Essay Title Contest

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QMS's picture

That picture is creepy without context.
It looks like the night of the living dead.
I'm assuming those are congress critters
trying to show solidarity with media

The citizenry are getting fed up with the whole
no-solution agenda congress advances.

Some advertising execs decided to show how
invested the legislature is in democracy?
Very much like the Kunta Kinta kneeling photo op
they did previously. Proves nothing more than they are
poor actors in a shabby show. Without remorse.

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question everything

snoopydawg's picture


Proves nothing more than they are
poor actors in a shabby show. Without remorse.

Not one congress critter was injured that day nor did they come anywhere near being threatened by the unruly mob that politely walked inside the rope line whilst touring the capital. But apparently many of them have ptsd from the day and so therapy dawgs were sent to the capital all week leading up to the event where they had the cast from Hamilton entertain them. Plus Cheney’s shade made an appearance…which they happily stood in line to greet.

So congress took a 3 hour vacation from work after just getting back from their 2 week Xmas vacation to lie to their supporters about the capital riots actually being an attempted coup and insurrection without any guns or serious attempt. But it’s sure driving up the fear factor that Trump is waiting in the wings to try to do it again. HuffPost is still fear mongering and some ex homeland security guru is telling us where the next attempt will come from. Oh yeah in case you have forgotten Trump is bad, Putin is evil and Russia has become a backward country according to the kos kids. And he’s behind the protests in Kazakakastan because of reasons made up in their heads. So there.

If you follow the tweet someone did post a picture of democrats kunta kinta charade. It’s a toss up for me which is worse, but I’m going with this episode because of the message behind it. Be afraid!

6 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

QMS's picture


deflection of responsibility as well
typical politician posturing
images without meaning
leaving it up to us to assume it is
somehow supposed to matter?
sorry, I ain't buying this theatrics.

4 users have voted.

question everything

snoopydawg's picture


What you’re actually seeing in the rhetorical hoo-ha over the January Sixth capitol riot is the main cattle-prod driving mob madness — fear of Covid-19 — losing its power to terrorize the public. The Party-of-Chaos put on a grand opera of lamentation Thursday to celebrate its unity in victim-hood — we wuz so traumatized by the riot! — but in the background, they can see their dearer dream of total vaccination — and total control of the population — fade in the winter mists.


2 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

5 users have voted.