fed Chair Jerome Powell says his conflicts on interests are being managed “extremely carefully”
Federal Reserve Chair Powell wants you to know that instead of avoiding or eliminating conflicts of interest, he's decided to manage them.
BlackRock, which manages about $7 trillion in assets, was hired by the Fed in March to steer tens of billions of dollars in bond purchases as part of the U.S. central bank’s efforts to stabilize the bond market amid the economic turmoil caused by the coronavirus pandemic.BlackRock’s own ETFs accounted for a large share of corporate bond ETFs it bought on behalf of the Fed as part of the central bank’s relief program. BlackRock waived asset management fees on ETFs purchased on behalf of the Fed.
“BlackRock is just our agent,” Powell said at his virtual news conference following the close of the Fed’s two-day meeting, in response to a reporter’s question on the handling of potential conflicts of interests. “We make the policy decisions in conjunction with our colleagues and they just execute our plans.”
“I think their conflicts are managed extremely carefully in the contractual arrangement that we have with them,” Powell said.
It's not just that the Fed hired BlackRock to buy ETFs that BlackRock created. There's also the lack of transparency.
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell and Randal Quarles, the Vice Chairman for Supervision at the Fed, have stated in testimony before Congress that they would be providing transaction level details of their Section 13(3) Emergency Lending Facilities on a regular, ongoing basis. But the three oldest of those facilities, the Primary Dealer Credit Facility (PDCF), the Commercial Paper Funding Facility (CPFF), and the Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility (MMLF), which were all created more than four months ago in mid-March, have yet to release any transaction level details to the public.
BlackRock was hired by the Fed to manage the assets of the PDCF, and the don't think it necessary to report what they're doing.
Corruption? What corruption? If there is any corruption going on here, it is being managed.
Earlier this year, Wall Street On Parade reported that the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, had an upward range of $11.6 million invested with the investment management firm, BlackRock, and its iShares Exchange Traded Funds, according to Powell’s 2019 financial disclosure form.Powell’s 2020 financial disclosure form is now available. It was signed by Powell on May 15, 2020 and it shows that Powell’s holdings in BlackRock investments have reached an upward range of $24.95 million – an increase of $13.35 million over the prior year’s upward range.
There's nothing suspicious about a 120%+ return on investment in just five months with a company that's getting no-bid trillion dollar contracts.
One more thing: The Reuters article that quoted Powell, didn't include his very next sentence.
And again, I would have — I can’t recall exactly what those conversations were, but they would have been about what he is seeing in the markets and things like that to generally exchanging information. And he’s typically trying to make sure that we are getting good service from the company that he founded and leads. I’d say that’s his main objective when we talk.”The most dangerous section of Powell’s explanation is the phrase “exchanging information.” The Chairman of the Federal Reserve sits on a pile of market-moving information and is expressly forbidden from “exchanging information” with a Wall Street investment manager if it is inside information. That’s why any phone calls of this nature are problematic and raise serious red flags.
Looks managed to me.

These numbers don't add up
Perhaps an anonymous benefactor
paid up on over 30% of the student loan delinquencies. Either that or perhaps the NY Fed simply redefined “delinquency” to make things look better. After all, appearance is far more important than reality these days.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
The Fed is fulfilling its design...
to further enrich the oligarchs.
Much more at the link. Take care and be well gjohn!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Yes that is a great article
See mine that goes well with the one you posted. How to get this info out to the rest of the country that isn't aware of what is happening? Wish I knew. I tweet many great articles on the economic shit show that we are being showered with and a few people retweet them. Hopefully more people read than "like."
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
This adds on to what Lookout
This adds on to what Lookout posted above on the Federal reserve. I posted this article in a previous essay and it's an eye opener. It should be read at its source to get the whole effect. Actually most articles should be if you want the whole picture instead of just excerpts. IMO.
Welcome to Sweatshop Amerika!
Fair use so read the rest yourselves to see how bad this is.
History does repeat itself.
More from the essay
What Matt means:
How bad do we get screwed? Bigly.
This is from March 25 and not a lot has changed since then. Evictions are happening across the country, but you wouldn't know it unless you read alternative media sources. The main stream media cannot tell you what the elite are doing. Of course not because people might get ideas that we should put a stop to it.
Hey Nancy did your prayers help this woman not be kicked out of her home over medical bills that she was not responsible for? Hell no, but then you knew that your gawd wouldn't lift a finger for those in need in this country because he hasn't since it was created and we began our history of treating the vulnerable and less fortunate abominably. Again take your prayers and shove them. Sideways and hard you worthless bag of bones and water!!
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
Biden will be more pro wall street than Obama was
Jaime Dimon, Mike Bloomberg, Susan Rice and lots of old and renewed neocons will be running Biden's White House because Joe ain't up to the job. Citibank picked Obama's cabinet and it would be interesting to find out who is making Joe's because I doubt he is taking part in daily discussions. I really hope that they don't cancel the debates because I think they will show the disaster we are in by electing either of these corporate tools. The elite are working hard and throwing lots of money into the election to get their CEO in place.
Meanwhile centrists are making up what a Biden presidency will be like:
Biden’s FDR Sized presidency
Biden will bring smart, progressive policies to help Americans
Biden’s Housing Plan
Biden will bring smart, progressive policies to help Americans
Biden has a great plan for saving the planet
Biden will protect, empower, and expand unions
Biden has a great healthcare plan
Biden will increase housing equality
Biden loves dogs
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.