FBI took months to warn Democrats
FBI took months to warn Democrats of suspected Russian role in hack: sources
So let me get this straight. The FBI supposedly was thinking the Russians are hacking the DNC and has been looking at it for MONTHS?
I have NO idea what is going on anymore! We are definitely living in the Twilight Zone! Since reading the diary (link below) by MsGrin a day or so ago, something has popped into my head that is so incredible. There are so many moving parts! I'm not going to share it right now, but I wouldn't be surprised if the same train of thought is there for some of you. As for this Reuters story, this becomes more bizarre by the minute!

I thought they solved the case in 3 days
The DNC e-mails were released by WikiLeaks on a Friday, and the authorities had supposedly concluded their investigation by Monday. Compared to a year-long investigation of Hillary's e-mails.
You are right, nothing can be taken at face value. It's important to note that nobody has said the e-mails are fake, and DWS got invited to leave the DNC just when the e-mails were revealed.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Whoever leaked this one...
doesn't seem to be following along what is happening in real time. The DNC, as shown in those emails and what we have seen all these months, is extremely corrupt. There is so much information it causes brain freeze! I just have a feeling that somehow it is all going to come to a head soon, and who/what is involved I can't even guess. Stay tuned.
I thought this little bit of the Reuters story was interesting
What does that remind you of? It reminds me of Clinton's people saying there was "no evidence" of hacking in Hillary's server. Because as many have pointed out, the really good hackers don't leave evidence or it at least takes people as sophisticated as they are to find it. The funniest thing was when Clinton said it was guarded by the Secret Service, as though hackers had to come through the air ducts and lower themselves a la Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible into her basement in order to access her server.
It sounds like the FBI all but told the DNC they were being hacked and the DNC didn't take the threat seriously or their tech support was lacking. What isn't clear to me is how did the FBI glom onto the DNC hacking in the first place? In what context were they finding DNC stuff? These events predate the Wikileaks dump.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Who knows?
It almost looks like the FBI was the hacker? Makes me wonder if the FBI is the Wikileaks source, then had to tell them about it. This gets more bizarre by the minute!
This is just another attempt by Team Clinton/DNC to focus attention on anyone but themselves. Now they're trying to tar the FBI for Clinton/DNC errors. What's most important is that a threat was identified, not who's suspected of being behind it. Actions to take include to force password changes, apply current OS and security patches, do a malware scan, lock down open ports, enforce SSH certificates, disable root login, perform a system reboot, etc. These are all standard sysadmin tasks when a system is attacked. It doesn't matter if the attacker is some kid in his mom's basement in Peoria or Vladimir Putin at the Kremlin. Common sense was sorely lacking at Team Clinton/DNC.
Computerin' is hard!
If the FBI really has been "looking into this" for months, shouldn't Obama be throwing the FBI director into a deep dark hole?