With an eye on Bernie Sanders, the Democratic National Committee adopts new restrictions for 2020 presidential candidates
Excuse me but we all knew something was going to happen.
With an eye on Bernie Sanders, the Democratic National Committee adopts new restrictions for 2020 presidential candidates
WASHINGTON — The Democratic National Committee’s rules and bylaws committee adopted a new rule on Friday that would prevent outsiders like Bernie Sanders from seeking the party’s nomination in the 2020 presidential race. The move seems to be the latest salvo in the ongoing jockeying over the party’s future that emerged following the at times bitter primary battle between Hillary Clinton and Sanders in 2016.
But while the rule change left some of Sanders’s top allies thinking the party was being driven by “spite,” it likely won’t affect him directly and could pave the way for one of his favorite reforms.
DNC member Randi Weingarten, who is president of the American Federation of Teachers, posted a photo of the rules change shortly after it was added to the proposed draft call for the 2020 Democratic convention. Weingarten, who attended Friday’s DNC meeting in Providence, R.I., wrote that the party “changed the rules to ensure to run for President as a Democrat you need to be A Democrat.”
The new rule would force candidates in Democratic presidential primaries to state that they are Democrats, accept the party’s nomination if they win the 2020 primary and to “run and serve” as a member.
In the wake of Clinton’s loss to Trump, the party assembled a unity commission with members appointed by both Clinton and Sanders. The Sanders wing focused on recommendations designed to open up the party’s nominating process and make it more inclusive to what Sanders termed “the working people and young people of our country.” One of the commission’s proposals that was particularly important to Sanders was the elimination of the unelected Democratic superdelegates who are able to vote for a nominee regardless of who won the race in their home state. Sanders and many of his supporters viewed these superdelegates as a way for the Democratic Party establishment to control the nominating process irrespective of the will of the party’s voters.
Well this sure ought to cure the DNC’s fundraising problems. /s

Oh God DNC, My stuff is supposed to be SATIRICAL!
Seriously, you guys aren't even pretending anymore with these goddamn loyalty oaths. Might as well just be a religious discussion about which god has a bigger schlong.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Well, I don’t know... this seems reasonable to me
I know I’m slow sometimes, so forgive me if this is stupid. But honestly, I don’t understand why if someone is going to run for office as a democrat, they would be averse to identifying themselves as a democrat.
I’m thinking maybe this is a branding issue? The “Democratic Party” is a damaged brand name, so they can’t sell themselves if they claim it? I don’t know. I’m reaching for an explanation of this aversion to the point of affront to simply admit that if you are running as a democrat, you’re a democrat. It’s kind of like someone wanting to be a priest in a Catholic Church, but they insist they are not catholic. What? How does that work?
I read the article you link to Amanda. I want to respond to Jeff Weaver.
YES!!! They do.
Seriously, how much more clear do they need to make it for you?
Good grief. Move the fuck on from the goddamn democrats.
Solution without a problem
You are asking the primary voters to make you the candidate on the Democratic Party line on the ballot. If the voters care that you are not a registered Democrat, they'll vote for someone else. No reason for the party to have such a rule.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
Hum... thanks
But I think the party does have a reason for that rule, and a problem they want to solve. See my response to Jeff Weaver. It’s a message. They don’t want non-democrats running as democrats.
Again, though, why is that a problem? The party brand name is Democrats. If you’re not a Democrat, why would you be asking dem primary voters to nominate you as a democrat?
And the other reason,
of course, is "They"
know Bernie won in 2016. "They" being the DNC.
And even with better fire power this time to keep Bernie where he belongs, on the sidelines, they apparently don't want to go to all the trouble.
Can't say as I blame them.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
This is why he was allowed to run as a democrat
Why was Bernie Sanders allowed to run for the Democratic nomination in 2016 when he's an independent?
Another reason why he was allowed to run on the democratic ticket
There are more answers and links on the article.
But because Hillary had to cheat to win the primary the democrats are afraid if another popular person outside the Democratic Party decides to run on their ticket then they might win again. Yes again. We saw how many primaries Bernie actually won, but because of how the rules were written against him Hillary got the win. This was mainly in regards to the delegates and the superdelegates, but in many states it was obvious that the votes were changed. How do we know that? Because the exit polls didn't match up with the vote tallies. Instead of bringing that inconvenient fact to our attention the media quit mentioning the exit poll numbers.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Exit polls
Not that they needed to, since HER claimed victory before the polls even closed.
I seriously hope this is the final straw for any
progressivehumanist (H/T gulfgal) thinking about running within the Democratic party. Time, as DMW says, to fuck them and run outside of it. There should be plenty of time between now and 2020 to get a third party on every state's ticket, no?Except he was never going to run as an indie for prez
That is true.
In January 2015, while he was still “considering” running:
In May 2015:
September 2015:
Sanders was as clear and consistent on this as he could possibly be, from the beginning. I’m convinced he sincerely believes this, and there is zero chance he’s going to change his mind.
How funny. He’s getting the blame anyway.
Him and Putin.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Funny, yes. Also kind of sad though
I can’t help thinking of Bernie now as looking more than anything like a whipped dog, that keeps slinking back to its abusive owner, because it simply has no idea what else to do and can’t imagine any other way to survive.
I understood his position in 2015 and even most of 2016. But now, after everything that has happened and gone down, it’s inexplicable.
When some brilliant political writer comes along
...and writes a book on the rise of "Unintended Consequences of the Twenty-First Century" — it's going to be one of those best sellers that I will thoroughly savor. (I would also expect it to help map the entanglements of quantum physics and elevate the role of the Uncertainty Principle in decision-making. Gravity will finally be understood as a "charge" and the energy of Dark Matter understood as "desire.") The next sentients to emerge after we are long extinct will have a decided advantage if we find a way to engrave what we learned from our mistakes on stone tablets.
It's all going according to plan
when the Democrats get swamped in 18 - and it gets revealed that most of it was sabotagee by the "establishment" and the party starts to crumble, the writing on the wall will read "Bernie, run as an independent - quit screwing around!" and hopefully by 2020 there will be no Democratic Party to sabotage him.
If not we're doomed.
On to Biden since 1973
If Kampala or Booker runs in 2020
Why? Because we have to stop Trump's agendas and of course there's the upcoming pick for the next Supreme Court justice silly. Besides the democrats have to keep their Resistance going ...
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
"The word of Sin, O Man, is Restriction!"
-- Aleister Crowley, Liber AL vel Legis
These new rules are simply another brick wall put up in front of Bernie Sanders and his ilk. And an attempt at insuring that any future Democratic President will have to govern according to the same Turd Way, Blue Dog, conserva garbage that was oh, so good for our country over the past 40+ years! /snark
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Ahh, but it frees Bernie
to run as an Indie,
and Not have to throw the Dim party under the bus.
The Dim party abandoned him, not the other way around.
And, that Really works in Bernie's favor should he choose to run, which indicators suggest he is. Or has. Chosen to run.
"I Did Not abandon the Dimocratic party. The party abandoned me."
And Bernie has a good chance in a 3 way (or 4 way) race.
So, multiple parties are here.
Can Bernie muster the support he had in 2016?
And then some.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
There is more than a century of structural barriers
...threaded into the American charters, laws, and foundational politics that serve as impenetrable barriers to the rise of a third party. The oligarchs were never stupid.
And don't forget the democrat's MFA that they'll pass if we give
them control of congress back. Oh wait ...
Despite Medicare for All Support 'Spreading Like Wildfire,' Pelosi Shrugs, Says Dems Will 'Evaluate'... If They Win
One critic offered this translation: "
I don't know why this is so surprising to anyone, but apparently it is.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
But wait there's more
Dem leaders embrace pay-go
"The pay-go thing is an absurd idea now given the times and given what's already been done to curry favor with corporate America," Grijalva said.
Why haven't you figured out the plan yet? It's not that difficult to understand why she wants to do it!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Sanders to run as a Democrat
— but not accept nomination.
I don't think it needs more 'splainin', it is now clear to me why he has no opposition in Vermont, very clear. D-Values for the win.
good luck
I think it's more nuanced than that.
Also, no one (that I know of) who lives here associates him with the Democratic party. In other words, his lack of competition has more to do with his popularity than anything else. IMHO.
The man's not a saint, but I am personally grateful that he represents me.
Leahy, OTOH, can piss off.
I couldn't have said it better myself
Not only that, but
he can't register as

a Dimocrat (or Repub) in Vermont.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
How could this be?
Bernie Sanders’ Story: How a Vermont Socialist Improbably Won Key Elections—and a National Stage
I may have missed your original point, however.
It's the very subtlety of the arrangement
... as you explain it, that must give it its epoxy-like characteristics. It's probably the thousandth time you have explained it, but this time I think I can finally grasp it fully.
I have never understood
why Bernie ran as a Democrat. The DNC didn't work for him and covertly and overtly worked against him, as was revealed by their emails. Their power to bring exposure to his message was in constant conflict with their glaringly open support for his rival. In other words, I feel like he completely misunderstood how fraudulently they would treat him and his donors, such that their donations would be used to destroy his chances to win.
But more importantly and more basically, I don't think he realized how opposed the Party was to his message. They are closer, MUCH CLOSER, to Trump than they are to Sanders. They worked much harder against him than they did against Trump.
So, yes, they have the power to MANAGE the elections, close polling places, rig voting machines, wreck the primary process, and, most lovingly, smooch and slobber with the media, but did that help Bernie Sanders?
I don't think so. I still think if he had run as an independent and kept his hard-earned donations to himself and traveled and spoke to crowds as he did, he would have won the popular vote, even if he hadn't won the Electoral College, and this country would be in a better position to face down Trump.
I posted here before the reason I believe he ran as a Dem.
Ross Perot effect, IMHO.
Running as a Democrat gave Bernie access to the televised debates. If he ran as an independent, he would have been shut out because the debates are run by the two parties. This is a result of theDo I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
The biggest reason he had to tun on the D ticket
is because 3rd parties are not allowed in the debates and to even get on the ballots in most states they have to work so hard to get enough signatures to qualify. This is very undemocratic, but the last 2 3rd parties that were allowed in the debates were Nader and Perot and they split the votes. Clinton only got 42% of the vote, I don't remember what Nader got, but he did not cost Gore the election. If the SC hadn't stopped the ballot counting then Gore would have run Florida. But according to election law the SC made the right decision. IIRC. I don't remember the rule on that. I read it years ago. I could be mis-remembering though
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.