Exit Poll Expert Proves Election Fraud Against #Bernie

Lee Camp, Redacted Tonight, May 5, 2016
Exit Poll Expert Proves Election Fraud Against #Bernie - with Richard Charnin

Lee has done several shows about election fraud, and they're all interesting. I suspect you will all appreciate this show.

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truehawk's picture

His use of acronyms like "Split" in his graph lables, when he means the percentage of registered voters of each party in a state and the fact that the graph showing that the larger the precinct, the larger the recorded vote departure from the declared party, is not found in the paragraphs adjacent to where the phenomena is described obscures his point.

Charnin's point is that it is unlikely that it is unlikely that the larger the precinct the larger the percentages of registered or declared democrats that voted Republican, which is what the recorded vote totals show.

He is correct.

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Australian2's picture

is a comedy show. Seriously. From RT (Redacted Tonight's syndicator):

DC-born comedian Lee Camp and a talented cast do just that with RT America’s first comedy show - Redacted Tonight with Lee Camp. This is not your grandparents’ satire program. Every week Redacted Tonight will provide comedy news with a punch.

Guys, please please conduct due diligence before reporting what others are saying! There's so much potential in Caucus 99 Percent, I'd hate to see it devolve into the left-wing version of RedState - or worse, the Birther movement.

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Self-exiled from DKos, ahead of the arrival of the Clinton Thought Police.

Markos' transition from gatecrasher to gate-polisher is now complete.

KenInCO's picture

...interviews on The Daily Show and The Colbert Report over the years aren't accurate and newsworthy just because those are comedy shows? I certainly would not. There is a reason university studies showed that people who got their news from The Daily Show were more informed than people who watched traditional news.

Did you even watch the show before dismissing it as merely comedy? Perhaps you need to do a little due diligence before being so dismissive. Everything they covered was spot on.

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NonnyO's picture

Reality and cognitive dissonance are covered with the punch of satirical comedy, and it's actually educational - as those who surveyed Stewart's viewers found when they discovered they knew more about current events than people who watched regular television infotainment "news."

It's thanks to Stephen Colbert and his lawyer that I totally understand precisely how Super PACs are set up, how money runs through them to an anonymous 401(c)(4), then anonymously to a second 401(c)(4), and it's all legal per laws Congress passed. That was fascinating! I think a few of the segments which were done over several weeks are still on YouTube, but the full shows are on Comedy Central.

Camp needs a bit more polish, but he and his writing staff are doing a good job of presenting facts along with the sucker-punches of good comedy routines. I'm not as crazy about his sidekicks, but maybe they'll improve with time.

The last couple of weeks of Jon Stewart's show were disappointing for me, except for the one show where he had Doris Kearns Goodwin on that last week. Jon couldn't stop talking about that fucking Donald Drumpf. I have never figured out why so many late-night and other comics are so fascinated by and make jokes about Drumpf non-stop; the con artist finagled over a billion dollars of free publicity for himself by getting people to talk about him, either on comedy shows or morning, noon, and night "news" shows. I figure it has to be a NYC thing because out here in flyover country Drumpf is just an average narcissistic braggart who can't stop talking about himself. He's self-explanatory, so I see no reason for anyone to make jokes about him. Better to ignore him like he does not exist.

If you are interested in the various kinds of voter fraud (none of which I would have thought of since we do not use e-voting machines here, but paper ballots which can be recounted by hand since we've had quite a few close elections that required recounts by law through the years, and they have to be done by hand with paper ballots), Lee Camp has delved into the subject and interviewed several experts who have talked about how elections were or can be stolen or influenced with or without fraud.

Thanks, again, for knowing comedy can be educational. Smile

Just because it's interesting for delegate math:
May 1, 2016 Senator Bernie Sanders News Conference Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), a candidate for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, held a news conference at the National Press Club. Before answering questions from reporters, he explained how he can still win the Democratic nomination and why he believes he has a better chance than Hillary Clinton to defeat Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in the general election.

Redacted Tonight with Lee Camp has had some good episodes about Election Tampering, Fraud, Skewed Exit Polls, none of which favored Bernie Sanders.

[3] The 2016 Election WILL Be Stolen - Here's How (with Greg Palast) [VIP], Mar 10, 2016

[90] Google Will Steal Election, Hillary Is Corporate Shill, & CPAC Infiltrated, Mar 11, 2016

[6] Google Will Steal This Election & How - Dr. Robert Epstein Interview, Apr 7, 2016

[96] Proof The NY Primary Wasn’t Legit, The 28 Pages Revealed, & Much More, Apr 22, 2016

Election Fraud, Tainted Water & More - Mike Papantonio Talks with Lee Camp, Apr 28, 2016

[97] Election Fraud Special Report! (You Won't Believe This) Apr 29, 2016 [Graphics about exit poll discrepancies; I made screenshots of them.]

[VIP 11] Exit Poll Expert Proves Election Fraud Against #Bernie - with Richard Charnin, May 5, 2016

How money goes from a SuperPAC to a 401(c)(4), then to another 401(c)(4) without being able to be traced was revealed by Stephen Colbert when he had a SuperPAC.
'Colbert Report' Taught Viewers More About Super PACs Than Cable News
'Colbert' viewers more knowledgeable about campaign finance than tradition news watchers, study finds.
[Read this before watching the next Lee Camp, Redacted Tonight video. I notice the Comedy Central videos that used to be embedded in the story are no longer there.]

BREAKING: Bill & Hillary Clinton Have FIVE Shell Companies! [Truth&Comedy]

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I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960

TheOtherMaven's picture

This has been true ever since there were power-mad rulers and jesters, and will be true as long as both continue to exist.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Neither Hillary nor Trump will listen to anyone, especially if the message is "Thou Art Mortal".

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Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.

NonnyO's picture

More to the point of history in the last quarter of a century, particularly after 12 Dec 2000 and the SCOTUS decision that stole an election, followed closely by 9/11 and the mass hysteria that originated with the Bushistas and acquired by our Congress Critters and Moronic Media, our jesters and fools became a necessary part of our lives.

Their shows (albeit one had to search for them on Hulu, YouTube, or the Comedy Central web site if one refused to buy cable) were the only place where sanity reigned even as we were given brutal truth while laughing at our leaders (and ourselves) for falling into the abyss of more lies than we'd ever thought about, all thanks to those self-same "leaders" who were (and remain) the greatest purveyors of psyops propaganda that we have ever known. (It is still going on with all the tact of a sledgehammer as political and media manipulation force the presumptive first female resident down our throats like a tsunami wave.)

Our comedic satirists became a necessary part of life to maintain our sanity in a world gone utterly mad. The nearly half-hour speech Stephen Colbert made at the White House Correspondents' Dinner in 2006 remains a classic and fascinating example of speaking truth to power in the very best sense of the phrase.

I am less thrilled about the last few weeks of Jon's show since he couldn't STFU about the Donald; he was monotopical about it and that became irritating beyond belief. The Donald he took seriously..., but Jon made fun of Bernie and didn't take him seriously and Jon left before Bernie became a force to be reckoned with, so I now wonder if Jon is a Hillarybot or if he appreciates Sanders' candidacy and high polling scores.

I loved it when Stephen had the various nerds on his show, and ditto Jon sometimes had nerds on (his funniest was Doris Kearns Goodwin who also was on during Jon's last week). It showed off the inherent intelligence of two very different comedic minds.

Jon and Stephen remain the originators of the half-hour political satire shows which everyone is trying to emulate.

John Oliver does so brilliantly once a week and saved the internet for us as people crashed the FCC servers (twice) while leaving messages about net neutrality (and that is trying to be overturned now!!!). He's preempted often, apparently (I catch the show on YouTube, don't have cable), and I find that to be an idiotic choice of the powers that be on HBO. Oliver could be a meteoric star if he were on at least three days a week; I realize it takes staff writers a lot of time to research some of the topics about real facts and make comedy routines out of them (e.g. church charities).

Samantha Bee's Full Frontal is making great strides and some of her things have been hysterically funny, particularly when she gets going on women's issues, but also with other topics.

Bill Maher is sometimes good, sometimes not. I'm not that fond of the panel discussions when people start talking over each other and I can't understand any of them.

The Young Turks often gives us real news with and without comedy, but I can't take them as a steady diet.

I miss Keith Olbermann, particularly the discussions he had with Jonathan Turley about constitutional issues that the Bushistas were violating, but as soon as Obama became prez, suddenly Keith was gone. I theorize MSNBC was under orders not to upset the apple cart with the truth when Obama and his minions started doing the same things as the Bushistas, which means violating the constitution practically daily. He's forgiven his war crimes in advance with no comics or "news" anchors to speak out on the truths We the People need to hear.

We have many fools and jesters telling us the truth. Are we, as a nation, smart enough to heed them?

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I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960

but on the other hand, who in the fuck wants it to turn into another shithole like top. Where you had to make sure you have EVERY t crossed and i dotted. Oh, and you better make sure you get your information from only pre-approved sources. Talk about mind control. We're all adults here and we can sort through bullshit. I like it here and I like the freedom to step outside and speculate a little.

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Lookie bub.

To keep things clear and simple, a great many of us have mostly turned off television sets. We rely on direct facts for news. We require that for our sanity.

What you presented wasn't "news".. it was comedic flummery gussied up as if it were serious fact, rather than comedy born out of frustration.

I don't consider this to be a time where that crap should be considered the first line of offense.

Thanks ever so much for at least considering the distinction.

Be well.

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Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%

Deja's picture

Was this meant to be a reply to Nonny - the person who posted the essay?

I'm noticing some very familiar behavior today. . .

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edg's picture

I'm noticing that very familiar behavior, too. Shouting down disagreement and attacking sources without providing proof that the material from that source is incorrect were hallmarks of this orangish website I used to visit. It's sad to see it come here, especially when they start attacking you and you didn't even write the friggin' essay!!!

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Deja's picture

Also being first to comment and trashing the source or point of essay (twice by same user that I've noticed so far). Then a posse of one following up. Let's see if the posse grows.

Agreed that it's disappointing, but misery loves company, as the saying goes. Guess it wasn't any fun doing it at $hillary Central since they have such little opposition (by design), so they decided to share the love.

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the wrong poster, but the pair of you clowns is why the interwebs is full of bullshit. FOAD if you think your writing is clever.

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Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%

NonnyO's picture

"It feels like" someone is trying to "correct the record" with dripping condescension.

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I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960

2. I was referring to sticking up for an unfunny tv program, when more and more of us are turning off the televisions, for damned good reason. My apologies.

If you're that paranoid, well, stuff it. You won't last through November 8, much less the actual convention.

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Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%

you sorted right through what you probably consider bullshit. Personally, I don't get my direct facts from blog sites. Most, like this one, diarists post news items, like the one here, from all over the net. It's up to each person to decide if it's accurate or not.
I like to check The Guardian, Al Jazeera and the Spanish news site El Pais for regular type news. These seem to give me the straight scope.
No US news sites for me.

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"well see fentress,"

See Fentress well? Well seen Fentress? See Jane Run. Run spot run. Spot that Dick and Jane.

Did you mean to write, "We'll see, Fentress" ?

I concur with your utter mistrust of MSM in the US. I also read Guardian, LeMonde, Al J, and for giggles from time to time, El Tiempo (Colombia) and while I find El Pais interesting, it makes me homesick for some place I'll never get to see.

Dudgeons are exhausting, both to be in, to write, to read and to translate from bullshit to something rational and understandable.

I didn't like the format of that other place and that this one is so like it is only compounding the bad comparison points... I'd like to focus on some actual action. I've phone banked, I've Caucused and I hope to vote.

It'd be helpful to read more written commentary.

Hey watch this video isn't goingto happen. I turned off my tv and I'm not going to turn on "bloviatingTube" in place of it.

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Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%

Thaumlord-Exelbirth's picture

Like CNN?

Sorry if you have a disdain for comedy shows, but the sad reality is that it is the comedy shows that have far more integrity when it comes to reporting factual information than our news outlets.

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Szaephod's picture

Why Sen. Sanders should run as an independent if he doesn't get the Dem. nomination.

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The spirit of party serves to enfeeble the Public Administration,
agitates with Jealousies and false alarms, and opens the door to corruption,
which finds access to the government itself through the channels of party passions.
George Washington